Infiltration (Katieran Prime Series Book 11) (9 page)

BOOK: Infiltration (Katieran Prime Series Book 11)
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Chapter 16



StrykER opened the door to let in the male bringing the food.

“Sir, I have the trays.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant MayER. Put them down on the side table.”

Just as the lieutenant sat the trays down, the bathing room door opened. Both males turned and froze in place. Melody stood in the doorway wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her body. Her long brown hair hung down in slick wet strands. A lovely pink blush rose in her cheeks.

“Sorry, I didn’t know anyone was here. I don’t have anything clean to put on.”

StrykER growled at the other male who immediately turned his back around. Then he went to one of the shirts issued for warriors to wear. The pants wouldn’t fit, but his shirt was long enough to reach her knees.

“You may put this on. I’ll call someone in supplies to request smaller clothing for you.”

“Thanks. She took the shirt and dashed back inside the bathing room and closed the door behind her.

It took every bit of strength he had to keep from following after her. She was naked under that towel and he wanted to rip the offending material off of her.

“Should I leave or wait for her to return?” Lieutenant MayER asked. StrykER had forgotten about the other male. He turned and faced him. The lieutenant's eyes were focused on the door that blocked their view of Melody. He growled possessively.

“Come back in a few hours, I will introduce you formally. Also, stop by supplies and let them know I need the smallest size in shirts and pants and boots. Lieutenant Mayer, the female is mine.”

“Yes, sir.” Lieutenant MayER left the quarters quickly.

He heard the door to the bathing room slide open. He turned to face her as she shyly stepped out of the bathroom. “I didn’t realize how shy you were. I guess I assumed since you sung on stage that you would be more—flamboyant.”

She gave him a smile. “When I’m onstage, I’m Melody Song. I have a strong sexy persona and exude confidence as a seductress and singer. In real life, day-to-day, I’m just Melody Abrams, songwriter. My record company wanted me to practically go naked on the stage but I drew the line on certain things. Even when I’m singing, I won’t wear something that I can’t wear in front of my grandmother or my child.”

He felt like someone had punched him in the gut. How could she put her life at risk if she has a family? “You have children? Where are they? On Earth?”

“Of course I don’t have children and if I did, I would never leave them behind. What kind of woman do you think I am?”

“I’m relieved. I didn’t think you would do something like that. I didn’t understand why else you would mention what you wear in front of children.”

“I was just trying to say that I make sure to wear things that are appropriate for all age ranges and that I do not want to feel regret for wearing something inappropriate.”

“Let’s eat while the food is still warm.” He chose to change the subject; he wanted to make up for how he had treated her in the shuttle.

“It smells delicious.” She sat in one of the chairs and reached for a tray. “Where did the guy go?”

“Lieutenant MayER is going to supplies to get you some smaller sized clothes. He’ll return in a few hours and I’ll introduce you.” He sat down across from her and watched her eat.

She looked up and frowned. “Why aren’t you eating?”

“I’ll eat later.”

“No way, if I eat, you eat. When was your last meal?”

He moved his tray closer but didn’t touch his food. “I honestly can’t remember. It may have been several days ago.”


He looked up. “What?”

“You can’t go without eating like that. You need to keep up your energy.”

A warm feeling grew near the center of his heart. She was worried about him. He couldn’t help but give her a smile. “I ate an energy bar.”

She shook her head. “Nope, that’s not good enough. Do you want some of mine? I swear there’s enough food on my tray to feed three people.”

“I’m fine.” He still didn’t eat.

“That’s it, come here.” She moved to the bed with her tray and motioned for him to follow.

He was curious what she was up to so he sat down across from her on the bed. “Now what?”

She lifted a fork loaded with juicy meat up to his mouth. “Open.”

He lifted an eyebrow but opened his mouth accepting the food. “It’s good. You eat now.”

She shook her head. “Not until I make sure you eat, then I’ll eat.”

“I should be taking care of you.” He wasn’t a weak male.

“I just want to do this for you.”

He realized his words came out harsher than he meant. “I love that you want to care for me. I just want to do the same.”

“Here.” She handed him a spoon. “I’ll feed you the meat, and you feed me the soup.”

“A compromise? We both get what we want. I like it.” He took the spoon and dipped it into the bowl. He lifted it to her mouth and became fascinated with her plump bottom lip. He longed to nibble on her right there. Then images of her mouth on him had him hard and ready. He fought the urge to shove the tray to the floor and launch himself at her. She needed to eat.

She lifted another forkful and he accepted it. No one had done this or anything like it for him since he was young.

“Thank you, Melody.”

“For what?”

“Making sure that I eat. No one since my grandmother has done anything like this since I was young.”

“You don’t have someone at home, a girlfriend or something, who takes care of you?”


“Is it like it is on Katiera, where there are so few females to go around?”

“There are a few more females on Kiljor than on Katiera, but the few that I’ve spent time with were selfish and took advantage of me.”

“I don’t understand?”

“The females I’ve known have expectations of how they think they should be treated. They tend to refuse to mate a male unless he can offer them something, like power or prestige. It was easier to keep an emotional distance from them and they preferred that.”

“I didn’t think any of your people could be that way. None of the Katieran females I’ve met so far have been like that.”

“I would never have thought any of my people would be brainwashed into betraying their nation and want to go against everything they believed in, based on the words of a madman.”

