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Authors: A.S. Roberts

Inevitable (6 page)

BOOK: Inevitable
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Alex had decided on a barbecue that evening and had large rib-eye steaks cooking as well as huge prawns and some fresh locally caught fish. The wonderful smells were making my stomach moan. We were all sitting out on the patio, watching as the sun started to make its descent in the beautiful clear skies. I was wearing a long flowing, baby pink maxi dress, to cover up my shin, and had put my hair up in a messy twist. With a little make-up on, I felt ready to face the world again. The warm flowing chatter between them all was making me relax. The wedding party was only missing three people and Frankie's next door neighbours were due to fly in tomorrow, so that just left the return of Nathan. My heart pounded at the very thought and as luck would have it, I heard the now familiar throaty roar coming closer to the house. I was holding a glass of mineral water in my hands and instead of looking up, as I knew eyes would be falling upon me even if only in fleeting glances, I pretended to study a bead of condensation rolling quickly down my glass and dripping onto my lap.

Frankie grabbed my knee and gave it a squeeze in solidarity. In my peripheral view I saw Scott leave Ruby’s side and go out to greet his brother. The conversation that had stalled for a few short moments resumed and everybody carried on like normal, even me, on the outside at least. Inside I was a quivering wreck.




ey, how are we all?’ I heard his voice travel across the pool towards where I sat with Frankie on a settee. I watched as Scott and Nathan entered the patio area, Nathan had his arm slung casually around Scott’s shoulders.

Frankie stood and moved over to greet him, embracing him to her.

‘Nathan, it’s great to see you… I was a little worried about you when we found your bag dumped on the driveway. I thought one of Alex’s best men had decided not to come after all.’ I heard the nervousness in Frankie’s voice as she tried to make light of the fact he had arrived earlier and then suddenly left without explanation.

Bravely I lifted my head to take in the conversation. Everyone except for me, was slowly either standing to greet him or gravitating their way unconsciously towards him to welcome him to our small group. I knew I had to make a move too, otherwise it would become plainly obvious that I was trying to avoid him. Mind you, everyone here must have heard by now about our brief but fraught encounter earlier, Frankie would have told Alex, Scott would have shared with Ruby and so on. However, before I stood up I just had to allow myself to take in all that was Nathan Blackmore.

I watched as he was introduced to Frankie’s uncle, offering one of his wonderful cheeky, lopsided smiles as they discussed his winning bike season, a smile that pulled out the dimples in both cheeks, and a loud conspirator’s laugh as he shook hands with him. He walked around to the women, pulled them to him in a friendly hug and gave them all a kiss on the cheek.

That walk?

It did something to my insides, he always walked with an over exuberant, very cocky swagger. To the unknowing eye, you would never have realised he’d been injured, but to me it added a certain something to the strut that spoke volumes to my libido. He was wearing clean black jeans and a V-necked, grey T-shirt that showed more of his tattooed, muscular torso, than quite frankly I needed to see. Just the very front of the loose T-shirt was tucked into his belted jeans and his biker boots were still on his feet, clumping heavily as he stepped around people. The longer section of hair on the top of his head was still damp and swept back almost neatly. I could smell his spicy sandalwood body wash from here.

Where the hell had he been for a change of clothes? He probably had a “hot woman” around here too, I thought with a jealous flash that ran through the whole length of me, from my toes to the roots of my hair.

I had to concentrate hard on controlling the rising panic that was welling up inside me, as I realised that the man I loved so vehemently was now striding casually to where I sat. I had been left alone and suddenly felt very vulnerable. I stood with as much confidence as I could muster, but inside I was quaking. However, I needn’t have worried… or maybe that was wrong? Maybe I should have worried? The Nathan that had stepped up and into my personal space, as was his habit, had now opened up his arms and pulled me to him tightly. He seemed to have had a complete personality change from the Nathan I had come face to face with earlier.





What the fuck?

‘Darlin… I’ve missed you,’ he spoke so all could hear him, then reluctantly I was moved slightly away from his strong hard body way before I wanted to be. Away from the place I knew I was meant to be, almost destined to be. His soul called to mine, like no one else’s ever had before. I fought hard to keep my emotions under control. Both of Nathan’s hands came up to cup my face and he stared into my eyes. I realised that he had very competently and deliberately manoeuvred us and turned his back to everyone. No one would be able to see me now, not the way that he held me.

