Incandescent (12 page)

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Authors: River Savage

Tags: #MC Romance, #Biker Romance, #MC, #Alpha Male, #Romance, #Motorcycle Romance

BOOK: Incandescent
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Turning his TV on, I climb into his bed, remembering the last time I was here. Visions of us lying naked, my head in his lap as he silently ran his calloused fingers along my skin, his mouth between my legs teasing me with his talented tongue while stretching me wide with his fingers, come easily. The scene leaves me hot just thinking about it. After leaving me wanting in the classroom, I refused myself any release. A punishment for allowing my body to react to him, but now, lying in his bed, the need coils through me, edging me closer to the height of urgency. My hand moves to the juncture of my thighs. I brush my fingers lightly over the lace of my panties, feeling the fever burn up in me. Just being in his bed has me craving him. Reaching for my phone, I send him a text.

: I’m in your bed, my hands were busy, but they took a minute to text you.

I second-guess myself as I await his reply. Shit, I hate feeling so insecure. It’s alarming how much I want to expose to him.

I must have drifted off, as some time later, the sound of the front door closing wakes me. Keys being placed on the kitchen counter lets me know he’s home. Throwing off the covers, I straighten his shirt, pat down my hair and make my way down the stairs to finish what we started earlier. Turning the corner at the bottom of the stairs, I see him leaning over, head deep in the fridge. His position gives me the perfect opportunity to check out his firm ass. The man has an amazing body. Sneaking up to him my arms coming around his waist, hands under his shirt, his tight abs contract under my fingers.

“Hey, honey, you told me you would call me,” I say, pushing my front to his back before he suddenly comes back fast.

“Whoa," he shouts, spinning around and surprising me. His movements are so fast that my mind doesn’t register that the voice isn’t his. Looking up, I’m meeting a man who isn’t Nix but is wearing the same cut. I let out a scream and back away.

“Hey, it’s all right. Nix sent me,” he quickly explains, trying to calm my frantic state. My mind slowly recognizes him as one of the men I saw with Nix the other night at the pub, his patch telling me I’m safe.

“He tried to call to let you know I was coming.” He looks down at me before he turns away. “You wanna put on some pants?” he adds uncomfortably, and I look down and realize I’m only in my panties and a Knights Rebels shirt.

“Oh, shit,” I burst out, pulling down Nix's shirt, trying to cover my exposed legs while backing away slowly. I know he’s not looking at me like that, but his gaze turns back to me and is fixed on the scarring. Questions fill his eyes, but I'm not prepared to see the pity in them. Making my way upstairs, I find my skirt and throw it on, leaving Nix’s shirt in place. I make my way back downstairs, grabbing my cell along the way. Looking down, I see a text message.

Don’t you dare fuckin’ touch yourself! I’m sending one of the boys to get you. Now.

Shit, I mustn’t have heard it go off.

“I’m Brooks,” the man informs me when I walk back into the kitchen. “And if it’s okay with you, can we keep that little greeting between us? My missus wouldn’t appreciate the jabs the boys would throw. Though she might be more okay with it than Nix, I’d like to keep my balls,” he admits laughing a little.

Oh, God, I would die if Nix found out about my slip up. I nod, thankful he won’t go and tell the ‘boys’ about me rubbing up on him. I only know Jesse, and if they are anything like him, I won't hear the end of it.

“I’m Kadence by the way.” I smile, and he smiles back. His dark hair is as short as Nix’s, but now that I’m facing him, I realize he looks nothing like Nix. Where Nix is tall and built, Brooks is slightly shorter and a little broader. His short beard hides most of his face, but by his warm smile, I can see he's handsome. I find myself staring and shake myself out of it, already feeling awkward at my slip earlier.

“Where’s Nix?” I grab a glass off the sink, filling it up with water from the fridge door.

"Club business,” he states. I don’t know what he expects me to do with that vague explanation.

“Should I go home?”

“No,” he replies a little too fast. “I’ve been told to come and take you back to the clubhouse.”

“But if Nix is busy working, shouldn’t I just head home?”

“Just doing what the boss tells me,” he says.

“What if I don’t want to go?” I ask, putting my hands on my hips, ready to take him on.

