Indignation (31 page)

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Authors: Celinda Santillan

BOOK: Indignation
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“I said that you are the only one who knows how to. Cynthia Machiavelli, a half-blood, has the Book of Shadows in her possession. She is using the bewitched book to collect clues to discover my true way of death.”

“That’s awful.” There’s sadness in his bright red eyes. The same sadness she once had when Julian left her. “You love her.” Her eyes widen in realization.

“I have loved her for over six centuries. She is in the same condition as you.”

“What do you mean?”

He stares out to the flames of the fireplace. “She does not remember her past, our past.” He explains.

She doesn’t know what to say to him. Only Julian knows how it feels like to love someone who doesn’t remember, but their story is different. Julian loves Annalisa. “Why did you bring me here, Uncle?” She changes the subject.

“The Oracle of Delphi has asked for you. She has a precognition for you.”




Julian runs into the mansion. He stops when he notices Caledonia covered in wounds as a pair of Loyals treat her. He pulls her arm away from them to check if any wound is deadly because he doesn’t see it healing like an immortal’s skin should. “What happened to you?” He demands an answer.

“Dias has gone mad. He attacked me as soon as he saw Annalisa.”

Yenta and Hans finally catches up to him. Yenta grins when she sees the wounds on Caillech’s skin. “Seems like that’s going to leave a mark on your flawless skin, goddess.” She says with heavy sarcasm. Caillech glares at the woman. Julian is about to ask her of Alyssa’s whereabouts, but a piercing scream fills the air. The voice sounding so familiar.

“They are torturing Annalisa.” The goddess confirms his thoughts.

“Where are they?”

“In the dungeon.”

Julian motions for Hans and Yenta to follow him. They sprint down the long halls until they reach the secret door that leads them to the dungeon. The stairs seem to become longer as the screams become louder. Julian’s hands shake s they ball into fists. His veins all over his body show their strength. His eyes are becoming all black. He can’t control himself as he sees Dias ordering Gabriel to slice another part of exposed skin of the woman he loves. Her hands are tied in chains that are hung from the ceiling. Her legs are chained to the sides of the cell to make the form of an upside down ‘V’. Her head is hung low from all the cuts she has on her skin. Her head lifts as her eyes search for his. It’s as if she could feel his presence in the room. Her violet eyes are tired, but a sinister smile appears on her delicate face.

“You’re in trouble.” Her voice is so low that he has to guess that she’s said that.

Julian uses his immortal speed to push Gabriel to the far wall. He stands protective in front of her. “What is the meaning of this?” He roars, about to lose complete control.

“Stand to the side Julian.” Dias orders.

“I will not let you harm her!”

Miranda steps away from the shadows that covered her. “Julian, you don’t understand. That’s not-”

“Julian.” Alyssa sobs behind him, interrupting Miranda. He turns to her to caress her face. Her eyes are filling with tears. “Make it stop. Please, make it all stop.”

He lowers his head to plant a kiss on her rosy lips. Her response is almost instantly. He can feel her desperation on her lips. He can feel the passion on her tongue. He pulls away staring into her purple eyes. He presses a light kiss on her forehead. She sighs of relief. She was waiting for him to rescue her. Why would he make her wait this long? How can Dias torture his own daughter? Is Dias that cruel?

He bends his head to whisper into her ear. “Dias is a cruel man.” She nods agreeing with him. “It’s too bad that you haven’t seen cruelty yet.” He pulls her hair so her head is tilted back in an uncomfortable angle. “Where is Alyssa?” He demands from the imposter.

Her body must be screaming at her from all the pain, but it doesn’t seem to show through her malicious smile. “Julian that is so rude. You had me believe that you bought my act.”

“Where is she?”

“Why do you care? You love me remember? Not her. She’s no one. We were created for each other. We are meant to be together.”

Julian thought that seeing Annalisa again he would feel love towards her, but he doesn’t. It’s strange to know that he doesn’t love Annalisa. It’s taken him until now to really see her for who she is. That’s why he felt no pity for her when he harmed Alyssa for punishment of Annalisa’s betrayal. He remembers how she was. He blinded himself to think that she was perfect when she wasn’t. He always remembered her as gentle and loving when she was never that way, he was the one who showed love towards her. Alyssa has stood by him after everything he has done to her without reason. He loves the immortal who believed to be mortal for eighteen years. It’s a surprise that he was so blinded before.

