Impact (The Fight for Life #2) (5 page)

BOOK: Impact (The Fight for Life #2)
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The guy threw his arms up in the air as if he were under arrest. “Cool it, mate.” He chuckled, which just made me want to punch him in the face. “You two know each other?” he asked.

Juliette’s eyes burned into me, and I couldn’t look at her again. I knew I was on the edge of losing it completely. “I’m more interested in how
know her.”

“I’m standing right here, Leo.” Juliette sounded angry and I recoiled. “Westie and I race cars together.”

My poor brain was in no shape to deal with this connection. “Right.” I broke eye contact and shifted on my feet.

“You look like hell,” the Westie fucker goaded.

I ignored him and focused on Juliette. “I need to speak to you. I left you a message hours ago.”

“I had boxing training with Zac,” she said, clearly confused by my tone. “I got your message, so I went home and got changed rather than coming here in my sweaty gym gear.”

We locked eyes and I felt a primal urge to protect her. She’d just come from a boxing class, for god’s sake, and I’d seen her fight. She was far from helpless, but emotional scars cut far deeper and I would not have her anywhere near another manipulative woman. She’d suffered a lifetime of emotional abuse from her own mother. She didn’t need to deal with mine, who was on a whole other level completely.

Westie cleared his throat. “Is anyone gonna get me a beer?” he asked.

I pulled a beer bottle out from the fridge below the bar, clipped off the top and handed it to him without losing eye contact with Juliette. Westie disappeared, shaking his head.

“How are you doing?” she asked softly when I didn’t say anything.

“Been better.” I placed my hands on the bar.

Juliette’s face was unreadable. “You said in your message you wanted to talk.”

“Hey, Leo,” Adri interrupted. She turned to Juliette. “You must be the girl that’s got my boy here all tied up in knots. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Leo speaks highly of you,” Juliette said, shaking her hand.

“Can you take him home please?” she asked. “He’s gonna scare away my customers.”

“Thanks, boss,” I said, grateful for the reprieve. I turned to Jules. “Can you wait a sec. I’ll grab my things.”

When I returned, I took hold of her elbow and guided her towards the exit. The cool night air was a welcome relief. I was so glad to be out of there.

“I didn’t think you would call until after the weekend.” Jules moved away from me, leaning against the brick wall, her arms crossed over her chest. Her tone wasn’t angry though.

“I wasn’t going to,” I admitted. “But the plan’s changed.”

“What plan?” she asked. “The one where you shut me out and bolt in the opposite direction, you mean?” Okay. So maybe she was a little pissed.

I needed to cut to the chase. I desperately wanted to reach out and touch her, but thought better of it. She wanted me to talk. “I want you to come to Perth with me this weekend.” I blurted it with no conscious thought. I had planned on asking her to go stay with her dad or one of her friends while I was away, but my desire to keep her close was overwhelming.

“Nick thinks it’s a terrible idea.”

“Why do you say that?” I asked, blindsided.

“I called him earlier in the week to ask him how crazy this fight was. He confirmed what I already know, that you’re out of your mind, but he also said you’d need to focus and it was good I wouldn’t be there.”

“I don’t give a shit what Nick said.”

She narrowed her eyes sceptically. “Why do you want me to come with you?”

I bit the inside of my cheek. I didn’t want to lie to her, but I wasn’t yet prepared to tell her the truth. “Please, Jules,” I implored. “I need you there.”

She placed her hands on her hips and let out a long breath. “Okay. Fine. I’ll come, but you’d better tell Nick this was your idea and you better start thinking seriously about telling me what the hell is going on.”

“Thank you.” I exhaled. “I’ll get you on our flight. We leave tomorrow morning, so I’ll take you home to pack a bag. I want you to stay at mine tonight.”

She nodded, placing her hand on the side of my face. “Seriously, Leo. You look terrible.”

“I didn’t want you to see me like this, but I need you with me.” I took a step closer to her.

Her eyes softened. “Are you ready to fight for us?”

Her question hit me hard. When my first and only instinct was to run, she was giving me a reason to stay. I took her angelic face in my hands, pushing my body against hers. “You deserve more.”

