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Authors: Darlene Kuncytes

I'll Be Seeing You (16 page)

BOOK: I'll Be Seeing You
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Cole ushered Katherine out the door and down the steps towards his car. When they reached it, he backed her up against it and braced his arms on either side of her head, caging her in.

“Why in the hell didn’t you tell me about your shrink?” he asked, and even though his voice was low and controlled, she could feel his fury rippling off him in waves.

“It was over two years ago,” she replied, raising her chin defiantly and meeting his eyes. “What was the point? It’s over and done with.”

Cole ground his teeth together, his gaze locking with hers. “Katherine, he very well could be your stalker. Not to mention the fact that I want to rip his fucking head off for attempting to rape you!”

Katherine felt a chill run up her spine. Dr. Drake? No, he couldn’t be doing this. Yes, he was a lecherous snake, but there was just no way. “He…he couldn’t. He didn’t even know me when this all began!”

“True, but I am assuming that you shared all of the details of your life with him,” he ground out, trying extremely hard to keep his anger in check. He wasn’t angry at her. Far from it. He was just royally pissed off, period. Pissed at Agent Spencer and
pissed off at this so called psychiatrist! He wanted nothing more than to knock this asshole senseless for trying to lay a hand of her. How much was one woman supposed to take?

Katherine visibly paled and she felt her knees begin to tremble. Oh, dear God! She had. From being stalked, to her mother’s murder…she had told him almost everything!

“I…I never thought…” She stammered, beginning to shake, and Cole pulled her up against his chest.

“Jesus, Katherine,” he breathed against her hair. “Don’t you dare blame yourself for any of this! Not for one minute, do you hear me? Shit, the man is supposed to be a professional! I swear to God I could kill him with my bare hands.”

Katherine slid her arms around his waist and held fast, not wanting to have to deal with this now, not on top of everything else. It was just too much. She shook her head a moment later, before looking up into Cole’s face, her mouth set in a determined line. “Wait, it couldn’t be him. I…I only started seeing him a little over three years ago. He…he didn’t know me before that, and…and
always been there, Cole. No matter where I went…
was there eventually. He
found me”

Cole curled his fingers under her chin and gazed into her eyes. “I’m still checking it out. I’ve told you, I’m not taking any chances. I am not going to miss anything.” He took a deep breath. “Was there any contact at all from him before you starting going to see this asshole?”

“What are you saying?” she asked, bristling slightly. “That I imagined him being there prior to telling Drake my life’s story and I just happened to pick the one psychologist that was crazy enough to hone in on it and take over?”

Cole suddenly felt like a complete and total ass. He didn’t doubt her. Not for a minute. Not to mention the fact that there were the dead girls to consider. He shook his head and rubbed a hand over his eyes. “No,” he whispered. “But I
going to talk to him, Katherine. And I am going to damn well let him know in no uncertain terms that he had no right to lay a single finger on you.” He could feel his anger bubbling back up in his gut and fought to push it back.

“Please, Cole. I don’t want you to do something that might endanger your job.” She was terrified that he would lose his temper and do something that they might both regret.

Cole leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers a moment before leaning away and opening her door. “We’ll talk about this at home.” With that, he guided her into the car and closed the door. When he slid in beside her, he reached over and took her hand in his, pulling it over and bringing it to his lips. He kissed her palm gently before settling it on his thigh. “I won’t do anything stupid, Katherine. You have to trust me.”

Katherine sighed and gave his leg a gentle squeeze. “I do trust you, Cole. With my life. I just don’t want my craziness ruining yours.”

She saw his jaw clench as he stared straight ahead. Finally, he turned to look at her, his eyes gentle. “It’s not my life anymore, Katherine,” he breathed, the depth of emotion in his tone pulling the breath from her lungs in a mighty whoosh. “It’s
life; and I’m going to damn well do whatever it takes to make sure it’s a very long and happy one. ”

He let go of her hand and started the car, leaving Katherine to stare at him silently, her mouth hanging open in surprise. And again she found herself asking the powers that be just what she had done to deserve this man.


