Read If I Could Be With You Online

Authors: Mary Mamie Hardesty

If I Could Be With You (3 page)

BOOK: If I Could Be With You
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She didn’t know what had happened. One minute she was teetering on the edge of desire and the next she was embarrassed and being walked home by a much younger man who was acting like a big brother! Damn alcohol. She just shouldn’t drink.









Hannah awoke to a mouth that felt as dry as a desert.

“Water…” she managed to rasp as she opened one eye to survey the room around her. Light blue walls reflected the morning sunlight and she squinted in pain. On the nightstand next to her sat a full glass of water and a bottle of ibuprofen. A handwritten note with a smiley face read, “Take me.”

She sat up to reach for the bottle and was startled to feel the cold air against bare skin. She ran her hand down her body. She was totally naked. She had no memory of taking off her clothes or getting into bed. Had Charlie helped her? Did anything happen between them? Surely she would have remembered kissing him. Kissing...that triggered something.

No, there had been no kissing. She’d embarrassed herself. He was going to kiss her and then she’d brought up his wife. In the long run it was probably for the best. While a drunken night of hot sex with a much younger, amazingly gorgeous man would have been a dream come true, her integrity was probably more important.

The door opened and she pulled the covers quickly to her breasts.

“Good morning, Hannah!” Charlie was carrying a tray with fruit, bagels and steaming hot coffee.

Her stomach lurched at the food but her pounding head told her the coffee was a no brainer.

“Did you sleep OK?”

“Ummm, I honestly don’t know. Do you happen to have any idea how I ended up naked?” She eyed her neatly folded clothes on the chair in the corner.

“I do.” He winked at her.

“What happened?” She covered her eyes with her hand, peering out from between two fingers.

“Don’t worry. Your honor’s intact. You didn’t sleep with a married man or anything,” he teased. “You were so drunk when I brought you in here that you started taking things off and throwing them on the floor before I could even look for your night clothes. I picked everything up and put it on the chair, made sure you were covered up and let you be.”

“Ah. Oh my God. I’m Sorry, Charlie.” She shifted her position under the covers. “I’m so embarrassed.” 

“So we’re back to Charlie,” he said.

She looked around the decidedly girly room, trying whatever she could to avoid his gaze.

“Don’t be sorry. It was quite a show. I thoroughly enjoyed watching your unintentional striptease.”

As if she wasn’t uncomfortable enough with the headache and raging thirst, he had to continue last night’s flirtations? She needed to put a stop to this sooner rather than later but before she could say what was on her mind, he’d set the tray down and quietly closed the door behind him.

Hannah took the ibuprofen and a long hot shower before lying down another few minutes. When she got up she finally started feeling like herself again. Unfortunately she was also starting to feel supremely awkward. She entered the living area with the intent of hashing it all out.

They were grown-ups. There needed to be ground rules. There were some lines she wasn’t going to cross. She was surprised to see him sitting in the middle of the floor surrounded by photos. He patted the ground next to him.

“Come here, we need to talk.”

“We do.”

She sank to the floor beside him. He’d obviously showered after she did because small beads of water clung to the back of his dark brown curls that he pushed behind his ear. Here we go again she thought as her body began to respond to the proximity of his. She felt warmth bridging the space between her legs and her breathing hitched.

He reached out and laid a casual hand on her thigh, absent-mindedly rubbing his thumb lightly back and forth against the hem of the cotton shorts she’d picked for the day.

“Here.” He showed her a picture of Nadia and himself from what looked like their college years. “I want to explain something to you and I need you to have and open mind,” he said. “I know that from the night of the party you’ve been aware of the fact that I want you.”

Her body betrayed her and reacted to his words despite the picture of his wife in her hand. She was a terrible person. She let the picture fall to the ground and noticed all the others. Nadia and Charles playing soccer, hanging out with friends, in caps and gowns at their graduation, it was obvious how much their lives intertwined.

“I don’t think we should be talking about this.”

He laughed.

“Stop it, Hannah! Let me get this out. We have to get it all out in the open to move forward.”

So he wanted to put it all behind them as well. Her heart fell a bit, but she knew it was for the best.

“Hannah, you don’t understand who Nadia is to me.”

