Read In Training Online

Authors: Michelle Robbins

Tags: #Erotica

In Training (14 page)

BOOK: In Training
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"Double the cheesecake?"

He gave her his fascinating half-smile. "Just so, however, you're free to choose either option. There'll be no negative consequences either way."

Abby tucked her thumbs into his belt loops and yanked him across her threshold.

* * * *

Seth used a heel to kick closed the front door. The girl twined herself around him like a living vine of heat and hunger. That was okay. He liked that fine.

She kissed along his face and neck, nibbling across his bared skin with a sweet demand he wasn't unwilling to answer. He started them toward her bedroom, but she didn't let go to walk obediently as directed. No, she kept her hands busy tugging at his clothing and using her legs to tangle playfully with his. That was okay, too.

Behind them, the corridor lay littered with cast-off shoes, a pair of sunglasses, dropped articles of clothing and laughter--his and hers. Gloriously naked, they rocked together, hands caressing and squeezing eager flesh, mouths kissing and bodies warming to each other's touch.

Chuckling, Seth pushed Abby backward until her knees contacted the edge of the bed. She sat, laughing, her palms-up hands stretched the distance between them with a non-verbal plea for him to come to her. His cock twitched and throbbed, more than willing to bridge that distance. Hell, willingness filled more than his cock.

She spread her knees, and he stepped between her thighs. His cock tightened, desire sizzling down his spine and centering in his balls. A drop of pre-cum slipped from the slit. The heat coming off her cunt nearly burned his shaft, but in a good way.

She rubbed her cheek against his abs with a happy sigh; rubbing back and forth and purring her pleasure like a pampered cat. He stroked her hair for a bit, saying nothing as she snuggled against him, touching and caressing and adoring--then he suddenly pulled her head up to meet his gaze.

"Think you are worthy of my attention, girl?"

Her answer came without thought. "That is for Master to decide."

"Aye, so it is." His expression softened, but was no less formidable as he told her, "I'm going to take you, girl. I'm going to take you hard. The pain you feel, the hurt you will endure, will please me. Say no now, and I'll allow you to back out. There'll be no negative repercussions regarding this one-time decision."

* * * *

Goodness, such a tough guy!

"I'm not afraid, Master."

Something feral flittered across Seth's expression. "So be it."

He shoved her backward onto the bed. She gasped; he growled, then grabbed her ankle to push her farther onto the mattress. He flipped her onto her stomach, an action he followed by clamping his hand around her neck and effectively pinning her to the bed.

Abby rode the storm of his hunger without fear. He kneed open her legs, shoving them wide. She murmured her own need, her body quaking with a desire that answered his. She ground her clit against the bed covers. Pleasure spiked.

"Ah, yes..."

He pulled his hand from her neck and slapped her ass with an ungentle crack of skin-to-skin contact. Both cheeks immediately reddened. She howled as her body shivered beneath the blow, a wave of orgasmic energy slamming into her awareness. It was not, not quite enough. "More, Master, please!"

"Face down on your knees with your thighs on your calves," he said, his voice made raspy by his hunger. "Hold still."

She obeyed, feeling the position stretch her ass cheeks and pussy lips wide. She vibrated before him, hunger raging though her body. She bit at the pillows beneath her.

He grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled her head back toward him. Abby's body bowed. Moisture slicked down her legs from her overflowing cunt. He positioned his cock at her ass, letting her know his intent. Her breath froze in her chest, not from fear, but from anticipation.

He paused. "Last chance, girl. Do you accept me?"

In that moment, she realized what Seth was asking. It wasn't just acceptance on the physical level he wanted. His question was about more than his cock going up her ass. He wanted to know if she'd accept
All the depth and complexity that was Seth, all the unique sexual and emotional demands that were a part of him, would she accept them?

There was no hesitation.

"Oh, God, yes, Master. Take me...take me, please."

Seth pushed forward, his cock breaching the ring of muscle and slipping inside her dark passage. Abby jerked and gasped, startled by the pressure, the pinch of pain. She twisted, instinctively attempting to ease the demands on her untried asshole. He didn't release her hair. In fact, he pulled on it, tugging her backward onto his invasion.

She bore down against the pressure wailing, "Master!" as he opened her body for his use, widening her and widening her with each inch he bore inward. He tunneled forward with easy strokes of his cock. Tears sprang to her eyes from the unfamiliar pressure. Pleasure and discomfort blended into an indescribable firestorm.

A sharp cry of pain wrenched from her throat as his cock forced her open farther than she'd ever been open before. Her muscles and mind protested with a savage buck of her body. Only Seth's weight on her back held her in place. He halted his advance, easing back a bit and working his cock in and out at that depth, allowing her body to accommodate to his girth. In moments, her body had compensated, allowing him room.

She undulated around him, an animal whine coming from her throat.

"Good girl." Leaning upward, he grabbed the headboard with one hand, saying, "Now, take me," and snapped his hips forward, hilting himself that final inch into her stressed, tender body.

She screamed, her mind and body melding into a perfect vortex of sound, light, and feeling. She shuddered beneath his possession, her mind slipping into a place where existence blended into bright light and need. His essence washed over her, surrounding her, filling her...completing her.

His pleasure was her pleasure; her body his plaything.

"Master, yes. Oh, yes...

Seth caught her jaw in his hand and tugged her head to where he could growl a question into her ear. "Think you can handle me, girl?"

