Read If The Shoe Fits Online

Authors: Judi Fennell

Tags: #romance, #guardian angel, #angel, #contemporary, #restaurant, #fairy tale, #italian, #disney, #cinderella, #stepmother, #prince charming, #stepsister

If The Shoe Fits (34 page)

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Luke tried not to crow. Phase Two



The staff knew the minute Madeleine came
aboard. The air shifted and grew tense, as if Nature was warning

Bella ducked into the galley and sent Jolie
out to “just happen” to pass Madeleine in the dining room and allay
any suspicions the woman might have. Now if she could just keep up
the pretense for the next four hours, she’d be okay.

The cocktail hour passed without incident,
though it’d been a bit tricky to keep Uncle Vinny from spilling the
beans. He’d heard why Bella was hanging out in the galley and
wanted to speak with Madeleine. Only Bella’s insistence that she
had it all under control kept him from outing her. But he hadn’t
liked it.

Luckily, the Board members had reserved
seating at the bow of the boat so they were all in one place. A
draw too good to resist for Madeleine, who’d been circling their
perimeter like a shark the entire time, her laugh just a little too
loud, her actions a little too desperate. But Bella had been
thankful for them because it’d allowed her to come and go as she’d
had to to keep the event running smoothly, though Jolie was a great
help in that area. Gus was working his magic in the galley, and
Bruno had managed to not drop anything noisy.

But then Reese walked into the galley and
almost did the dropping.

There’s a change to the program,”
he announced, not looking happy about it.


Yes, so I’m going to be busy
during the auction. I’d like you to make sure the staff keeps
clearing while the auction is going on.”

Me?” Madeleine wouldn’t be able
to miss her.

Kelly’s going to be busy with the
auction, so yes, you’ll need to do it.”

All right. I’ll manage.” Somehow.
But she owed him after all. And surely Madeleine wouldn’t make a
scene. After all, the Board members were here and she was still
toadying up to them. She must not know they’d met with Reese’s

And Heaven forefend if she
find out
before the night was through. Then they’d
need some
fairy godmothers because all hell would break loose.




Smatterings of applause found their way down
to the belly of the boat, telling Bella the auction was going well.
Reese must be so pleased. The event was a success. Even Madeleine
had removed the pinched look from her face and replaced it with
something considerably close to a smile, so things must be looking
up with her Board member networking.

Bella refused to think it had anything to do
with the negotiations with Mr. Fiorello.

Staci popped her head into the galley. “Gus,
they’re ready for you next.”

Gus mopped his brow. “Yes. I come.” He
stumbled against the counter, catching a spatula before it could
hit the floor. Bella and Giac held their breath.

At last, Gus held the soufflé in his hands and
beamed. Giac gave him a victory sigh. “Go get ‘em, Gus.”

Gus bowed slightly. “The winner will be amazed
by my creation.” He waddled up the stairs.

Staci winked at Giac.

What was that for?” Bella

What was what for?” Giac was
suddenly very busy cleaning an already spotless

That wink.” Bella grabbed the rag
from Giac’s hand. “Why did Staci wink at you?”

Giac shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe she likes
soufflés?” He resumed his cleaning.

Bella chewed the inside of her cheek.
Something was odd. Since when did Staci and Giac get along, let
at each other?

Come on, Bella.” Giac tucked his
rag into his apron. Let’s go watch the rest of the




Thank you, Belinda for your
generous donation of nine holes with our winner. And thank you,
Mayor, for your generous donation to the hospital fund. I hope you
enjoy your time on the links.” The auctioneer shuffled a stack of
papers. “Next up is Mr. Gus Sorcio, tonight’s chef, who has agreed
to donate his time and expertise to cater our winner’s party. And
he’s brought with him this evening one of his original recipes, a
pumpkin soufflé.”

Polite applause greeted a grinning Gus as he
stood beside the podium, his soufflé held high. Bella glanced at
Giac and saw tears drizzling down his cheeks. She patted his arm
and he closed his hand over hers.

The auctioneer began the bidding. A woman in
front signaled. Then another. A hand went up in the back. Bella
looked around, pleased for Gus that there was a lot of

Then the bidding slowed and Gus’s face fell.
The gavel fell once. Twice. Then a bidding card was raised and Gus
heaved a sigh of relief. Bella turned to see who had salvaged her
friend’s ego and, across the room, met Reese’s smile.

Warmth spread through her and she couldn’t
help returning it. He nodded slightly and Bella felt her cheeks

Suddenly, a shrill voice cut into Bella’s
reverie. Madeleine. It figured.

I’ll bid two thousand dollars,”
Madeleine said. “There’s not a better chef in this town and I would
be remiss to let his services go for so little.” The crowd was
silent as the gavel fell for the third time. Gus was uncertain as
he stole a look at Bella.

Bella waved him on. Madeleine had won the
soufflé fair and square. But what on earth was she up

As the woman left her seat to take Gus’s
soufflé, Bella had her answer. Mr. Fiorello sat next to her.
Madeleine wanted to prove she had the best chef in her restaurant
and the money to hold off if Mr. Fiorello’s first offer wasn’t high

It was a good bluff, Bella had to admit. But
would the man call it?

Behind Mr. Fiorello, Bella saw Staci glance
their way. And wink again. And this time, Bella caught Giac winking

Aha! That’s what they’d been up to. Bella felt
a surge of gratitude she never would have imagined feeling two
months ago toward her stepsister. It seemed the changes in Staci
were more than superficial.

