In His Sleep (3 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Talty

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: In His Sleep
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If his front side shined like his rippled back, she’d have herself a winner. She’d seen the face and knew that to be a ten. Now, looking at his broad shoulders, bulging biceps, defined muscle etched in his back and legs, well, this was her man. “Hope you look just as yummy in tightie-whities.”

“Not now,” he snapped. “I’m busy.”

She took a moment to put her hormones on hold. “You really didn’t have to model for me in the hallway, and your hired.” She could think of a million different ways to get a girl’s attention, but this worked just as well.

“That works.” He turned and stared at her with a glazed expression. “I have to go now. It’s time.” He looked down. “See. It’s time.”

She followed his gaze and gasped. His hard cock pushed against the fabric, sticking almost straight out. “I can see,” she managed between raspy breaths.

“Good. Then what are you waiting for.” His words slurred.

Great. “You’re drunk.”

She scowled. A hung-over model didn’t make for the most productive shoot. Figured. Everyone had some kind of flaw, she just found his. “You were planning on meeting me, right? That’s why you’re dressed like this.” She hated mistrusting his intentions, but wandering the halls with a hard-on in one’s skivvies couldn’t be seen as real smart.

“I always dress this way.” He ran a hand through his blond curls. His gaze shifted everywhere but on her. “The meeting? That’s tomorrow. I have to wing it, but something tells me I’ll be in good hands.”

“Huh?” He didn’t appear to stagger, and his eyes seemed focused, but this conversation didn’t make sense, not even for a drunk guy. “What have you been drinking?”

“Just a beer to get me past the nerves.” He turned in a circle, scratched his head, and then looked her dead on. As he leaned closer, his cock brushed her middle. A couple of inches lower and he’d be right on target. “What time did you need me, again?”

“Ten. Down by the hot-tub.” Had she given him a time before?

“Hot-tub? Do I need sunscreen? Will you have sunscreen? Do you need help with the sunscreen?”

“Sunscreen might be a good idea,” she said. “I’ll have the area cleared. The hotel promised me they’d put up some dividers for privacy.”

For the first time during this most bizarre encounter, he smiled. “Privacy. That will be nice. We’ll need lots of privacy for me to do the numbers thing.” He ran his fingers up her arms, barely touching, but creating enough heat to spin her good senses to outer space. She’d take his picture all right, but not until she had a chance to do some other things first.

She rested both hands on his chest. “It’s not so private out here.” Her heart thumped, her head swirled, her face flushed, her nipples ached, and her crotch caught on fire.

“This is fine.” His lips brushed against hers, cutting off her sensibilities. A volcano erupted inside her belly. Hot lava flowed from her, trickling down her legs. She eased her hand down his stomach, into his boxers, and wrapped her fingers around his thick cock.

“You like that, don’t you?” he whispered as he flicked his thumb over her nipple, repeating the motion.

She opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn’t manage any words. His one hand continued to massage and caress her tit while his other stretched out against the wall. He proceeded to gently moisten her lips with his hot, wet tongue.

Her tongue eagerly greeted his as she sucked it deep into her the recesses of her mouth, and she continued to stroke him. Gently, she ran her fingers over the tip of his cock before heading for his firm, round balls.

He moaned and pinched her nipple, turning and tugging. Her pussy so wet and hot she had to have him, right then and there. “Fuck me.”

“Thinking about it,” he said as he glided his hand up her shorts and shot a finger into her hot pussy.

“Yes.” She tilted her hips, leaning all the way against the wall giving him better access all the while trying to pull his cock completely out of his pants to hump him in the hallway. She had to move this into her room before someone saw them. That wouldn’t be good. But, then, he slipped a second finger deep inside. His hand moved swiftly, in and out, catching her clit at just the right moment. He teased her as she’d never been teased before, and she knew she was seconds from coming.

“We...we...need to...oh God...” Wetness poured out of her and rolled down her legs. Her skin burned with passion so hot and pure she thought she heard angels sing.

He yanked down her tank, exposing her tit. He toyed with the nipple for a moment with his fingers before licking it with his tongue.

Her hips gyrated against his hand. “I want you inside me.”

“Not yet,” he mumbled against her breast as he slipped his other hand inside her shorts and rubbed her with this thumb while he finger fucked her.

“Oh, my, God.” She squeezed his cock as intense hot, throbbing pulses pounded inside her clit. Every cell in her body exploded simultaneously when her stomach quivered and shook like a wave that kept crashing into the shore.

She dropped her head back against the wall, closing her eyes tight, trying to calm her breathing and erratic pulse. Every muscle in her body quivered with delight. She wanted more. Needed more. But just as she opened her eyes and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, he started to pull away.

She opened her mouth to invite him into her room where she could give his dick all the attention it craved, but he hushed her with his index finger. “Until tomorrow.”

He smiled as he adjusted her shorts. “Tomorrow.” He winked, blew her a kiss and then turned and walked down the hallway and into his room, leaving her breathless.

She blinked a few times, collecting what was left of her sensibilities, if she had any.

“What the fuck?” She wasn’t about to let him just leave. Besides, he hadn’t given her the chance to return the favor. She marched over to his door and pounded. “Hey. Open up.”

“I’m tired. Long day,” he called. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Nope. Not kidding. Later.”

She stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do next. Maybe he was just the unselfish kind.

“That was fucking weird,” she mumbled as she scurried down the hall to the vending machines. She needed water to quench her thirst and ice to cool the smoldering flames bursting within.

Hiring him could only been seen as a good thing. Letting him bring her to orgasm in the hallway well that was a different story. A stupid story. Hopefully he’d been just drunk enough he wouldn’t remember in the morning.