“Ben and I are going to see that son of a bitch Drake, first thing in the morning,” Cole informed her as he walked into the bedroom. Katherine looked up from the book that she had been trying to read and gave him a sad, nervous smile. They had eaten dinner and Cole had immediately started making calls as she had cleaned up. She felt a pit form in her stomach as the realization hit her. Another part of her past was rearing its ugly head.

She had pushed Theodore Drake from her mind a long time ago, and bringing this all up again just brought that fear rushing back in a wild rush.

Her telling him that she was stopping therapy. That she felt that it wasn’t getting her anywhere, all the time planning her next move because she knew that
had found her yet again. Him stopping her at his office door with his hand gripping her arm. That feeling of terror hitting her. His mouth coming towards her as he yanked her against his body, her screaming for him to stop. She shivered as the memories came flooding back with the force of a hurricane, and suddenly felt strong arms surround her. Arms that
comforting; not scary. Arms that she loved. Arms that made her body tremble with longing and not fear.

Katherine took a shaky breath and rested her head against Cole’s strong, steady chest. Taking comfort in the sound of his heartbeat as it thrummed so solidly against her ear. God, but she loved this man. And she would do everything within her power to stay with him.

“I know this is hard, Sweetheart,” he whispered against her hair, his arms pulling her in close to his rock solid frame. “I don’t want you to think about it. I’ll handle Drake.” 

“I…I can go with you,” she offered, and Cole’s lips pressed against the top of her head, his deep husky chuckle rumbling in his chest.

“That piece of shit isn’t getting anywhere near you ever again,” he stated evenly. “I’ll have someone outside watching the house and you can just sleep in and relax.”

Katherine sighed and closed her eyes, finding that never-ending warmth is his embrace. She kissed his chest, her fingers scoring the skin lightly as she lost herself to the feel of this man. She kissed her way down his body to the edge of the boxers that he wore and heard his soft moan of approval as her hands slid them down his body, the proof of his desire springing forward as he lifted his hips slightly. She spread soft kisses along his thigh as her fingers traced his steely shaft, eliciting another sound from him that made her body quiver.

“Katherine,” he breathed as she took him into her mouth. He was sure that he would catapult right off of the bed when her warm lips surrounded him. “Baby,” he gasped, “you don’t need to…”

Katherine smiled and shook her head slightly as she continued with what she was doing, loving the taste of him. Her fingers cupped him as she moaned around his steely length.

Cole’s hand slipped through her hair, cupping the back of her head gently. He let her set her own pace; he just needed to touch her. He needed the contact with this amazing woman. This woman that had fast become everything to him. His eyes slid closed as he tried to hold himself back, but it was damned hard with the feel of her warm mouth surrounding him; her tongue sliding against him.

Her mouth teased and toyed with him to the point that he could feel his climax rushing up on him like a tidal wave. He tried to pull her up but she just shook her head once again.

“Christ,” he growled as he bucked up and met his release with a deep, shuddering breath. He rolled his hips as he reached his peak, Katherine taking him farther than he had ever imagined. He finally pulled her up and fused his mouth to hers, holding her close as his body came crashing down from unimaginable heights.

“Good God, woman,” he husked against her lips, his body still quaking in the aftermath of one of the most powerful releases that he had ever experienced. “You never cease to amaze me.” His gaze caught hers, his eyes intense. “I love you, Katherine.”

Katherine’s mouth turned up in a smile. She would never tire of hearing him say those words. They brought a happiness and peace to her that she never imagined feeling.

“I love you too, Cole. So very much.”

His mouth closed over hers once again and he pulled her on top of him, their bodies resting against each other as he kissed her slowly, thoroughly, his manhood once again coming to life against her belly.

He moved his body and turned her over, stationing himself between her willing thighs. He rolled his hips, sliding into her heat with a shared moan, not knowing where he ended and she began, and it was mind blowing. The connection he felt with this woman was something that he never would have believed existed. Not until she came stumbling into his life.

Cole moved his hips in long steady strokes and Katherine’s fingers dug into his shoulders, her mouth never leaving his. They moved and slid against the other, glorying in the feel one another’s heated flesh. Smooth, slick with perspiration…amazing.

Katherine threw her head back and cried out to him as her orgasm slammed through her, her legs trembling from the impact of it.

