Innocence Defied (New York) (9 page)

BOOK: Innocence Defied (New York)
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She was going to come. The danger of being exposed and vulnerable to getting caught added to what he was doing, and Zoe was helpless to stop the fast-approaching avalanche.

“That’s right, darlin.’” That whisper again. “God, you get so fuckin’ tight right before you come. Can’t wait to feel that on my cock.”

He flexed his fingers stronger within her and ground his palm on her clit and that was it—within seconds she was biting his shoulder as her vision went cloudy white and she lost all ability to hear. She floated along on clouds of delight for long happy minutes. Gage lovingly played and continued to pet her there during the rest of the movie.

He kept her simmering, never bringing her to climax again but also never letting her desire completely fade. He did instruct her to fix her shirt after a bit, but that was only because the attendant had come in to do his sweep, and Zoe was scandalized because Gage hadn’t let her close her legs or removed his hand. It had made her even hotter though, and when the young man had swept the flashlight their way and looked right at them, Gage had given another of those sexy chuckles at her body’s unmistakable response. Her cheeks burned knowing he felt how much it turned her on that some strange guy probably knew what they were doing.

It was coming to the ending scene before he finally removed his fingers from her, and she jumped when Gage used a couple of stiff napkins to discretely soak up some of her juices. She was glad for the darkened theater, because it concealed just how fiercely she was blushing. Once he was done, he gently nudged her knee in a signal to close her legs, and she did so with more regret than relief. It was the most fun she could ever remember having at a movie, and now that it was coming to an end, she was sad. “Why don’t you run to the restroom and freshen up a bit,” Gage said with a growl in his voice. “I can smell how hot and bothered you are, and no matter how distracted your brother is with Terryn, he will too.”

With a tiny yip of panic she hopped up and hurried to the bathroom as the credits started to roll.

Outside, the four of them squinted in the bright sun, and Zoe got hugs from her brother and Terryn with promises to meet up for dinner and game night during the week. Then they waved as Brice and Terryn headed off in a cab.

“Well, Oops.” Gage slipped his arm around her waist and tugged her close to his side once the cab was out of sight. “What do you want to do now?”

Zoe looked from his handsome, smug face to the theater behind them and back again. She could think of one thing and one thing only. “Go see another movie?”

Chapter Fifteen

She smiled up at him like an imp, and his laugh made those blue eyes of hers twinkle like stars. “C’mon, darlin’, I got something I think you’re going to like even better.”

“Oh, I don’t think that’s possible.” The look she gave him was pure playfulness. “Are you sure we can’t stay and watch just one more? I’ve really been wanting to see that new Will Smith movie.” Her laugh was loud and clear as a bell when he swung her up with a mock growl.

“Did you just insinuate that you want to fantasize about another man while I’m touching you?” His fingers found and exploited the most sensitive spots in her ribs, while she squealed and protested her undying devotion to him as he steered her away from the theater.

Gage purposefully distracted Zoe when he walked her into the shop so she had no idea where he’d taken her until it was too late. He quieted and watched for her reaction and, sure enough, she didn’t make him wait long.

“Oh good Lord.” She stood in frozen shock in the middle of the toy store, and if her face got any redder, she’d go up in flames. “Gage, I can’t be in here. Oh my God.” She was embarrassed, flustered and fascinated all at once, and the Dom in him delighted in her reaction.

“You wanted to be in a relationship with me, darlin’,” he told her as he eased her toward a display of vibrators. “This is part of what that means.” His hand swept in front of him and he picked up a dildo at random without taking his eyes off her. “I’ll be using things like this on you and much more.” The toy in his hand was shrink-wrapped to its shape. He ran the vibrant purple head of it along her cheek and then used it to tilt up her chin. “I’ll fuck you from behind one day, while I use one of these to fill your ass. Over time I’ll tie you up, whip you, clip you, cover you in melted wax and every other thing I can think of.” He watched her face the whole time he spoke. Looking for a sign that she was alarmed or put off. All he saw were signs that she was getting turned on. “And when I’m done doin’ all that, do you know what I’m going to do then?” When she shook her head in mute fascination, he leaned down until his lips brushed hers with his next words. “Darlin’ I’m gonna do ‘em all over again.” Then he kissed her. He kissed her like they weren’t in public and surrounded by people. He kissed her like she belonged to him, and the rightness of it beat throughout his system like a drum.