She moaned, mentally shuddering from the wash of his presence into her aura. Her heart, however, beat strong for him. "Work me, Master," she urged on a supplicating sob. "Break me to your will."

With a snarl, Seth went for it. He fucked her hard, his body rocking into her vulnerable ass with determination, purpose, and not the slightest hint of gentleness. When he shoved her head into the pillows, she tensed in shock, which caused her body to tighten around his cock. His breath caught. He transferred his weight onto the hands he propped on her shoulders and pressed down. She couldn't move. Breathing became a challenge. She could only gasp air by tucking her head beneath her arm. Her arms trembled from the strain. Seth fucked her like a mindless animal. His body slapped against hers. His breath came in hard grunts. His fingers tightened against the skin and muscle of her shoulders.

The firestorm slammed into her body and into her soul. She broke into pieces, a part of herself forever gone from herself. She felt him fill that hole in her soul, the piece she'd never realized she was missing; his presence becoming the glue that held her world together. She surrendered to him.

She surrendered her all.

* * * *

Heat flashed in his balls and traveled along his cock like forks of lightning. He grabbed the headboard, his knuckles whitening as his body convulsed. The jizz exploding from his cocktip felt like pulses of napalm. His chest burned. He couldn't catch his breath. He couldn't see anything other than bright pinpoints of multi-colored lights that sparkled and danced; blinded by the ecstasy of conquest.

He came on a roar.

* * * *

She tightly held the pillows as Seth poured into her. He jerked a couple of times, hard enough to cause the headboard to squeak, before taking in a huge gulp of air. He groaned and eased down, coming off his peak and to a rest on his elbows. His hot, panting breath caressed her back and shoulders.

"Mmm," he murmured, while rubbing his lips against her shoulder. "Fuck, girl, that almost blew off the top of my head."

She shivered, her ass stuffed full of Seth's cock, and breathed in measured pants, trying to use the pattern to weave herself back together--only this time, it wasn't working. Something was wrong. Something had changed. She had changed. Beneath his will, his strength and possession, she'd been molded into something else, into someone else.

"Master," she whispered, "ouch."

Her heart hurt, not from sorrow, but from the new awareness of herself. She was no longer comfortable in her own skin.

"Aye, girl, I'm going," he grumbled, misunderstanding, and pulled out of her body.

She shivered at the withdrawal. A piece of her had gone with him. She was no longer a whole person without him in her body--hell, in her world.

He climbed off the bed and wandered into the bathroom, leaving her to curl into a ball and tug the blankets over her. Every muscle in her body sang with protest and euphoria.

Water ran, the toilet flushed, and Seth returned. He worked a clean bath towel along his groin. He tossed a damp washcloth onto the bed beside her.

"Clean up and get dressed. We can still catch the munch."

She picked up the washcloth, but paused in confusion. "You want to go?"

Seth finished up with the bath towel and tossed it onto the bed. He started down the hallway toward his clothing. "I could eat."

Dazed, she had no other answer than, "Yes, Master."

Making quick use of the soapy cloth and bath towel, Abby chose another outfit and joined him in the living room. She winced as she walked, her butt protesting the idea of sitting on a restaurant chair. He stood in his usual position in the vestibule, his arms crossed over his chest and his legs slightly spread.

Undeniably dominant, that was Seth.

He noticed her winces and smirked. Of course, that caused her hackles to rise. "I'm fine missing the graduation, Master."

"I'm not."

"Yes, Master."

She blinked, startled by her own compliance. Two weeks ago, she wouldn't have capitulated so easily, but now? Simply put, whatever he wanted, she would supply as best she could. If Seth wanted her company among his peers, then by his side she would be, sore butt notwithstanding. He raised his eyebrows at her. She tightened the band around her hastily-fashioned ponytail and dropped to her knees before him, but not without a groan.

He smirked again and asked his ritual question. "What have you learned today?"

The answer came with surprising clarity. She bowed her head and gave her answer. "Today I learned I'm a slave."

Silence fell between them. He stood by the door for a few moments, and Abby didn't dare peek at his expression. Heartbeats passed before he stepped over to her. With him in arm's reach, she did what seemed most natural, reaching to encircle his leg and resting her cheek on his thigh with a happy sigh.

His hand came to rest on the crown of her head. "Look at me."

She obeyed, looking up at him from her place at his feet.

"I'm considering training you for my collar. You have this one opportunity to decline."

He wanted her! And, dear God, how she wanted him.

Abby's smile felt so wide her face ached. "Use me as you wish, Master."

Seth, miracle of miracles, returned her smile with a full-faced one of his own. His blue eyes gleamed their praise.

"Good girl."


Author's Note


Five years ago, I came to the Portland, OR area and found the courage to explore my dreams of male domination/female submission. A few hitches in my search happened, but I didn't give up hope and eventually I located the man who inspired my Seth Taylor character. A great deal of this story is a memoir of my own experiences at the slave trainer's feet and I hope you enjoy it.

In conclusion, I urge everyone to live your dreams. Never settle. Go for it.

Thanks for reading.


--M. R.

Michelle Robbins



Michelle Robbins began reading romance novels in middle school. Her passion for that genre has continued to this day. Imagine her surprise when Romance blended with Erotica. Stories poured out of her!

Michelle is a nerd by day and by night. Blessed to live among the glory and grandeur of the USA's Pacific Northwest, she shares her home with two cats, four fish, her dreams and many, many daily critter visitors.

Come play among her imaginings. She promises that it won't hurt.

Amber Quill Press, LLC


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