In my Arms Tonight (NYC Singles Book 2) (25 page)

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Authors: Sasha Clinton

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: In my Arms Tonight (NYC Singles Book 2)
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She liked him. She really liked him.

When she was with Alex, it was so easy to be happy. It was easy to forget that she had a job that required her to make tough choices.

He filled her life with that special dose of ‘something’ she couldn’t describe. It was the way he managed to make a reluctant smile slip from her every time, the way he engaged her mind, the way he just was.

Tonight, she was going to Alex’s place to watch a game she didn’t expect to enjoy, but she didn’t care, because being with him was the only way she could suppress the gnawing guilt that tightened her chest from time to time.

They still volunteered at the group home. She’d learnt the names of all the boys by now. Breakfast on Saturday still consisted of arguing over news and eating his cooking. Alex made the meanest omelet, by the way. They had their routines, their songs, their stories, their places.

They were at this place where she really knew that what was between them wasn’t going away anytime soon. Which was scary and exhilarating at the same time.

Kat had sworn not to fall in love, but she had. Truthfully, she’d never had a choice.

She’d given her cynical, opinionated heart to him the minute he’d held first her.

Jane carried a burdened heaviness, highlighted by her somber, black ensemble as she clicked her red stilettos and dropped her chin in apology.

“It’s David,” she admitted with a pained expression. Her face lacked even the little color it ordinarily possessed.

In the emptiness of the underground parking lot, her breathy voice echoed.

“I’m not surprised.” Alex scraped the sole of one of his brogues on the gray cement. Putting his hands into his pockets, he clenched and unclenched his fingers.

Shock absorption was his strong suit.

“I don’t know why he did it. Why would he harm a client? I know him. He built Patterson & King with his sweat and blood. It’s ridiculous… I’m sure—” Jane vehemently shook her head, like that would change anything.

“I can think of plenty of reasons. At the top of my list? The lies you’ve told him. He thinks I left you cold at your most vulnerable moment.”

“He’s known that for years. Why would he decide to act now?” Jane gave him an unconvinced frown.

“Because this is the best opportunity he’ll ever have. This race is vital for me, and David realizes it.” Alex’s skin stretched over his rising veins.

The taste of failure was in his mouth. And he hated it. He didn’t want to be afraid of losing. Losing wasn’t an option for him.

“I’m so sorry. This is so messed up…” Jane pinched the gooseflesh on her neck, but her fear was all too real. “David knows everybody in the press. I don’t know how far it’s already gone.”

Alex saw the impending disaster flash before him. “You didn’t tell David about my history with drugs and delinquency, did you?”

“I only mentioned drugs in passing once. He wouldn’t remember.” Jane kneaded her eyelids for comfort.

Knowing how sharp David was, Alex was sure he’d remember.

“You need to tell him the truth before he does anything worse,” Alex said.

“I can’t!” Jane closed her hand over her lips. “I can’t.”

She started to retreat to the black sedan that she’d parked three strides away.

“Jane.” Alex raised his voice. “You have to do something. You’re supposed to be managing my PR. I’m not having another scandal blow up in my face.”

“That’s right… I should do something,” Jane’s tone was weak and wavering. He sucked in a frightened breath. “I’ll try talking to him. But he can’t know that I’ve been investigating him behind his back. I… maybe I’ll try calling some of his contacts in the press… I should do that.”

She tried to grasp her phone with her trembling fingers, but she couldn’t. “I have a great team, Alex. They’ll be able to sort anything out ASAP.”

So she was going to wait until it came to that? Alex considered firing her and hiring an agency that wasn’t actively trying to sabotage his career. On second thoughts, though, she was the only one who knew the source of his problems intimately and the only one who’d be able to monitor and deal with any future problems quickly.

“If something—”

“Don’t worry. Nothing will happen. I know how to do my job.” She tried a confident, reassuring nod, but it looked neither reassuring nor confident to Alex. “Good luck with the race.” She walked to her car, anxiety making her stroll a sprint.

Alex stood in the silence as the door to her car slammed shut, the engine growled and she pulled away. He felt as powerless as he had at four.

Most people didn’t look forward to seeing their bosses any day of the week, but Friday evening was the worst time Bill could’ve chosen to check on how she was doing with the Alex Summer story.

Recently, just looking at Bill’s expectant face induced an intense, full-body guilt trip. With every passing day, Bill’s patience was eroding and Kat’s conscience was catching up to her. How long could she continue to hide?

He’d asked about Alex on many occasions and she’d always replied in the same way—that she was looking into it, but so far, she didn’t have anything substantial.

Though she’d promised Alex to never tell anyone about his past, and she wasn’t the sort to break her promises, she didn’t miss her hypocrisy.

She had a duty to get the story of Alex’s past to the public. Not only as a reporter, but as a citizen. Was it worth sacrificing the freedom of press that the Founding Fathers of the country had battled for for the sake of a man she loved? Even if Alex was the kindest, nicest, sexiest guy on earth, weren’t some ideals bigger than love?

While Kat was busy sorting out her moral dilemma, Bill kicked a shocker her way.

