Read In Between Lies Online

Authors: Shawna Hill

In Between Lies (9 page)

BOOK: In Between Lies
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“What are you laughing at?” Jasmine asked as she entered the room.

“Nothing really. I was just thinking about Kevin, that’s all.”

“Looks like somebody is slipping, girl. You’d better put that shit in check. Stay ahead of the game, not behind.”

Jasmine read her like a book.

“I am not slipping…well I don’t know. I am really feeling this though.”
swooped her hair from her face and focused on Jasmine’s bracelets.  Not clearly ready to admit that she was starting to feel him in just after the few meetings her and Kevin had had together, she pushed him from her thoughts.

“Like I said, sounds to me like somebody may be a little bit sprung?” Jasmine commented, as she dropped a stack of papers on
’s desk. “I mean just a little bit.”

“No I am not. But I do like him and I know that he is feeling me way more than he wants to too. I can tell the way he touches me. The way we have intimate conversations is another indication. We are just not at the point where he is ready to admit it,”
reasoned. “Besides, girl, both of us are having a good time.”

“Well y’all been kickin it for a good minute now. And what do you mean
is not ready to commit? Are you saying that you are?”


“Anyway, girl, let me tell you about Gio.”

“What’s up with him?”
asked as she shuffled through her desk, looking for the rate sheet. She’d been working on another commercial for The Blue Horizon since Kevin mentioned to her that they weren’t doing to good with the Happy Hour crowds and needed to bring in new business. Since the majority of her work for her other assignments were finished, she’d took it upon herself to come up with some kind of advertisement for him. Her heart jumped and spine tingled every time she thought of one of their ‘sessions’ and the things that he would do to her. She was almost tempted to push Jasmine out of her office just so that she could call him and make plans to meet as soon as possible.

“You know that we have been working it out on the regular right?”

“Yeah, I know this.”

“You know I am down for a lot of stuff, but this man had the nerve to ask me to do the tri thing!”

“The what thing?”

“Girl, he wants to do me, another woman and him.

You know the fantasy that every man has is doing two women at the same time. Says he knows a swingin wife that was down for it.”

“What the hell?”
laughed, gesturing her to lower her voice because they were at work. “Don’t need any rumors floating around here.”
shut her door and sat back down.

“Yeah girl, he brought the swingin shit up to me a couple of weeks ago…talkin about this wife was down and he always wanted to try the shit. I asked him what was he telling me for. I definitely don’t roll like that.”

“So what did you tell him?”

“What do you think I told him?! Hell no!” Jasmine

stomped her foot to emph
asize her feeling. “I told him ‘D
on’t get it twisted boo

. And you know I like a freak, but I can’t be rubbing on another woman.  There can only be one queen bee in my bed and that is me.”

“I know that is right. Did he get mad?”

“Don’t know and don’t care.  Hey, if that’s what some women like…good for them, but not for me. Anyway, I’ll let you get back to work, I see you are busy.” She walked over to the desk. “What are you doing anyway?” Jasmine pulled out a storyboard and a script. “Looks like a commercial for The Blue Horizon, huh?”

“Yes. I have been working on this for a minute now. Since Kevin mentioned that the business during Happy Hour time was a little bit slow. You know there is competition during that time of day with the Drake itself. So my plan is to come up with some kind of agreement with the Drake so that The Blue Horizon can compromise and maybe they can feed off of each other.”

“Like I said earlier…somebody is slipping. This is your own private baby, right?”

“You could say that.”

“Well girl, all I can say is watch and pace yourself.

Remember, he is still that creature called
And you know how they can be.”

“I’m not worried about him. I’m sure you will keep me abreast on “Man”.  He is okay. He has his faults, as do all men. And hell, I took your advice and let my hair down, so get up off of me.”

“Peace.” Jasmine waved bye and left the room, leaving
in contemplation. Had she really gotten wrapped up too tight with this man? What about him? What was he doing? Since they had been spending a lot of time together, she did not feel that he was taking time out with other women. But she was not one hundred percent sure about that either. If a man wants sex, he will find time for it. Then again they weren’t really a committed couple, she’d reminded herself yet again. But she felt what she didn’t know wont hurt her…and visa versa. In the back of her mind, she really wanted to know, but didn’t dare ask for fear of the answer. Can’t help to wonder; a man as fine as wine like him has to have women falling over him.


In the dead of night, Kevin rolled his car into the driveway of Naomi’s apartment. She was standing in the doorway, smiling as usual. She’d called him earlier that day and asked him to come by. He’d told her that he if he came by, it would be on, against his better judgment. Apparently that is what she wanted as well because she was there and ready.

“Glad you could make it on such a short notice. Follow me.”  She grabbed his hand and led him down her apartment hallway and to the bedroom which was candlelit and smelled of fresh roses. “Take your coat off.”