“I’d prefer you came willingly, but I was warned you might say that.” He smiles this time, knowing how much I must piss Nix off. “If you don’t come, I’ll have to stay until Nix can get to you, and I really just wanna get back, sort out some shit and get home to the wife and kid.”

As much as I don’t want to go, I feel sorry he was sent to look after me, so I nod and go to get my purse.

“I don’t know why Nix would send you to babysit me when you have a wife and daughter to worry about,” I say, walking up to him ready to leave.

“That’s the only reason he assigned me,” Brooks mutters under his breath. I don’t know what that means and I don’t bother asking, probably some club rule. Locking up behind me, Brooks walks me down the path close to my back. Stopping short of the drive, I’m surprised he doesn’t have a bike.

“No bike? What sort of MC are you a part of?” I ask playfully.

He lets out a laugh. “The bastard made me bring the truck.”

Having been on his bike two times now and getting better, it clicks why Nix sent the car, not the bike. Damn possessive man.

The drive to the compound is short. Brooks talks about his wife and daughter and makes me feel comfortable. He’s nothing like Nix with his bossy and alpha nature, but he still maintains a presence about him that you know you wouldn’t want to mess with him.

My phone beeps and I grab it out of my bag to check the message.

: Do as you’re told.

I roll my eyes at his bossiness and type back my response.

: HA. I was well behaved. Brooks is a gentleman. On our way.

: Gentleman my ass. C U soon.

His response comes back instantly, and I place my cell back in my bag, excited and nervous to be heading inside the gated compound. Five minutes later, we pull up to a large property. A young guy walks out from the dark, unlocking and sliding the gate open, letting us drive through. The long, loose gravel drive winds around to the left and we follow it until we come to a large warehouse. Pulling up next to at least twenty bikes, I get out, ready to see Nix and the inside of his club.

Brooks meets me at my door; his hand comes to my wrist, gripping it in his large grasp.

“Keep close. We have some friends come to stay,” he warns. I don’t know what that means so I simply nod as he guides me to the front double doors. Two older men stand near the door, smoking cigarettes in the cool air. The red tips, glow bright against the black night, their expressions hidden behind their kick-ass beards. Their eyes assess me but nod at Brooks when we walk up to them, letting us pass without a word. Brooks pushes us through the doors into the dimly lit hall and walks us down to a large open area. The smell of leather and smoke fills my nose, and I look out around the large area. The long wall along the back holds pictures of members in their cuts, some mug shots, but more family shots. The Clubs insignia carved in a large wooden display sits in the center of the wall, Knights Rebels inscribed above the skull head. A few young men standing around the pool table look up as we pass through the open area.

“Is it always this quiet?” I ask as we walk down a hall.

“No, the party’s been moved down the back. They got a bonfire set up,” he explains.

Brooks’ grip releases my wrist as we come to an open set of double doors at the back of the club. Stopping at the threshold, I see Nix before he sees me. I stand and take in all of him. His appearance is powerful, his character electrifying. The long solid timber masterpiece he sits at captures my attention. The same carved emblem that hangs out on the clubhouse wall is inscribed in the middle of the timber table.

“Prez,” Brooks calls as he raps on the door. The three men sitting at the table turn and focus their attention on us. Jesse winks at me and Sy’s eyes narrow. The third man with longer dark hair pulled back, is one of the guys at the bar the first night Nix kissed me. His blue eyes shine in laughter before letting it out in a loud bark. Feeling a little exposed, I second-guess the shirt.
Shit, was wearing it the wrong thing to do?

Nix’s eyes rake down my body, smiling when he notices the shirt I’m wearing. Standing from his seat at the head of the table and ignoring Brooks, he walks straight to me, pulling me into him. The heat from his body warms me before he pulls back. Angling his head down, he presses his lips to mine. It’s a quick kiss, not demanding, but I still feel a light blush rise to my cheeks.

“Sorry, babe,” he says close to my ear. “Club business, I couldn’t leave.”

“It’s okay, Nix, but honestly, I can go,” I say, worried that having me here can complicate things with not just us, but his club. I don’t know what’s happening between us, but being in his club, around his friends, is a little daunting.

“You’re stayin'. Let me show you to my room,” he orders, leaving no room to argue. Moving past me, he grasps my hand, leading me away from the guys. Their conversation obviously over, he walks me down the hall to the left, stopping at a closed door. Reaching down, he turns the handle and pushes it open, dragging me in and slamming the door shut.

