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Authors: Selena Kitt

In The Barn (2 page)

BOOK: In The Barn
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I rubbed the most tender spot, finding a little nub of flesh there I hadn’t felt before through my clothes. Touching it made me moan, and my breasts felt suddenly heavier. “It feels so much better without my clothes.”

“I know.” He grinned sheepishly. “I started doing
it at first through my clothes

“I guess it feels like less of a sin that way.” I grinned back. “Oh, Eli, it can’t be a sin…it feels so very good.”

“I know.”  He swallowed hard, still watching, his hand moving to undo his breeches and re
ach inside. I wanted to see him
too. “Sarah…” His hand reached out, hesitated. “Can I… can I touch it?”

“Can I?” My eyes dropped to where his hand was wrapped around his privates.

He startled. “Do you want to?”

I nodded, my hand out, tentative. He moved forward so I could reach, gasping when I brushed the tip with my fingers. It was a little wet there, and I rubbed that over the top, making him moan.

“Oh that’s so nice.” He gr
oaned as I wrapped my hand around it like I’d seen him do. It was thick and pulsing, and not anything like I’d expected. I explored for a moment, curious, until I felt his fingers parting me down there, slipping through the wetness.

“Oh, Eli!” I breathed, my legs pa
rting themselves as he explored
too. It was different when he touched me, and my breath came faster. I squeezed him, tugging, making him jerk and thrust. I liked the motion.

“Rub it here,” I said, showing him the spot, and his fingers moved there, m
aking me spread wide and thrust
too. It seemed like the natural thing to do.

“I want to see you,” he whispered, not asking, just unfastening my clothes, my skirt, my blouse, and I let him. The air was cold, and he stared down at me, completely nude before him, no longer seeing me with a brother’s eyes. “Oh Sarah, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

I glowed from the inside out, and when he leaned in and took one of my nipples into his mouth, the way I’d seen the babies do, latching on to Ma for milk, I thought the sensation would make me faint.

“More,” I whispered, my hand in his hair, arching my back. “Suck them hard.”

He groaned, burying his face there, licking and sucking, his privates swelling even larger in my hand. My whole body was on fire, his fingers probing between my legs, finding a place I had never explored and slipping inside.

“Eli!” I gasped when another entered me. He was inside—his fingers were
of me.

“It’s how men and women join together,” he whispered against my neck, fingers moving, in and out. “It feels… it’s…”

“Oh Eli,” I moaned, rocking, tugging at him, aching for more of everything all at once. “Please, yes, please, let’s…”

He moved on top of me
and I took the weight of him, the long length of his privates rubbing up against mine as we kissed. His mouth was hot, urgent, his hands buried in the length of my hair, completely down now and spread out on the hay beneath us. He rocked on top of me, rubbing that tender spot until I thought I would die, kissing my breasts, sucking my nipples, sending me flying.

“Eli, oh, oh, it’s happening,” I whispered, closing my eyes as my body took flight, shuddering involuntarily underneath him. His breath was hot in my ear as he whispered my name, shifting his hips and pressing hard. I gasped, clinging to him as he entered me, feeling my body opening to him in a bright red burst.

“Oooooooohhh!” He gasped, shivering, and I pulled him to me, the hot throb of him between my legs almost too much to bear. “Sarah, Sarah, oh you feel so good.”

“Yes,” I whispered as he rocked, thrust, shuddered. I kissed his cheeks, his chin, his neck
as he moved deeper, faster
until he gave a great, sudden cry and collapsed in my arms, trembling with the force of the explosion inside of him.

We held each other close in the hazy afternoon light coming through the slats in the barn, stunned by each other, by the world, by everything we had ever thought or believed was true.

“It’s not a sin,” I whispered, stroking his sweat-dampened hair.

“No.” He shook his head and kissed me breathless until everything faded away. Finally, nothing else mattered but me and Eli and the weight of the world was lifted.


The End




Selena Kitt is a bestselling and award-winning author of erotic fiction. She is one of the highest selling erotic writers in the business. With half a million ebooks sold in 2011 alone, she is the cream-at-the-top of erotica!

Her writing embodies everything from the spicy to the scandalous, but watch out-this kitty also has sharp claws and her stories often include intriguing edges and twists that take readers to new, thought-provoking depths.

When she’s not pawing away at her keyboard, Selena runs an innovative publishing company ( and in her spare time, she devotes herself to her family—a husband and four children—and her growing organic garden. She loves bellydancing and photography. She
loves four poster beds, tattoos, voyeurism, blindfolds, velvet, baby oil, the smell of chewing gum and leather, and playing kitty cat.

Her books
The Real Mother Goose
(2010) and
Heidi and the Kaiser
(2011) were all Epic Award Finalists. Her only gay male romance,
Second Chance
, won the Epic Award in Erotica in 2011. Her story,
, was one of the runners-up for the 2006 Rauxa Prize, given annually to an erotic short story of

exceptional literary quality,

out of over 1,000 nominees, where awards are judged by a select jury and all entries are read


(without author

s name available.)

