Read Hypnotized Online

Authors: Lacey Wolfe

Hypnotized (7 page)

BOOK: Hypnotized
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I could hear the irritation in his tone. “Yes, Kristy was,

I was so glad Kristy had been there the first night. I’d tossed and turned, my mind clouded with Gabe. It hadn’t helped that was all Kristy had wanted to talk about. Last night had been easier because I was so exhausted, but I still kept waking up. I worked tonight, and hopefully I’d be so tired when I got home, I’d crash and not hear every single squeak in the place.

“Gabe isn’t so bad,” I said. We needed to talk about him. Evan had to understand I was going to pursue a relationship with Gabe. “Maybe you should give him a chance.”

“Are you dating?”

I shrugged. “I think.”

Evan groaned. “Maybe you should ask him.”

I cleared my throat, hating where this conversation was going. “You know, I don’t think he’s what your friend thinks. He isn’t pushing me to do more than I want. Besides, it’s my choice when I have sex and with who. I’ve not thrown my belief away on waiting until it’s with the right person. In the mean time, I can have fun.”

Evan’s eyes went wide. “So you’re doing things with him?”

Did kissing and over the clothes petting count? I stared at Evan and could see a different look in his eyes, as though it upset him more than it would a friend. “No, not yet.”

Evan glanced away.

“Why does it bother you, anyway?” I asked.

Softly he said, “I care about you.”

I touched his knee. “Evan, you’re going to meet someone, too.”

He looked back at me then stood, my hand falling back to the bench. “Maybe the one I want is obviously not interested. Never has been.” He marched away with anger in his steps.

I watched him as he shoved his hands in his pockets and headed back toward town. There was no way Evan meant me? He’d dated all kinds of girls in high school. Confided in me about everything. We were friends. Almost like a brother and sister, or so I thought. Had things changed for Evan?

* * *

As I stepped out onto the lighted street, I pulled my cell phone from my purse. Thankfully, my apartment wasn’t far, but the idea of walking alone was frightening. I’d buy pepper spray tomorrow. Clutching the phone in my hand, ready to call for help if I needed it, I crossed the street.


I jumped, but recognized the voice instantly.

Gabe jogged across the street. “I was waiting on you so I could walk you home. But you came out of there like a bolt of lightning.”

I hated walking the streets alone. “Yeah, sorry. I wanted to get home. Walking in the dark isn’t my idea of a good time.” I couldn’t believe he was here, and had gone out of his way to walk me home.

“How was work?”

“Boring.” We started to walk. “But I like it. Ms. Clara is flexible and keeps to herself.”

He kept his hands at his sides, though I wished they were on me again, exploring. “I’ve got to be at work soon myself.”

“Do you like it?”

He chuckled and grinned. “Yeah, it’s not so bad.”

I bet it wasn’t. I cringed at the idea of where some women might get a tattoo. The thought of a needle there—no thank you. “What do you do during the days?”

“Sleep. Help with my brother. Write.”

“How old is your brother?”

“He’s four.”

We arrived at my place. I turned to him, wondering if I should invite him in. He had to work, but maybe he’d come in for a little bit. Going in there alone didn’t seem fun. Maybe I should start looking for a roommate. “Want to come in?”

“Love to.”

Excitement rushed through me as we climbed the steps to my place. As we entered, my insides began to churn and I knew he was staring at me. He still did that. Watched me all the time. Glancing over my shoulder, I sucked in my bottom lip then asked, “Can I get you something to drink?”

He walked closer to me. “It drives me crazy when you do that.”

Staring into his eyes I asked, “Do what?”

“Suck on your lip.”

The way he looked at me, my insides went crazy. Suddenly, a confidence I’d never experienced came over me. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him. Me, I made the first move. I’d never done that before. Was this what it was like to mature?

He groaned in pleasure and pressed me against the wall behind me, his hands on either side of my head, his body keeping me in place. Damn it, I liked this side of him. His hard chest pressed against me.