Cole buried his face against her neck as he met his own release with her yet again, his body thrusting once…hard, before stilling as he rode out wave after wave of sweet sensation.

He turned back over and pulled her into the crook of his arm, loving the feel of her snuggled up so securely against him. She rested her head against his shoulder, a warm rush of breath teasing his chest, and he found himself wondering how it was even possible for it to just keep getting better and better.

Katherine fought back a contented yawn as she felt her eyes beginning to drift closed, feeling so safe and secure within the circle of Cole’s arms. Tomorrow he would face another part of her past and she only hoped that he wouldn’t do anything that he might regret. Theodore Drake was an arrogant ass, and she worried that Cole would let his emotions rule his common sense.

Chapter 11


Cole opened the door just as Ben lifted his hand to knock, and ushered him inside. He glanced over Ben’s shoulder and nodded to the officer in the black and white parked out front.

“Morning,” Ben said, his voice a bit too chipper for Cole’s liking. He hated that he had to leave Katherine again, and a small part of him wondered how in the hell he had fallen so hard, so fast. “You ready to hit the road?”

Cole nodded and turned to walk into the kitchen. “You want a cup of coffee to take along?” he called back.

“Hell, yeah.” Ben laughed and followed behind him.

Cole poured two travel mugs and handed one to Ben. He took a gulp of the hot liquid and groaned appreciatively, giving Cole a grateful nod. “Shit, my coffee always tastes like gasoline,” he quipped with a hearty chuckle. “Where’s your girl?” he asked, glancing around the quiet house.

“Sleeping,” Cole answered and headed out of the kitchen. “Let’s get a move on. I’m anxious to meet this son of a bitch.”


Cole pulled into the lot of the high-rise and threw the car into park. “Does the snake know we’re coming?” Ben asked, and Cole shook his head.

“I want the element of surprise.” He stepped from the car and waited for Ben, his body tightening up. He clenched his jaw and tried to get a handle on his anger. It wouldn’t serve to go charging in there with guns blazing, he thought with a grunt. He wanted the asshole to be caught off guard.

They walked into the posh office building and stepped onto the elevator. Cole stared straight ahead as they headed up to the twenty-first floor, a muscle in his jaw flexing as he tried to calm himself.

“So, what’s the game plan?” Ben asked. “We just going in flashing our badges?”

Cole took a breath. “Actually, you’re his first appointment of the day,” he replied evenly, still not bothering to look at his partner. “I got you in for your severe OCD.”

Cole watched from the corner of his eye as Ben turned to him, his face red, and his mouth hanging open, and a grin twitched at his lips.

“What?” Ben yelled.

“Well, I didn’t want to take the chance of him being with a patient when we arrived, so I figured our best bet was to schedule you in. You are desperately debilitated because of it,” he chuckled.

“I’m not OCD,
” Ben huffed irritably, his face turning even redder. “You should have made an appointment to help you with your issues of being a

Cole burst out laughing and slapped him on the back. “No worries, partner,” he snorted. “It was just our way in.”

The elevator dinged and the doors slid silently open. “After you,” Cole said, and Ben stepped out in front of him. “You sure you don’t need to circle around three times or something?” he joked, and Ben glared at him.

“Asshole,” Ben growled under his breath and Cole laughed again.

They walked through the door of the office and into the very posh waiting room, and Cole felt his anger start bubbling up once again. The office was pretentious and modern; over done with expensive pieces of art strewn about, and Cole knew for certain, without even having to have met the bastard, that he was an arrogant, pompous ass.

The pretty blonde smiled as they walked in and Cole surmised that she couldn’t be over nineteen years old. Christ, he thought, a scowl darkening his features; the asshole was probably doing her too.

“Can I help you?” she asked pleasantly, her blue eyes taking in the two men with interest. Her eyes lingered on Cole, her mouth turning up in a flirtatious smile.

Cole pulled his badge from his pocket and held it up. “I’m Detective McKenzie and this is Detective Richards. We have a nine o’clock with Dr. Drake.” His practically spit the man’s name from his lips and tried to get a handle on his anger. Luckily, Ben stepped up and smiled at the confused girl.

