I Promise You (3 page)

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Authors: Susan Harris

BOOK: I Promise You
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“Wow” Rebecca
and Julian said in unison. “You must let us see it after dinner.” I blushed a
bit, why, I’m not sure, maybe because Frank was just listening to the
conversation but not really saying anything and it just felt awkward.

To take the
talk off myself I asked Frank what his room was like. He picked up his glass of
JD & coke and just said “why don’t you come up and see for yourself.”
it off, don’t get embarrassed
you can do this
, nope, it didn’t
work. I was as red as the beetroot salad that the waiter had just placed in
front of me, Rebecca and Julian were on the verge of dribbling, mouths open and
tongues spilling out.

“We’ll all pop
up and see it won’t we guys”

I gave them
that ‘help me out look.’

“Uh yeah no
problem,” as they both started to snigger.


After dinner
we all sat around the bar sipping drinks. I had my favourite chill out drink,
Martini Rosso with lemonade, while Rebecca had Baileys & ice and Julian had
rum neat of course. Frank stuck to his JD & coke. The atmosphere was good,
it was nice to just talk generally about anything and everything, and by ten,
thirty we decided to all call it a night, but as we headed for the lifts
Rebecca decided to remind us all, or should I say me, that we were all going to
have a look at Frank’s room, prompting Frank to pipe up and say
“the more
the merrier”


The lift
stopped at the top floor
of course and we were just amazed
at how much floor space it commanded.

It was like
looking around the rich and famous houses but this was just one big floor space
with plenty of doors leading off the main entrance to the lift.

“How many
other guests occupy this floor” Julian asked, “only me” he replied.

I was so
caught up in the moment that I did not see them going inside until they called

As I walked
slowly into the room it was like being at the top of the CN Tower, just never
ending 360 degree views all around you.

The night
lights were shining through the windows as the world went by, and the room was
filled with sofa upon sofa. The drinks cabinet was filled to the brim with
booze, and there was a television big enough to make you think you were at the
pictures; this room just went on and on.

“Wow, can we
take a look around?”


“This must
have cost a bomb” said Rebecca.

“I am entitled
to some perks you know. I like my creature comforts when I’m away from home”

“Well there’s
perks and there’s perks” I thought to myself.

We all headed
to the left of the room where there was a fully fitted larger than normal white
kitchen, complete with an American fridge, fresh fruit on display and plenty of
wine.  This was a kitchen you would use to entertain guests or have a business
lunch with and a chef to cater for all your needs, what a life.  Back through
the door we came from, we headed through to the living room, and into another
side room which lead to the bedrooms.

I say bedrooms
as there were three in total, all en suite of course. There was also a walk in
wardrobe you would die for and a bed big enough to house King Henry VIII. The
top of this most gorgeous scenery led onto a roof terrace, we were just lost
for words.

I started
drifting off again in my thoughts, thinking

“What could I
be doing in that big seductive bed while I wait for Jack to fuck me like mad?”

I felt myself
getting a little flushed and a bit excited, my heart started to beat quick.

My breathing
was getting fast as I felt a warm breath sweep past my ear; Rebecca was trying
to tell me to stop daydreaming, so I pulled myself together and promised myself
that when we left this mansion, or should I say “penthouse” I would call Jack.

Chapter Three


is it when we think of good times we want to be near the ones we love!


When I
returned back to my room after being in Frank’s, it seemed as if I was in a

looked so small for a while until my mind adjusted back to the space I knew it
to be.

Sitting on the
bed I phoned Jack, with the time difference he should have finished work by now
and should be at home or at mine.

The phone did
not even ring long before it asked me to leave a message after the tone.  I was
so disappointed that I had not been able to speak to Jack; all that excitement
just faded when I heard the message,

I threw the
phone on the bed and jumped in the shower,
where was he?

Jack knew I
would be ringing him roughly at this time.

Could he be
caught up at work, stuck in traffic or was he off enjoying himself without me?
Before I knew it doubt had taken over my mind, convincing me he was up to no
good, even though I knew that was just not his style.

But still, it
was there, lingering in the back of my mind like those images that you see just
before you are due to eat your dinner, of all those starving children around
the world as you’re tucking into you’re food, making you feel guilty for no

When I came
out of the shower my hair was wet and I had no interest in wrapping it up.

Every time I
walked, water droplets would go all over the floor.

I patted
myself dry before taking out those dolly type dryers that they leave in your
room. I tried my best to bring life back to this wild, half curly, not so sure
what to do with type of hair, when my phone started to ring.

Diving onto
the bed, my towel decided to leap out of the way and flop to the floor to take

“Hello Jack,
is that you?”

“Of course it
is who else would it be?”

That was all I
needed to hear, the sound of his voice sweeping through me, making me all warm
and ready to cuddle up with my pillow.

“Sorry I
missed your call, went to the gym for an hour after work; need to look good for
you when you come back home.”

I started to
laugh and rolled over onto my back. I was telling him about the day I had and
how we all went into Frank’s room and how big it was and the size of his bed.

Jack said “I’m
getting jealous here.”

“So am I, I
want you here with me, in my bed I miss you Jack, miss you touching me, miss us
making love, having cuddles, I just miss you.”

“I miss you
too,” but it’s only been a few hours. So! Are you in bed yet?”

“No, not yet
just came out the shower.”

“Are you
then?” Jack said in that naughty tone of voice.

Looking down
at myself I realised that the towel did actually abandoned ship and that I was
indeed naked.

The only
person missing in this picture was Jack, but not for very long.

I needed to
think outside the box.

“Well, I think
we need to try phone sex don’t you?”