“That’s true.” She reached up and kissed me lightly on the lips. “I do deserve better than this. I deserve a whole lot better than this, you selfish bastard,” she whispered. “And you’re going to give it to me.”

I didn’t waste another second. My lips crashed down on hers and we both groaned as our tongues reunited in a frenzy of lust. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and for a long time, neither of us came up for air.

Eventually, she pulled back and scrunched her nose slightly. “Um… Leo. Your breath isn’t great.”

Mortified, I covered my mouth with my hand. It was the last thing I had been expecting, but it wasn’t surprising. My body was suffering a horrendous detox, and kissing me wouldn’t have been a picnic.

I took a step back, but she grabbed my arm. “I’m sorry, Jules.”

“It’s the diet, isn’t it?”

I nodded. “One of the side effects, I’m afraid.”

She punched me in the chest lightly. “You’re an idiot.” Resting her cheek on my chest, she hugged my waist. Her voice was more of a whispered plea than a demand, and I shut my eyes, enjoying the feel of her against me, safe in my arms.

When she looked up at me, I ran my thumb across her bottom lip. “I know. Trust me, Jules. I know.”

“I want to understand you,” she whispered.

Her words rattled me, but I loved her conviction. “It's gonna get ugly,” I told her.

“Stop trying to protect me from the ugly. I can handle ugly. In case you’ve forgotten, I like a little ugly action.” She smiled in a way that didn't work. The conversation was just too serious for an injection of humour. “What I can’t handle is being blocked from your life when the going gets tough. I don’t need you to fully open up to me tonight or tomorrow or even the next day. Let’s just get through this weekend together and see what happens.” The hope in her eyes was contagious. I was more when I was with her. I wanted to be more for her.

Chapter Eight

I woke early and slipped out of bed. Grabbing my phone, I headed for the kitchen. I had received several texts from Gwendolyn since I’d messaged her, insisting that she means no harm and is just trying to reconnect. Another few had come in overnight. The woman was incorrigible. I deleted them all. Leo was going to extreme lengths for a stupid fight on the other side of the country, and my heart broke for him. There was no way I would be telling him his mother kept trying to speak to me. I would wait ‘til we got back from Perth. One hurdle at a time.

I made myself a coffee, and a green herbal tea that smelled like dirty dish water for poor Leo. He would be weighing in tonight, so the end was in sight. It was killing me to see his beautiful body being so mistreated. When I returned to his bedroom, he was sitting up in bed, scrubbing his hands with the heels of his palms. He looked completely drained. I sat down on the bed next to him and offered him the tea.

“Thanks, Jules.” He took it and winced as the fumes hit his nostrils. “Fucking hate this green crap.”

“It helps flush you out. Drink up, you big baby.”

He looked at me with a mixture of love and indecision in his eyes. “Thank you… Thank you for being here.” He took a small sip of the tea without looking away.

“Let’s just get through this. Okay?”

He set his cup down on the bedside table and eased himself up. “I’m going to go for a quick run.”

“Are you sure you’re up for it?” He looked like he could barely stand up.

“Not really, but I’ll take it easy. I’m actually feeling a bit better today. I think my body might be getting used to this abuse.”

“Better not be. The second you’ve weighed in, I’m taking you to the closest burger joint.”

“I won’t be arguing with you.”

I smirked, raising my eyebrows. “That’ll make a nice change.”

Before I knew it, I was pulled against his hard body. He held my head firmly to his chest so I could feel his heart beating. “Thank you,” he whispered.

“You’re welcome.”

“As much as I’d like to kiss you now, I am disgusting.”


Nick reluctantly swapped seats with me so Leo and I could sit next to each other on the plane. Leo held my hand the whole way, even during the lunch service. I knew he needed my unconditional support to get through this crazy fight, and I was going to give it to him. I’d done some research and found out the local guy he’d be fighting was an intimidating brute. Under normal circumstances, Leo would annihilate him, but I was so worried about him in this weakened state. He was going to have to draw on every physical reserve and every ounce of mental stamina he had left.

“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” he asked.

“Not today,” I replied, giving him a coy smile.

“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and I can’t believe you’re here.”

The conversation got intense suddenly and my heart rate picked up. “I wasn’t sure you still wanted me.”