“I…I have an appointment for a Mr. Richard’s,” she stammered, looking at her computer screen, her brows furrowed.

“Yes, well, that’s me,” Ben replied, keeping his voice even. “I don’t actually need to see the doctor on a professional level,” he glanced at Cole and gave him a frown. “We need to speak to Dr. Drake about a case we’re working on.”

The girls eyes widened and she grew extremely uncomfortable. She stood up and cleared her throat, obviously not sure as to what to do. Her gaze bounced between the two men standing there a moment before she grabbed the phone on her desk and punched in a number.

“Dr. Drake, um…your nine is here…I mean…there are two detectives here to see you.” She flushed and Cole could hear the sound of yelling on the other end of the line and fought back a grin. He couldn’t hear what was being said, but he figured that the element of surprise had worked just as he had hoped. The good doctor was not happy. “Yes, sir,” she choked out, dropping the phone back on its cradle. “He said that he’s very busy, and that he told the Agent everything he could.”

Cole stepped up in front of her and gave her a smile. “We have a nine o’clock,” he reminded her and saw her visibly pale. He was certain that Agents Spencer’s visit had set her nerves on edge. She had to be wondering why the FBI and police needed to speak with her boss. “Now, if you would be so kind as to show us to the doctor’s office.”

She debated only a moment before nodding stiffly and ushering them through a door and down the hall. She knocked once before opening it and stepping in. “Dr. Drake?”

“Damn it, Crystal!” Cole heard him bark, and he couldn’t have hidden his smile if he had wanted. He sounded nervous and on edge. Just the way Cole wanted the bastard. “I told you that I’m busy!”

Cole stepped past the blonde and into the office, Ben close at his heels. “I’m sure not too busy to speak with us,

The man behind the desk jumped up and glared at them, his arrogance so obvious that Cole wanted to spit. Jesus! What an asshole!

“I really don’t have time, officer,” he bit out, his neck turning a bright shade of red.

`Cole strolled over to his desk and sat down in the Italian leather chair across from where he stood. “You’ll find the time,
” he ground out, piercing the man with a steady glare. He knew that Agent Spencer’s visit had most likely set the man more on edge than it had the receptionist and now with him and Ben showing up, the man had to be positively flustered. And Cole was enjoying every damned minute of it. He was enjoying the hell out of watching this maggot squirm. “And, it’s

The man stood at least a foot shorter than Cole’s six foot two frame and wasn’t half his build. He had a rat like face and dull, grey eyes that bounced between Cole and Ben like he was watching an intense tennis match. His slicked back hair gave him a smarmy, seedy look that even his two thousand dollar custom made suit couldn’t hide; yet even with all this, Cole didn’t get the feeling that this was their guy. He couldn’t put his finger on why…just that it didn’t seem within his realm of debauchery. This man was a slimy piece of shit that tried to force himself on vulnerable women who were just looking for help. He was much too lazy to do the work of stalking someone, and most likely thought much too highly of himself to bother. He was the type that waited for his prey to come to him.

But that didn’t mean that Cole wouldn’t make him sweat, even though what he really wanted to do was to beat the ever loving shit out of the bastard. The thought of him laying a single finger on Katherine had his jaw clenching so hard that he feared his teeth would shatter.

“Listen,” he choked out, settling his gaze on Cole. “If you’re here about Ms. Campbell, or Chastain, or whatever the hell she is going by now…I’ve already told that FBI agent everything that I can. I’m not at liberty to discuss our sessions in any further detail. There is the little issue of Doctor-patient confidentiality in play here. And unless you have a warrant…I think we are done.” He sat back down in his chair and nervously shuffled some files on his desk.

Cole glanced at Ben, who stood silently across the room with his mouth set in a tight light, and realized that his partner had come to the same conclusion as he had. This wasn’t their guy.

“It really sucks when the past comes back and rears its ugly head, doesn’t it, Doctor,” Cole said softly, his eyes narrowing.

“Dr. Drake,” Ben interjected, and there was a hint of disgust in his voice as he said the words. “You told Agent Spencer that you believed that Ms. Chastain was just looking for attention.”