“She’s your wife. What’s not to understand?” She started to shift away and his hand grabbed her thigh, harder this time.

“She’s my best friend. She’s been my best friend since I came to New York. I would do anything for her. Anything…”

“I get it. You love her and you’re married and we need to ignore whatever is happening between us because it can only lead to more hurt for everyone involved.”

“For an older woman you aren’t very wise.”

He smiled and took her hand.

“What?” She tried to pull away, but he refused to let go.

“She’s my best friend. FRIEND. That’s all she is and all she’s ever been to me.”

Hannah let the words slowly sink in. She became even more aware of how close they were sitting. A wave of anticipation rolled through her stomach.

“What?” she asked again.

“Nadia is my wife in name only. I married her because I love her – as a friend – and I couldn’t let her be forced to leave the country.”

Suddenly everything clicked into place. Nadia’s absence at family events over the years, the girly room she was sleeping in, the fact that he was alone while she was in Morocco. His marriage wasn’t romantic. It was to help his friend.

“I need some air.”

Hannah stood and walked to the window. She leaned out taking slow deep breaths. Charles walked up behind her and placed his hands on her hips as he tugged her towards him. His strong hands turned her, pulling her forward before his mouth crashed down on hers. 

She couldn’t catch her breath. Her lips parted and his tongue pushed its way inside while his hand buried itself in her wet hair. He pressed her back against the wall and moved his mouth to her neck where he bathed and sucked her sensitive skin. Tiny flames of desire licked at her and sent chills through her body wherever the trailed his lips. She let out a groan of need so loud that it would have embarrassed her if her rational mind could have engaged, but all she could do was feel and say his name, “Charlie…”

At the sound, he let out his own moan and guided her down to the couch. He lowered his body to hers and she felt the full length of him pressed against her. His hard cock strained against his jeans and she could feel how large and ready he was for her. She let her hand push up against his chiseled chest and dragged his T-shirt over his head. Their eyes met and she could see the hunger that burned there. This man wanted her and that thought only made her wetter with desire. 

He moved his hand to the band of her shorts undoing the button and zipper, letting his hand slide in between the cotton undies and her hot skin. She heard him whisper, “Oh my God,” as his finger slid into her slippery desire. “You’re so wet. Tell me you want me, Hannah. Tell me how much you want me inside of you.”

He rubbed his fingers over her clit setting her on fire with need. She tore her mouth from his.

“I want you. I want you deep inside of me. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you in this moment.” She pushed her body harder against his palm. “Put your fingers in me, now!” She gasped out a “please” as he pushed his long fingers into her waiting pussy. He moved them in and out while she circled against his hand and felt her shallow breathing quicken.

“Oh God,” she screamed as she felt herself on the edge of coming, “Oh God, Charlie, don’t stop.” He moved his fingers deeper inside and kissed her harder. She bucked forward into his hand as the waves of her orgasm overtook her.

“Charlie! Yes…yes…I’m coming.” She pressed into him one last time before he slowly brought his fingers out from between her thighs.

“You are incredible,” he whispered as her kissed her gently. She looked into his blue eyes and saw nothing but desire. How did she get this lucky? She could still feel his swollen dick pressed against her thigh and she wanted nothing more than to make him come as hard as she had.

She scooted over and pushed him under her, straddling him on the couch. She moved lower and unbuttoned his jeans. When she slid them from his hips, his cock sprung free and she was happy to see it was as impressive on sight as it had felt.

She leaned forward taking him first in her hands, moving them slowly but firmly up and down his shaft. She heard his sharp intake of breath and knew that he was enjoying himself. When her lips slid over the tip of him she felt his hands in her hair and he spoke softly, “Oh yeah, baby, please. Please. Suck me harder, Hannah.” She let her tongue swirl beneath the head of his penis as she followed his directions. 

She was in control now. He wanted her and she had the power to give him this.  Her hands moved in time with her mouth and she could feel him hot beneath her fingers, she could feel the desire straining to be set free as she continued to suck and flick. His hand tightened in her hair and she knew he was close.

“Hannah. Oh God, you’re gonna make me come….ahhh.” She felt him pulse with release and tasted him in her mouth. She swallowed and pulled back. Their eyes met, and they both knew that the desires they had momentarily sated were only starting to be kindled. 