“No.” She shook her head. If he didn’t remember her cries of passion, then he wouldn’t remember the shoot. Talk about a double-edge sword.


* * * *


Chad blinked his eyes and tried to figure out where the hell he was because he wasn’t in Kansas anymore and Toto was nowhere to be found.

“Fuck,” he muttered, flipping the switch. The chair he’d pushed in front of the door had miraculously been shoved across the room. He knew his evil twin had escaped. But what kind of damage had he done?

He kicked the door, and then looked at the clock. Hopefully not too many people were milling about the halls at five in the morning, then again...

“Oh, shit.” He pounded his head against the door, squeezing his eyes shut. His dick was practically sticking out of his boxers. Guess briefs would have been worse. “Oh, just fuck me.” He remembered something about Angie, a hot tub, and some heavy petting

That didn’t make the hard-on go away.

Could it have been only a dream? Being able to remember bits pieces of things that happened while sleeping was both a blessing and curse. He knew he must have had a conversation with someone in the hall. Someone he thought was Angie. Someone he touched intimately. He knew this because his hands smelled of sweet feminine sunshine. God, he hoped it was Angie he had just fondled, because if it weren’t, he’d probably be arrested by morning. But even if it had been Angie, he couldn’t decide if he ever wanted to see the woman again.

He opened his eyes and stepped into the bathroom. Might as well shower and get ready for the day. Maybe it had been her, and maybe she’d thought whatever he had done to her was the hottest experience of her life.


Then again, maybe he hadn’t really been sleepwalking. Yeah, double right. Sleepwalking was something he did almost all the time. As a kid, it had only been when he’d been really scared or upset. He’d been terrified to go to college, and for the first three day’s he hadn’t slept. Then he tried sleeping during the day, but that hadn’t worked either. He’d gone home after the first semester.

The nice things about hotels, they didn’t seem to run out of hot water. When he got out, his skin looked as if he’d aged about a hundred years. He opened his kit, pulled out his electric shaver, then stared at his distorted reflection in the fogged mirror.

He finished shaving, and dressed in his white shirt, bold blue tie, and boring grey slacks. Well, they were designer, and he did look damn good in them. Pulling his belt though the pant loops he wondered if he should tap on Angie’s door and ask her if he’d been in the hallway and if they just happened to have a bizarre encounter of the sleeping kind.

He chuckled. One woman he’d dated for a bit thought his sleepwalking was cute, until he managed to climb in bed with her twin sister. Well, they were identical. He had told her he shouldn’t spend the night, but she insisted. In the end, she’d been worried he’d do something crazy, like fuck her sister and not know the difference.

He snatched his wallet, shoved it in his back pocket, and pulled open the door. First, he smelled her. That sweet intoxicating aroma that sent a hot shiver down his spine. Then he heard her charming voice. It rolled around in his brain like hot honey poured over a warm biscuit. Something twitched south of the border. Time to close the door.

“Wait!” she yelled. “I need to talk to you.” She scurried down the hallway in her sexy bare-feet with pink toenail polish. She wore a couple of toe rings on her right foot. He could easily envision himself sucking on that toe, pulling the toe ring off with his teeth.

He gave himself a good mental slap. That kind of thinking was only going to get him in trouble.

“Me?” He blinked, feeling the butterflies flap to his throat. “I’ve got a workshop to run.”

“And you’ve got an appointment with me at ten sharp, don’t you dare be late.”

Appointment? Awe, fuck me.
“Look, about last night--”

“Yeah. That was wicked, and I’d love to return the favor, but this is business.” She pulled out some papers from her file that she seemed to always have with her. “Here’s some info I need you to read about the company and what I expect from you. The owner of the company I’m shooting the ad for will be there so if you mention something about how much you love their clothing or something, it will make me look good since he’s expecting someone else to be the model.”

“Listen, I need to talk to you about last night. I was a little… off.”

“Off? I think not. I’d say you hit the bulls-eye.” She lifted her gaze and met his stare. “You might have been a little drunk, but that’s okay.”

“I wasn’t drunk.” He swallowed. “And I think I need to--”

She patted his chest with her warm hand. “No way, hot stuff. Not after last night. See you at ten.” She smiled and winked.

Before he could utter even a grunt, she walked down the hall and disappeared into an elevator with some guy carrying a bunch of equipment. What the hell had he gotten himself into? Well, right now it didn’t matter. He tossed the information she’d given him in his small leather briefcase, tucked it under his arm, and whipped out his cell phone, hitting star five and waited.

“Hey little brother,” Gretchen said. “Have a good night?”

“No, big sister, I did not. I’m about to get in an elevator, so if I lose you, don’t call me back.”

“That bad?”

“I’m not in jail.” The elevator dinged, and he waited for a few people to exit before stepping in. “But somehow I managed to get myself hooked up with some photographer after giving her some kinky something or other in the hallway last night?”

“What do you mean by hooked up? And kinky? That doesn’t sound good.” Gretchen’s voice cracked. “And she took pictures? Of what?”

“Slow down, sis. One question at a time.”

“I only care about the sex you just said you had.”

“Didn’t have sex that I know of. I was asleep.”

“You don’t know if you had sex with her?” Gretchen’s voice screeched in his ear.

“I did something wicked with her, to her, but I think I’d remember actual boinking. Or at the very least...” he turned and talk as softly as possible, “wake up. But I have another little problem.” He waved to Ned as he stepped into the elevator. Ned also held a cell phone to his ear, and he seemed deep in conversation. “She wants me to model for her.”


He grimaced, pulling the phone away from his ear for a moment. “I guess I ran into her in the hall last night and agreed to it while I got her off.”

“Blow her off.”

“She’s supposed to do that to me tonight.”

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