Inner Circle (27 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Inner Circle
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“Show us your cunt, bitch.” Kathy found it difficult to look at his ghostly pockmarked face. She bowed her head and remained silent. Gruber touched the remote allowing the brushes to spin for only a few seconds. Kathy’s body jerked. She lifted her head, her eyes wide, her lips parted. The brushes stopped. They watched her carefully. Gruber held up the remote so that she could see it. Frederick leaned forward over the desk, “Now, show me your cunt, but first beg me for permission to let you do it. Tell us how desperate you are to expose yourself to me,” Frederick snarled. “Ask us to humiliate you.”

Gruber leaned toward her, “That’s what you want, isn’t it, Mrs. Ryan? You want to be humiliated?”

Kathy didn’t answer for a few moments. She wanted desperately to resist them. “No…” she said, “not humiliation.” Waves of heat washed over her. She felt her long nipples push against the fabric of her dress and the tingling in her stomach and the wetness between her legs. She tried to force the words back but they came spilling out, “Please, Master Frederick, give me permission to lift my dress and spread my legs for you.” Her breath was coming quickly. Again she tried to stop herself from speaking, but couldn’t. “This morning when I heard I was to see you the thought that you might order me to…to…show you my…my cunt aroused me. Please, I want to.” She glanced at Gruber whose hand was on the remote. She turned back to his nephew, “Give me permission, Master Frederick. Please, I beg you. I...I’d like you to see how wet I’ve become.” She leaned toward them, “Please, let me show you what happens to…to... my cunt when you humiliate me.”

Gruber spoke up, “Have you heard the bells, Mrs. Ryan? Are you drugged? Have we threatened you? Or are you free to defy us; perfectly free to pull your pretty dress down over your knees and glare angrily at us? Or, are you just as free, if you wish, to pull it up and part your bare legs so that we may watch you demean yourself. In other words, are you free to choose?”

Quickly Kathy answered, “Yes, Doctor, I’m free to choose. I haven’t heard the bells. I’ve not been drugged and you haven’t threatened me. I could, as you say, just sit here as I am.”

“But am I correct in assuming you have no wish to sit there as you are? Tell us what you honestly want to do.”

She glanced once more at the remote that Gruber still held. “I…I…want Master Frederick to allow me to…to debase myself before him. I want to do what he tells me to do. I’m hoping he will say that I may lift my dress and part my legs. I want very much to show him my cunt.” She paused, thinking if only the brushes would spin even for a few seconds. Hating herself she looked directly at Frederick, “If you wish, Master Frederick, I will get on my knees and beg.”

Gruber smiled, “Your juicy cunt?”

“Yes, that’s right, my juicy cunt. I want to show Frederick my juicy cunt.”

Frederick took a step toward her, “I like to see the proud Mrs. Ryan on her knees. What if I told you to crawl to me and kneel before me and open your mouth so that I can spit into it?”

Gruber let the brushes spin longer this time. Kathy groaned. “Yes, yes, I’ll crawl. I’ll kneel before you. I’ll open my mouth.”

“First, your cunt,” Frederick said.

Kathy pulled her dress up and back over her hips. She moved forward on the chair and spread her legs. They could see the secretions oozing out around the cap. Kathy looked at Gruber, but he didn’t press the remote.

“Now,” Gruber said, “before you crawl to Frederick, I want you to tell us when you wish to begin your training and what you wish to be trained for.”

Kathy saw that he was not going to let the brushes spin. She bit her lip and looked down at the floor refusing to answer. “Very well then,” he said coldly, “it seems this meeting is over. Shall I ring for Mrs. Foster?”

The ache in her vagina was unbearable. She was certain that she’d been given an extremely powerful stimulant with the pain injection. It took all the strength she had to say, “Ring for her, damn you.” Gruber picked up the silver bell on his desk.

“No,” Kathy rasped, “don’t.” They waited. Still not looking up at them, she said, “I…I…wish to begin my training as soon as possible.” Tears formed and ran down her cheeks. “I wish to be trained to serve the dogs.”

“Tell us,” he said, “that you want to be Negra’s bitch. And what of the dogs owned by the members of the Inner Circle? What do you wish to do for them?”