Lacing my fingers around his neck, I deepened the kiss. This was something I would never tire of with him, ever. I wanted more. I needed to feel his hands on me again, but this couldn’t go any further when he had work. No point in getting any more hot and bothered over him. It was hard though.

He pulled back. “The things you do to me. I don’t think you understand the control I have to have to not take you.”

Sucking in my lip, I grinned knowing what it would do to him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me. My legs wrapped around his hips just as his lips captured mine again. His erection pressed into my center. He was big. Instinctively, I pressed into him.

Gabe grunted and I hoped that meant he liked it. So I did it again, but then the kiss ended and he gazed into my eyes, his dark with passion. “We’ve got to stop before I can’t.”

I nodded, though I wanted to keep going. “I wouldn’t want you to be late to work.”

“Screw them. They’ll get over it.”

Then why stop? I knew I wanted more. My body screamed at me right now as I let my legs drop back down to the floor.

He stepped back. “I’ll take that drink now.”

“I don’t have much. Sweet tea, water, and soda.”

“Tea is fine.”

I left him in the living room as he adjusted his jeans. I poured both of us a glass and took the time to compose myself. Quickly glancing at the kitchen doorway, I did a small squeal. God, this guy was hot and sexy, and for some unknown reason, interested in me.

He likes innocent girls.

I pushed Evan’s words from my head. It couldn’t be true. Gabe just didn’t seem like that kind of guy. He wasn’t pressuring me at all. In fact, he was the one who kept stopping us. Then I recalled what Pete called him
Cherry Popper.
Sighing, I was ready to let him pop mine without a second thought. Maybe I should call him
Panty Dropper.

Gabe appeared in the doorway, startling me. “I was worried you got lost.”

“No.” I handed him his glass, then took a much needed gulp of mine as I took in his sexy body leaning against the door frame. “Just tired.”

Brushing past him, I went into the living room and took a seat. He followed and plopped down next to me. Maybe I should just ask him about the things Evan had said. Why wonder? “So, uh, why does Pete not like you?”

Gabe set his glass down on the end table then leaned back into the cushion. “I dated his sister for a short time.”

“Oh. Did you break up with her or something?”

He stared into his glass a moment before answering, “Yeah, it just got boring.”

Just got boring.
Would I get boring to him one day, too?
My heart ached thinking about it.

As though he knew what I was thinking, he clasped a hand with mine. “Don’t worry about us.”

I cleared my throat. “Is there an us?”

“Oh, yeah, Paisley. There is certainly an us.” He kissed my cheek, then whispered, “At least I hope.”

I smiled as my stomach fluttered. “I like the idea of you and me.”

“Good. Because I’d be heartbroken otherwise.”

If he kept saying things like that, I might believe him. I just couldn’t wrap my head around what had attracted him to me.

He set his tea down on the coffee table. “I’ve got to get to work, unfortunately. I’d rather stay here with you.”

“Yeah. It’s weird here alone,” I admitted. “I’ll get used to it, I guess.”

He stood, pulling me up with him. “Sleep well tonight. Dream of me.”

I had no doubt that would happen.

He kissed me good-bye, then left. Sitting back down on the couch, I stared out the window at the line of cars on the street. I was falling for this guy and fast.

* * *

I sat on Kristy’s bed, trying to hold back the tears. We’d just finished packing up her car, and any moment she’d be on her way to Florida. Life was changing so fast. I understood now why my parents always told me to enjoy my childhood because when it was over, it was over.

“Are you scared?” I couldn’t imagine moving to another state.

She shrugged. “Not really. This is exciting. I can’t wait to lay on the beach when not at class.” She sat down next to me. “I just wish you were going to be there. You’re lucky, you know people still. Plus, you’ve got Evan.”

Having Evan wasn’t such a good thing at the moment. “Yeah, but he’s being weird.”

“I noticed.”

Thank goodness I wasn’t the only one. “He’s not making any sense. We’re friends. Always have been, but suddenly he’s acting like we’re more.”

She held a stuffed white bear in her hands. “I always did think you two would end up together.”

