Hybrid's Love (6 page)

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Authors: Seraphina Donavan

Tags: #menage, #mmf, #aliens adventure, #erotica science fiction and fantasy, #aliens coming to earth

BOOK: Hybrid's Love
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Kyr grunted, his own pleasure building to the
boiling point. With her hot sheath gripping him, milking him, his
balls tightened, drawing up, and then he was coming, pouring his
very essence into her welcoming heat. Her name was a hoarse shout
on his lips as her body clutched at him, milking the last drops of
cum from him. He leaned over her, his forehead resting against her
shoulder as he kissed the delicate arc of her spine and waited for
his breath to return.

When he was able, he pulled out of her and
gently picked her up, carrying her to the tub and waiting bath.
After settling her into the steaming water he joined her, scooting
in to sit behind her, her bottom nestled between his thighs. She
laid back against his chest and a soft sigh escaped her lips. It
was a sound of contentment.

Relaxed as she was, her body exhausted from
their sensual exploits, her mind was completely open to him. He
could read her every thought, every fear. Her suspicions of the
Commander were there, her sense that he was not who he appeared to
be. Kyr knew better than to ignore her senses. Untrained though she
was, Wren had been created with abilities to see and understand far
beyond his own. In all things, the Core strove for balance. By
giving him physical strength and endurance, they provided his mate
abilities that were equal to but different from his own. He could
only read her thoughts, but with time and proper teaching, Wren
would be able to read the thoughts of anyone she met.

Against her ear, he whispered, “We will stay
tonight and leave in the morning. We will not ask him about the HC
scanner. Why do you believe he was responsible for your

Wren shivered. It wasn’t desire so much as
that every nerve in her body was beyond sensitive. The things Kyr
had done to her, the things he had made her feel, left her mindless
and boneless, her body relaxed beyond measure but strangely
stimulated at the same time. “It is just a feeling I have. When he
spoke, there was something in his voice…He was not happy to see
you, Kyr. He was surprised that you were here, because he believed
that you were dead. Why think that if he wasn’t the one who sent
the Aldacyians after us?”

“I will find the answers,” he said, as he
lazily soaped her breasts, washing her body. It was arousing to
touch her, to be near her, though he had only just had a release
unlike any other he had ever experienced. Despite his insatiable
need for her, he resolved not to press her again. He knew she was

“Have you been with many women, Kyr?”

“No, I have not,” he said, dreading the
questions that would follow.

A tone in his voice alerted her, “What are
you not telling me?”

“Things are very different here. I have spent
my life living in Sentinel Quarters. I have never been with a woman

He had not been a virgin. She knew that with
certainty. “But you’ve been with other men?”

He nodded, “Yes.”

Perhaps it should have repulsed her, but it
didn’t. It was strangely arousing to her. Tentatively, she tried to
touch his mind as he did hers. Dozens of intensely erotic images
filled her mind of Kyr and other men—strong, fierce warriors, their
heads thrown back in passion as they pleasured one another.
Abruptly, the images disappeared. “Why did you do that? You said
that we would share everything.”

“It is different on your planet…What we see
here as a natural part of our lives, our desires, in your world
makes me less than a man does it not?”

It should have. “I don’t think anything could
make you seem like less than a man to me. And what you let me see…
it didn’t repulse me, or make me think less of you.” Tentatively,
Wren kissed him, pressing her lips against him while she reached
out with her mind, showing him the fantasies that he had spawned in
her. It was no longer Kyr and that group of fierce warriors. In her
fantasy, she was in their midst. Some of them pleasuring themselves
as they watched her ride him, some of them touching each other. But
one, a blonde man who had featured prominently in his memories
approached from behind, his cock glistening with moisture, with the
oil he liberally applied.

Kyr growled low in his throat, her dark
fantasies spiking his desire. “I would give you that fantasy…
readily. It is the way of Sentinels to share everything.”