Mine. Mine.

They spent two hours in that store and Gage took her to every section. He reveled in her cautious enthrallment, took great joy in showing her each and every toy the store had to offer and describing its function. Some of the things appalled her and he was careful to make mental notes, considering them hard lines for her.

Most of the toys, however, drew her in like a moth to flame. Zoe was open in her reactions to her surroundings. She didn’t try to hide what she was feeling, whether it be a positive or negative reaction—she just let it show and her honesty was a refreshing lift to Gage’s mind. When he’d been with women that were as eager to please as Zoe, they tended to disregard their true feelings and instead tried to react how they thought he would want them to.

Woman like that were hard to work with because they never grasped that for a Dom—at least a Dom like him—his pleasure came in finding all the tricks and triggers to open his subs. This was the ultimate high for a Master. Mastering a sub so fully he could make them wet with barely a word and bring them to climax with barely a touch was the level he strove for in every relationship. If a woman was so wrapped up in trying to be what she thought he wanted and never let him in to what he really wanted—her honest reactions—it was nearly impossible to reach that place, and left them both ultimately disappointed.

Zoe didn’t disappoint, though. She cringed away from anything that looked too painful, like the hooks and safety pins, while the paddles and nipple clamps caused her breath to hitch and a flush to spread in her cheeks. She flat-out paled in horror at the display of enema bags, but she chewed on her bottom lip and rocked on her heels when he showed her the display of bondage harnesses.

By the time they left the store, Gage was so hard he was amazed he could walk. Zoe was flushed and somber, and more than a little daunted by the number and variety of items Gage had ordered for delivery. Not to mention the goody bag he’d taken with them. Gage pulled her into the cab when it stopped for them, and it was only years of discipline that allowed him to keep his hands to himself during the short drive home.

Zoe dashed up the steps as soon as the cab stopped, and Gage watched her as he pulled out his wallet and paid the cabbie. He thought she was smart to run. The edge of what he was feeling right now was jagged. He felt more like an animal than a man, and he almost hoped she’d lock herself in her room.

As soon as the door closed behind him, he locked it and started stripping his clothes. He kicked off his shoes and yanked off the socks, leaving them where they landed. Next went his shirt and by the time he got his belt and jeans unfastened, he’d made it to his bedroom door. Where he froze at the threshold.

Zoe was kneeling in the center of his bed. Naked.

The bag dropped to the floor with a thump as hunger pooled in his belly and turned the ache in his groin to critical proportions.

There was a red leather bench along the end of the king-size bed. It was just the right height for what he had in mind. He motioned to it while he bent to rifle through the bag. “Sit on the edge of that with your legs spread and your hands behind your head.”

She scrambled to do it with a whimper, and it pleased him greatly that he didn’t need to remind her to answer him verbally when she whispered in her husky voice, “Yes, Sir.”

First thing he pulled out was the restraints. When he was directly in front of her, he held them at eye level. They were a set of Velcro cuffs with some added straps.

“We are going to start your first lesson in restraints using just the cuffs. For now, I’m going to keep your hands where you have them. Look at me.” Once her eyes met his, he asked, “What’s your safe word?”

“Alamo.” The look on her face was all about trust and anticipation.

“Good. Now lower your eyes again.” He waited until she obeyed, then wrapped her small wrists in the black bands and secured them together. Instinctively, she tried to separate and lower her hands. When she couldn’t, her breathing increased and he watched as her nipples pebbled to hard nubs.

He stood, doing nothing but watching her for several moments. Gage knew how the uncertainty of waiting could raise both the desire and the nerves in a sub. He drew the time out until she was on the verge of squirming, then pulled the next item out of the bag. When he turned on the bright pink vibrator, her body jolted.

