Read Into the Night Online

Authors: Janelle Denison

Tags: #Christmas & Advent, #Holidays & Celebrations, #Juvenile Fiction, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #General

Into the Night (38 page)

BOOK: Into the Night
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She whimpered in pain. “You’re hurting me!”

“Too fucking bad.” None too gently, he guided her into the entryway. Retrieving the handcuffs from his pocket, he snapped one silver bracelet around her wrist, looped the cuffs through a few of the iron-rod stair rails, and shackled her other hand so she couldn’t go anywhere.

She jerked against her restraints, her expression furious. “You can’t do this!” she wailed.

“I just did.” He took the stairs two at a time to the second landing. Remembering where Preston’s room was located from the tour he’d given them, he headed silently in that directly.

As he neared the closed double doors, he pulled out his gun. His heart beat fast and furious in his chest. Hearing muffled sounds coming from inside the bedroom, he pressed his ear to the door. He could make out screams and Sloane cursing—none of it good. Alarmed, he tried to turn the knob, but the doors were locked as tight as Fort Knox.

A sinking sense of despair nearly brought Nathan to his knees.

There was no busting down the steel doors.

And no saving Nicole.

*   *   *


Nicole refused to die. And she refused to let Sloane violate her. Despite Sloane’s brute force, she fought him off with every ounce of strength she had in her—and it was a surprising amount considering how exhausted she was. She kicked and screamed and bit whatever exposed flesh she could find. She caught his cheek between her teeth, and he howled in pain as she bit down so hard she drew blood.

He smacked her, subduing her for only a few seconds before she was clawing at him with her fingernails and using her knees to kick him where it counted. He swore, his voice a low, threatening growl that sent chills down her spine—and still she didn’t stop fighting for her life, because she had a whole lot to live for.

Somewhere in the room Holly was bawling and pleading for Sloane to please, please, stop.

Nicole felt the gun pressing against her side, and made a grab for it, but Sloane was faster. They struggled for the weapon, but he overpowered her and shoved the barrel of the gun into her stomach.

She kneed him in the groin, and he pulled the trigger. She gasped as a blinding, searing pain ripped through her side, stealing her breath from her lungs. Someone pounded on the door. She could have sworn she heard Nathan yelling her name. Then again, it could have been her mind playing tricks on her.

“Stupid bitch,” Sloane sneered. Still on top of her, he pressed the muzzle of the gun against her throat, and Nicole knew he was going to kill her with the next shot. “You’re just not worth the trouble.”

She closed her eyes, wishing she’d had the chance to tell Nathan she loved him. Because she did. With all her heart. And he’d never, ever know. The pain in her side was nothing compared with the ache in her heart.

She heard a loud, sickening
. Then she felt Sloane’s body go slack, his weight crushing her. She thought she was going to suffocate.

Holly knelt on the bed and shoved Sloane’s unconscious body off her. Her face was drenched with tears, her gaze devastated and contrite. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Nicole. He was going to kill you and I couldn’t let him.”

“What…” She sucked in a breath as a sharp burn began spreading through her, and her vision blurred. “… did you … do to him?”

“I hit him over the head with one of his bronze statues,” she said, and in that moment Nicole was so proud of the girl. “Oh, God, Nicole, you’re bleeding so much.”

Nicole touched her hand to her side and winced as she saw the slick red substance coating her fingers. The pain was nearly unbearable. She couldn’t move, and she wondered if she was going to die after all.


This time, there was no mistaking Nathan’s frantic voice, and she tried to stay focused. Just for a few more precious minutes. “Holly … unlock the door … and let him in.”

*   *   *


The sound of a gunshot going off behind the locked doors stopped Nathan’s heart. That distinct feeling of helplessness swamped him, and he continued his futile pounding on the door, hoping, praying, that she was okay.

Down below in the entryway he heard a loud commotion, and knew his backup had finally arrived—maybe too late.

Just as law enforcement came barreling down the hallway, the doors to the bedroom opened. The men charged inside, guns drawn, but as soon as they realized that Sloane was out cold and the threat had been defused, they reholstered their weapons, took Sloane into custody, and started securing the crime scene.

Holly stood off to the side, obviously in shock as one of the men made sure she was okay, while Nathan quickly made his way to Nicole where she was lying on the bed, a crimson pool of moisture staining the bedspread beneath her. There was so much blood, and while she was still alive, he had no idea the extent of her injuries.

“Get an ambulance here,” he yelled out.

“They’re already on their way,” someone called back.

He sat down beside Nicole and took her hand, careful not to jostle her body or cause her more pain. Her eyes were glassy, her breathing slow and shallow. His throat closed up on him, making it difficult for him to talk.

She smiled up at him, her lips as pale as her face. “Did they get him?” she asked, her voice hoarse.

“Yeah, we got him,” he said. “
got him.”

“Good.” She moaned, and gasped for breath. “That’s all that matters.”

She closed her eyes, and then she passed out.

Chapter Twenty-one


Nicole woke up slowly, her head foggy and her midsection feeling as though she’d been in a boxing match. Her lashes fluttered open, and she stared at unfamiliar white walls and an IV hooked up to her arm. It took her a moment to remember that she’d been shot, and now she was obviously in the hospital after surgery.

She turned her head, and her heart softened in her chest when she saw Nathan sitting on a chair beside her bed, his dark head resting on the mattress by her hip as he slept. He was holding her hand, as if he was afraid of letting go of her. Afraid she’d leave him.

She wasn’t going anywhere, not without him. And she planned to let this amazing man know just how much he meant to her. Seeing her life flash before her eyes while a crazed man held a gun to her throat had a way of putting things into perspective. There was no denying that Nathan was the best thing to ever happen to her. She was just a little slow on the uptake when it came to facing her feelings, and believing in them.

