Read Indecent Encounters Online

Authors: Delilah Hunt,Erin O'Riordan,Pepper Anthony,Ashlynn Monroe,Melissa Hosack,Angelina Rain

Indecent Encounters (6 page)

BOOK: Indecent Encounters
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Ryder stepped in front of her, his massive frame filling the room and her senses. “Not on your goddamn life.” He pried her legs apart and gripped his thick cock. It was long. Not as long as Nick’s but much broader. She bit her lips, her pussy throbbing, coming to life all over again.

Before she could say something…anything to Ryder, he mounted her; shoving himself balls deep inside her pussy. Evie screamed and her body jolted beneath him. Nick hadn’t taken her so roughly. Ryder grabbed her ass, hoisting her up. He pulled out, only to push into her harder than before.

“How does it feel being used by us? Three white men tearing into your pussy without a damn thing you can do about it, princess.”

Her lips parted and she responded with a small cry of ecstasy, fully aware of Nick and Zane eyeballing her, their gazes switching from her face to Ryder’s cock slapping into her pussy. Her legs started shaking again.

“Hold her legs,” Ryder said to his brothers, his voice ragged in between a forceful thrust.

Oh my God
. Evie panted softly, her pussy clenching around Ryder’s cock the moment Nick came on her left side with Zane on the other, both of them gripping her legs, spreading her wide open for Ryder to pump into her.

Ryder cupped her breasts. “You have nice tits.” He lowered his head and licked a nipple. She raised her hand, smoothing the short prickly hair on his shaved head.

“Your cock feels nice,” Evie whispered.

Ryder fucked her harder. “What about my brothers? Did you like having Zane’s cock in your mouth? Did it feel
having Nick plowing your pussy?” She felt the hands on her legs tighten, bending her knees for Ryder to get into her at a deeper angle.

“Answer his question,” Zane said in a low, husky voice.

Evie clutched Ryder’s shoulder. “I did,” she admitted on a breathless sigh. “I want all of you. Your cocks inside me all the time.”

“Oh, sweetheart.” She felt Nick’s hand stroking her thigh. “That’s what you’re here for.” Nick continued in a thick tone, “We’re going to make sure you always have a cock inside that sweet little pussy.”

“And her mouth too,” Zane added.

Evie nibbled her bottom lip, raising her hips to take everything Ryder had to give her. Moaning softly, she arched her back, another orgasm slamming into her. Groaning, Ryder wrapped his large hands around her waist, holding her close to him. With his masculine body poised rigidly above her, Evie could tell he was caught up in the same glorious rapture she was experiencing.

Abruptly, Ryder withdrew from her body, shoving himself away from her without sparing her another glance. Her eyes misted and Evie tried not to feel hurt, watching the way he angrily yanked the condom from his cock as he stomped into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

Zane plunked down on the bed beside her, his hands resting behind his head. “Ryder’s always like that, babe. Don’t let it bother you.”

She narrowed her eyes, but decided to bite her tongue. How could it not bother her? She was being kept here as a sex slave for their amusement, albeit the idea was beginning to sound less terrifying, but it didn’t feel good having Ryder fucking her one minute and unable to stand her guts the next.

Reluctantly, Evie issued Zane a single nod, pretending to accept his reassurance. Minutes later, after all three brothers had left the room, Evie laid in bed deliciously sore and wondering just how long they planned on keeping her at the cabin.

She didn’t have any family or friends who would come rushing to find her. Years ago, she’d cut ties with her father after becoming fed up with his verbal abuse and controlling ways. Not only that, but she’d become well aware of the corruption he was involved with. She wanted no part of it, and she hadn’t wanted to follow in his footsteps and attend law school. He’d cut her off and she’d happily accepted his decision, experienced tremendous relief from it.

Evie stared upward, watching the spinning motion of the ceiling fan, her mind occupied with worries. She didn’t have a normal nine-to-five job. That meant no co-workers would be calling 911 when she didn’t show up to work after a day or two. Her entire life was in her apartment, including the computer she used for her web designing firm she ran single-handedly.

