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Authors: Sorell Oates

I Kissed A Playboy (4 page)

BOOK: I Kissed A Playboy
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‘And you?’

‘With two sons in the company, Dad didn’t feel the third should be trained. I had the option of going to university or not. There was no pressure. If anything, he advised me not to entertain the idea. I own shares in the company and always will. It provides a secure, steady, spectacular income. My father wasn’t bothered as to what I did with my future.’

‘Then what decision did you make?’

‘I’d only graduated and typically I insisted on a gap year to travel in Europe. Dad was happy enough, thought it would educate me by broadening my mind. A typical cliché. I came home and realized Dad and my two brothers were firmly knit in the company. I was on the outside. No way to wheedle in. When I asked Dad if I could get a job, start at the bottom rung of the ladder to learn as I climbed it, he turned me down flat, claiming it would be degrading and pointless for a Porterhouse. I was told to use my allowance and enjoy life. That’s what I do.’

‘By appearing on endless reality TV shows and dating a score of beautiful women.’

‘I know it sounds shallow and meaningless, but at least I got noticed. In my family I didn’t exist. In the press, I finally gained a degree of recognition, however lacking in talent I am. Plus my public profile means when Dad’s in the office, stories featuring me at least force him to remember he does have a third son.’

‘You make yourself sound like Richie Rich, the poor little rich boy.’

‘Not at all. I love what I do, but don’t ever assume someone coming from wealth has had a privileged life or easy ride. I’m less educated than you academically and nowhere near as disciplined or self-reliant as you. Those are qualities money can’t buy.’

‘Your money could change your circumstances, right?’

Brian refused to answer and ate his pizza. Faith didn’t push the issue. He was undeniably gorgeous which tantalized her sexual desires, but her misconception made him highly repellent to her. Having revealed a few tiny snippets she was reassessing her original opinion of him.

The banter reverted to easy conversation as they steered cleared of Brian’s wealth and Faith’s volunteering. Whilst Brian was keen to not be solely associated with his bank account, Faith had no intention of portraying herself as a martyr without a sense of fun.

Merry from their wine glasses being continually refilled and high from the conversation, after repeatedly thanking Paulo for his incredible hospitality, they staggered out of the pizza joint.

‘Thank god for the cool midnight air,’ said Brian as the fresh breeze sobered him.

‘Thank god I’ve got a lift home,’ giggled Faith. ‘That is, if the offer there is from your driver.’

‘Of course, of course. I may be uneducated but my breeding has made me a gentleman.’

Familiar with Brian in an inebriated state, Marcus stood by the car to open the door for them. As Becky took his hand for guidance she tripped, crawling on her hands and knees to find a seat in the limo. She knew staggering on all fours was not a classy look, thus was grateful when Brian hit his head on the car as he stumbled in.

He collapsed beside her, holding his forehead in agony.

‘Do you think maybe for one night only you can forgive all my embarrassing accidents and write them off as nervousness at being placed in a foreign environment?’ he asked.

Faith tittered as she appraised the bruise already starting to show beneath the strands of the blue-black fringe he constantly swept from his eyes. As their eyes locked, Faith pushed back his hair, her thumb resting on his high cheekbone. She leant forward to brush his lips.

Brian reciprocated the kiss eagerly. In this area he maintained a degree of finesse. His lips were as soft as hers. What started as mellow, gentle kisses hurriedly graduated to deeper ones. He let his tongue slide inside her mouth to explore, as his hand raked through her curly red hair. Faith tilted her head to intensify the kiss and found herself responding, shooting her tongue to his mouth.

Sitting side by side limited their physical contact, but there was something delicious to be lost only in kisses. Faith, who had initiated the clinch, was drawn to him. Her hand went to his knee and ran up the muscular, chino-clad leg. Permitting Faith to direct the action, Brian focused on enjoying the sensation of her kiss, the feel of her hair and titillating electricity from her touch. As Faith went under his polo shirt to feel his tight torso, Brian was unable to refrain from gasping at how cool her fingertips were on his warm skin.

