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Authors: Jendai Rilbury

Tags: #Erotica

In The Name Of Love

BOOK: In The Name Of Love
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In The Name Of Love

Jendai Rilbury


Copyright © 2012. Power Business Publishing.
All Rights Reserved.


The right of Jendai Rilbury to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.


First Published in Great Britain in 2012

No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed upon that subsequent purchaser. All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.



Power Business Publishing, Dorset, Great Britain



Grant is a typical young man living in England during the 1960's. He's happily married to his pretty wife, April, but has a roving eye and at times sexual urges he cannot control.

The novel tells the story of this young couple who – in the name of love – give their affections and sexual favours to another, older couple.

April just wants to settle down and start a family with her husband, and when a man more than twice her age makes some exciting promises, she is unable to resist his advances.

Grant finds he's attracted to a number of women, and in trying to satify their desires and his sexual urges he encounters some difficult moments.

You will find this an interesting story to read and the plot btween the pages is interwoven with some interesting action between the sheets. You won't be disappointed...


Author's Bibliography


Erotic Romance Novels from bestselling author, Jendai Rilbury:

1. Her Gift Of Love
2. Love Is On The Rocks
3. Her Fall From Grace
4. In The Name Of Love
5. She's No Angel
6. Her Happy Nude Year!




If you enjoyed this novel from Jendai Rilbury, you will love his second novel:
Love is on the Rocks.

Bill Beckett has inherited the family business,
which he dislikes, and wants to sell it. He and his beautiful young wife, Joan,
are unhappy living and working in London during the mid-1950's, and want relax
in the peace and quiet of the Devonshire countryside.

He quickly accepts a generous offer for the business; a
seemingly magnificent sum of money that will put them both on 'easy street' for
the rest of their lives. However, when he and Joan travel north on the Flying
Scotsman to Scotland, their troubles start. Their happy marriage of seven years
quickly falls apart.

The overbearing wife of a wealthy executive seduces Bill,
and in retaliation, Joan quickly finds comfort in the arms of a handsome young
man. Unfortunately, both liaisons soon turn sour and it is not only their
marriage on the rocks. The young couple find their lives turned completely
upside down; while Bill becomes a pawn for two harridans to squabble over,
Joan's new lover returns to London and leaves her in the evil clutches of
another man.

Love is on the rocks, romance is out of the window, and sex,
lust, and powerful lovemaking fills their lives for many days and nights.

Tragedy strikes hard and death is the surprise visitor that
ends much of this hectic activity between the sheets. Joan unwittingly starts a
new life as the mistress of the very person who has masterminded the greedy
plan that brought the turmoil into her life, and then agrees to let him control
her business and financial future. Life becomes a series of ups-and-downs for Joan,
before true romance eventually returns to her heart.

Author's Bibliography


Grant admired the receptionist's long legs once again, as he
followed her into the manager's office and made a mental reminder to get her name
on the way out. This was his last call of the day, and as it was a new prospect
he did not expect it to last very long.

Once again he was wrong, because although the prospect was
not interested in listening to Grant introduce his new pension plan for employees;
he was most keen to chat about anything but business. So it was after five o'clock
when he managed to escape the boring man, and to his dismay the beautiful girl
had left.

When he came out of the building, it was pouring with rain
and the young woman was sheltering under the canopy.

"Doesn't look as if it's going to stop very soon," he said,
nodding up at the black clouds overhead.

She shook her head and said, "No, and I'm going to get
soaked getting to the bus stop, and then I'll have to wait. The buses are
always crowded when it rains and you can't get on."

Grant wasn't going to let that opening slip by, and he said,
"Wait there while I get my car and I'll give you a lift to the bus stop."
Without waiting for a response, he ran across the short car park to his car,
and quickly started it and drove over to the entrance.

"Jump in," he said, holding open the passenger door.

Showing more leg than was necessary as she scrambled into
the car, she smiled at him and said, "Thanks, Grant; this is very kind of you."

"How do you know my name?"

"You gave me your business card, when you arrived, silly!"

"And your name is..."

"Oh, sorry, I forgot. My name is Janice."

He held out his hand, which she shook as he said, "Well, it's
very nice to meet you, Janice, but the weather could have been better for our
first date!"

She giggled, but said nothing, so encouraged he said, "Whereabouts
do you live?"

"Mount Street, in Wilmslow, but I can get the bus..."

Cutting her short he said, "Nonsense, I can't have a pretty
girl standing in the rain, when I'm going in the same direction." He set the
car in motion and as he drove onto the main road, he was pleased to note she
was not staring out the window, but half-turned in his direction and looking at

When they were stopped at the traffic lights, he reached
over and took her left hand and said, "No rings, so you're not married then?"