“You never loved me Annalisa.”

Her face becomes serious instead of a teasing one. “I do love you Julian. I love your power, your feel or revenge. I love the man who wouldn’t think twice before he murdered thousands to get his way. I fell out of love with you when you became soft. You became weak, a coward. How can you become something so different that you used to me?”

“I say the same thing to you.” He lets her go.

“I thought that if I showed you how to be the man I fell in love with, you would change. I guess I was wrong.”

“Kill her!” Dias orders Gabriel.

Annalisa’s loud laughter fills the room. “Do it. I dare you to.”

“No.” Julian orders. He turns to Dias. “She had Alyssa for a long time. She has the blood of a witch more than she has yours. She could have done anything. Keep her alive.”

“Where is my daughter?” Dias demands of Annalisa.

Her eyes have become black, no purple left in them. “I’m here Daddy.” She says in a different voice.

They all step back in fear of her new found voice and the change of her eyes. “What’s happening to her?” Miranda asks the question everyone thinks about.

Yenta steps forward and roughly grabs them chin of Annalisa who won’t stop laughing. She scans her eyes before she lets her go and steps away from her with caution. “Black magick. Annalisa has been using black magick for her spells.”

“What does that have to do with what’s happening to her?” Gabriel asks.

“Everything.” She turns to Julian. “She has another soul inside her body.”




Somewhere inside of her, Alyssa feels safe with her uncle, who happens to have red eyes like a demon. She believes he is a very cruel man, but at the Moment, he isn’t to her. She won’t judge him for what he does to others. She misses her friends and everyone else who has been in her life. It’s close to a month that has passed in the portals she has learned to navigate. Astator has told her that in the mortal realm, it’s as long as five months.

They have been waiting patiently for the Oracle of Delphi. Astator explained that they have to be careful with the Oracle of Delphi, her half-sister, because anyone can easily accuse her of helping in the disappearance of the heir. Astator has informed her of everything that is happening. Dias has been searching everywhere for her. The God has declared war on Hades. The reason is still sketchy to anyone. Alyssa has asked Astator to not inform her of anything that involves Julian. She doesn’t want to know about the happy life he’s living with Annalisa.

The past month has been like a blessing to her. She’s fear from wondering eyes, and isn’t in constant danger. Following Astator into the portal has been the best decision she has made in her life. It seems like the freedom she has here has made her calmer, more mature. She has missed prom, graduation, she doesn’t even know about college anymore, but everything seems worth it. She doesn’t ever want to leave. She feels content with her new life. The hut is like a home she can cherish and not feel lonely.

The portal is a transport to a hidden world that only can be entered by certain beings. The form is always of a type of city of place, but no one wonders around the streets. No one makes rules. Everything is lived by the way you want it to be. The best part of the portal is you can change the setting with a thought of your mind. You can create friends, a house, and the top of Maccho Piccuh. Everything is possible in the portal, you just have to believe.






 ”There still no sign of her?” Julian runs his finger through his dark hair as he leans on his motorcycle and talks to Miranda.

“The God has his sense open for her, but she hasn’t appeared.” Miranda says with sadness in her voice.

It has been over five months that Alyssa has disappeared into the portal. Annalisa slipped one day and told them that Alyssa will never be found because Selene gave her a gift of transporting into the portal. Everyone was shocked at the revelation because no one has made it into the portal and ever appeared again. The myths about the portal is that it’s like the Heavens, once you go in you can’t come out, but if Alyssa has done that before then that would mean that she can come out at any time. That thought gives them all hope to keep searching.

Miranda ties her strawberry blonde hair up into a ponytail. “How’s Annalisa doing?” She asks him.

“Yenta called some of her contacts to have them control the other person who also possesses her body.”

“Is there luck?”

Julian shakes his head. “No, she’s getting worst.”

“Has she said anything about Alyssa?”

“Every time we mention her, she just cries. Annalisa won’t be helping anyone find Alyssa.”

