Read Into the Fae Online

Authors: Quinn Loftis

Into the Fae (23 page)

BOOK: Into the Fae
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“I would never hand over innocents to one such as you. You will
have to kill me first.”

“So be it,”
Lorelle said coolly as she threw out her hands releasing a black fog that swirled around Elle and the house. She began walking towards Elle, using the vapor as cover. Had she not been focusing very closely, she would have missed the sound of metal whooshing through the air. She side stepped to the right just in time to see a silver knife fly past her. She wondered why a knife thrown by Elle would not hit its mark. The knives fashioned by the fae were spelled to always hit their intended target, but Elle’s had flown right by her. She continued forward, dodging over and over the knives that Elle hurled at her. Getting closer to the house she began to wonder why she wasn’t closing in on the fae. Elle had been right there in front of it. Lorelle turned as she slowed the fog from thickening and began to be able to see around her. She was less than twenty feet from the front door of the house where her prey stood, with an
I know something you don’t know
smirk on her face.

It didn’t take her long to find out what that something was.
Lorelle heard a low growl behind her and turned just in time to see a huge grey wolf lunge for her. She didn’t have time to get her hands up before the wolf knocked her to the ground. She hit the earth with a cruel thud knocking the air from her lungs. Gasping for air she turned her head back to see the wolf running and she shot out her hand, her dark magic heading full speed for it. She knew she had hit her mark when she heard a loud yelp from the wolf. It wasn’t a killing blow, it was more of a mess with me and I’ll fry your tail off blow.

climbed to her feet, still gasping for air and caught sight of Elle. She had her hands raised and her lips moved as she weaved some sort of spell. Light shot from her hands coming straight at Lorelle, but she easily reflected the spell, sending it hurtling back towards its creator. With Elle caught off guard by the move, Lorelle took advantage and shot her own blast of light. She watched as the bolt hit home and the younger fae crumbled to the ground. She wasn’t out, not yet. She looked up at Lorelle with rage in her eyes and once again flung her hand out. Fire erupted from her palm and Lorelle felt the heat of it on her face just as she doused it with water from her own hands. She could see the frustration in Elle’s face and was completely surprised when the female took off at a dead run heading straight for her.

started throwing spell after spell at the fae but one after another Elle deflected them. She dodged and ducked until suddenly she was upon her and plowed straight into Lorelle’s stomach. Once again the air was forced from her lungs but she somehow managed to stay on her feet. Elle stepped back and swung out her arm and Lorelle felt the palm across her face just as she heard the loud smack. Before she could raise her arms Elle was punching her in the stomach, kicking her shins, and slapping the side of her head just over her ears causing a ringing sound that disoriented her even more. She couldn’t believe it; she was getting her ass kicked without magic. She continued to take the abuse Elle dealt out, but while the other fae was distracted she let her power build inside of her. She would let the young fae think she was winning and then she would hit her with a jolt that she would never forget and if she was lucky, she might live through.



Heather could hear the shouts and growls outside. She could feel the heat from the power the two fae were wielding and wondered, not for the first time, what the things that emitted the noises looked like. Energy built around her, so much that it was nearly strangling her. She heard Crina’s loud yelp and since then had not heard another sound from the wolf. That had her worried. If Elle was out there dealing with Lorelle alone, what chance did she have at beating her? Perhaps if Lorelle caught sight of one of the healers she so desperately wanted it would distract her. And who better than a poor little blind girl who couldn’t defend herself to walk out into the fray?

Heather took a step towards the door, and another and another. Her mind was made up. She could not just stand here and do nothing, not when she could help. She knew Peri and the others would be back very, very soon. Elle and Crina would have done that mind to mind stu
ff they have with their mates. They would have called in the cavalry, so she only needed to keep Lorelle distracted long enough for them to arrive. When she knew she was near the door she reached for the knob, turned it, and jerked the door open before her fears could keep her from acting. Stepping out quickly and closing it behind her she turned towards the noise. She could hear Elle’s rapid pants along with flesh connecting to flesh. It sounded like a good old fashioned brawl.

made her way to the railing in front of the house, purposely bumping into it, cursing in frustration as if she hadn’t known it was there. She reached her arms out in front of her as if searching for something to guide her, feeling like a fool, but she figured it would contribute to the whole helpless look.

“Heather, go back inside!” She heard Elle’s command and ignored it. She continued her stumbling trek forward
, all the while listening to the sounds around her, tasting the power as she breathed in and smelling the rotten magic that no doubt rolled off of Lorelle.

“Is she blind?”
Lorelle’s voice asked incredulously. “Seriously, a blind healer?”

Heather heard another smacking sound and guessed Elle must have made contact once again with
Lorelle’s face. It was in that moment that Heather realized what she was feeling. Something was tugging on her own emotions and all at once she felt her anger rising, along with a sense of hopelessness that nearly dropped her to her knees. Lorelle was feeding her magic with their negative emotions; she had to be. What else could she possibly draw dark magic from in a place like Farie? She was taking the butt kicking from Elle while she was storing up magic inside of her and Heather imagined it wasn’t just because she wanted to save it for a rainy day.

“Elle you have to get away from her,” Heather shouted. “She’s
going to blow any second; you have to get away!”

Elle did not heed Heather’s warnings. She continued her ruthless assault and only paused when all of the sudden the air filled with a different kind of power. The
ground began to shake and growl, snarls and barks filled with the promise of death resounded through the air. Heather couldn’t see them, but she felt them.
The cavalry
, she thought with relief,
we’re going to be alright.
She repeated this thought over and over but even with help on the way, her gut screamed that they weren’t out of the woods yet.

LORELLE!” A voice like thunder boomed and Heather had to cover her sensitive ears. She knew that voice—Peri—and she sounded pissed.