"Of course not, I'm only just turned twenty and don't want
to get married yet."

"What does your boyfriend say about that?"

"Cheeky! What makes you think I have a boyfriend?"

"Well, a beautiful young woman with the best legs in
Cheshire has to have a lot of lads after her," he said, nodding at her long
legs with her dress still hitched above her knees from the scramble into the

She struggled to adjust her clothing as she said, "I saw you
looking at my legs back in the office."

"Well, they're worth looking at, I can tell you."

"I bet you say that to all the girls," she said with a
giggle, but obviously pleased with his observation. She primped her hair and
said, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

He took hold of her hand, gave it a squeeze and said, "I don't
know – do I?"

"Ooh, you are forward. There, turn right over there – that's
Mount Street."

"Sorry, almost missed it," he said, smiling at her oval face
framed with her shoulder length brown hair. "What number is it?"

"Twenty-seven; it's that one just past the tree. Turn into
the driveway, please, there's nobody home."

"You don't live by yourself then?"

"With my Mom and Dad, but they're away for a week. Down in
Devon, visiting my Aunty Doris – lucky beggars."

"Why didn't you go with them?"

"Because old misery-guts back at the office wouldn't give me
another week off work. Are you coming in for a cup of tea?"

He didn't need a second invitation and was out the door in a
flash and round the car to open the passenger door for Janice.

"Thanks, you are a love. I hate getting wet," she said,
running to the front porch.

Once inside the house, she slipped off her wet coat and hung
it with the other coats on the wall behind the door. Kicking her damp shoes off
she said, "Better take your shoes off, or we'll have mud all over the place."

He put his shoes alongside hers and when he stood up she
eased closer to him, lifting her face towards his with an expectant look. She
smelt damp and sexy, and her makeup was streaked by the rain, but he was exhilarated
by her attitude and took her in his arms.

As he wrapped his arms around her slender body, she seemed
to melt into him with her arms going around his neck as she pulled his head
down to hers. Their lips touched; the kiss was soft and lingering for a few
seconds and then her tongue darted into his mouth and their passions rose as
their mouths opened.

His hands explored her soft body and narrow waist until he
reached her firm arse. Grabbing a buttock in each hand he squeezed and pulled
her onto his hardening penis.

She pulled her mouth away from his for a second, turned her
head at an angle as she looked at him, and then freeing her body from his grasp
she took his hand and said, "Come with me..." as she ran up the stairs.

He followed her up the stairs, across the landing and into
her bedroom. He went to take her in her arms again, but she was already
slipping off her dress, so he undressed with equal speed. In about fifteen
seconds they stood naked before each other and then throwing back the covers
she said, "Last one in bed goes on top," and she scrambled to get in first.

Grabbing her leg, he tried to pull her back, but her other
leg kicked him in the stomach and then she was gone deep under the covers. He
followed her in, but she wriggled away and he could hear her muffled giggling
as he finally wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close.

The touch of her cool skin on his was exciting, and the soft
pressure of her breasts on his chest brought waves of lust and desire surging
through his body. Their lips joined together once more, and again she led the
way with her tongue, which darted in and out of his mouth, twisting and
turning, licking and caressing.

She lay back on the bed, spreading her body before him while
her hands reached down and found his cock, what was now hard and ready for her
body. Her fingers stroked it from the round tip all the way down to his testicles,
which she cupped with one hand.

When he climbed between her open legs she said, "Grant, will
you do something special for me?"

At this particular point, he wasn't going to refuse her
anything, because he had one thing in mind and that was to sink his cock deep
into her body and fuck her something rotten. He said, "Anything my sweet

"I want you to kiss me down there. I've heard some of the
married girls at work talking about it, and I want you to be the first."

His reply was to kiss her softly on the mouth, then her chin
and neck. As he eased his body down the bed, he kissed her breasts, playing
with her soft nipples until each one hardened. His tongue tickled her
belly-button, making her wriggle with delight, and then he was over her pubic
mound, kissing and caressing the soft hair.

The taste and smell of her body was intoxicating, so fresh
and inviting, yet mysterious and unexplored. His tongue found her tiny clit,
and he took it between his lips and nibbled on it until it hardened. Greater
treasures beckoned, and as his fingers spread open the lips to her vagina his
cock twitched in anticipation, so he wasted no more time.

With extended tongue he slowly eased it into the soft
opening, licking and caressing, sucking and tasting her sweet juices. His hands
slipped under her buttocks, pulling her body onto his face and allowing his
tongue to delve deeper into the unknown. He felt hot juices squirt onto his
twisting tongue as he licked and pushed into every little crevice, and her
twitching body went limp.

BOOK: In The Name Of Love
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