He pulled Faith on top of him as he lay down. She pushed his shirt up high enough for Brian to remove it completely. Faced with the body of a Greek Adonis and drowning in desire, Faith’s sea-green eyes stared into Brian’s dark blue set. She sat up to observe him properly. Her hands traced the outline of every muscle from his chest, down his rock hard stomach to the belt of his chinos. Straddling him, she could feel the crotch of the chinos straining as she rubbed herself over the desperate-to-escape erection.

Her nimble fingers went to his belt and expertly undid it. She stopped herself snorting at the stereotypical designer label written on the band of his boxers. Having made her intent clear, Brian’s hand went to her neck, drawing her flat to his bare chest. He squirmed and twisted ungainly, until he managed to put himself on top of Faith. Underneath him, Faith hadn’t the strength to regain control, but was happy to be dominated by Brian. He ground his hips on hers. She tipped her head backwards, exposing her graceful pale neck and whimpered at his rhythmic movements.

Brian kissed upwards from the base of her neck up to her lips. The kisses remained feathery until he reached her lips. The hardness of him below and softness of his kisses had her deliriously hungry for more. She went to rotate Brian flat on his back, to strip him to complete the act, but her swift, strong movement caught him off-guard.

Faith rolled Brian clean off the stretch sofa and he crashed onto the floor; his head hitting the bottom of the car as Faith’s weight landed on top of him.

Mortified at his raspy breathing for air, she leapt up. Winded, Brian stayed on the floor till he caught his breath.

‘I’d like to say that was unexpected but...’

‘But we don’t seem to gel sexually,’ completed Faith.

Brian didn’t correct or disagree with her conclusion. He was already wrestling to get his shirt on. Once both were sitting in the limousine, the window between driver and passenger went down.

‘Where to first, sir?’ asked Marcus.

Brian nodded for Faith to give her address and the window wound up.

‘Oh my days, did he hear everything that happened?’

‘No it’s soundproof,’ assured Brian.

‘Did he see anything?’

‘One way window. We can see him, he can’t see us.’

‘How did he know when to roll the window down to start driving?’

‘Marcus has an impeccable sense of timing.’

Brian decided to save Faith any further blushes. The truth was the entire vehicle would have shuddered when their combined weights hit the floor. Marcus was a man of the world and knew a catastrophic event occurring mid-seduction would dampen the flames of the most ignited passions.

Delivered to her home, Faith was at a loss for words. She didn’t have any idea of how Brian’s head operated, what had just happened or what was going on between the two of them—if anything.

‘I’ll walk you to the door,’ offered Brian neutrally.

‘No, I’m fine, you guys head home. It’s been a late one.’

She knew Brian didn’t have a reason to get up early in the morning, but she had a job.

‘Will I meet you tomorrow at the hospital?’ asked Brian.

Faith was mildly taken aback. Perhaps the selfish, spoilt, rich boy did possess an ounce of commitment and reliability.

‘Sure if that’s what you’d like. I know,’ she stopped mid-sentence. ‘It was great you came and brilliant that you were slumming it at Paulo’s Pizza. What you said at the auction about the money was right. The donation was the most important aspect. As far as I’m concerned you’ve done your duty. Skip the rest of the week if you’ve other things to do. As you said, quarter of a million dollars is a lot of money to be taken to a pizza dive and waste time at a hospital.’

Brian studied her carefully. How could someone friendly and sexual, transform into a detached ice queen in seconds. Remembering Susie’s warning of the damage leaks to the press could do, he couldn’t be certain Faith wouldn’t use his absence as an excuse to run to the papers to drum up publicity to attract donations for the hospital.

‘I’ll be there,’ said Brian wearily.

Taking Faith at his word, he didn’t follow her to her front door. He did however insist Marcus stay put until he saw her enter her house safely.



Chapter Six



‘Someone had a late one,’ said Gabriel at the breakfast table the following morning.

‘Yes and someone had too much to drink,’ Faith confessed, pushing away the bacon and eggs he’d prepared. ‘Sorry Gabe, my stomach can’t face anything hot and greasy.’

Faith drew a chair up to sit at the dining table as though it required an exertion of Herculean proportions, Gabe moved aptly to retrieve cereal, milk, a bowl and spoon for her. The house was designed to accommodate Gabriel’s mobility issues. As equal, Faith was glad he could cater to her hangover.