I groaned. “Now you sound like my parents. Evan’s just a friend.”

“You mean you don’t want to jump his bones the way you do Gabe.”

I giggled and rubbed my palm against the soft comforter. “He lights a fire in me I’ve never experienced before.”

“So you think you might…you know?” She stared hard at me, a curious smile spread across her face.

“Maybe. Not anytime soon, though.”

Kristy fell back laughing on the bedspread. “It’s so unfair. I’m leaving and you’re finally getting serious about a guy.” She took my hand. “You’d better call me and tell me all about it when you do.”

I squinted. “It isn’t like it’s happening tomorrow. And I never said it would for sure.”

“Oh, you will.” She sat up. “Once you start fooling around with him, you’ll find nothing will satisfy you until he’s inside of you.”

I feared she was right. I’d been fantasizing about it too much lately. What it would be like to actually have sex with a guy. I’d been fingered before, so it wasn’t like I’d never played, but with Gabe, I knew I’d want more.

“Do you think he knows I’m a virgin?” Obviously it wasn’t tattooed across my forehead, I hoped.

“I don’t know. You are kinda shy and naive. Are you going to tell him?”

I sighed and stared at my hands. I didn’t want to be shy and naïve anymore. I wanted to be strong and sexy, and come across that way to others. “I don’t know. Evan says he likes innocent girls.”

“Look at me.” I turned and stared at her. “Follow your instinct. It’ll lead you in the right direction.”

I reached out and pulled her to me, embracing her. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

“With technology these days, we can Facetime whenever. It’ll be like I’m here.”

We let go of one another just as Kristy’s mom entered the bedroom. “Ready to go?”

Kristy nodded. I could only imagine what it was like to pack up and leave for another state, away from most everyone you knew. If anyone could do it, Kristy could.

We hugged once more, and then I snuck out so Kristy and her mom could have a moment. While they fought a lot, her mother still loved her to the ends of the earth. And since she was divorced, she’d now be an empty nester all by herself. I’d have to make a point to come by from time to time.

Inside my car, I realized I’d left my phone in here the whole time. Picking it up, I unlocked the screen to find a text from Gabe.

Up for a ride?

Oh yeah, I was up for one all right.
Meet me at my place in an hour.

Cranking up the car, a jolt of excitement flooded me. Seeing Gabe was like a drug. One I needed more and more of, and it seemed he was feeling the same way. Then I remembered what he’d said, we were an item. I giggled. Gabe was my boyfriend.



I pushed the top of my laptop closed a little too hard, but I didn’t care. This writing thing was harder than it seemed. Here I thought I’d take a few hours of my day, each day of the week, and before long I’d have a novel in my hands. The last few days had been a joke. I spent most of it staring at the screen.

I needed a ride on my bike, and I needed Paisley’s arms wrapped around me while I rode. Thank God she’d said yes.

Leaning back in the chair, I couldn’t believe how attached I’d gotten to her. I’d only known her a short time, but found I craved her. This was new for me. To be honest, I’d always been one to mess around, never getting serious—until Paisley. This girl was changing everything. Perhaps my new feelings clouding my mind were the reason I was having a hard time with the horror novel I was attempting to write. It was hard to get in the mind frame of a serial killer when all I could think about was kissing Paisley. Rubbing my hands along her lean legs until they found her center, wet only for me.

I pushed back in my chair and began to pack my things up.

“You okay?” Leah asked from behind the counter, twirling a brown rag in her hands.


How writers got any writing done at coffee shops was beyond me. Today the door kept opening, and people continued to come in for coffee. That was good for my parents, not me.

“So, uh.” Leah stood beside me now, and I let my gaze travel over her body. She wore tiny black shorts with a white v-neck tee, as well as the navy blue apron with the coffee shop’s logo on it. She was an attractive girl, I’d give her that. “I was wondering if you were busy later.”

“I am. Sorry.” I zipped up my book bag.

She smiled and bit her bottom lip. It wasn’t nearly as cute as when Paisley did it. “Think you might want to hang out sometime?”