Not anymore. She’d spent years avoiding a commitment, her fears crippling her ability to give any man her whole heart and fall in love. Or maybe it was just a matter of the
man coming along and sweeping her off her feet and shaking the very foundation of who and what she thought she was. A man who’d always treated her as an equal and admired her strength and determination to succeed. A man she could count on, no matter what.

That man was Nathan. She was so ready to take a chance on him, on
because what she felt for him was real and solid and pure. Not a young girl’s infatuation, but a grown woman’s love.

Releasing a soft, content sigh, she slid her hand from beneath his and touched his silky hair, then trailed her fingers along his chiseled jaw, rough with a day’s growth of stubble. He stirred, and gradually opened his gorgeous brown eyes, then lifted his head to look at her. He seemed surprised to see her staring back.

She smiled, embracing the overwhelming emotions filling her full with lots and lots of love. “Rough night?”

Humor tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Yeah, you could say that, though yours was a helluva lot rougher.”

She shifted closer and groaned when she felt a sharp pinch in her side. The one now stitched and bandaged. “Damn. Bullets hurt.”

“At least you’re going to make it,” he said gruffly, and grabbed her hand again, as if he needed to touch her to make sure she was really okay. “The bullet missed vital organs and went clean through. You should be out of here in a few days.”

It could have been much worse, she knew, and shivered at the thought.

A deep frown furrowed his brows. “You scared the hell out of me, and I don’t
want to see you like that again.”

She had no doubts he’d faced a few of his own demons when Sloane had shot her. God, what a pair the two of them made. “Hey, I’m tough,” she teased.

“Yeah, you are,” he said, his thumb caressing the back of her hand as he held her gaze. “More than you realize.”

“Holly, she did it,” Nicole said, wanting to give credit where it was due. “She saved me.”

“Holly.” Nathan chuckled and shook his head, his expression incredulous. “Who would have thought, huh?”

“I’m so proud of her.” The girl had come a long way in a short amount of time, though Nicole knew Holly would probably need plenty of therapy to help get her life back on track. But at least she did have her life, and future, back. “It couldn’t have been easy for her to hit Sloane over the head with that bronze statue, considering how in love she was with him.”

Nathan nodded somberly. “I think she saw a side to him that scared her straight.”

“I hope so,” she said, and tugged at the thin blanket covering her lap. “What else did I miss?”

“Gwen is in jail for attempted murder, and Sloane is being held without bond. They’re still gathering a list of charges against him, including prostitution, kidnapping, and human trafficking. Also, the feds discovered that Sloane has quite the movie collection.”

She tipped her head curiously. “Movies?”

“Sex videos,” he explained. “Blackmail against the rich and powerful. There’s going to be a whole lot of indictments coming from this bust.”

“Thank God,” she breathed, pleased to hear that everyone who’d taken part in Sloane’s prostitution ring would be prosecuted. “And the girls at the estate?”

“The ones who were found at Sloane’s are now with child protective services,” he told her. “We’re looking into locating their families and they’ll be reunited as soon as possible.”

“They’ll need counseling,” she said, knowing that would be imperative to the healing process.

He smiled. “Trust me, they’ll be able to afford it once they sue Sloane’s estate.”

“And Holly?” More than anything, she wanted the girl to be okay. Starting with knocking some sense into her mother.

“She’s a ward of the state of California.” His fingers absently stroked the center of her palm, making her skin tingle all the way up her arm. “Caleb managed to locate her father in Germany, and he’s going to come to the States and get her. He’s always wanted Holly to live with him, but Wendy Davis wouldn’t give him custody. Now she has no choice.”

That was the best news yet. Holly deserved to be happy, safe, and secure. The case was truly over, except for one last outstanding thing. “Now I can finish my story.”

He laughed, the sound warm and genuine. “Sweetheart, you have one hell of an exclusive. Your career is about to skyrocket.”

At one time, making a big name for herself as a journalist would have thrilled her. But now, there was something else she wanted just as badly, and she was confident she could balance the two—if Nathan gave her the chance.

She took a deep breath and put it all out there, along with her heart and soul. “What about you and me?” she asked, surprised by just how nervous she felt. “Can we be exclusive, too?”

He mulled over her request, and for a moment she felt a sense of panic, until she caught the playful glimmer in his eyes. “What, you’re willing to give up your friends-with-benefits motto?”

He wasn’t going to make this easy on her, but honestly, why should he when she’d put him through an emotional wringer? If she had to beg and grovel, it would be worth it in the end.
was worth it.

“I have to say, that friends-with-benefits arrangement worked pretty damn well for us,” she said with a seductive sigh. “But isn’t it a woman’s prerogative to change her mind?”

He stood up, and for a brief moment she thought he was going to turn around and walk out. But then he braced his hands on either side of her head and leaned in close, his gaze so rich and deep she wanted to drown in their depths.

“That all depends on what you want,” he drawled, his words and tone daring her to be open and honest with him, to trust what was between them.

She did. Utterly and completely. Nothing had ever felt as perfect as being with Nathan.

She pressed her hands to his unshaven face, amazed how one man could bring out the best in her. In every way. “I want a commitment,” she told him. “I want a lover. I want forever. And I want all that with you.”

“Hmmm.” He considered her heartfelt request. “That’s a lot to take in all at once.”

She gave him even more, having saved the best for last. “I love you, Nathan Fox.”

“Ahh, those were the magic words I was waiting to hear.” He grinned, a sexy, charming rogue. “I love you, too. I have for a while now.”

BOOK: Into the Night
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