InvitingTheDevil (19 page)

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Authors: Gabriella Bradley

Tags: #Inviting the Devil,BDSM,Gabriella Bradley,sex,erotica,romance

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He promptly sat up, flipped me to my belly and over his legs and proceeded to spank my buttocks until I screamed for mercy. When he turned me over onto my back, bent my knees upward against my chest and shoved his cock into my asshole, I screamed again. At the same time, I loved every second of it. I needed that exotic kind of sex, the spanking, the nipple clamps and other toys. I wanted it to continue, to keep our sexual relationship spicy and interesting.

His fingers dug deep into my vagina, his thumb on my clit.

“You like it?”


“You want more?”


His teeth found my nipples then, biting, gnawing on the hard nubbins. I screamed in ecstasy while he fucked my ass.

I gushed over his hand when he shot his load into me. He collapsed on top of me and lay there for a few minutes before he raised his head and looked down at me. “Marry me.”

“What?” I didn’t think I’d heard correctly.

“Marry me.”

“Baby, are you sure?” I asked, trying to digest the marriage proposal.

“Yes, I’m sure. That’s if you can take living with my mother under the same roof.”

“I adore Isabella.”

“And she loves you. She approves of my choice of a bride.”

“You’ve talked to your mother about this?”

“I have.”

“Wow.” I didn’t know what else to say.

“The only thing she insists on is a catholic wedding with all the trappings.”

“That’ll make my mother happy, I’m sure. She thinks I’m involved with the devil incarnate.”

“Good God. What have you told her about me?”

“Nothing bad. But she thinks you’ve been the influence causing me to pose for the near naked pictures. Oh, by the way, a couple of my cousins saw the spread in the magazines. I haven’t heard the end of it.”

“What did you tell her?”

“I told her I did it on my own. You had no say in the matter.”

“Will you marry me? Third time. I won’t ask again.”

“Yes. Oh, yes.”

“I love you, Danea.”

“And I love you more.”


* * * *

Two months later…

If I’d ever dreamed of a fairytale wedding, I couldn’t have believed mine was real. The cathedral was decorated with an array of lilies of the valley and roses. The heady scent wafted throughout the interior. I walked down the aisle on my mother’s arm.

Mom and Isabella wore long mauve dresses, which matched the bridesmaids’ dresses. Shannon was my maid of honor, and two close cousins were my two bridesmaids. Sheldon stood up for Kalem as best man. The two groomsmen were close friends I’d become close to as well. My mother and Isabella looked so beautiful, but I was especially pleased at how Isabella looked. Kalem had the salon treat her to a complete makeover. Though her hair was still long, it was now styled, and for today, fashioned into a braided coronet atop her head. Pierre had convinced her to allow a rinse. She looked far too young to be Kalem’s mother. Kalem had managed to persuade the FBI to release a box of their belongings taken from their house after the murder. It contained a photo album of a young Kalem and his much younger parents. He was as tall as his father had been, but he got his good looks from his mother.

My dress was out of a fairytale. Kalem designed it, had it made, but, of course, hadn’t seen it on me. It was bad luck Isabella told me, for the groom to see the bride in her gown before the wedding. I loved Isabella. She’d really entered my heart and occupied a firm spot there.

The dress was strapless, the bodice clinging close to my curves and accentuating my waist. It flared beautifully, and had embroidered roses down every fold, rhinestones glittering. The hem was scalloped. It elongated into a train at the back with an array of embroidered roses at the hem. I wore a bracelet my mother had given me. A strand of real pearls around my neck, a gift from Kalem, and a diamond and pearl tiara he’d bought and had delivered. The veil cascaded past the dress’s train. It was very long. A shorter layer covered my face. My hair was pinned up and piled on top of my head. Pearl earrings graced my ears to match the necklace. Isabella had given me her most precious gift. It was a gold chain with a cross. I’d seen it around her neck but when she gifted it to me, I cried. It was the only thing she could give me that had meaning, her acceptance of me as her daughter-in-law. I really wanted her to keep it, but I couldn’t refuse it. I wore it with the strand of pearls, the cross settling just above my cleavage.

I felt my mother’s arm tighten as we walked toward Kalem. He looked so handsome in his white tuxedo. His eyes were riveted on me as I approached. His lips formed a small smile.