I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. “Maybe.” I put on my back pack. “I’m kinda seeing someone right now.”

“Oh.” She sighed, looking defeated. “That figures. I finally get the nerve to ask you out, only to learn you’re seeing someone.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I’d go out with you if I weren’t seeing someone.”

She shook her head. “I guess it does, but not really. I’ll see you around, Gabe.”

Chances were, she would probably see me here tomorrow.

* * *

An hour later, the breeze met my face as I rode through town. Paisley’s hands were laced around my waist, her chin on my shoulder. I could ride like this all day.

When I’d picked her up in front of her place, I’d debated taking her back up to her apartment and exploring every inch of her. She’d worn a denim mini-skirt. Right about now, I was sure it was hiked up high on her thighs.

My phone buzzed on my hip again. This was the third time since we got on the road that it had gone off. Either I was popular today, or someone really wanted to get in touch with me. At this moment, it didn’t matter. Then Nate crossed my mind. I’d better stop and make sure it wasn’t my mom. I slowed and pulled into a parking lot. Paisley let go of me when I stopped.

“Why did we stop?”

“Phone keeps ringing.” I pulled it from the holder on my waist. Thankfully it hadn’t been my mom, and for some reason I was popular. I noticed a new text. Some party was happening tonight, that I wouldn’t be attending.

“Who was it?”

I shoved the phone back into the holder. “No one really. My place isn’t far. Want to go there?”

“Sure. It’s only fair I know where you live, too.” She winked.

I grinned. “It’s a mess. If I’d planned this right I might have tidied up.”

She wrapped her arms around my waist again. “I don’t care how your place looks.”

“Hold on tight.” Revving the engine, I let it jerk as I started off. She let out a small squeal.

A few minutes later, I pulled into the condo complex where I lived. I held my hand back for her as she climbed off. My gaze stayed glued to her long, tan legs as I set the kickstand and swung my leg over. Damn. I wanted to caress them and feel them wrapped around my shoulders as I teased her into oblivion.

I led her down the stone pathway to my front door. After unlocking it, I pushed it open, letting her enter before me. I needed a peek at her ass and man, it looked as round and sexy in that skirt as I’d imagined it would.

Once in, I didn’t realize just how dirty the place was.
Funny you don’t notice it until someone else is here.

“You’re place is so much nicer than mine.” She giggled.

It was a train wreck in here. “Yours is almost historic. Every college kid wants to live right where you are.”

Paisley scunched her nose and plopped down on my black leather couch. She leaned back, crossing her legs, but that mini-skirt hugged her thighs. I wanted to see underneath. Hell, I wanted it off all together.

“Can I get you anything?” Might as well be courteous even though I wanted her naked.

She patted the cushion next to her. “Just you.”

Fuck. Was she feeling the same as me? She’d taken me by surprise the other night when she’d kissed me first. Usually, I could see the wheels turning in her head. I could see how nervous she was and it was cute. She was so sweet and innocent.

I sat down, my gaze on her the whole time. What was it about this blonde beauty that held my attention? I could stare at her all day.

I took her hand in mine. Her tongue darted out of her sweet little mouth and moistened her lips. She wanted to kiss me.

“I’m having a hard time controlling myself.” Or being a gentleman.

“Me, too.” She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. The hesitation in her expression was back.

“Should we stop trying?”
Please say yes.

She nodded, and not even a second later, I attacked her—or at least that’s how it felt. I wrapped her up in my arms and kissed her as deeply as I could, not taking anything slow. And from the way she gripped my arms, it didn’t seem like she objected.

This time I wasn’t stopping until she told me to.

Being the guy I am, I decided to test the waters with her. My fingers played with the hem of her shirt and slowly lifted it. I waited for her to push me away, but she didn’t. I pulled the shirt until we had to break the kiss, and she gladly lifted her arms, letting me remove her shirt.

I tossed the thing across the room then laced an arm around her waist, leaning her back on the couch. Before kissing her again, my gaze traveled over her. She had a magnificent set of breasts. I kissed between them then lightly blew.

