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Authors: Ruby Dixon

Ice Planet Holiday (8 page)

BOOK: Ice Planet Holiday
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Someone nearby hoots with laughter.

My face gets hot. So I might have been a bit noisy. Sounds like we were overheard. I don’t care. I’m happy. I squeeze Ereven’s hand. “We should probably change clothes.”

He pulls me close and kisses me. “Do not be gone long.”

“I won’t.” I want a chance to get his present, too. I hope he likes it.

When I get to Megan’s cave, Liz and Josie are there. Josie’s putting on a new tunic, and the hem is embroidered with thick, upraised designs that I’ve seen Liz working on for the last few weeks. It’s sweet of her to make a present for Josie, when it’s likely she wouldn’t receive one at all. Tiffany’s been showered with presents over the last few days, and I never thought about how Josie might feel.

Liz gives me a knowing look as I enter, and she laces up Josie’s back. Josie has her face turned to the wall, her hair held up in one hand, and doesn’t see me come in. “Welcome back, Claire,” Liz says, then pushes a lace through a hole in the tunic. “I see you got your Christmas present. Hold still, Josie.”

“What kind of present did she get?” Josie asks, excited.

“Looks like the kind that keeps on giving.”

“Huh?” Josie says.

“Special sauce for her all beef patties,” Liz says. “Bit of clotted cream for her spotted dick. Hot dog for her buns. Need I go on with the food metaphors?”

Josie giggles. “Oh. I get it now.”

I ignore them as I move to my pack and strip off my old tunic in exchange for a new one and fresh leggings. I can still smell Ereven on my skin, and it fills me with joy. I change quickly and grab the small package of Ereven’s hood, then head back out to the main cave with it.

Bek stops me before I can walk a few feet further from Megan’s cave.

I cross my arms over my chest protectively and give him a wary look. I don’t want him to ruin my happiness.

He sighs and raises a hand in the air. “Truce, Claire.”

“Truce,” I repeat, reluctant.

“I heard you resonate. Both of you. I was close enough to hear it, and saw your faces.” For a moment, he looks bitterly sad, and then quickly masks it again. “I am happy for you and I wish you well. I just wanted you to know that I am leaving in the morning, and will pack your things for you. You can pick them up when you and Ereven visit the caves again.”

“Thank you,” I say quietly. “I’m sorry if it hurt you.”

His smile is bitter, reluctant. “I cannot be hurt. Resonance cannot be controlled, and it explains why you were drawn so quickly to him. I wish you much happiness.” He nods at me once, and then disappears into the shadows.

I feel a pang of sadness. It’s clear that he’s lonely and unhappy, but I can’t be what he needs. I clutch Ereven’s present to my chest. I belong to someone else now, and he belongs to me.

As I head toward the central part of the caves, Ereven is there, waiting for me. His smile is brilliant and he holds a small, wrapped package against his chest — a present for me. Christmas carols fill the air and the thin tree shivers, the garlands tinkling like a thousand beads. The air is crisp with the hint of more snow to come, and the scent of warm food entices me forward. The murmur of voices and soft laughter fills the cavern, and I’ve never felt more at home or more at peace than I am in this moment.

“Happy holidays,” I tell my new mate as I press my gift into his hands.

“There is more than one?” He asks, surprised.

I nod, smiling. On Earth, there are many, many holidays. Here, there’s just the one we’ve made for ourselves, but it somehow seems more special than all the Valentine’s Days or Thanksgivings I’ve had in the past thrown together. Because there’s love and family and Ereven, and a bright new future waiting for me.

Ice planet holidays are the best.

The Ice Planet Barbarians Series
Ice Planet Barbarians (Georgie’s story)

1 – now available on KINDLE UNLIMITED! Click here to borrow.

ou'd think being abducted
by aliens would be the worst thing that could happen to me. And you'd be wrong. Because now, the aliens are having ship trouble, and they've left their cargo of human women - including me - on an ice planet.

And the only native inhabitant I've met? He's big, horned, blue, and really, really has a thing for me...

Barbarian Alien (Liz’s story)

Book 2 – Now Available in KINDLE UNLIMITED! Click here to borrow.

welve humans are left stranded
on a wintry alien planet. I’m one of them. Yay, me.

In order to survive, we have to take on a symbiont that wants to rewire our bodies to live in this brutal place. I like to call it a cootie. And my cootie’s a jerk, because it also thinks I’m the mate to the biggest, surliest alien of the group.

Barbarian Lover (Kira’s story)

Book 3 – Now Available on Kindle Unlimited! Click here to borrow.

