iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 3/e (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) (20 page)

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Authors: Aaron Hillegass,Joe Conway

Tags: #COM051370, #Big Nerd Ranch Guides, #iPhone / iPad Programming

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Using the Debugger

When an application is launched from
, the debugger is attached to it. The debugger monitors the current state of the application, like what method it is currently executing and the values of the variables that are accessible from that method. Using the debugger can help you understand what an application is actually doing, which, in turn, helps you find and fix bugs.

Using breakpoints

One way to use the debugger is to set a
. Setting a breakpoint on a line of code pauses the execution of the application at that line (before it executes). Then you can execute the subsequent code line by line. This is useful when your application is not doing what you expected and you need to isolate the problem.


, find the line of code in
where you instantiate the
. Set a breakpoint by clicking the gutter (the lightly shaded bar on the left side of the editor area) next to that line of code (
Figure 4.9
). The blue indicator shows you where the application will


the next time you run it.


Figure 4.9  A breakpoint


Build and run the application. The application will start and then halt before the line of code where you put the breakpoint. Notice the green indicator that appears on the same line as the breakpoint. This indicator shows you the current point of execution.


Now our application is temporarily frozen in time, and we can examine it more closely. In the navigator area, click the
icon to open the
debug navigator
. This navigator shows a
stack trace
of where the breakpoint stopped execution. A stack trace shows you the methods and functions whose frames were in the stack when the application broke. The slider at the bottom of the debug navigator expands and collapses the stack. Drag it to the right to see all of the methods in the stack trace. (
Figure 4.10


Figure 4.10  The debug navigator


The method where the break occurred is at the top of the stack trace. It was called by the method just below it, which was called by the method just below it, and so on. This chain of method calls continues all the way back to
. Notice that the two methods that you implemented are in black text and the methods belonging to Apple are in gray.


Select the method at the top of the stack. This will display the implementation of
in the editor area. Below the editor area, check out the variables view to the left of the console. This area shows the variables within the scope of this method along with their current values (
Figure 4.11


Figure 4.11  Debug area with variables view


(If you don’t see the variables view, find the
control above the console. Click the center button to see both the console and the variables view.)


In the variables view, a pointer variable shows the object’s address in memory. (There are some exceptions; for an
, the actual string is shown instead.) A variable that is not a pointer, like
, just shows its value.


Click the disclosure button next to
. The first item under
is its superclass. In the context of this method,
is a pointer to the instance of
, so its superclass is
. Clicking the disclosure button next to
will show the variables
inherits from its superclass.


After the superclass, the object’s instance variables are listed, which for
is just
. The breakpoint is set to the line that creates the instance of
and assigns it to
. That line of code has yet to be executed, so
is still set to

Stepping through code

In addition to giving you a snapshot of the application at a given point, the debugger also allows you to
step through
your code line by line and see what your application does as each line executes. The buttons that control the execution are on the
debugger bar
that sits between the editor area and the debug area (
Figure 4.12


Figure 4.12  Debugger bar


Click the button that steps over a line. This will execute just the current line of code, which instantiates the
. Notice that the green execution indicator moves to the next line. Even more interesting, the variables view shows that the value of
has changed to a valid address in memory – this object is now alive and well.


At this point, you could continue stepping through the code to see what happens. Or you could click the button to continue executing your code normally. Or you could step into a method. Stepping into a method takes you to the method that is called by the line of code that currently has the green execution indicator. Once you’re in the method, you have the chance to step through its code in the same way.


Let’s add a method that we can step into and out of. Declare the following method in

@interface WhereamiViewController : UIViewController
    CLLocationManager *locationManager;
- (void)doSomethingWeird;

, implement this method to log some stuff to the console.

- (void)doSomethingWeird
    NSLog(@"Line 1");
    NSLog(@"Line 2");
    NSLog(@"Line 3");

Next in
, send this message to the instance of

- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];
    if (self) {
        // Create location manager object
        locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
        [self doSomethingWeird];

Finally, drag your breakpoint to this newly-implemented line. Build and run the application.


When the execution halts, click the button on the debugger bar to step into this method. The execution indicator will jump
method to the first line of its implementation. Now click the button to step over a line. The line of code that logs
Line 1
will execute, and you will see its text in the console.


The execution indicator is now at the statement that logs
Line 2
. If you’ve decided that you’ve seen enough of this fascinating method, you can click the button to step out of it. Notice that the rest of the log statements appear in the console, and the execution indicator is now back in
– right after the call to
. This behavior is important to understand: when you step out of a method, you don’t cancel its execution; the method finishes normally and returns to the code that called it.


To remove the breakpoint, simply drag it off the gutter. Or click the
icon in the navigator selector to reveal the breakpoint navigator and see all the breakpoints in your project. From there, you can select a breakpoint and hit the delete key.


Sometimes, a new developer will set a breakpoint and forget about it. Then, when the application is run, execution stops, and it looks like the application has crashed. If an application of yours unexpectedly halts, make sure you aren’t stopped on a forgotten breakpoint.


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