“Do you want me to stop?” I figured I’d at least ask, even though I had no plans to.

She shook her head.

I pulled at the black straps on her shoulders until they hung loosely against her arms. She was sexy as hell. If I had a camera, I’d take a picture of her just like this.

My erection hurt as it pressed into my zipper. I had no idea if it’d be set free today, but for now I was enjoying exploring Paisley.

I pulled one of her legs up as my lips returned to hers. Finally, I had access under the skirt. I let my palm rub her inner thighs before I finally skimmed my fingers over her panties. Her body jerked under mine. Her panties were already moist for me. Not able to control myself, I groaned.

I pulled her panties to the side and touched the area I desired. She froze and stopped kissing me back. Should I stop? I looked at her as I slowly coated my finger in her juices.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Want me to stop?”


At her opening, I gently inserted my finger. Damn, she was tight. I began to worry how uncomfortable this was for her. I should stop, I really should. I didn’t want her to feel like she had to do anything she didn’t want to do. As I began to remove my hand, her eyes closed and her hips ground against my hand.

Did she want me to stop?

I teased her a little more and her breathing picked up. No, she was enjoying it. Not able to resist, I claimed her lips again and continued to finger her. I never added anymore than one finger. My suspicions on her being innocent had been correct. She was awfully tight and I wanted this to be enjoyable.

She stopped kissing me and dug her nails into my shoulders.

“Gabe!” she called.

I picked up the pace; she was about to orgasm. Her walls got even tighter around my finger. Damn, I wished it was my cock.

“Oh. My. God!” Paisley arched her back as she released.

After she caught her breath, I pushed her leg back down. She didn’t look at me, in fact it seemed as though she was avoiding eye contact all together.

“What’s wrong?”

“I, uh.” She took a deep breath. “I should reciprocate, but I’ve never been…never…”

“Never what?”

She closed her eyes tightly. “Don’t make me say it.”

Kissing her cheek lightly, I whispered, “You can tell me anything. I’d never judge you for anything.”

“I’m not good at…” She paused and the next part came out softly. “Hand jobs.”

“Paisley, look at me.” I waited until her blue eyes finally gazed back into mine. “I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

“But you just—”

“I don’t expect you to reciprocate.” And I didn’t. Just getting to touch Paisley the way I had was enough for me.

“I want to, though.”

I grunted. She was trying to kill me. “Let’s just talk for a bit.” I pulled her into a sitting position alongside me. “Classes are starting soon. Are you excited?”

“Way to change the subject.” She giggled. “A little.”

“Do you have a major picked out yet?”

“Hell no.” She tossed her hair behind her shoulder. “I’m only eighteen. It’s insane they want me to decide what I want to do right now for the rest of my life. I’m hoping I have an idea after the core classes.”

I smiled. She was on to something. “What interests you?”

“I honestly don’t know. Is that sad?”

“No.” At twenty-three, I really had no idea what I wanted to do, either. I agreed with her thinking that adults expected us to know just what we wanted to do with our lives the second we graduated high school.

She rubbed my arm. “You mentioned you write?”

“I do.”

Staring into my eyes, she asked the question I always hated. “What do you write?”

I ran my fingers along her forearm. “Before I met you, I was writing a crime-thriller featuring a serial killer.”

“How has that changed since meeting me?” She raised an eyebrow.

My serial killer muse had died and had been replaced with a goddess. “Now I feel like writing sappy romances.”

She shoved my shoulder playfully. “You’re crazy. I’d love to see what you’ve written.”

I shook my head. “No one’s ever laid eyes on it. I’d be nervous. What if it sucks?”

“Doubtful. I bet you’re going to be the next James Patterson.”

“You’ve got that much faith, and you’ve never read it?” I cocked an eyebrow.

She rubbed my cheek and stared into my eyes. “I do.”

Damn it. This girl was under my skin. Leaning forward, I kissed her again. When I pulled back, she grinned. “Why are you smiling?”

BOOK: Hypnotized
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