She started to take a step back but was stopped when a strong grip wrapped around her arm. Fingernails dug into her flesh and she stumbled when she was jerked up against the person holding her. She knew it was
Lorelle, simply by the evil that surrounded her. She tried to jerk her arm free but Lorelle’s grip was too tight.

“One healer will have to do for now,”
Lorelle said loudly. “But don’t worry, sister. We will return whatever is left of her when we’re done.” Heather sensed a change in the air and knew Lorelle was doing that thing they called flashing. Mere seconds later she tripped as their feet hit solid ground and Lorelle shoved her forward.

the veil with you healer, and don’t think you can escape. Even if you could see you are no match for me.” She pushed her again and Heather stumbled forward. Her body felt weightless as she moved forward until suddenly she was standing on solid ground again. At the same time, Lorelle followed closely behind her. She heard the fae’s vehement cursing and then felt her vice-like grip once again grab her arm. Whatever they had just passed through had been painful for Lorelle. Her strong hand was shaking and her breathing was labored. Heather briefly entertained the idea of trying to escape. Perhaps whatever pained Lorelle had weakened her enough that the healer could get away. But then she nearly laughed at the idea of her running head long into a tree because she wasn’t familiar with her surroundings. For now she would have to cooperate. But the great thing about being blind was that people always underestimated her. They thought her helpless, unable to act independently or care for herself.
, she snorted to herself. Lorelle would soon let her guard down and when she did Heather would be ready and then she would show the wicked witch just how helpless she wasn’t.



Kara was still unconscious when Jewel’s head jerked up from the brief nap she had allowed herself. She felt Lorelle’s familiar dark power and just like usual she was suddenly standing before them. Only this time she wasn’t alone.

“I brought you two a new playmate,”
Lorelle sneered as she pushed the girl towards them. She stumbled a bit before righting herself and then turned, keeping the fae in front of her.

“That was not necessary,” Jewel said without inflection in her voice. “We are quite fine on our own.”

Lorelle shook her head with a huff of laughter. “Just think of it this way, little Jewel, the more there are of you, the longer it will be in between your turns.”

“Turns for what?” Heather asked.

“That’s need to know information healer, and you most definitely aren’t on the need to know list. Bye,” she grinned and then added in a lower, much less friendly voice, “for now.” Then she was gone.

“No matter how many times I see her do that, it still freaks me out,” Jewel muttered, then looked up at Heather and smiled. “I’m Jewel,” she said attempting to sound as welcoming as possible. Though in a place like the dark forest, with evil living in the very air they breathed
, it was hard to sound very inviting.

Heather turned to in the direction of Jewel’s voice. “I’m Heather.
At the risk of sounding like an utter lunatic, I take it that you are a gypsy healer as well?”

Jewel nodded but then realized when the
re was no reaction from Heather, that what she had initially suspected was true—she was blind. “That’s the rumor,” she added to her nod.

“I’m sure you’ve deduced by now that I can’t see jack, so could you please fill me in on where the wicked witch has deposited us?”

“No worries, I hear Jack isn’t very handsome so you aren’t missing anything.”

“That was pretty good,” Heather chuckled. “Just shy o
f being lame, but good nonetheless.”

“Sorry, I take my laughs where I can get them these days. Anyways, to answer your question, it’s a forest, but not your typical nice, full of life forest. It’s dead, with darkness and malice cloaking everything.”

Heather grinned. “Good description.”

Jewels eyes filled with the tiniest bit of joy at the compliment. “Thanks, I read a lot. Like, really a lot.”

“Me too,” Heather said seriously. When Jewel didn’t respond she snickered cheekily. “I’m just yanking your chain, Jewel. Although I do read some, just not in the same manner you do, obviously.”

Jewel let out a cautious snicker, still unsure of whether it would be rude to join in on the joke.

“Is there another healer here?” Heather asked. “Lorelle said she brought you
a new playmate.”

“Oh yes,” Jewel said quickly. “Kara is here but she’s unconscious.”

“Is she going to be alright?”

“I think so or at least I hope so. She’s lost a lot of blood,” Jewel explained. “
Lorelle used her in some sort of spell that her master conjured.”

Lorelle isn’t acting by herself.” Heather made it a statement instead of a question.

“Nope, she’s just the puppet. There is definitely someone more powerful pulling her strings,” Jewel agreed.

“How long have you two been here?” Heather asked as she slowly took a seat on the ground where she stood.

Jewel made a clucking sound with her tongue as she thought about her answer. “Honestly, I have no idea. Night and day sort of run together here.
Lorelle brings us some sort of bread stuff every now and then. For something so small it is rather filling.” She paused to see if the other girl would ask anything else and when she didn’t she asked her own question. “Have you always known you were a gypsy healer?”

Heather laughed though it wasn’t an entirely happy sound. “Never had a clue and never would have thought such a thing existed. I’m a blind seeing eye dog trainer from a little town in Texas. The most exciting thing that happens there is someone’s prize bull escaping and happily giving out free stud services to any cow in heat.”

A burst of unexpected laughter shot out of Jewel as she pictured the very descriptive scenario from Heather. Had she never read any western books, she would be clueless about the whole stud remark, but as it were, she was quite clear on those types of services. She regained control of herself and wiped her eyes from the moisture that had gathered there. “So if Lorelle isn’t the one who told you what you are, then who did?”

apparently like any good story has its villains, so too it has its heroes. Lorelle has a sister named Perizada and she is a high fae, only she hasn’t crossed over to the dark side. Peri has been trying to get to us supposed gypsy healers before Lorelle could. Unfortunately she didn’t make it to you and Kara.”

BOOK: Into the Fae
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