Miranda takes a seat on his motorcycle. “You need to rest Julian. Forget about the war and Alyssa for a few hours.” It’s a lot to ask of him, but he needs it.

“I can’t do that. The blood oath had open up a connection with her. Not knowing if she’s dead or alive is driving me to my own insanity. The war is just making everything worst.”

She lays her hand on his should in understanding. The war has been unexpected on all of them, except her. She sees the horror of the Heavens and the Underworld as they all prepare to go into war. The God blames Julian for his heir’s disappearance, and since Julian has underworlders as his Loyals and followers, he declared war on the Underworld. To her surprise, Hades is backing up Julian. She doesn’t think too much on it since it’s probably Persephone’s causing. The Underworld goddess has a strange care for Julian, but she can’t find a reason for her to be.

Miranda lives in fear of the events that is slowly unfolding. Everyone prepares for a war that can kill millions of mortals and immortals, and Alyssa is still nowhere to be found.



Alyssa walks down the Egyptian desert they have created with their minds. Her uncle Astator walks beside her in his usual black suit and hat unlike her plain top and jeans. She still can’t believe how a man who is hated, and seems evil to the community, is so gentle with her. He tries to scare her, but he doesn’t pull it off like he did before. 

“I am dangerous.”

“You don’t seem like it.” She teases him.

“You want me to show you?” His bright red eyes glare at her, trying to make her see fear.

She puts her hand to her chest and gasps in fake horror. “Is this the part where I run from the big bad demon and think turn him into a small white fluffy bunny?”

He rolls his eyes, a gesture she has taught him. “You sure are irritating.”
“But you love me.” She argues.

He walks without looking at her. “You also assume too much for your own good.”

“You should just admit that you love me. I’m your favorite niece.”

“Being stuck in a room with Melissa seems to be looking better each day.”

Her mouth gapes. “That’s so mean.” She laughs knowing that her half-sister hates his guts.

Alyssa stops when Astator stops walking. “Uncle, is this it?” She stares at the place surrounding her. There’s nothing, but sand and a moon. No trees. No form of life. It looks like a desert from the movie ‘The Mummy’. Usually deserts are hot, but since its night the desert is as cold as ice.

“Your sister is always known to set the most convenient place.” He says with heavy sarcasm.

“How is Melissa like? You know, as an Oracle?”

“The same fashion diva she always is, but more elder in her language.”

A spectrum of light burst far off in the middle of the nowhere. Melissa appears wearing a long black coat with nice fitted pants. The black scarf is neatly wrapped around her neck. Her raven black hair shines when the rays of the moonlight hit it. Melissa looks older than her, but not too old. She’s maybe a few years older than Alyssa. Melissa is beautiful and the way she walks is held with confidence that of royalty. Her violet eyes actually match hers in perfection. It’s the same shade of violet that they inherited from their mother Selene.

The Oracle of Delphi comes up close Alyssa with warning eyes. “Hello, sister.”

Alyssa smiles at her. “It’s nice to meet you Melissa.”



The Oracle doesn’t smile back. “I wish I could say the same.” She says in a cold voice. 

Alyssa turns her head to her uncle who finds the exchange amusing. She raises her eyebrow at him in questioning.

“Melissa.” Astator greets the Oracle.

“Astator.” Melissa says with disgust. “You shall never change. I have no liking in you as the day I first laid eyes on you.”

“Why don’t you just tell him that you hate him then?” Alyssa mutters without thinking. Melissa glares at her and she looks away. That wasn’t supposed to come out of her thoughts.

“I am the Oracle of Delphi. I know my place, so sister, know yours.”

“Now, Melissa, Alyssa has not done you harm. I suggest you follow your quest and treat her as the heir of the God she is.” Astator defends her.

“I remind you, Astator, that I summoned her, not you. Your presence is not wanted here.” She snaps back.

“Don’t put me into this.” Alyssa exclaims. “I’m okay with him being here.”

Astator chuckles before he wraps his hands around Melissa’s neck. That action shocks Alyssa to no end. Melissa struggles as her legs dangle in thin air. “Stay in your place, Oracle.” He threatens. “I maybe Uncle to you, but I shall not allow this behavior in my presence. If you chose to disobey me I will cover the sand with your blood.” He threatened.

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