“We’ve had that on Earth too. There have been leaders there who convinced whole countries into killing those with different religious beliefs. We’ve had civil wars where brothers fought each other from different sides.”

He looked into her beautiful warm eyes and saw sympathy there. She understood him without judging him. That was rare and precious.

“I’m such a fool.”

She stopped, still holding up a fork. “Why?”

“You shared your body with me and I was a fool to push you away.”

“You weren’t wrong about us being strangers and having just met.”

“Even if I had known you for years, I would still want to know more.”

“Really? I’ve never felt that special.” She placed her fork and tray on the side table.

“You are beautiful and talented. You touch people’s souls with your music. That is a true blessing and a gift from the Goddess.”

“I think your abilities are amazing. You get images from those you interrogate?”

“Yes, I get them to talk to me or I just keep saying things that push their emotional levels. When they get to their breaking point, images almost shout out at me. If the image evokes enough emotions I may see names, dates, sometimes sentences.”

“You use this ability to help your people. That’s a gift from the Goddess.”

StrykER frowned. “The Morins did this to me and my people. The virus caused the mutation which caused these abilities to develop.”

“Have you ever thought that maybe the Goddess intervened and took the virus and made it mutate so that your people wouldn’t die off? Your abilities would be a gift not a curse.”

“I’ve never thought of that.” Maybe she was right, maybe the mutation was the Goddess’s way of saving them. “Not all abilities feel like gifts though. I know that there are times I wish I didn’t have this ability.”

“Like when?”

He looked away from her, not sure if he should share this with her. What if it turned her away from him?  He felt her hand cover his and he looked into her warm eyes.

“You don’t have to tell me anything.”

He found himself telling her things he had never shared with anyone else. “I’ve had my abilities since I was a small child. I could see images from my parents when they argued. After they died, I lived with my grandparents. They were great, but problems came up whenever I was around other people. I constantly got in trouble for seeing images from my instructors.”

“The worst was later when I was in a relationship with a female that I thought about mating. Once, while we were in the middle of making love, I saw images that involved her and another male. When I questioned her about it, she accused me of reading her mind and blamed it all on me for never being around for her.”

“What a bitch!” Melody crossed her arms over her chest angrily.

He couldn’t stop the smile that rose on his lips; he found it adorable that she would be furious on his behalf. “The cheating was not my fault. That was on her. But it was true that I was away for my work a lot.”

“I don’t care. You don’t cheat on a person. If it’s not working, just tell them it’s not working. I had a similar thing happen with me. I thought I was in love with this guy, Michael. At first it was great, he would come to every one of my shows and show support. Then, a year into the relationship he slowly stopped coming to my show. One night, the gig I was supposed to perform at was cancelled, so I went home early and found him in bed with my next-door neighbor. It ripped my heart out.”

An image came to him of the male she was talking about; he could see his pitifully pale face and of the moment she caught him cheating. It was like a little movie playing in his head with no sound. Then the strangest thing happened. He heard her cry out in despair. It was like her soul reached out to his, through time, and he couldn’t help but answer her.

He leaned over and kissed her. No more denying what he was feeling. He wanted Melody more than his next breath.


Melody was on fire. Everywhere StrykER touched her fed the flames of her desire. She wasn’t sure if he pulled her onto his lap or if she went there on her own but she somehow ended up straddling his lap.

She yanked at his shirt, trying to get to his skin. He helped her, chuckling when she expressed frustration. She raised her arms and let him pull the shirt up over her. She didn’t have any underwear that was clean to put on so she was completely naked.

The moment their naked flesh touched they kissed deeply again. She opened to him letting him in to claim her. It was the most intense kiss she had ever had experienced and she never wanted it to end.

This felt different somehow. Before they had come together as a release to their built-up tension after escaping. Their passion had just kind of exploded. Even the second time had still been full of tension and the need for something life affirming.

This time, there was no fear or tension. This was simply desire in its purest form. She wanted him and he wanted her. 

She rubbed her breasts against his chest, moaning at the sensation. “So good.”

He pushed her gently down on the bed and moved to stand up.

“Where are you going?” She was worried he would change his mind.

“I’m just removing my pants.”

She felt heat rise to her cheeks. “Oh.” She watched him as he kicked off his boots. Then he undid the fasteners to his pants and pushed the material down to his feet. Those, too, were kicked to the side. He didn’t wear underwear so his cock was free and standing full and hard.

“You are so big.” She didn’t realize she had said that out loud until he said something.

“Do I frighten you? I tried to be careful not to hurt you.”

“I’m not scared of you and you didn’t hurt me. I like that you’re big. Would you let me do something?”

He moved over to the bed but she motioned to him to keep standing. “What do you want?”

“I want to taste you. I’ve heard other women talk about when they give blow jobs to the Katierans and it made me really curious.”

“What are blow jobs?”

“It’s oral sex on the male.” When he still looked confused, she figured showing was better than telling. “Come closer.”

She got to her knees and scooted to the edge of the bed. His cock was long and thick which stretched her in ways she didn’t think she could. It seemed to be pointing right at her like it recognized her.
Here boy!
She was being so bad.

She used both hands to stroke him from his base to his tip. A little bit of his cum was pearled on his tip. She leaned forward and swiped her tongue to capture the small fluid. She closed her eyes as a burst of deliciously sweet and masculine flavor exploded in her mouth.
It was true!
The semen tasted like sweet candy. She wanted more.

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