He sat on the bed and quickly pulled his coat off, keeping his eyes on her. She was dressed in a full length cat suit made of black lace that followed every curve and dip on her body. It mostly accentuated her large round
. She walked over to him and he circled her in his arms. Knowing full well that he shouldn’t be there with her again, he couldn’t help himself when it came to getting some. It was
addictive to him as a cigarette was to a chain smoker. He just had to have it. She rubbed the top of his head as he buried his face in her chest.

Smelling her lightly scented perfumed body, he grew hard and impatient. “Let’s get this going.” He expelled his clothes to the floor. There was no emotion in his voice, just lust. “Get at it girl.”

Naomi slowly peeled the cat suit from her body exposing her core and what he wanted most. Slowly she kneeled spreading his legs. The feel of her hot breath and her tongue brushing against his inner thighs made him rise even higher threatening to make him explode right then and there. He grabbed his thickness with one hand and pressed the tip to keep it from pouring his fluid He wanted to be engulfed and enjoy the feel of her. He concentrated hard to contain himself. With his other hand, he wildly ran his fingers through her spiked hair, then confidently directed her towards his tip. Within seconds, Naomi filled her mouth with him, licking and savoring his taste. Moaning, Kevin held his hand back. His body shook violently as he tried hard to keep his sanity. To keep from bursting, he quickly pushed her off, stood and pulled her to her feet.

“No, not yet, woman,” he growled, reaching down to his pants pocket, he pulled out a condom and placed it on.

“My turn,” he stated huskily.

He buried his face in her round tight breasts, then pushed her hard on the bed. He quickly loomed over her and gathered her legs in the air placing them over each shoulder, then entered her. At first the motions were slow and calculated. As she wiggled beneath him, they both began to move quickly then wildly until they were both tired and spent.

Kevin lay beside Naomi and fell asleep without a care in the world. All he knew is that he was satisfied, she was satisfied
and that was all that mattered. The consequence of dealing with her jealous rages again would have to come later. He’d be ready for it again. They would argue, say mean spiteful words then be right back in the bedroom shortly thereafter. It was definitely a love hate relationship. In their past relationship, she’d love
drive him crazy about who he was
which he hated and he loved to bang her every chance he got, no matter what she said. 



In Between Lies                    
                                  S. Hill 














Chapter 7

Blistering cold winter winds swept through Tamika’s barely cracked bedroom window as she tried with all her strength to close the small opening. Lenora, her mother, who had just walked in rushed to help her close it.

“Hi baby,” she said. Bone thin arms embraced Tamika.  “How are you? You should be getting ready for school right now or you’re going to be late.” Lenora puffed on a cigarette that barely hung from her mouth.

“I will, Lenora.”

“When are you going to start calling me mom?” she questioned. Grabbing Tamika’s small face, she raised it to meet her gaze. “You know that I am home to stay and I will make up all of the things that I did wrong to you. I promise.” Lenora had yet again run off with some man
yet again
, after she destroyed
and Dre’s relationship, leaving Tamika for her mother to tend to.

“As soon as you start acting like my mother again, then I will call you that.”

“Tamika! You change your tone with her. That is your mother. She gave you life!” Rosalyn yelled. “I know there is tension between the two of you, but this has got to stop!”

Just then,
knocked on the bedroom door when she heard all the noise. Moving Rosalyn to the side, she saw her sister whom she hadn’t seen in about a year. An array of emotions ranging from hate and anger to complete disgust raced through her. Even though she wanted Tamika to respect her mother, she could not find it in her heart to do the same.
turned and left the room without saying one word.

She really has nerve to show her face around here again. Hasn’t she done enough? I wonder whose man she is about to snatch now. There has got to be some poor soul that she’s clinging to,
she thought as she headed for the kitchen. Trembling with anger, she reached in the cupboard and got a coffee cup and filled it with black coffee. Black coffee seemed to bring her down from both a drunken state and anger. She needed to drink at least three cups before she would be able to face her sister. By no means, would she bring Kevin around Lenora.

. It’s nice to see you too.” Lenora walked into the kitchen and sat beside her sister. “Wait before you say anything
let me apologize with all my heart about what happened between me and Dre. I know I was wrong and you should hate me to death.” Aware that her sister was on the edge, Lenora moved back a little from her reach just in case
had the urge to swing.

“I know that I should accept your apology, but I am having a hard time even looking at you let alone giving in to your apology. Do you understand what you did to me? Do you have any idea how that set me back?” Not waiting for Lenora’s answer, she continued. “I cannot understand how you can be so callous. How could you sleep with the man that I was going to marry and spend the rest of my life with and keep a straight face at the same time…laughing and grinning in my face the whole time? What the hell? How would you feel if I did that to you? You can’t answer that
can you?”