And now,” the auctioneer began
again, “for our final item of the night. An evening with a

Bella’s breath caught. She remembered her own
evening with a certain Charmant, but doubted the winner of the
auction would have anything similar with Reese’s mom.

There was a tittering of excitement from the
audience. It was no secret Carolyn Charmant was this evening’s
special guest. The crowd turned in their chairs, looking for the
famous actress.

But it was Reese who headed to the

If Bella had been just another member of the
crowd, she would have missed the slightly nauseated look on his
face right before he leaned over to say something to the
auctioneer. But she wasn’t just any member of the audience. She was
one with a vested interest in anything having to do with Reese
Charmant. Whether it was good for her or not.

The auctioneer shook his head. Was he laughing
as Reese shrugged those broad shoulders?

Ladies and gentlemen,” the
auctioneer spoke into the microphone. “There seems to be a change
in plans.”

Butterflies opened their wings in Bella’s

It seems Ms. Charmant has taken
ill. Nothing serious, but it does preclude her from attending this
evening’s event. However...” The man’s grin got bigger and he
turned to Reese. “I’m sure you’re all aware there is more than one
celebrity in the Charmant family. Our very own Super Bowl-winning
quarterback, Mr. Reese Charmant, has willingly consented to fulfill
his mother’s obligation. So, ladies.” The auctioneer put the
microphone back in its holder and gripped both sides of the podium.
“Get your checkbooks ready. And all for a good cause. Do I have
someone to start the bidding?”

Bella held her breath before it fell out of
her shoes. Someone else was going to spend an evening with Reese.
She wanted to sink through the floor. Damn. She knew it was
completely illogical, but he was hers.

Even though she couldn’t have him.

The bidding was fast and furious, keeping time
with the sinking of Bella’s heart. She couldn’t stand there and
watch it. Bella pushed behind Giac, sidestepping around other
patrons. If she could just get to the galley—

Nineteen hundred.”

Bella’s head whipped around. That was Staci’s
voice. And Madeleine was standing next to her, pleased as

What about Luke?
Or was it all some
sick plan Staci and her mother had concocted to steamroll Bella’s
spirits even more?

Two thousand,” another woman
called out.

Twenty-one hundred.” Staci

Another woman, Bella couldn’t see who but did
catch the snow-white hair, bid twenty-five hundred. Bella found
herself hoping that mystery woman would win. She’d feel much better
if Reese went out with someone old enough to be his

And, yes, she realized the ridiculousness of
her wish, but it was what it was.

Three thousand,” said Staci with
a Cheshire-cat smile.

Murmurs buzzed around the crowd as everyone
looked to the white-haired bidder. The woman shook her

Bella’s heart sank as the gravel fell for the
first time, then the second, and finally the third. She’d been
outplayed by her stepsister. God, when would she learn?

She’d almost made it to the stairwell back to
the galley where she wouldn’t have to watch Staci’s triumphant
march up to the podium, when a hand gripped her arm. She turned to
Staci’s smiling face.

Here.” Staci thrust something
heavy into her solar plexus. “Go claim your prize.”

What?” Bella looked down. A large
mason jar was in her hands. A mason jar filled with Mr. Campanale’s

Realization dawned and Bella felt gratitude
well up within her—only to come crashing down. “Your

Let me deal with my mother. You
go on up there and claim your guy.”

her guy, and suddenly, Bella
felt as if she was walking on clouds. The sounds around her faded
away as she started toward the podium. Reese stood there, smiling.
Even Madeleine’s hiss didn’t stop her as she floated past the
woman. She only had eyes, and ears, and every other one of her five
senses for Reese. She’d think about Madeleine tomorrow.

Hi,” Reese said softly as she
reached him.


He took the mason jar from her with a raised

Bella chuckled. “Mr. Campanale wanted me to
use his tips for something special. I believe the hospital fund

It certainly does.”

Just the sound of his voice could start her
skin humming, her fingers itching to touch him, her heart

Reese gave the auctioneer the jar and took her
hand. He led her through the crowd, past an apoplectic Madeleine,
and down the stairs to the gangway.

The band was just striking up as Bella and
Reese exited the ship, walking in silence to the near-deserted

Candles flickered in the soft breeze while the
drayage employees were breaking down the tables. Reese whispered
something to one of the men and the pavilion emptied.

They were alone.

Their fingers linked, Reese led Bella to the
middle of the pavilion. It was their own private dance floor. The
muted music from the band floated to them on the soft evening

Reese twirled her in front of him and opened
his arms. It was the most natural thing in the world for Bella to
step into them, her head resting against his chest. Reese circled
her waist and pulled her close. They swayed in time to the

Bella savored it, pushing out any hint of
Madeleine. This was for her. For the rest of her nights without
him. She’d won him fair and square. Well, okay, perhaps not fair,
but Staci
given her the winning bid.

His hand spanned her waist, his fingers
skimming the cutouts on the back of the bodice, and Bella forgot
all about the restaurant and her stepmother and everything else but
Reese. Her skin sparked wherever he touched. Tiny tremors shivered
across her back as he pulled her closer, the steady thump of his
heart beating beneath her cheek. Her own stammered a reply and her
breath hitched as his hand slid up her spine. The intoxicating mix
of Reese and his cologne assailed her as the lights twinkled around

Bella.” His voice rumbled against
her cheek.

She shivered, but not from cold. Bella tilted
her head back to find his mouth a mere whisper away.

I was hoping you’d bid,” he
murmured just as his mouth captured hers.

Bella stood on her toes, leaning into the
embrace. Letting the strength of him support her as their lips

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