The toy had a long handle with a large rubber ball at the end. It was more for back massage than sex play, but Gage liked the larger surface of its ball for teasing his subs. He brought it to her neck on its lowest setting and ran it over the tendons there. He smiled when he saw a frown wrinkle her brow. He could only guess that she was expecting him to head for her more obvious spots, but he was in no hurry now that he had her naked.

Gage watched as he ran the undulating ball over her shoulders and chest next, carefully avoiding her breasts. With her arms lifted the way they were, it kept the already-high mounds elevated even more. As he massaged her ribs, he gently nudged the bottom of one breast and then the other, lifting them with the massager and watching as the gentle vibrations caused them to tremble in the loveliest way. Her breathing picked up as he brought the ball closer to her nipples, and when he finally grazed one, she gasped.

“Like that?” he asked.

Her “Yes, Sir” was more breath than sound and made him smile.

“How ‘bout this?” he asked next and upped the speed a notch then put the ball firmly against one tightly budded tip.

“Oh God.” Her back arched and she tried to bring her hands down. When she realized she couldn’t, he could see it only turned her on more. He switched to her other breast and gave it the same treatment. Her breasts were heavy with her arousal, the tips a dark dusky shade—the color of chestnuts. The contrast of the bright pink massager against those rosy-brown peaks was one of the most beautiful things Gage had ever seen.

Once he was satisfied with the flush he’d worked into her breasts, he moved the massager down. He smiled as she swallowed and spread her legs just a little wider for him. It made him want to crow like a madman that she was so eager for him. Ready and willing to please him in any way he requested. Before he brought the ball to the valley between her thighs, he first drew it in firm sweeps over her legs—one then the other—loosening muscles that had tightened with arousal. He worked them each thoroughly until both her thighs were flushed and pliable from the pulsating machine as well as the muscle he put behind it. By the time he brought that ball to his ultimate goal, he could tell she barely had the strength left in her legs to keep them apart.

That wide round surface of the vibrator obscured her small pink flesh fully, and as he set it lightly on her for the first time, she let out what he could only describe as a purr. For the first minute, he kept the setting on low and ran it in soft circles over her, trailing it from where her ass cheeks perched on the bench and up to above her pelvic bone. When he saw a telltale glistening on the ball, he knew that she was ready for more, and upped the speed and pressure just a notch. Her purr became a hum and he nudged and circled the ball until the delicate lips of her pussy opened for him.

“Fuck, that looks pretty, baby.” That big round ball was being kissed by those lips, and more and more of her juices covered it now. He saw her clit emerging from it protective hood, and knew that it wouldn’t take much to make her come. He pushed a little harder and brought the ball up to just under that tiny bundle of nerves. He flicked a look up at her face. “Now, we have a new lesson for you, darlin’,” he said. “I don’t want you to come until I give you permission.”

She looked at him in shock.

“Understood?” When she bit her lip and gave a shaky nod, he added, “Good girl,” then looked back down at what he was doing.

Her clit was as fat and flushed as a berry now and he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to hold her off for long. He crouched down to get a better view, and she whimpered at having his face so close to her open and waiting flesh. With no warning to her, he upped the speed again and placed that ball directly on his target. Her shout was guttural and electrifying. Those legs that he’d worked so hard to relax tightened instantly as her ass came off the bench. She tried tugging her arms down, and when she couldn’t, the shout escalated to a high-pitched wail.

“Oh God. Oh please. Oh, Gage—hmm, Sir—oh please, I can’t, I can’t. I’m gonna c-co-come.”

Her pleas were like music to him. Wanting to see just how far he could push her restraint, he upped the force and the speed yet again. She screamed, and her body arched back until she was braced with her shoulders on the edge of the mattress and her heels dug into the floor on either side of him. He could tell this was it—there would be no more holding back for her—so to keep her from earning a punishment he whispered, “Darlin’, come for me. Now.”

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