Lenora was on the verge of tears. “Sis, I know I was wrong from day one…and I won

t get into a long story, but I just want you to know that I am truly sorry. I came back home to set things straight. A new year is rolling in and a new me is arriving with it.” She moved closer to
and held out her hand in a gesture of making peace. “Please?” she tapped
’s arm.

“I know I shouldn’t accept your apology
but you weren’t in it alone. At least you are sorry…or act like you are.”

knew it was not in her sister

s character to come clean the way she did unless there was something in it for her or something was seriously wrong. She eyed Lenora, looking for some sort of sign that she was faking. What looked back at her were dark circled eyes that used to be bright with life and mischief.
rose and stood in front of her sister then reached out to hug her. “I accept.” One of the reasons she accepted is that she had found a new freedom within Kevin and her ghosts of the past were now conquered. She felt like the better woman and knew she was. Besides Dre had a big hand in what happened too. It takes two.

Lenora cried as she wrapped her arms tighter around her sister. “I need to tell you something else.”

pulled her away to face her.

“I am here to stay and I hope you won’t have a problem with me being around.”

“No, you need to be here with your daughter. She needs her mother right now. You owe her a lot and she will be watching. You have a beautiful bright daughter…so don’t ruin and strain the relationship any more than you have.”

Rosalyn came into the kitchen and overheard the ending statement that
had just made. “You got that right. Tamika has suffered a lot with you, girl. So get back there and start mending those wounds.” She pointed towards Tamika’s room.

Lenora left quietly.

“I heard what was said and I am so happy that you accepted her apology. Now…you know we are having a big family dinner soon…so why not bring your friend to dinner?” Rosalyn smiled. “You promised to bring him and I still haven’t seen him yet. Where is he?”

had not mentioned anything to Kevin about any ou
tings or dinner with her family, even
hough she
had told
her mother that she would bring a friend by to dinner and meet them. Maybe she could get him to come along as a friend. No one had to know the extent of the relationship. “I’ll see what I can do, mom.”



Weeks had passed by and before she knew it, the deadline for her on the side campaign had come. She wanted to present Kevin with a great plan to bring more business to The Blue Horizon. She practically skipped out on the all but important meetings and outings with Jazzy to complete this plan. Her morning runs had been lacking as well, but she’d made up for it doing extra curricula
sexual laps with Kevin on the side. Smiling to herself she thought of Kevin, bringing goose bumps to her
. Had she really fallen for him so quickly?

“Hello beautiful,” a voice came from behind a huge vase of roses. Kevin stuck his head through her office door. “You working late tonight?” he asked. “I thought we were going out to grab a bite by 7?”

“I’m sorry. “I got caught up in the moment here. Actually, I was working on your new campaign here. Take a look at this.” She handed him her proposed plan.

“All work and no play makes Kevin a naughty boy,” he tossed the paperwork to the side and scooped her up into his arms. Kissing her deeply, she succumbed to his wandering hands and tongue, forgetting tha
t they were still in her office.
hough it was late, there were people still milling about.

“Okay, babe, lets go before this gets out of hand.”  She backed away, straightened her clothes
and waited for him to calm himself down before she opened her office door.  

“I’m starving…where are we going?” she asked as he lead her out to her car.

“Just follow me.”

After dropping her car off at her place, she slid into the passenger side of Kevin’s car. He slid his hand over her thigh and left it resting there as if that were the place to be. She placed her hand over his and inwardly smiled. Things couldn’t be better.

The bright, full moon had a calming effect on her. Though she was already happy with her “man” sitting next to her, she was thankful for the quiet ride to the apparent restaurant they had just pulled up to.

Since they’d met she’d grown to actually love being in his company on a regular basis. When he wasn’t around, she delighted in watching him and hearing his
voice on the nightly news, his calming voice lulling
her to sleep.

Jazzy had told her she was whipped and molded into what he wanted and he was exactly what she needed and was happy to see her finally getting out to enjoy herself. She thought of Richard, on the other hand, who warned her against his type. Since he’d been wrapped up in his work and side photography work, she’d seen less and less of him lately. Her mind wandered….what was Richard into anyway. He’d been pretty secretive about who he was seeing.

seen nor felt any signs of Kevin doing anythi
ng outside of wonderful for her,
o she quickly dismissed Richard

s warnings and was happy to let go and be free with Kevin. Jazzy was right. He was just what the doctor ordered. Dre and Lenora were now a lifetime away…just as she liked it. The whole incident which threatened her sanity and will was now the distant past, not easily forgotten but dulled out to a gray, almost shadowy existence. Thanks to Kevin.

BOOK: In Between Lies
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