If Ever I Fall (6 page)

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Authors: Erin Trejo

BOOK: If Ever I Fall
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His hand touches my chin, lifting it to look at him.

“I said its fine. I’m not worried about the money, Laney. Just calm down a little.” Nodding slightly, I can’t help the way I feel.

We finish unloading the truck, well everything but the piano when Sean pulls up.

“Is this the famous piano girl I’ve heard so much about?”  Sean smiles as he walks closer to us. He looks a lot like Gavin that’s for sure. I have met him in person but it was only for a split second and I didn’t pay attention to how much they look alike.

“Piano girl huh?” I take his extended hand and shake it as his eyes light up and flicker to Gavin. I follow his gaze and Gavin looks almost embarrassed. How cute is that?

“Yeah, from what I hear you can play like a master. Even better than the bit I heard.” Giggling a little I shake my head.

“I wouldn’t say a master but yes, I love to play. I self-taught when I was around 6.” Scrunching up my nose, I try to remember back that far. That was so long ago yet seems like yesterday.

“Wow. You must be musically talented if you self-taught. That’s amazing. I’d love to hear you play some more sometime.” Sean smiles as I nod and look over at Gavin.

“Speaking of, can you help me get this inside?”  Gavin nods at the piano on the back of the truck but his eyes never leave me. It’s almost like he’s trying to figure out some secret.

“Is this yours? That’s a nice piece.”

“It is. It’s my first piano. My foster mom, well she was more like a grandma gave it to me.”  Sean runs his hand along the side of it letting out a whistle.

“That’s an old one for sure. Pretty good shape too.” Finally someone that agrees with me that it isn’t junk. Steph never got why I kept it for so long but it means the world to me.

“I thought so. It plays perfectly other than a few little issues here and there.” Sean seems intrigued by the piano as much as Gavin seems to be with me right now.

Sean notices and slaps Gavin across the chest getting his attention.

“I thought we were moving this?” Gavin nods and blinks rapidly a few times before climbing up and helping.

I watch the guys as they carry it inside but I just don’t feel right going in uninvited. This is going to be really weird living here.






“Do you want to get something to eat before I take you home?” Looking over I see Laney still seems uncomfortable. Maybe if we hang out and talk it will ease some of that tension.

“Sure.” Laney seems so focused on something and I can’t figure out what. She always seems to be contemplating something but she never speaks on it.

I pull off at the restaurant and jump out of the truck before I meet her on the other side.

“Cheap date huh?” She looks up at the old restaurant and giggles. This is what draws me to her, her personality when she lets herself go. It’s fucking beautiful.

“Hey, it is our first date. I can’t just take you to Taco Bell or Burger King. That will come later.” Laney laughs as I hold the door open for her to walk in where I follow.

I watch her own the room with her presence. It’s amazing to see that she doesn’t know she does that.

I slide into the booth across from her and look over a menu.

“Gavin, you’re not alone this time?” Abby, the waitress smiles as she walks over. I’ve known Abby for a long time. She’s a sweet lady, older than me. Divorced with 2 kids. I try to help her out when I can.

“Nope. This is my new roommate, Laney. Laney, this is one amazing woman right here, Abby.” Abby smiles as she looks over at Laney.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Laney is polite but I see the look in her eyes.

“I’ve known this kid for years but you are the first girl that he’s brought in here.” Abby winks at Laney before her eyes are on me. I shrug a little trying to blow it off. It is true though, I never brought another girl in here with me. It’s like a reprieve for me, a hideout.

“Glad I was the first.” Laney smiles a genuine smile that melts me inside. She really doesn’t see what I see.

“The usual.” I smile over at Abby before she turns to Laney.

“Same.” She shrugs smiling. She is just too easy going for me.

Abby smiles and walks away when I look back at Laney.

“Ok. Self-taught piano at 6? Who is your dad Mozart?” Laney gives me a sad smile when I remember the rest of what she said. Shit! She was a foster kid. Nice move Gavin.

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.” Shaking my head, I feel like an idiot. Laney’s hand comes down on mine before she speaks. My eyes hold on her hand though.

“It’s not a big deal, not anymore anyways. It used to bother me that I didn’t have parents that wanted me but I got over it. I try not to dwell on it either.” Abby comes back with our food when Laney pulls her hand back. I can see the look in Abby’s eyes but I just shake my head.

Laney looks at the bottle of hot sauce that Abby set down on the table before I grab it and open it.

“What exactly are you putting that on?” She looks at the sauce and back to my food.

“All of it.” Laney laughs as she grabs the bottle out of my hand and pours a little on her fry.

“Oh my god! Gavin, this is disgusting.”  She chugs her water while I laugh. Why does this girl fascinate me the way she does?

“Fuck that! This is the best sauce you can get. Give it a chance, you will love it.” I hold the bottle out over her plate as she laughs and covers it.

“No! Don’t do it! That is so gross! I don’t want to shit fire all night!” Her giggles fill me with warmth. She is so easy to talk to and play around with.

She’s off limits Gavin.

“After we eat I need to go over to the studio for a while. I know I was going to take you home first but do you want to come with me and check it out?” Laney’s eyes shoot to mine as she watches me intently. She’s trying to get a read on me again.

