Read Indiscretion: Volume One Online

Authors: Elisabeth Grace

Indiscretion: Volume One (10 page)

BOOK: Indiscretion: Volume One
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The look on Max’s face grew wistful, and he moved closer to me on the blanket. He wrapped his arms around me, placing one hand on the small of my back, the other behind my neck. My impulse was to shy away, but it felt too good and this
what I was after, wasn’t it? A fun, physical relationship to enjoy this summer. No strings attached. No expectations.

I was ripped from my thoughts as Max gently laid me back on the blanket and covered my body with his. His arousal pressed into me through his shorts as he settled his weight over top of me. Leaning down, he began kissing my neck, suckling, slowly working his way toward my ear. When he reached it, he gently tugged on my earlobe with his teeth, sending a trail of heat all the way down to my stomach and deep into the very core of me. The anticipation was almost too much. I enjoyed this teasing, but I wanted desperately for him to kiss me. Like he had that night on the balcony of his hotel room.

He slowly and painstakingly moved his trail of kisses down my jaw line, closer to my mouth. Thank God, I couldn’t take much more. But just as he was about to place his heated lips to mine, the sound of a branch cracking in the forest echoed out. I kept my eyes closed, not caring who or what it was, just anticipating the passionate kiss I knew would be coming. I waited for it, waited…

“Chloe,” Max whispered.

“Hmm?” I said, dazed and disoriented.

“Open your eyes.”

There was urgency in his whisper, and I slowly did as he asked. The look of shear panic on his face immediately registered, and he moved his gaze slowly right. I followed his lead and saw exactly why he looked so terrified.

Still, it took my lust-filled brain a second to make sense of the image before me. Not twenty feet from us at the edge of the forest stood a huge black bear. Growing up here, I knew as well as any local that we didn’t stand a chance of outrunning him. Or her. Oh God, please don’t be a her. If it was there was bound to be cubs around, and that would only make this already bleak situation even more dire.

Swallowing, I let out a shaky breath. My lips began trembling, and my heart hammered within in the confines of my chest. Once again death had come to visit. Only this time, it was my own life in peril.

Tipping its head down, the bear growled and took a dreaded step forward. All the oxygen left my lungs, and every hair on my body stood on end. My stomach threatened to revolt and purge its contents.

Max lay motionless on top of me, his fear apparent as his eyes bulged out of his head. We made eye contact and I tried to convey with a look how sorry I was for being the one that brought us here.

The bear huffed a couple loud breaths out of its snout and let out a fierce growl. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing it all to go away.

This was it. This was the end.




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Indiscretion: Volume Two


Fraternizing with the competition? Check.

Risking everything I’d worked so hard for? Check.

Mind-shattering orgasms? Double check.

Max Richfield made me forget myself. Forget all the reasons why I’d chosen to be alone for so long. I had goals. I needed stability. He brought chaos. I’d taken years erecting my walls. And with good reason, I would soon discover.

Now my inability to see beyond Max’s charm, could cost me everything.


Releasing August 18, 2014




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Elisabeth has a soft spot for happily ever-afters and a hot spot for alpha males. If she’s not curled up somewhere with a romance novel in one hand and chocolate in the other you can probably find her typing madly on her keyboard creating her next story. She currently lives outside Toronto, Canada with her husband, two small children, and a killer cat.


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I love to hear from readers! Feel free to connect with me via e-mail at [email protected] at any one of the social media platforms listed below. I love talking books—even if they aren’t my own! Also, if you enjoyed what you read and think you may want to join my Street Team, please drop me a line!



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Other books by Elisabeth Grace…


The Limelight Series – New Adult Romance

Rumor Has It (Limelight #1)

Picture Perfect (Limelight #2)

Collateral Damage (Limelight #3) – Coming Winter 2015


Standalone Novels

Moment Of Impact – Coming Fall 2014

Table of Contents

BOOK: Indiscretion: Volume One
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