She can be reached on her website at


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By Selena Kitt

David has been brightening up his gray Surrey, England days with the porn collection hidden in his parents' shed, but when he finds that his older sister, Dawn has discovered his magazines, things really begin to heat up. Their parents insist that their just-graduated son look for a job, but their daughter has the week off and is determined to work on her tan. Distracted David finds himself increasingly tempted by his seductive older sister, who makes it very clear what she wants. Her teasing ways slowly break down the taboo barrier between brother and sister until they both give in to their lust? but what are they going to do about the feelings that have developed between them in the meantime?

Warning: This title contains
incest and anal sex


If my mum and dad found out about my collection of porn in the shed, I knew they’d both kick-off and I’d be sleeping under a bench in the Underground, buying papers to keep me warm—instead of buying them like I was now, looking for a job. As it was, they were on at me to find something, and fast. I didn’t get why I had to figure it all out, what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. What was the rush?

My sister, Dawn, got to preen around the health club at her summer job. So why was I supposed to find something “responsible?” Dawn had been living at home since she finished school, aside from a couple of disastrous attempts at living with a roommate that my parents had ended up paying more for in the long run, anyway.

My parents made all sorts of exceptions for her. I had hoped that her laziness, or as my mother put it, her “lack of focus,” might pave the way for me to spend some time loafing off after I finished school, too, but no—apparently, Dawn got the welcome mat, but I got threatened with the boot. I didn’t get it.

I shut the back door and looked up at the sky. We didn’t get days like this in Surrey very often—so bright and blue and clear. We spent most of our time walking around in the usual London grey, looking at a hazy kind of film over the sun. Days like today made me remember being a kid, endless summers with no responsibilities, no cares, no worries. So much for that, I thought, flopping the paper down on the patio table and glaring at it.

I sat in one of the folding chairs and took a highlighter out of my pocket. The first thing I circled was a construction company. Maybe I could find something working outside—get a tan, build some muscle. That might lead to getting a girlfriend, I thought hopefully. That got me to thinking about Julie Entwistle, the girl rumoured to wear nothing under her skirts in sixth form. She sat right next to me in English, but I never did see anything—not that I didn’t try. For a girl who was supposed to be a slag, she sure kept her legs together a lot.

Thinking about Julie’s skirt, and more importantly, what might be found under her skirt, made my jeans uncomfortably tight. I shifted in the chair, shoving at my crotch and turning the page of the newspaper, re-focusing my efforts. The ad that caught my eye read: Exotic dancers wanted to perform at private, solo, and bachelor parties… I snorted—so much for trying to focus. Now my cock was officially hard. I glanced over at the shed, thinking of the boards my dad stored in there that “might come in handy” some day. They came in handy for hiding my porn collection.

I folded the paper up and tucked it under my arm, heading toward the shed. My dad’s toolbox doubled as a step stool and was perfect for sitting on. I dug under the boards, pulling out my meagre collection. Two Playboys and a Penthouse, although the latter was a “Letters” edition, and the stories were pretty hot. The last one was my favourite, a magazine called Naughty Bits, which was way more hardcore than the others. I’d never seen another one before or since, although believe me, I’d looked.

I opened it up to my favourite page, and there she was. Blonde, although clearly dyed because her pubes were dark, a full-breasted and full-bodied girl—really unusual for most spreads nowadays where the models were like stick figures. This woman was, well… a woman.

The next best part was the layout itself—a girl all alone on her bed looking at porn. Did girls do that? I loved how she rolled over and spread her legs, revealing that there was nothing under her skirt. She started masturbating, and would you look at that, next page, here comes her brother. Probably it was her boyfriend, but I had this fantasy in my head that it was her brother. And the next thing you know, she’s sucking him off. God, how I wished it was that easy. Hi there, whoops, didn’t mean to interrupt, but since I’m here, zzziiiip, flop, here’s this hard cock you can suck…

I unzipped my jeans and tugged them down a little, slipping my hand into my boxers. Nowhere near as big as the guy positioning his cock at her pink little hole (I loved that picture, her fingers spreading herself open for him like that. Gah! Did girls do that?) but respectable enough—nice and thick, and most definitely stiff. She did it for me, every time. I started masturbating, my eyes skipping from the wet pink of her cunt to her thick, dark pink nipples. I spent some time there, wanking away and staring at the slit between her legs. She spread it open with both hands, and there was a little hole there, right where I wanted to slide my cock, a small dark hollow leading to heaven.

I got myself good and worked up before starting to turn the next page, because it was my favourite, and it was the image I always came to—her ass up in the air, his cum sliding down her asshole and cunt. I was looking forward to that image, still staring between her legs. I only stopped for a moment, breathless, to turn the page, and I saw something that made my cock jump and my heart race. There was writing in the margin, near the page number. An arrow toward the girl (god, look how that thick cum slid down that pink slit!) and the words, “She looks like me.”

That was Dawn’s handwriting—the fat, curly letters, the heart over the “i.” My sister had been looking at my porn? Why, I wondered? If she wanted to get me in trouble, she could have taken it to my mum. Instead, she just wrote in the margins. And what she’d written! I flushed. I knew the girl looked remarkably like my sister—the dyed blonde hair, the full body, the mischievous eyes, the slanted smile—that was Dawn. Was she just making an observation? Was she implying that I lusted after her?

BOOK: In The Barn
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