Before I realized, I was Mrs. Ostarizo and signing my name to a piece of paper committing me forever. As I placed my signature on the registry, the last months flashed through my mind. Whoever would have thought this day would ever happen.

* * * *

“Well, Mrs. Ostarizo, are you happy?”

“Kalem, I never thought, never dreamed—”

“That I’d actually try this for a fourth time?”

“Shit. I can’t imagine being number four. Trying it? You’d better believe this is for keeps.”

He laughed, a deep throaty laugh. “Wife, keep me happy, and you’ll have me forever.”

“I plan to. You’ll have a fucking hard time keeping

We were in our honeymoon suite at the Palms in Las Vegas. Kalem had booked the erotic suite for us. It was everything we could have dreamed of for our honeymoon. He’d also packed his BDSM toys that I longed for. The suite had a show shower that I initiated on our first night there. The suite was out of this world with all its reds and blacks, the couches built for making love, the rotating bed, the poles for me to use to entice him and a Jacuzzi, it was beyond all imagination.

Keeping me happy?
This first adventure could last me a lifetime.
Well, maybe not
. I started by using the show shower while he sat and watched me entice him using the stripper pole.

When I left the shower, he almost attacked me. “God, I’ve missed this,” he whispered huskily against my neck.

“I’ve never danced like that using a stripper pole,” I murmured. “How could you have missed it?”

“No, but I’ve missed the excitement.”

He picked me up and carried me to the rotating bed. I noticed an array of toys lying ready beside the bed and purred. He attached the nipple clamps and set the vibrator going. The vibrations traveled through my breasts, down to my clit. Next, he produced the suction cups for my nipples and for my clit. He suctioned my nipples and clit in turn for a while until I begged for more.

Turning me over on my belly, he slapped my buttocks until I felt the blood pumping beneath the skin. I screamed. It didn’t matter. No one would hear me there. My screams were from pain and ecstasy. I loved whatever he was doing to me—every minute of it. It would remain a part of our sex life forever, wherever we could do it. With Isabella living in the house, it would be difficult at home.


It sounded so good in my mind, so permanent. His home was mine from then on. He wanted children. I hadn’t told him yet, but I’d missed my periods for two months. Hell, he’d never used a condom when taking my virginity and I wasn’t on the pill. I’d never thought about it at the time, not until later, but still hadn’t worried too much about it. At times, my period was irregular. Until my period didn’t show for a second month and I became suspicious. I bought a test. He still didn’t know.


“Yes, baby.”

“There’s something I need to tell you.”

“I thought we knew everything about each other.”

“Not quite.”

He leaned over me and gazed into my eyes. “So, what is this last secret?”

“I’m pregnant.”

He was very quiet, which worried me for a second, but only for a second.

“You are? My God, woman. How do you know?”

“How does a woman usually know?”

“Have you been to the doctor? How far along are you? When did this happen?”

“Maybe when you took me for real for the first time. Who knows? We used no protection except for anal penetration. No, I haven’t been to see a doctor. I haven’t got a clue how far along I am. I’ve missed several cycles.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want you to feel obligated.”

“Obligated? I’m going to be a father and I have to feel obligated?”

“Well, if you were going to ask me to marry you, I didn’t want it to be because you felt you had to.”

“Danea, I should spank you some more for this. From now on, we’ll only have normal sex. I won’t endanger the baby in any way.”

“What we’ve done tonight is fine, babe.”

“Mamma is going to be so happy. She’ll be able to lavish all her attention on the baby and make up for all the years she missed with me. I wonder if it’s going to be a boy.”

“We’ll find out soon when I have my first sonogram.”

“Do we want to know?”

“It’s kinda neat to know. We can decorate the nursery accordingly.”

He lay down beside me, removed my nipple clamps, the suction cups, and that was the end of our wedding night. But it was a heavenly wedding night, one I would reflect on for the rest of our lives.

About the Author

Bradley lives amidst rugged mountains. She more than often has a grizzly in her backyard searching for food. Other critters that visit on a regular basis are cougars, coyotes, squirrels, raccoons.

She has been a writer all of her life, though only ventured into erotic works in 2003. Her hobbies include hiking, gardening, swimming, sewing, embroidery. Favorite movies are old timers like Gone with the Wind, Spartacus etc. Favorite music is Abba.

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