Wren rose to her knees in the tub, and then
turned to face him. He was hard again. She had felt his raging
erection pressing against her backside. She was sore, tender in
places she had never even known, but the steaming bath had eased
the worst of her lingering aches and pains. Straddling his thighs,
she reached for his cock and guided it into her tight sheath,
reveling in the familiar stretch of her body to accommodate the
length and girth of his penis. It wasn’t the fierce, animalistic
fucking of earlier, but slow and easy. Their mouths melded, their
tongues tangling as she gently pumped her hips atop his. His large
hands traced delicate circles on her back and hips. Slowly, they
made love, the water lapping about them, their soft cries of
contentment lost in one another’s mouths until they came,
shuddering together in exquisite release.








HOURS later, they were dressed for dinner.
Kyr was dressed very similarly to his shipboard attire, but the
jacket was slightly more formal and bore insignias that depicted
his rank. A gown had been provided for Wren. It was pale green and
flowed over her body like water. It wasn’t entirely sheer, but the
shadows of her aureolas and the dark thatch of her pubic hair were
barely discernible in the light. “I don’t mind wearing this for
you,” she said, “But it seems a bit strange to wear it in front of

Kyr smiled, “I can assure you, women do not
dress discretely here. In Sector F9, specifically, women tend to be
very provocative… Since it is a neutral zone, and aggression of any
kind is punishable, they are much more free to behave in any way
they desire.”

“And in other sectors?”

He shrugged, “The primary reason we are so
relaxed in our attitudes about sex between men is that we face a
shortage of women. You, and the others who were created with you,
were the first successful creation of female embryos in


“The Core has not always been accepted. Many
of our enemies thought biological warfare, and the slow genocide of
our people by limiting our ability to reproduce, would be the most
effective way to end us. Also, other worlds that can offer women as
payment or reward hold a great deal of sway on men. It is a power
they are reluctant to forfeit.”

They left the room, heading back down the
corridor and towards the main chamber they had entered earlier in
the day. The Commander was dressed in flowing robes similar to his
earlier choice, but elaborately embroidered. He welcomed them into
the room, and again made Wren’s skin crawl.

“Welcome, welcome! You appear quite
invigorated after you rest!” he said, and chuckled. The sound made
her feel dirty. Had he spied on them, she wondered? The thought of
it both angered and repulsed her. While she acknowledged that being
watched was part of the fantasy she had shared with Kyr, it was an
entirely different matter to be observed without one’s consent.

“Thank you for your hospitality, Commander,”
Kyr responded, placing a steadying hand at the small of her back.
He could feel the tension radiating from her.

The Commander waved away the thanks and
ushered them into the dining area. A long, glass table had been
laid with an assortment of fruit and other foods that she didn’t
recognize. The strangeness of her current situation came rushing
back to her at that instant. What if the doctors had been right all
these years, and what she was seeing and hearing was simply a
product of a warped and broken mind? Panic clawed at her. The
presence of a warm hand at the small of her back offered
reassurance. She could feel Kyr reaching out to her mentally. The
bond was there, harder to access when they were less intimately
connected, but still she felt it. It offered her a measure of peace
and comfort that she’d never had before.

Taking a seat at the table, she allowed the
staff to serve her. She had no idea what the customs were on, well
it wasn’t really a planet, but a space station. Deciding to observe
others and follow their lead, she studied the others present at the
impromptu gathering. They were obviously very important people. The
richness of the fabrics adorning their bodies bore testament to
that. The women’s clothing was shocking, incredibly so. One wore a
gown similar to hers, but completely diaphanous. She might as well
have been wearing cling wrap for all that it hid. The sheer,
gossamer like fabric floated over her skin, revealing one rouged
nipple, the other bared entirely by the asymmetrical cut of the
gown. The woman also wore nothing under the gown, and her shaved
mound was visible, as was the jewelry that adorned it.

“I understand that on Earth, where you have
been, that the custom is for women to cover their bodies entirely,”
the woman said, a hint of challenge in her voice.

“It varies, really,” Wren replied, coolly.
“There are certain cultures where women must cover everything but
their eyes, others where women may wear whatever they choose, so
long as they are not revealing their breasts or genitals. There are
even certain individuals on Earth who call themselves naturists and
prefer to go without clothing altogether. Most of us are somewhere
in between, however.”