Jack laughed;
“where did that come from?”

 I told him
that I needed to de-stress and what better way than by having a bit of phone
sex. Something I had never tried before.


Jack had told
me that he was sitting in his chair at home, and that he was wearing his
favourite white adidas tracksuit with a sleeveless t-shirt underneath, and that
he had already kicked off his trainers and his socks.

I told him to
relax and close his eyes and picture me standing in front of him and that’s how
it began.

I’m bending
slightly down to kiss his temples one by one then start to slide my tongue up
and down his face.

My lips start
to move kissing his cheeks, left then right, heading towards his mouth.

“Open your
mouth” I whispered down the phone, “but not too wide, just enough for me to
part them with my tongue but I want you to put up a little resistance.”

“I’m going to
go deep Jack, then deeper still.

Can you feel
me?” As I listened into the phone I could hear Jack’s breathing, shallow and
quick. I felt that I had teleported myself into his room and could see
everything and feel everything that I was doing to him.

I take off his
tracksuit top, then his sleeveless t-shirt follows next, as a slowly pull it
over his head to be flung over my shoulder, landing somewhere in his room.

I put my hands
through his gorgeous hair to better my grip, my tongue leaving his mouth and
moving towards his chest. I kneel between his legs slightly and see his chest
slowly rising, up and down like he’s in a yoga class going through the
relaxation part before the class finishes and you’re left totally revitalised
but half asleep.

“Keep your
eyes closed” I reminded him.

“I will, I
promise” he replied in this soft, hypnotic voice.

As I adjust
myself again so that my tongue circles his left nipple, I bite the thin hairs
around them before I suck them in.

I hear him
moan, and feel his manhood starting to wake and take notice.

I do the same
on his right nipple as I feel his manhood pressing into my chest telling me
that I now have his undivided attention.

I bend down on
my knees and with my hands I tell him to slightly lift up so that I can remove
his tracksuit bottom.

He tells me he
is “commando” and I smile his erection starring at me like a stand off, warning
me that it is not going down without a fight.

Believe me, I
had no intention of it doing that either.

I told Jack to
picture my hand around his cock, and to put his hand on top of mine then to
move it up and down “slowly,” and he does. Now picture it in my mouth.

Feel the
warmness inside as you move it up and down, in and out but not too fast Jack, I
want you to  savour the moment.

I want you to
keep this going for as long as possible, and tell me how it feels.

“So good, so
good” and I smile to myself.

 I told Jack
that I am now taking it out of my mouth so that I can lick the tip with my

“Rub it with
your finger Jack feel it, that’s my tongue Jack circling you and it feels good,
now put it back in my mouth again, that’s it, now deeper.

I can feel it
now Jack, at the back of my throat, getting bigger, stronger, and harder”
Jack’s breathing was getting even faster now, I knew he was about to come.

“I can’t hold
it much longer” he said.

“Feel me
sucking you Jack, I want you to fuck me harder in my mouth; I want you to come,
and come now”

 He let out a
moan; a moan that I was sure could be heard by his neighbours, his breathing
was still quick and erratic and you could tell his body was shaking by the
noises he was making.

It took some
time for his breathing to get back to normal then I asked him if he was ok.

This was my
first experience of phone sex and to be honest I thought I did pretty well.

“How was it?”

“Wow, babe
what the hell was that? You sure there’s nothing you need to tell me? That was

“How comes
we’ve never done that before. I’m shocked we’ve never thought of doing this all
the other times you have been away”

realise what I would be missing” he laughed.

“Glad you
liked it”

“Well, now I
can breathe again, I think it’s time I returned the favour”


I lie on my
back with the biggest smile on my face,
bring it on!

I started to
relax and just let Jack’s voice go through my body.

“I want your
eyes open all the time”

I want you to
feel me touching you, tasting you, and licking you, understand?”

I said, a bit too excitedly.

“Now put the
phone to your ear as close as you can get it, then take your hands and cup your
breasts and squeeze them for me”

“Lick your
index finger and play with your nipples, circle and pinch them until I tell you
to stop, now lick your nipples with the tip of your tongue I know you can reach

“Tell me how
that feels”

“It feels
good, real good” I said with my already choppy breath.

“Bring your
knees slightly up towards you and move you’re hands down, towards your navel,
then to your thighs and part your legs slowly for me”

I could feel
myself getting aroused, my nipples getting hard, and my skin starting to

This was good,
better than good and I was hoping it was going to get a whole lot better.

“I want you to
put your finger in your mouth again and suck it”

“Suck it the
same way you suck my cock. I smiled, if I do it the same way, I could see
myself getting jaw ache.

“Keep going
fast then slow, fast then slow”. I started to moan as I closed my eyes for a

“Now put a
second finger in until it’s nice and wet, open your legs wider and take your
index finger and stroke your pussy”.
Oh god, this was good.

I heard a
noise and wandered where it was coming from, until I realised it was me, my
moans of pleasure louder than I expected them to be. I was feeling a bit
embarrassed that this was me, naked on my bed having phone sex, but this
embarrassment didn’t last long.

Jack was
fucking me down the phone.

Should I be
enjoying this? Hell yes!!

“Keep going
but faster, now put your fingers inside and go as deep as you can.


Before I knew
it, I had raised my hips off the bed and was working myself with my fingers in
harmony with the fluid movements of my body. As my hips went up, my fingers
were going down, deep into my body and taking over my mind.

I was getting
lost in this world of self pleasure; my left hand was playing with my breast,
stroking and pinching the tips of my nipples. All I knew was that every part of
my body was going to getting a full workout.

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