‘You’re going to have to eat something to line your stomach and energize you. Drink some water to rehydrate because we have to crack on with filing and administration today.’

Gabriel was a hard task master. He did the accounts and administration for their shared company, providing similar services for clients. They motivated each other but sharing a home office did make it difficult for either party to plead a sick day when the other knew it wasn’t warranted or self-inflicted.

‘Besides I’m dying to hear all about the billionaire playboy. Did he turn up? Did he try it on with you? Did he go to Paulo’s Pizza?’

‘Yes, kind of and yes,’ mumbled Faith, gulping down a glass of orange juice.


‘Oh don’t sound so shocked. He’s well bred. Of course he fulfilled his duties.’

‘I don’t remember any of his duties including making out with you.’

‘Shut up Gabe.’

‘Anyway how does someone ‘kind of’ try it on with someone?’ he asked, ignoring her request for silence.

She raised her head shamefully.

‘He didn’t try it on with me. I started making out with him. Then it went horribly wrong.’

‘How so?’ asked a bemused Gabriel.

‘Let me say limousines aren’t the best places to move from first to second base.’

Gabriel spat out his coffee.

‘I cannot believe after all the hearts you’ve broken, this guy’s got you in a muddle because of the size of his wallet.’

‘No, it’s not the money factor.’

‘What, then?’

‘I feel out of my depth. I’m sitting in a stretch limo. One minute I’m in my element at Paulo’s, eating pizza without cutlery and talking for America, the next I’m in a limousine zooming along the streets. I was wearing jeans and sneakers.’

‘You always wear jeans and sneakers at the hospital.’

‘I know. I felt dreadfully out of place next to him in his posh clobber.’

‘Who cares? It’s only a week, then you’ll never have to bother with him again.’

Faith toyed with her cereal.

‘I’m guessing you’re seeking to extend your partnership,’ ventured Gabriel.

‘I don’t know. I feel confused. One minute I he’s a brat, the next he’s open and honest and I feel something good in him.’

‘It’s okay to like him. He did come through for you and turn up when he was dead set against it at the gala. Time is likely to be far more important to him than money. Maybe give him a chance if you’re interested.’

‘I don’t know if I am. Can you get to know someone in a week?’

‘I can’t answer that, but I do think you can get to know the essence of someone in a week.’

‘I was drunk and tripped in the limo. I was crawling on my hands and knees. Even I know those jeans make my bum look like Mount Rushmore. What must he have thought of me? I was mortified. I even told him not to bother coming again if he wasn’t up for it.’

‘You what?’

‘It was a get out clause. I was trying to save face. I don’t think I can bear having a crush on someone who thinks I’m a total klutz.’

‘Ahhh, then you do fancy him.’

‘Okay, yes.’

‘Calm down, sis. This is playground behavior. Act normal when you’re with him. You’ve always had a wicked sense of humor.’

‘I want to impress him not be a clown.’

‘You’ll impress him by being yourself,’ advised Gabe.

‘Well I certainly wasn’t being myself stumbling wide eyed in a limousine, pouring myself free drinks and shamelessly throwing myself at a playboy billionaire without invitation.’

Gabriel had to laugh at the image she painted, but his ringing low tones were infectious.

‘At least I made an impression.’

‘I’ll say,’ he sniggered.

‘Come on, let’s get on then,’ said Faith brightly.

‘Hey, Faith?’

She looked at her brother.

‘How were things left with Mr. Porterhouse?’

‘I was a bit of an emotional wreck.’

‘You mean you were a bit of an off-handish cow?’

‘I hate that you know me that well.’

‘Drop him a text or call, thanking him for turning up and say you’ll catch him later. At least that way you’re implementing damage control. Guiding the course of true love.’

‘I wouldn’t go that far.’

‘Trust me. Give the guy some encouragement or you may have blown your chances. The male ego is a fragile thing, however we present ourselves.’

‘I hardly think my invitation to stop volunteering at the hospital would have dented his pride.’

‘You might be surprised.’

Abbey raced up the stairs to her bedroom to retrieve her cell phone.

BOOK: I Kissed A Playboy
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