“Please don’t ever doubt that, Jules. It kills me that I can’t give you everything you deserve.”

I angled my body towards him. “Please stop with the martyr crap, Leo. I’m tired of it. Do you remember what you said to me when you took me on our first date?”

“My feeble attempt at a romantic date, you mean?”

“Yes. And it wasn’t feeble. It was perfect.” The memories of Leo rowing a boat down the river came in blissful waves. “You said that I’m yours and you’re mine. Fait accompli.”

Leo smiled. “It was.”

“It was then and it is now. Stop trying to protect me.

“Let’s get through this weekend then talk about where we go from here when my brain isn’t trying to eat itself.”

“I have something I really need to talk to you about then too.”

Leo's face darkened. “With the exception of one subject, I'll talk to you about anything.”

My stomach flipped. How was I going to broach the subject of his mother if the subject was a no-go zone?

“As you said, let’s get through this weekend.”

We arrived in Perth at two o’clock and were met by a driver waving a placard with Leo's name on it. With the weigh-in only hours away, I could feel the tension building. Nick made a few calls to double check that Leo would have exclusive use of the hotel sauna for the afternoon. Leo’s shoulders were tense and he gnawed ruthlessly on his bottom lip. I had to place my hand on his knee to stop the incessant tapping. There was little doubt he’d lost weight, but the number that flashed up would either mean he was eligible to fight or the trip had been a complete waste of time. Neither were great outcomes in my opinion.

We were taken to a flash hotel near Claremont. Leo and I waited with the bags while Nick checked us in. When he returned, he held up the room card. “I have a meeting with Pete and the other manager in an hour. I’ll be back later on to check on how the weight’s going. The sauna is all yours.”

“Thanks, Nick.” Leo took the card and turned to me. “Hope you don’t mind sharing with a sweaty, cranky man?”

“As long as you’re the sweaty, cranky man, I think I’ll cope.” He took my hand and we walked to the lift, leaving the bags with the concierge.

When we got to our room, Leo lay down on the bed and closed his eyes. It was startling to see him so weak and vulnerable. The idea of him in a boxing ring tomorrow night filled me with dread. I had stepped into the role of protector for a change and knew I would do anything to see him get through the next twenty-four hours and home safely.

A knock at the door startled me. I left Leo dozing on the bed and went to answer it, checking the peephole first before opening the door.

“Can I have a word in private for a second?” Nick asked.

I stepped out into the hallway, leaving the door slightly ajar. “Sure. What’s up?”

Instead of answering me immediately, he ran his hands through his hair. “Look. I know you have some understanding of this game. I saw you fight yourself. I just wanted to make sure you’re not a distraction for him.”

I was actually really touched by his concern and glad he was in Leo’s corner. “I get it, Nick. I do. I’m sick with worry for him and really wish he wasn’t doing it, but he’s determined and I want to help him, not make it harder.”

Nick dropped his shoulders, and his tense features relaxed slightly. “I care about him. I always have. He’s not the same person he was at sixteen, and I worry the change isn’t for the better.”

“What do you mean?”

“The death of a parent changes a person and he can’t seem to move past it.”

“I have no idea what happened. It’s a closed subject.”

“The past is the past, Jules. He has a big future ahead of him if he can just let all that go, and we should be focused on that.” Nick looked at his watch. “I have to run now. Remember, Jules. Eye on the prize.”

“I got this, Nick.”

I walked back into the room and sat down on the bed next to Leo. I nudged him gently.

He sat up and let out a loud huff. “Guess I can’t put this off any longer.” He looked at me. “You really don’t have to come with me. Maybe you’d like to do some sight-seeing?”

“I won’t be leaving your side. In your current state, I reckon I could take you so don’t go pissing me off.”

He chuckled. “You’re a stubborn woman, Juliette Salinger.”

“And don’t you forget it.” I leant over and kissed him on the cheek. “Tell me what we need to do.”

“Can you get the tub of Vaseline from my bag, please? It’s time to hit the sauna.”

“This sounds bad already.”

Leo headed into the bathroom, returning a few moments later wearing a hotel robe. “Let’s go.”

As we stepped into the elevator, I quizzed him about the Vaseline. “So what's this for?” I asked, waving the jar at him.

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