Sighing, Evie realized that she was trapped. The Lawson brothers had successfully kidnapped her and as Ryder said, there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. At least they hadn’t harmed her, regardless if they considered her a possession. A small smile made its way to her lips. They had given her the most amazing, decadent orgasms of her life and a part of her even found them charming, in a Stockholm syndrome kind of way, she supposed. Yes, that had to be it. There was no way she could be developing feelings for three men she’d only met hours ago. It was much too soon to start liking any of them…all of them, wasn’t it?


* * * *


Zane stepped out into the living room, glancing out through the large bay windows. The sun was just climbing over the horizon, filtering through the gigantic cedar trees shadowing the cabin. He wanted to head down to the lake and drop his hook in the water. His brothers weren’t too much into fishing, so he always had to go by himself.

Zane turned toward the open kitchen, his brow lifting with concern. Evie. She was still here, three days after they’d captured her. He rubbed a hand over his jaw. Of course she was, and likely wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon. Not if he had a say in it. He liked having her around, even though she pretty much had no choice in it. Ryder was wrong about her. Evie was the furthest thing from a bitch. Shit, how many people would volunteer to cook dinner for their kidnappers? What she did yesterday evening… Best food they’d eaten in years.

She was sitting on a stool in front of the wooden breakfast nook. Soft, cinnamon colored hands were wrapped around a mug while her eyes, a darker shade of brown than his, stared off into space. Evie looked worried. She expelled a small breath then flicked her tongue across her lips. Zane’s cock twitched inside his briefs, longing for the warmth he’d experienced inside her mouth.

“Hey.” He walked over to her.

Evie’s head shot up. She quickly pushed away the mug. “Hi.” Her eyes lowered to her empty hands.

“It’s not even seven yet. You always get up this early?” Zane pulled out a chair next to her, his fingers itching to stroke her hair. One of the twists was loosening and he could see the pretty corkscrew pattern.

She shook her head. “I don’t feel comfortable lying around. I still don’t understand any of this. I have a life that I need to get back to. I’m sorry about what my father did to Ryder. I really am. I’m aware of the man my father is and I don’t have contact with him anymore because of that very reason. I had nothing to do with what happened.” She stared at him pleadingly, her eyes appearing rounder than their almond shape. “How much longer are you guys going to keep me here?”

The three of them had agreed to keep Evie until they became bored. It was out of the question now. Every minute he spent around her, he found something new to like about her. That never happened to him before with a woman. Not only that, but he had a feeling Ryder cared for her more than he was letting on. It had to be eating the shit out of him, if he knew his eldest brother well. As for Nick, he’d made it plain to them that he wanted Evie.

“That’s not entirely up to me, babe. All three of us have to make that call. And judging by last night, I don’t think you’re in any real hurry to leave either.”

Evie frowned. “I’ve never done anything like this before. Nick said I’m supposed to be a personal slut for the three of you, but that’s not who I am. I’ve only been with one other person, apart from you guys.”

Zane nodded and took her hand in his, tracing circles on her wrist. “Do you enjoy being with us?”

She bit her lips. “Yes.”

“Then what’s the problem? We like you. We’re not going to allow anyone else to touch you, no matter what. It’ll only be the four of us.”

She looked nervously toward the hallway. “Ryder. Is he going to get violent with me if I do something to upset him? He’s always so angry.”

His chest tightened painfully. Damn, he was going to have a talk with his brother and let him know the girl was scared shitless of him. “No, babe. He’s not going to hit you. Nick and I would never allow him or anyone else to lay a hand on you. Ryder too. He’ll protect you.” Zane fingered the strand of hair that was teasing him. “Was he too rough on you last night? I know he’s been fucking you hard, but I didn’t think he was hurting you. Did he?”

Evie smiled slowly, shaking her head. “Ryder didn’t hurt me.” Her shoulders lifted. “It was a silly thing to say.”
Man, she was beautiful. Zane dipped his head and kissed her lips. “Ever been fishing before?”
“No.” Evie looked over at the fishing rod he’d left on the floor. “Are you inviting me?”

Pushing out of his chair, he tugged her up. “Yeah, come on. We have to hurry up though. I like to get there right before the sunlight hits the lake.”


* * * *


“I got one!” Evie looked over at Zane who was throwing his fifth catch of the morning into a bucket. She couldn’t believe how serious he took his fishing, despite his playful personality, or that she’d find such peace being out here with him. She could get used to this.

“Reel it in.”