“Yes,” Drake said, looking at Ben in what had to be relief and Cole knew that his face was showing his anger. His fingers were itching to grab the asshole by the collar and belt him one. Yes, Cole thought with a scowl, it had been a very good idea bringing Ben. “She’s delusional and her opinion of her importance is highly impaired,” he offered smugly and Cole sprung from his chair.

“And did you come to that conclusion before or
you tried raping her, you filthy son of a bitch,” he growled, and he felt Ben move over to him and grab his arm.

“Easy, Cole,” Ben warned, although Cole could see the tensing of Ben’s jaw that belied his own anger.

“Is that what that lying bitch is saying?” he practically screamed, once again springing from his chair, his complexion taking on a slightly green hue. “I…I told you! She’s delusional! There is a whole
of issues with that woman!”

Cole snapped. He pulled his arm from Ben’s hold and strode over to Drake, grabbing him by his suit jacket and slamming him up against the wall. The doctors eyes widened in surprise and what had to be pure fear as Cole stared him down, his eyes blazing. His body practically vibrated with his anger.

“Cole!” Ben warned, but Cole just he ignored him.

“You listen to me closely, you pretentious bastard,” Cole hissed. “I
what you tried to do to Katherine. And you’re damn lucky that I don’t just beat the ever loving shit out of you right here and now like I want to do. So, if I were you, I’d think twice about
trying to lay a hand on another patient without their consent. Think long and hard about it, asshole.”

“You’re just as crazy as she is,” he choked out, and Cole glared.

“That may be,” Cole chuckled, although his voice was devoid of any humor whatsoever. He was furious and trying desperately to keep his anger in check. “Just know that we’ll be paying close attention to your…
from here on out. You won’t be able to shit without us knowing about it.”

Cole’s lips twitched with a grin when the man blanched. Yes, he had gotten his point across loud and clear. He released his hold and the man practically slid down the wall; keeping himself braced up against it in what Cole was certain had to be an attempt to keep his knees from giving out on him.

“This…this is harassment,” he sputtered indignantly, he face turning beet red, and Cole burst out laughing.

,” he growled. “This is far from harassment. This is a promise. You fucked with the wrong lady.” With that, Cole turned and stormed from the office.

Ben stepped over to where Drake was leaning against the wall and tossed a card at the man. “I’d be damned sure to listen to my partner,” he said evenly as the card fluttered to the floor at the man’s feet. “You really don’t want to take your chances and cross that man. Trust me on that one. Have a good day, Doctor.” Ben turned and left, finding Cole standing at the elevator, that muscle in his jaw twitching with a vengeance.


The two of them remained silent until they had settled themselves back in the car. Ben finally looked at Cole and chuckled. “I’ve got to say, partner. You had more restraint back there than I thought you’d have. I’m impressed.”

Cole started the car and slammed down on the gas, his lips turning up in a lopsided grin. “I have never wanted to pound someone in the face more,” he admitted softly. “That smug, arrogant piece of shit deserves to have his ass handed to him.”

Ben nodded his agreement, his face growing serious. “Yeah, but you don’t make him as our guy either, do you?”

Cole shook his head and sighed. “No. He’s got the morals of a snake, but he’s much too self-absorbed to be our stalker.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much my take on it. Sorry, Mac.”

“Don’t worry; I’ll find the son of a bitch,” Cole promised quietly, and Ben had no doubt that he would. One of the things that made Cole such a good detective was his tenacity. Once he sunk his teeth into a case, there was no stopping him, and this one was personal. Ben knew that Cole would move heaven and earth to catch this asshole.

“Oh, believe me. I know more than anyone else that you will, Partner.” Ben laughed with a shake of his head.

“You never did tell me how it went with Katherine’s employee,” Cole said, turning and heading onto the highway. He wanted nothing more at the moment than to get home. He just needed to hold Katherine.

“Not really that much to tell,” Ben replied, taking the last swig of his coffee…which was ice cold by now and tasted just a little bit like cat piss. He grimaced and set it back into the cup holder. “He said that he didn’t see anything. Just that Katherine showed up and he went in back. Next thing he knew the lights went out and he was hit from behind.”

BOOK: I'll Be Seeing You
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