The woman shuddered, “I would never live
somewhere that required me to hide my body. The universe has
blessed us with pleasing forms, and it is a crime to hide it.”

“Perhaps I will adjust to that way of
thinking, in time, but at present, I prefer to keep some things a
mystery, at least to most people.”

“Commander,” Kyr began, interrupting a
conversation that could not end well, “Has there been any news on
the locations of the other Sentinel Mates?”

The Commander smiled sadly, though the
expression did not match the coolness of his gaze, “I’m afraid not,
Lieutenant Nivarre. The others may well be lost to us forever. Had
that Aldacyian ship not been recovered and the incriminating
records of Wren’s escape discovered, we might never have found

Wren felt ill. Memories were suddenly there,
indistinct and fuzzy, but more than she had ever recalled before.
She’d been so little, not quite six. The Aldacyians had been
dragging her away from a ship and into the woods to meet someone.
One of them had stumbled in a small hole and she’d jerked away,
running deeper into the trees.

“Wren? Wren?”

Wren shook her head and pulled herself back
to the present. One of the servants held out a small bowl of
something that she couldn’t quite identify. “No, thank you. I’m
sorry, but I just don’t feel very well.”

“My poor dear! What a difficult few days this
has been for you... You must be exhausted. You should rest,

“Precisely, Commander. Thank you for being so
understanding,” she replied, her smile as sickeningly sweet as his.
They had to get out or they would both be dead by morning, she

Hearing her thoughts clearly, Kyr spoke,
“With your permission, Commander, I would take Wren on a tour of
the station. After being cooped up aboard ship for so many days,
the activity will be helpful.”

“Of course! A romantic stroll is always a
perfect end to the evening!”

As they rose, many of the guests chatted
quietly amongst themselves. Wren could feel their curious gazes on
her. The Commander rose and held out his hand to the mostly naked
woman, “I have chosen you, Ilira, to be my companion for the

She curtsied, her breasts swaying with her
movements. “I am honored to serve you, as always, Commander.”

Kyr rose then, “Forgive me, Commander, but I
think the festivities might be too much for Wren. She is not yet
accustomed to our ways.”

The Commander nodded, “Certainly Lieutenant.
Enjoy your tour of Sector F9, my dear.”

They left quickly. Outside the door Wren met
Kyr’s gaze and said, “Do I even want to know what is going on in

He shrugged, “I told you that our attitudes
about sex are very different here. Taking a woman in front of
others, so that they too may benefit is a common practice.”

“So he’s going to fuck her in front of
everyone else there for their entertainment?” she asked, needing to
hear him say that.

“And for his. The Commander loves to
perform,” Kyr responded. “You may be more comfortable if you
change. I doubt you’ll wish to be walking around openly in that
gown,” he said as they entered their chamber.

“Okay. I want out of here, Kyr. Just being in
his presence makes my skin crawl.”

“You’re certain that he’s involved in the
disappearance of the sentinel mates?” Kyr asked.

Wren wasn’t offended by his doubt. The truth
was that she still doubted herself all the time. But she couldn’t
afford not to listen to her instincts. There was too much at stake.
“Yes... but don’t ask me how, because I don’t know. It’s the same
way that I knew which of the creepy doctors and orderlies to never
be alone with when I was a kid.”

Kyr clenched his fists. The anger that filled
him when he thought of her alone, vulnerable and unprotected, was
foreign to him. He’d never been one to experience strong emotions.
He’d been told that finding his mate would change things for him,
but he hadn’t imagined it would be so intense. Still, it wasn’t
something he could focus on at that moment. Keeping a clear head
would keep them alive and get them to safety. “I will never let
anyone harm you again,” he vowed.

Wren met his gaze, saw the sincerity in his
eyes, and the feelings that she’d been trying so hard to hold at
bay, welled up inside her. He’d asked before if it mattered why
they were together, in that moment, she realized she didn’t care
about the how or why, only that it was. “So this HC scanner--where
is it and how the hell do we get there?”

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