Evie nodded, following the instructions he’d given her earlier. She heard his loud laughter before she got a chance to see the end of her hook. “What’s so funny?” Evie looked down at the puny thing dangling from the hook and she pouted. “Oh.”

Zane pushed a hand through his mohawk. “Throw it back in. That couldn’t even feed a bird.” His eyes twinkled with the humor she was growing accustomed to. While Nick could tell a decent joke, it was Zane who always had everyone cracking up. Everyone except Ryder. Smiling seemed to be a hardship for him.

“You’re going to eat those words one day.”

He came to her and threw his arms around her waist. “It’s not a competition, babe. Plus, you could never catch up to me.” His warm lips brushed against her neck. Evie leaned into him, arching for his kiss.

“I wanted to fuck you again last night,” Zane whispered thickly.

He ground his erection against her back and an overwhelming sense of peace and joy flowed over her. “We can do it here. Unless you don’t want us to do it without your brothers present.”

Zane slid his hand underneath her dress, moving around to face her. “Forget them. I want you all to myself right now.” He stared at her deeply, while tugging down her panties. “You’re going to have to stop wearing these. We’re going to need your pussy naked and wet at all times.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Can you do that for us, babe?”

Her heartbeat sped up. “Yes.” At this point she would do anything for these three men, as strange as it seemed. Somehow being with them made her feel alive and wanted. It didn’t hurt that they appreciated and didn’t criticize the extra pounds on her.

Zane brought her down with him on the soft grass misted with the morning’s dew. He opened his pants, his hard cock springing out, full and ready. Evie sighed. She loved all of their cocks, their unique length, scent, girth; so different yet always making her weak with pleasure. Splaying her thighs, Evie grazed her teeth on her lips, and clutched a patch of the soft wet grass in her hands the moment he thrust into her.

She cried out from the wicked intrusion.

Pumping into her, Zane braced himself with one hand on her leg, the other on the ground. “Oh God, baby. I needed this.”

Evie stroked his back and rolled her hips. In the back of her mind, she was aware that he hadn’t put on a condom. She couldn’t say anything. Not now. It felt so good to have his cock inside her, their hot naked friction taking her closer to the edge.

“Zane,” she murmured as her fingernails scraped across his back.

He pushed harder and deeper. “Nick was right, wasn’t he?”

She bit her lips, not understanding him. Zane pinched her sensitive nipple. “About you being our slut. Admit it, Evie. You’re fucking three men—brothers. What kind of woman does that sort of thing?”

She whipped her head to the side, resisting the urge to cry out.

“Lie to me and I’ll stop fucking you.”

“Zane,” she whimpered. “No. I’m not…” her voice trailed off and she arched up to him, trying to hold him in place. He slid almost entirely out of her. “If you’re not a slut then you won’t mind not having a cock in you for the rest of the day.”

To be around them all day long and not have a single one of those gorgeous cocks pounding into her, Evie gave in and cried out, pressing her lips to his jaw. “Don’t leave me.” Zane pushed inside her, fucking her with shallow strokes using only the broad tip of his cockhead.

“What are you, Evie?”

She clasped his shoulders and touched her lips to his ear. “A slut. For you and your brothers.” He groaned with pleasure and shoved into her, fucking her hard. Demanding her passionate response. The grass scratched her back but she didn’t care. Zane was inside her, his wonderful cock fucking her, making her feel as if she was right where she belonged.

Her pussy tightened around him and she knew she was about to come. Zane stared down at her, his breathing harsh as his cock continued to own her with deep, forceful thrusts. “I’m going to wet your pussy, babe.” He thrust hard. “Might as well get used to having us come inside you.”

Evie whimpered, stunned by the force of her orgasm. She buried her face between his shoulder and neck, overwhelmed by the surge of emotion welling up in her heart and body. Zane ejaculated inside her and she hugged her arms around his neck, wanting him to feel the warmth he and his brothers were infusing into her soul.

They rested in the grass for some moments, their palms on each other’s heart, feeling the rapid thumping. “Let’s go back before they think I’ve run off with you.” He helped her get up and fix her dress. “We can come back here tomorrow.”

They headed back to the cabin. Zane gave her a quick kiss on the lips as Nick walked up to them along the path leading to the house. “Did he drag you out fishing with him?” Even though the question was directed at her, Nick glared at Zane.

BOOK: Indecent Encounters
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