Invitation to Pleasure: Open Invitation, Book 2 (17 page)

BOOK: Invitation to Pleasure: Open Invitation, Book 2
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She drew her legs up and out, cradling him
in the lee of her thighs. “What about touching myself?”

“If I catch you sneaking off into the
bathroom for a little midnight pleasure or I walk in on you fucking yourself on
our bed”—he gave a bared-toothed grin much the same as he had back in The Sex
Club—“there’ll be hell to pay, Virginia.”

Christ, he was already planning the
scenario. Virginia with her hands between her legs. Or a monstrous vibrator
inside her. And his punishment. Tying her up so he could eat her for hours and
make her come a thousand times. He pushed her legs wider, exposing every inch
of her bounty and went at her clitoris. Beneath the onslaught, she writhed and
moaned and bucked against him. His heart beat so rapidly in his chest he
thought it might burst.

“I’m going to fucking die if I don’t get
inside you.”

Rising to kneel between her legs, Brett
ripped at his tie, his shirt, the front of his slacks. His clothing flew across
the bedroom. In the one light from the side of the bed, Virginia watched him,
her gaze a physical stroke down his chest to his cock rising from the nest of
hair between his thighs.

“Undo the chain,” she begged.

“Break it. You damn well know you could
have at any time tonight.”

“I don’t want you to ruin your lovely

“I don’t fucking care. I’ll buy you more.
Break it.”

She pulled, the links on the bracelets
snapped, and she wrapped her fingers around his pulsing cock. His eyes felt
like they’d roll back in his head at the supreme sensation of his flesh within
her grasp.

“Fuck. I want you. Now.” He came down hard
on top of her, pushing the breath from her lungs. “You’ll accept any gift I
give you. You’ll take my cock inside you whenever I want it there. You’ll suck
me until I scream. You’ll make me come until I die. Got that?”

She nodded, her eyes wide, her lips plump.

“You are fucking mine, Virginia. Don’t ever
forget that.” She was so slick and hot that his cock found her unerringly, and
he entered her with one powerful thrust. She pushed her head back into the
pillow, her thighs gripping him, her body pulling him deeper.

“I’m willing to take you to the club so you
can look your fill.” He withdrew, then powered deeply once more. “I’m willing
to let others look at you. I might even let them watch me fuck you.” He grabbed
her hip and pushed her higher, forcing her body to take his next thrust all the
way to her womb. “But I draw the line at letting anyone have so much as a taste
of your sweet mouth.” He nipped at her bottom lip and withdrew. “Don’t make me
have to hurt

“I don’t want anyone but you, Brett. Ever.”

He went mad, pounding her hard into the
mattress, making every inch of her body his. His pubic hair rasped against her,
hitting her clitoris, and he found the perfect spot on the inside. His cock
knew it. Her pussy clenched, clamped, worked him, and when she gathered a
breath, he knew his moment was here. He slammed home inside her.

When she came, she screamed.

The cry threw him over the edge into
heaven, his hot sperm filling her core. Her cries staked her claim on him as
much as his cock staked its claim inside her body.


* * * * *


She ached. It was the most wonderful
feeling she’d ever experienced in her life. Three marriages and Virginia had
never felt this before.

Brett wrapped his body around hers.

Nothing had ever felt this momentous. His
need was no longer a fantasy she’d created. It was real.

“You screamed,” he murmured against her

“Yes, I believe I did.”

“You can’t know how long I’ve waited to
hear that.”

She nestled deeper against him. “Didn’t I
scream at the club a few times?”

“You’ve never screamed in our bed.”

“I would have if I knew you wanted me to.”

He nuzzled her nape. “That wouldn’t have
been the same. I wanted you to do it because you couldn’t help yourself.”

“Ah well, I couldn’t help myself tonight.
In fact, I didn’t even realize I had until you mentioned it.”

“Oh yeah, you screamed,” he said with a
supremely masculine sigh of satisfaction. “The neighbors will be calling in the
morning to complain.”