Gruber tapped the remote but let the brushes turn for only a few seconds. Again, Kathy closed her eyes and groaned feeling an orgasm build, thinking if he would let the brushes spin once more she would cum. She leaned toward him, her voice just above a whisper, “I want to become Negra’s bitch. I acknowledge that the dogs of the members of the Inner Circle are…are…to be my masters.”

“So, I take it that it’s now your wish, Mrs. Ryan, to entertain the members of our Inner Circle by offering yourself to their splendid animals?”

Hoping he might press the remote, Kathy answered, “Yes, Doctor Gruber.”

Gruber nodded and gestured toward his nephew.

“Crawl to me, bitch,” Frederick ordered. She got to her knees and crawled to where he was standing. “Kneel and look up,” he said. “Do you want my spit?” he snickered.

She glanced once more at Gruber whose hand rested on the remote, “Yes, Master Frederick,” she said, “I want it.”

“Open and keep looking up at me.” She opened her mouth and watched as a glob of spittle hung from his lips then dropped. It was cold and glutinous. Gruber waited until she swallowed before he touched the remote. He let the brushes spin until she seemed ready to orgasm. He stopped them and she fell forward crying and shaking.

Gruber looked down at her unsmiling, “Unfortunately, that’s the only fluid Frederick will be able to give you. Ah! But soon you will sit on your haunches at his side and look adoringly at him and open your mouth hoping for a reward.”

Still sobbing, Kathy tried not to hear him. When she quieted, he ordered her back to the chair. She kept her eyes lowered. Frederick returned to stand next to his uncle.

“Well,” Gruber began, “we’ve had a rather productive session.” He spoke to Frederick, ignoring Kathy whose body continued to tremble. “Mrs. Ryan has been begging and crawling and swallowing all without chemical or psychological persuasion. More importantly, she’s requested that we begin her training immediately as she’s most anxious to pursue her new profession.” He turned toward Kathy. “Perhaps you’ll be good enough to tell us again the title you seek. What is it you said you wish to become, Mrs. Ryan?”

“I…I…didn’t mean it,” Kathy stammered. “I take it back. I won’t do it, not ever.”

“But I think you will,” Gruber said evenly. “In fact, your training begins tomorrow, just as you requested.”

“No,” Kathy said softly. She bowed her head.

Suddenly Gruber raised his voice and shouted, “Look at me!” Frightened, Kathy lifted her head. She had never heard him shout before. His pale blue eyes held hers until she had to turn away. She felt her heart pounding in her chest. “Stand up and come to us.” Gruber said. Unsteadily, Kathy got to her feet and crossed to stand before them. Gruber held his hand up to her chin. “Kiss it,” he said. Kathy touched her lips to the back of his hand. “Now, Frederick,” he ordered.

“I want to feel your tongue,” Frederick said. She parted her lips and as she pressed them to his hand she tasted him. “Kneel,” Frederick commanded. She got to her knees before them.

“Tell us, Mrs. Ryan, do you like your metal shoes,” Gruber asked, smiling now.

“No. They are painful. They will cripple me.”

“Oh, cripple is too strong a word. I’m sure in a very short time you will move even more gracefully than you do now, but only in the kind of shoes you’re wearing. We intend not to cripple but only to hobble you, Mrs. Ryan.” He reached down and put his hand under her chin forcing her to look up into his eyes. “Will you help us to do that? Will you help us to hobble your lovely feet? Will you help us to make it impossible for you to ever run away from us again?”

Kathy sensed the room closing in on her. It had become suddenly cold and she felt herself shivering. She saw nothing but the pale blue of Gruber’s eyes. “Yes, I want it to be done soon. Make the screws tighter. Make me wear the metal boots longer each night.” The old familiar sinking feeling seemed to flow warmly downward driving out the chill. “I...I’ll do whatever I can to help you to hobble my feet. I’ll do whatever I can to make it impossible for me to run away again no matter how much I might wish to.”

Gruber let go of her. She bowed her head and whispered, “I want you to do that…hobble me.”

Gruber patted her head then he rang the silver bell. Mrs. Foster appeared immediately. In a few minutes, Kathy was back in her room. “Undress,” Mrs. Foster said. Kathy removed her dress and lay down on the bed in a fetal position wearing only the red “fuck-me” heels. “Nora will bring your dinner and later the boots. You won’t give us any trouble about them tonight, is that correct?”