My shoulders crash into the wall when he spins me around and backs me up, pressing himself into me.

“Gotta say darlin’, seein’ you in my shirt, in my club, is a major turn on.” He tugs on his T-shirt and I smile up at him, glad he isn’t angry. Going up onto my toes, I reach around his neck pulling him down so I can kiss him softly.

“I missed you in bed,” I say, feeling bold. I can’t help it. He brings it out in me and makes me feel comfortable. I'm weak when it comes to him, and I’m done fighting it.

“Did you touch yourself?” he asks, pushing further into me. I shake my head no and reach down, rubbing my hand along his bulging crotch.

“Don’t be a tease, baby. I gotta go back,” he groans, resting his forehead to mine, clearly as frustrated as I am.

“You wanna come and look around, or you feel more comfortable in here?”

“I’m pretty beat.” I’m not sure if I want to leave his room wearing what I am. He nods, and then kisses my nose.

“Okay, I got shit to deal with. Take your panties off before climbing in my bed, and I’ll meet you there later when I’m done.”

His request floods me with want, and he catches my flush.

“She likes it when I boss her,” he mumbles more to himself than me. I smack his chest and he grabs my hand. He’s right. I love it, but he doesn’t need to know that.

“Can’t wait to have my tongue in your sweet pussy,” he teases, and I feel my stomach tighten in response. “Been dreamin’ about it every night for the last ten nights.”

My stomach does a flip on that announcement; the throb I’ve been fighting since he walked into the ink shop now beats erratically. I want him, badly. Leaning in, his lips come to mine one more time. His tongue swipes along my bottom lip, teasing me with his taste.

“Be back,” he says, stepping away. “Don’t you dare touch yourself.” I hold his gaze before nodding my agreement. Then he’s gone, leaving me alone in his personal space.

Making my way to his bed, I consider disobeying his request, before thinking better of it. Images of waking up to his head between my legs leave me feeling ready and wanting. Stepping out of my panties and pulling his top over my head, I climb under his sheets. His smell blankets me. Burrowing further under them, I breathe them in. Breathe him in. Closing my eyes, I force myself to sleep before my sexy biker comes back to wake me.

Chapter Fourteen


ell me how the fuck they got in?” I ask my Sergeant-at-Arms.

“They went in through the back door and worked smart,” Jesse answers, still filling me in on the fucked-up bullshit the Kings have got us into.

“And the ink shop?” I ask as I feel the start of a headache coming on.

“Just the front.”




The fuckers not only hit us at the tattoo shop right after we left, they got into one of the bars downtown, injuring one of my workers in the process. It was a warning; we just don’t know why.

Knights Rebels territory is protected, and those fuckers are just begging to create a war.

“You get a hold of T?” I ask Beau, trying to calm myself down so I can think straight.

“I put a call out, but still waiting for him to get back to me. Word is there was a shipment that got held up; some assholes intercepted it, and he was cleaned out.”

“You think they’re thinkin’ we’re responsible?”

“Don’t know why they would,” he responds. “Those fuckers have been in our town, know the way we run things. We don’t want their drugs.” I nod ‘cause I know he’s right, but why the fuck would they make a move against us?

“We secure the shop?” I look over at Sy, his usual pissed-off self more volatile than normal. He nods his head; no spoken communication needed. We're used to it.

“Get some eyes on Z, just to be safe,” I tell Beau. It’s not my weekend, but if there’s a shit storm brewing, I want him safe.

“Yeah, prospect is heading there now. I’ll head over after here.” I nod, hoping like hell Addison doesn’t cause shit. Last thing I need is her being a bitch to my boys.

“Right well, you know what we gotta do, keep our eyes open, and until we hear from T, or Intel comes in, let’s play it safe,” I say, standing from my chair.

“So Kadence?” Beau drawls, ready to move on to more pressing matters. I give him a look, warning him not to go there. “Fuck, boss, you got it bad.” Jesse shakes his head and crosses his arms.

“Don’t even start,” I warn them, even though they all start laughing.

“Should have seen him earlier, so pussy whipped already.” Sy shakes his head like he’s disappointed.

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