“I would like that. Thank you.” She pops a fry in her mouth and chews as I watch her.

“A lot of nights I’ll be at the studio. I figured if you weren’t busy you could hang out too. I know you like music.” Shrugging like it’s no big deal, I’ve never asked a girl to come to the studio but it just feels so comfortable with Laney.

Her smile brightens and she must like what she hears.

“I would love that! I’ve never been to a studio before.” Another first for me too. I’ve never brought a woman to the studio either.

“It’s really fun actually. I like to go hide out there and write. My mom can be overbearing, you’ll meet her I’m sure.” I don’t look forward to that meeting either. My mom doesn’t like the flashy girls I date but she doesn’t think that I need someone below me either. Her words, not mine. I never did understand her reasoning but then again I didn’t really care.

“I bet she’s just looking out for your best interests.” Shrugging I go back to my food. My best interests were never on her mind that’s for sure.

“So, tomorrow we will get the rest of your stuff moved in. We will be official roomies then.” Winking at Laney, she smiles.

“And as first rule of the house, there’s a Halloween party that we are going to.” Laney bounces in her seat with such a happy look.

“Are you serious? I’ve never been to a Halloween party.” She claps her hands excitedly as I pull my wallet out and throw some cash on the table.

“This is just a whole fucking night of firsts.” I reach for her hand and drag her out of the booth and towards the door.

“I’m really glad that you’re moving in. I really like you.” Smiling she walks next to me as I let her hand go. I don’t want her to think I’m pushing her or anything like that. Plus, I need to remind myself that she’s off fucking limits.















Sitting on the edge of the bed in my new room at my new house is a little strange although I’ve lived here for a few weeks now. I have the most fun hanging out with Gavin though. He is really easy to talk to and he makes me laugh. I don’t think I have felt this good in a long time.

“Laney, are you about ready?” Smiling at myself in the mirror, I think I look cute.

Finishing up my makeup I head towards the door to find Gavin waiting on the other side.

“What the hell is that?” Gavin doubles over in laughter as he looks at my costume.

“What’s wrong with it?” I look down as Gavin keeps laughing. This is so wrong on so many levels.

“What is it?” He grabs my sleeve as he looks over my costume again.

“I’m Tigger from Winnie the Pooh you asshole.” Slapping at him he lets go and stands up straighter.

“You can’t wear that. I cannot take you out of the house wearing that.” Pulling at the ears of my costume I slap him again.

“There is nothing wrong with this!” I start to walk towards the door as he laughs behind me. To make my point, I shake my ass at him. Yeah, I did it!

“Did you just shake your tail at me?” Gavin acts like he’s shocked but I know he is just playing around with me.

“I did. What are you going to do about it?” I hop the rest of the way down the hallway grabbing the door handle.

“Fucking Christ. Are you going to do that all night?” I shake my head as I hop out the front door. That was mistake number one.

I fall flat on my ass as I slide off the last step of the porch. I lay there laughing my ass of when Gavin walks out and smiles down at me.

“That is what you get for hopping around like that.” Gavin holds his hand out to me which I take but instead of letting him pull me up, I yank him down.

Gavin falls nearly crushing me with his massive body but I can’t stop the laughter that bubbles out of me.

“You should have seen your face.” The laughter doesn’t stop or calm either. Gavin rolls so he’s hovering over me as he smiles down at me.

“That was pure evil!” Laughing again I can’t stop.

“That was perfect.” Before I can finish what I’m saying his lips brush over mine. The slight quiver of my lips doesn’t go unnoticed by him. His lips touch mine again slowly and softly.

Our eyes stay locked as my body locks down on me. My heart slams in my chest and every fiber of my being tells me to stop but my body wants this man more than anyone else.

“We can’t do this.” His lips still touching mine makes it that much harder to stop.

“I feel things for you, Laney.” His soft whispers touch me in so many ways but I know the outcome of what would happen if I let this get to far.

Gavin deepens the kiss making my heart rate kick up to unsafe levels, or at least it feels that way.

My hands move on their own accord to wrap around his neck, pulling his hair gently. This is so wrong, we need to stop.

“We can’t do this.”  Gavin pulls back slightly to look me in the eyes. His stare is so heated and intense that I almost lose all will power to tell him to stop.

“We can, Laney. We both feel it.” Breathing heavily I want so much to give in but I know this could never work.

“I can’t. I’m sorry, Gavin.” Pushing him off of me I climb up and wipe my costume as Gavin stands next to me.

“I’m sorry, Laney. I shouldn’t have done that.”  I shake my head as he looks at me.

“It’s just that… fuck. I can’t do this, I’m sorry.” Running back to the door I shake the handle. Shit, it’s locked. I dig through the pocket on my costume to find my key as tears stream down my face.

Hands wrap around my shoulders pulling me back into a hard chest.

“It’s ok. I messed up. Don’t cry, Laney. I can’t handle seeing you cry.” His breath is warm against my neck as he leans in trying to soothe me.

“You don’t understand.” I can’t control the tears that refuse to stop. I feel like such an idiot.

“I know I don’t. Fuck it. Let’s just go have a good time. I promise I won’t do it again.” I turn in his arms and look up into his face.

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