Invisible (3 page)

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Authors: Jeff Erno

Tags: #"young adult" gay "short story"

BOOK: Invisible
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Trent pauses and takes a deep breath. I’m crying openly now, disbelieving the words I’m hearing. Trent rubs his forehead and looks down, as if ashamed before continuing. “What happened today was the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I saw this kid publicly shamed and mocked. I saw him tormented and called horrible names. I saw dozens of other guys standing around laughing while it was happening. And I saw myself there too… doing nothing!


“When I think about it, there is so much I could have done. I could have intervened. I could have said, ‘Stop!’ I could have given this kid some support, some comfort. I could have stood up for him. Instead I remained a bystander.

“I remained silent and let it happen. Shame on me, and shame on all of you. Shame on you for knowing and doing nothing! Shame on you for ignoring what is happening right before your eyes. You all know it’s wrong. I know it’s wrong. Yet we all continue to allow it to happen.

“I want to make a pledge to this friend…well, actually I’m not sure I deserve to even be called his friend. But regardless, I want to pledge to him from this moment forward, it will never happen again. Never!

Never in my presence, and I’d better never find out it has happened any other time. I don’t know if he can forgive me for being a bystander to his torture, but I swear … I won’t stand by silently any longer.” Trent is no longer crying. He’s no longer shaking, and his knees have stopped knocking. He stands there confidently, seemingly enraged and passionate. “Thank you,” he says quietly, and then takes his seat.

Mr. Frye is leaning down to pick up the papers from Trent’s notes as the bell sounds. I turn to see Shelly’s tear-streaked face, and then I smile meekly. I step toward her but suddenly stop, as I make direct eye contact with Trent. He steps over and places his hand on my shoulder as I turn to him and find myself wrapped protectively in his warm embrace.

I suddenly no longer feel invisible.


Food for the mind


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