As one of the few humans stranded on the ice planet, I should be happy that I have a new home. Human women are treasured here, and one alien in particular has made it clear that he wants me. It's hard to push away the sexy, flirtatious Aehako, when all I want to do is grab him by his horns and insist he take me to his furs.

But I've got a terrible secret - the aliens who abducted me are back, and thanks to the translator in my ear, they can find me. My presence here endangers everyone...but can I give up my new life and the man I want more than anything?

Barbarian Mine (Harlow’s story)

Book 4 – Now Available on Kindle Unlimited! Click here to borrow.

he ice planet
has given me a second lease on life, so I'm thrilled to be here. Sure, there's no cheeseburgers, but I'm healthy and ready to be a productive member of the small tribe. What I didn't anticipate? That there'd be a savage stranger waiting nearby, watching me. And when he takes me captive, the unthinkable happens...I resonate to him.

Resonance means mating, and children...but I don't know if this guy's ever been around anyone before. He's truly a barbarian in all ways, right down to clubbing me over the head and claiming me as his own.

So why is it that I crave his touch and hunger for more?

Alpha Alien by Flora Dare

vailable in Kindle Unlimited
! Free to borrow!

e's big
, he's scaly and he thinks we're lifemates!

I've always felt a little Out of step with everyone else. All I wanted was to find my place in life.

That's how I found myself in the middle of the desert, guns blazing. And that's when he found me.

Now I'm billions of miles from home with a scary space-lizard who doesn't take no for an answer. What's worse is, I don't want to say no. 

e growled
under his breath and let go of my legs. He was so tall my feet dangled - I still had no control over my body. In that moment, I’m afraid I was more likely to wrap my legs around him than I was to try to run.

He pressed me against the wall and another wave of hot desire flooded me. I could feel every delicious inch of his body, it was hard and hot against me. Desire and panic fought to share the same space in my body.

His lips captured mine and for one glorious moment, my body sang against his. For the first time in my life, I felt truly and completely connected to another being on an absolutely soul-shattering level.

It was like losing part of my body, when he ripped his lips away from mine and said, "I've been searching for you for years and it turns out, you're a stupid, fragile human."

Check out Celia Kyle (writing as Erin Tate) and the Ujal!


he holidays are
a time of love, joy, and… meeting a new alien species?

Prince of the Ujal, Tave fa V’yl-Zeret, will do anything to make his mate happy. Even if that means celebrating a holiday he does not understand. (Tave does not care what human lore states, a single human could not circle the globe and deliver toys to every child.)

This year’s biggest concern isn’t whether he purchased enough toys for his youngling, but the alien battleship that enters Earth’s orbit.

Are they friend? Or foe? Will Tave’s family and friends live to see Christmas morning? Or will they all perish on Christmas Eve? For there is a humbug willing to go to any lengths to stop peace talks. Lengths that include kidnapping royalty and… assassination.

,” she sighed his name and released him, slowly lowering back to the mattress.

. My Rina. My mate.” He still could not believe she chose him. Still could not believe the life they led. This moment, this second in time, was why he breathed. To have this closeness with his female, to have joy in his heart and a family to call his own… Priceless.

“Make love to me.”

“Always,” he murmured and retreated, sliding his cock from her pussy before thrusting deeply once more. He repeated the motion, changing the angle of his hips and then… Rina released a deep groan, telling him he’d found the perfect approach to pleasuring his mate.

With a roll of his hips, he set up a smooth rhythm, one that would drive them both mad with the pleasure but wouldn’t shove them over the edge into the joyful abyss. He wanted to draw out their lovemaking, take the time they did not usually have. The entire station shut down for a full week during the holidays and he would revel in every spare moment with Rina.

She wrapped one leg around his waist while the other foot remained on the mattress, and then she worked in concert with him. They set their own pace, the glide of their bodies smooth and sinuous. Bliss rose within him, pleasure plucking his veins with every milking squeeze of her sheath. Her pussy spasmed, tightening and fluttering against his shaft. His balls drew up tight and hard against this body.

“Rina…” he panted her name, cock demanding release yet he would not unless she was with him.

“Yes… Soon. More.”

So he gave her what she needed. Gave her more. Gave her everything until he thought he’d explode.

And then…

I want Mommy an’ Daddy!


or more information
about upcoming books in the Ice Planet Barbarians series (or any other books by Ruby Dixon), like me on
subscribe to my new release newsletter
. There’s more to come! Next up is Tiffany in BARBARIAN’S PRIZE, in which several men compete for her heart…but the one to win it might not be the one she expects!

It should be out in early 2016!

hanks for reading


ce Planet Holiday

Copyright © 2015 by Ruby Dixon

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

without the express written permission of the publisher

except for the use of brief quotations in a book review

BOOK: Ice Planet Holiday
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