“No, Mrs. Foster, I won’t give you any trouble tonight,” she said.

Several hours later, Nora and Mona arrived with her dinner and the metal boots. While Kathy ate sitting up in bed, Mona once more massaged her feet, this time with a soothing lotion. “Give pedicure tomorrow,” she said.

Nora handed Kathy a loose-leaf binder labeled “Negra”. Doctor say you are to read and remember before going to sleep.”

Kathy thought,
‘the training begins. I’ll read it and play along, but at the first opportunity I’ll either escape or kill the two of them.’

Mona slid Kathy’s feet into the boots. “Doctor say you want screws to be tighter. Better give shot first.” Nora injected Kathy’s arm with the solution to ease the pain. It included an even stronger proportion of sexual stimulant that would not take affect for twelve more hours. As the woman tightened the screws that severely arched Kathy’s feet, the initial pain was almost more than she could stand. Gradually, her feet adjusted to the distorted shape the boots forced them to take. Soon, the pain solution took effect and she was able to breathe easier. Nora and Mona stood back, looking down at her. Nora nudged her companion, “Hobble supposed to be two months. I think this will take maybe only one.”

“Yeah,” Mona said, “make very very tight, wear many hours. She be done in half the time.”

When they were gone, Kathy cried until she fell asleep. She didn’t open the binder labeled “Negra”.

Chapter Twelve

When Kathy awakened, she felt as if her feet were encased in cement. Looking down she saw the horrible metal boots. However there was no pain, just the weight. She wiggled her toes. The ingenious devices were certain to hobble her. She wouldn’t be able to walk except in five-inch heels. Clearly no one could run very far or fast in stilettos. She had to escape before the boots at night and the high heels during the day shortened her tendons. The alternative to escaping would be to find a way to get rid of Gruber and Frederick.

She noticed the book about Negra on the bed beside her and smiled, glad that she had defied them by not reading it. She remembered that Gruber had said she would begin her training today. Good God, yesterday her intense desire to cum caused her to say and do unspeakable things. She determined that she would not give in today no matter how much of the Doctor’s stimulants were in the painkiller she’d been given. She was Katherine Ryan. She’d endured unimaginable abuse at the Facility and managed to outwit and eliminate the hated Abul. She determined that she would never become what Gruber wanted as long as he didn’t inject her with drugs and control her through hypnotism and the bells. She knew he wasn’t likely to use those means because the members of his idiotic Inner Circle insisted their subjects had to be more or less free to make choices. She had to control her need to cum which was highly intensified by Gruber’s salves and drugs.

The door opened to admit Nora and Mona. While Nora removed the boots Kathy ate from the breakfast tray Mona placed on her lap. Then both women massaged her feet. Mona gave her a pedicure, painting her toenails bright red. She undressed and slipped her feet into the high- heeled sandals she would wear in the shower. After her shower the two women rubbed her with the familiar scented oil.

On the bed was a black pin-striped suit, a shear white nylon blouse, and patent leather five inch pumps. It appeared she was to have another interview with the mad doctor. While she applied her makeup, Nora brushed her hair.

Ten minutes later she was seated on the plain wooden chair facing Gruber across his ebony desk. She tried to avoid looking into his pale blue eyes. He appraised her carefully, drumming his long white fingers on the desktop. “I must say,” he began, “you look well rested, Mrs. Ryan. Did you have a good sleep? I take it the boots didn’t trouble you?”

“I did sleep well, doctor. After the injection I felt no pain from the boots.”

“And the book about Negra’s preferences. How did you find it?”

“I didn’t read the book. I didn’t even open it,” Kathy smiled at him.

“Well then, as you must certainly know from your stay at the Facility, what one does or fails to do always has consequences. Your blatant disregard of my orders will result in consequences you may find harsh.” Kathy was about to speak, but he held up his hand silencing her. “We’ll deal with that later, shall we.” He leaned back and closed his eyes, “I’ve arranged for you to visit Negra this afternoon,” he said.

“I don’t want to visit Negra,” Kathy responded firmly. “I want nothing to do with him or any of the other dogs. I’m saying ‘NO’ to the insane perversions you want me to engage in.”

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