“I know you’re busy with the elections, so I asked Min-Jung to help you with the Alex Summer story. You could use her. She has a few high-level contacts at the NYPD.”

What? The saliva in her mouth dried up. “Bill, that was unnecessary.”

As long as it was in her hands, she could continue to protect Alex. But she’d be unable to do anything if somebody else got involved.

“I know, I know, you don’t like sharing credit. But relax. Min-Jung agreed to let you keep all the credit for the piece. It’ll be your name on the byline. You’re still in charge, so don’t panic.”

Bill’s words came too late. Panic was already choking her. In this moment, she cared about only one thing—protecting Alex. That was her first instinct and it surprised her. When had she come to care for him so much?

“Min-Jung has a lot of work already,” Kat argued.

“She doesn’t mind.” Bill waved at Nick, the sports editor. “And now that the two of you are on it, I’d like to see something soon. The primaries are close. We wouldn’t want the topic of Summer’s past to be missed in the debates.”

The words didn’t make it to her brain because worry blocked everything out.

Min-Jung was a thorough reporter. Facts were her forte.

With her resourcefulness, she could manage to sniff out a lot.

Kat’s pulse leapt.

Quickly excusing herself, she sprinted to Min-Jung’s desk where Min-Jung was relaxing—eyes closed, with large headphones covering her ears. Deepak Chopra’s meditation video flashed in her browser.

Min-Jung’s eyelids snapped up like a window shutter when she heard Kat approach. “Hey.”

“What’ve you been doing since morning?” Kat asked. Min-Jung had been staring at her all day, but she hadn’t mentioned anything about helping her with the story on Alex’s past. Even if she hadn’t checked with Kat before accepting the story, shouldn’t she have at least told her about it?

“Huh, what? Sorry. I’m groggy. I’ve just returned from trance.” Pressing the pause button on iTunes player, Min-Jung slapped her cheeks to wake herself up.

“Why didn’t you tell me Bill assigned you to look into the lead I’m working on?” Kat put her hands on her hips.

“The Summer thing?”

“Yes, the Summer thing,” Kat repeated.

“I was going to, as soon as my source in the NYPD got back to me, but guess what? I discovered something crazy in the meantime.” Min-Jung lowered her voice. “You’d never believe what I found. It’s gonna be big news. And I have all the proof to back up my assertions.”

Kat wished she didn’t have to hear the rest, because if she did, she might end up doing something drastic in her anxiety. But Min-Jung wasn’t about to spare her.

“Do you know Summer’s changed his name? He used to be—”

“I know; he used to be Cole Granger and he has a criminal record as long as the front page of the
New York Times
.” When Min-Jung squinted in confusion, Kat clicked her fingers. “Bathroom.”

From the day they’d first interned at the
New York Times
as freshmen, they’d developed a habit of carrying out classified conversations in the bathroom. The ladies’ bathroom at the corner was often empty, so it was the perfect spot for secret discussions.

“You knew? I thought you didn’t know. Bill thinks you don’t know. Why would you let him think that? Why would you let him think you’re incompetent?” Min-Jung launched into questions as soon as they’d checked that the bathroom was free of people. “Well, let’s not waste time. We need to run this story ASAP. I’ll help you write it, if you want. We’re going to be the first ones to get this out”

Min-Jung’s fingers circled her wrist. Kat shook them away.

“Will you do me a favor? As a friend?” Distraught, Kat ran her fingers up and down her neck.

“Why’re you suddenly asking me for a favor?” Puzzled, Min-Jung made a squishy face.

Bowing her head, Kat lowered her voice. “Please don’t tell anyone what you know about Alex. Don’t tell Bill. Or anyone in the office. I’ll write the story, but I can’t write it before the primaries.”

“What do you mean? There’s no point in writing anything after the primaries. Once Alex wins, you know he’ll win the race, no matter what happens. The Republicans have no chance.”

Yeah, she knew. Maybe that was why she wanted to wait.

“If you’re worried about factual accuracy—”

Clasping Min-Jung’s hands, Kat felt low for begging Min-Jung to collude with her. “That’s not what I’m worried about. I’m worried about hurting Alex.”

“Why? He’s just a politician. Like Anderson. You weren’t afraid of hurting Anderson.”

Good point, but the comparison wasn’t fair. She hadn’t loved John Anderson.

“He’s more than that to me,” Kat whispered. “Min-Jung, I really like him.”

“So do I,” Min-Jung fired back. “But we’ve gotta do our job. We have to be unbiased and report the facts, even if we want our candidate to win.”

“You don’t understand—”

“I do.” Min-Jung wrapped a strand of hair around her finger. “It’s complicated for you. Alex saved you on the subway, so now you feel indebted to him. But you can’t let him get away with this because of that. This and that are different issues.”

Kat flattened her lower back against the edge of the basin and overcame her resistance. “Alex and I are dating each other.”

She could’ve been having an out-of-body experience because she felt so disconnected from her words.

“What? Wait. The sore vagina slept with him?” Min-Jung placed the heels of her hands over her eyes. “How could you? Not sleeping with your assignment is Reporter 101.”

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