‘OK, Bella… I’m sure we can play nice for a few goddamn days, you try to stay the fuck away from me and I might just let ya,’ he whispered.

I met his eyes now and saw the bleakness inside them and I knew the hurt I found in there would haunt me until my dying day. The words he spoke said one thing, but his thumbs moving briefly in symmetry across my cheekbones, as he slightly dipped his knees to look at me so evidently, spoke more than he would ever know. Or was that just wishful thinking on my part?

‘I warn you though… every time you come within my reach… well let’s say… you’ll wish you fucking hadn’t.’ With that his hands dropped from my face, they caressed my bare shoulders and down the top of my sun-kissed arms, until finally he picked up both of my hands in his. My skin was on fire and every hair stood on end, so you could almost trace exactly the path his hands had taken. Nathan lifted my hands to his mouth and after placing the pads of my thumbs into his mouth, he bit down hard.

The sharp unexpected pain caused me to gasp and I instinctively tried with no effect to yank my hands away from his, but he held on tight to complete the second part of his torture. The pads of my thumbs were sucked into the warmth of his mouth and his probing tongue circled them like an awaiting shark.

My body ignited, the pain caused by his act of ownership changing so fast to pleasurable heat, it had my knees shaking and my knickers sodden with my need for him. My naked engorged nipples rubbed unexpectedly against the rough cotton of my sundress. Then as quickly as the onslaught had begun it was over, with an unexpected growl from the back of his throat, as he looked down and observed my responsive body, my hands were dropped and he strode away. My knees gave way and I sat with an unladylike thump back onto the settee.

What the bloody hell was he playing at?

All I could focus on was his muscular back as he walked away from me and continued chatting with the gathered family and friends as if nothing had happened, like I didn’t even exist.

While I struggled to get myself under control, I picked up my now warm glass of water and sipped at it, ignoring what had just passed between us and plastered a happy smile on my face… I didn’t know what the bloody hell he was playing at, but Frankie would never know what was going on, I was not going to ruin her wedding day and I wasn’t going to allow Nathan to, either.





The day that we had all come to celebrate arrived, it was bright and warm and quite frankly perfect. I was so pleased for my bestie. The house was now buzzing, with the deliveries of flowers and food.

After my regular morning swim, I found myself lying in my normal spot on the beach listening to music. It was early and apart from Crystal, the lovely housekeeper, I had seen no one so far.

Since our two very different encounters two days ago, I had gone out of my way to avoid Nathan. Avoidance that was nearly impossible since the arrival of Frankie’s neighbours yesterday. Norah and Bill, along with Aunty Jean and Uncle Robert, were now in the guest rooms in the centre of the house, and as Nathan, apparently a light sleeper, couldn’t stay in Scott’s wing due to baby Eloise keeping him up half the night, he had moved into Frankie and Alex’s wing.

I was certain it was part of his control and equally my punishment.

I had seen him only briefly for the evening meal yesterday. His mask was firmly in place as he kept everyone enraptured with his racing stories. I had smiled when required and even laughed in places, but inside I felt like I had been hollowed out with a blunt spoon, such was the pain of being here in the same room as him, but not being with him.

The sun had evidently moved behind a cloud as my body was now in the shade, it was a welcome respite from the warmth already radiating from the morning sun.

But spots of rain were definitely not on the day’s weather forecast.

I flinched slightly as cold water dripped onto my legs… but only my legs.

Oh shit.

I instinctively sat up and opening my eyes, I took in the man, now stood by my feet. I glanced no further up than the now quite subtle scar from ankle to knee on, of course, Nathan’s previously injured right leg.

Oh bugger.
I pulled my earpieces away.

I wasn’t a quiet, timid person and never had been, I had simply been keeping out of his way, in order not to cause a scene at Frankie’s wedding and well, yeah because it hurt like hell to see what I couldn’t have.

‘Nathan?’ I gathered my receding confidence and followed his body, bare apart from red board shorts and leather wrists cuffs, up to his face. I wanted to take in everything new about his torso. I wanted to trace my fingers along every new tattoo on his body, but I had to remind myself, he was no longer mine to touch.

He had obviously been out surfing or at the very least body boarding, as he stood towering over me holding his upright surfboard.

Ah yes, I had forgotten he was the ultimate adrenalin junkie, he seemed to need adrenalin even more than he needed food. Although I still remembered when I was the fix he needed more than anything.

BOOK: Inevitable
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