“I’ll have to be more careful next time.”

“Like hell. I’m going to make you scream
even louder.” His arm tightened across her abdomen. “I said you were free to
indulge yourself in any way you chose, but I’ve changed my mind.”

She laughed. “I wouldn’t have figured that
out on my own.”

“Wench.” He rocked his hips against her
backside. He was hard again. “You’re mine, Virginia, and I’m yours, and we
don’t share with anyone.”

She felt his words and the meaning take her
over. She didn’t know how much of his auction tonight had been real and how
much he’d stacked the deck. All the bids might very well have been his, and he
would have won her no matter which she chose. She wouldn’t ask because she
didn’t care. There was one thing she knew was real. His desire for her. Only

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“For what?”

“For marrying me. For indulging me.” For
giving her tonight. For all the future nights. “For the ballerina.”

“I hated that asshole who stole it from

She rolled in his arms; she had to see his
eyes. Despite the bedside lamp they hadn’t bothered to turn off, his gaze was
dark and unreadable. She wouldn’t have it any other way. With that gaze, he
would always be able to hide his next delicious adventure from her until he
made it reality.

“When we got married, I thought I only
wanted security.”

“Oh, you did, did you?”

She nodded, her tangled hair brushing his
face. “I wanted you, but I was afraid of ruining a comfortable relationship.”

“Fuck comfortable. And calm and serene. It
isn’t good enough.” He rubbed his nose to hers. “I want cataclysmic.”

The odd thing was, he’d given her both. He
would always be the controlled, savvy businessman. He would always be his
customers’ ethical supplier. But he would also be the wild man he’d hidden from
her. He’d given her more than she could even contemplate wishing for. She
hadn’t thought it possible.

“Brett, at the risk of screwing up a good
relationship”—she pursed her lips—“I think I love you.”

He touched his lips to hers. “I fell in
love with you the moment I saw you spread out on black sheets in a sex club
with your fingers buried in your pussy.”

“Oh my God.” After everything, she still
felt a flush spread over her body even as his words grabbed hold of her heart.

“It was the most beautiful sight I’ve ever
beheld, and I knew right then I was going to have that woman in my bed.” He
pulled her hand down between them and wrapped her fingers around his cock.
“Just thinking about it has made me hard again.”

Less than ten minutes, and he wanted her
again. Oh no, she could never even have dreamed of getting
from her marriage. “And what do you expect me to do about it?”

“Make me scream,” he whispered. “And if
you’re really good, I’ll give you another surprise.” He nipped her lip. “When
you least expect it.”





If you enjoyed the
first two invitations, don’t miss the third book in the
Open Invitation
Invitation to Passion


Can Stacy really
refuse Jud’s invitation?

Invitation to Passion



Copyright 2012
Jasmine Haynes


Cover Design by Rae
Monet Inc



Stacy Parrish is used to surrounding herself with young studs. She adores their
stamina and enjoys tutoring them in the erotic arts. And they help her forget
the next birthday. The last thing she wants is a monogamous relationship. But
when Judson McCord, owner of
The Sex Club
issues a sexual challenge, Stacy can’t resist taking him up on it. In a battle
of wills, the stakes are upped each time they’re together, the passion and
pleasure between them increasing tenfold. With desire and a passion she can’t
resist, Jud determines to show her how truly beautiful, amazing and ageless she
is. But can he provide the ultimate pleasure that will make Stacy exclusively
his? Or will her quest for ever greater sexual thrills cost Stacy the love of
the man standing right in front of her?




Learn more about the
Open Invitation books on


Invitation to Seduction


Invitation to Pleasure


Invitation to Passion


Here’s a taste of one
of Jasmine’s steamy romances.

Be warned, this one
is pretty darn naughty!

Kinky Neighbors


A naughty little foursome tale






Cover design by



Two couples, two very
hot wives, two husbands who don’t mind a little swapping...

BOOK: Invitation to Pleasure: Open Invitation, Book 2
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