“I can’t believe this is happening,” she said as she slid up into his arms.

“Believe it,” he said as he kissed her forehead.









Her eyes were closed but she was moving. No, wait. She was being carried. She opened her eyes and recognized the grey walls of Charlie’s room from her tour the day before. His strong arms put her gently on his bed.

“Hi,” she whispered while he lowered himself next to her, never breaking eye contact.

He let his hand trail from her cheek, down her neck, to her breast where he teased her nipple through the soft ribbed cotton.


Hannah felt her body begin to respond again. The quiet of the room and the warm laziness of the afternoon mingled with the scent of him to create an atmosphere of seduction that made every cell in her body vibrate. She watched him watching her. His fingers tugged and caressed her nipple. She’d played with that same nipple while she imagined being with him just yesterday. Had this morning really happened? Did he really tell her his marriage was a sham?

He lifted her shirt and ran his fingers inside of her bra pushing it out of the way just enough for him to lower his lips to the raised bud. His teeth softly scraped before his lips latched tightly around her and he alternated between sucking and licking. She reached beneath to undo her clasp and free herself for his kisses. He laughed and moved up to her neck snaking his tongue from her jaw to her ear. 

“I guess you’re up for round two?” he asked.

She pushed her fingers through his hair and turned his face to hers.

“I’m not sure we’ve completed the first round, Charlie.” 

She placed her lips on his and deepened her small kiss into one that left them both breathless. Leaning over she pushed his shoulder to the bed and threw her leg over his waist.

“First things first. The pants need to come off.”

Before she could reach any lower he had already shimmied his jeans to his ankles. She reached back and dropped them to the floor.

“I’m liking the lack of underwear Mr. McMillan.”

“Anything for you, Hannah.” He smiled and her heart melted. She was in trouble. “But,” he continued, “you have me at a disadvantage ma’am.”

His hands unbuttoned her shorts and she rose up for him to pull them from her hips. She placed her hands on both sides of his head and lowered her lips to his neck as she rubbed her wet pussy over the length of his cock.

“I don’t think so, not yet,” he said and flipped her onto her back in one smooth movement. He began sucking her nipple while letting his hand wander between her legs, moving his fingers lightly over her and making her hips arch in need.

“You’re killing me, Charlie. I want you so much.”

He lifted his head and brought his lips to hers while parting her legs with his knee to move himself between them. She felt the tip of his hard cock as it pressed against her and all she could think was what it would feel like to have him all the way inside of her, to be filled with him. She lifted her hips begging him to enter but he just raised himself and his eyes roamed her face.

“If I’m never here again, I want to remember this moment,” he said.

“Why wouldn’t we be here again, Charlie?”

She raised her hands to his jaw and guided his mouth back to hers, muffling her moan of pleasure and relief while sinking into her. She could barely control herself and moved her hips in unison with his. Running her hands down his back she squeezed his firm, gorgeous ass and pushed him deeper inside until there was nowhere else for him to go. Delicious desire coursed through her body and threatened to take her to a place of oblivion. She was already beyond words.

“You’re so wet and tight,” he gasped as he picked up his pacing and pressed his lips against hers.

She breathed in his every exhale and rocked against him, each stroke deepening the yearning for release as it built in her core. She felt his body shift and he pulled her up.

“Now, you can be on top,” he said.

She stretched her body upwards and reached down taking his dick in her hands as she guided him into her.

“Oh my God,” she groaned as the new angle of his thrust sent shivers up her spine. She raised and lowered her body again, squeezing her muscles around him as she moved. Each thrust hit her in exactly the right spot and she felt herself building to climax.

“I want you to come,” he whispered.

She threw back her head and rode him with no thought of what she looked like, no thought of what was happening between them, no care in the world except the pleasure that his body was giving her. When she felt his palm slide up against her clit she knew that coming was inevitable. She felt her body begin to shake and her hips jolted with each pulse of the orgasm that seemed to roll on and on.

She collapsed onto his chest and he rolled her to the side, slowly moving inside of her again. She caught her breath and began to match the rhythm of his strokes. She heard his breathing get faster and she knew he was close. She pushed back into him, taking him deeper inside, and felt a small tug of satisfaction when he came with her name on his lips.

BOOK: If I Could Be With You
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