Hustler (21 page)

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Authors: Meghan Quinn,Jessica Prince

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Hustler
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Jesus, his body really is amazing, and the most mouthwatering sight of all is the outline of his cock behind the thin cotton of his underwear. Just the sight of it makes my mouth go dry at the same time another flood of wetness soaks my panties. It should be illegal for a man to be this good looking. How is a woman ever supposed to resist?

The feel of his touch on my right thigh pulls me from my perusal of his body and, before I know it, he’s skating his rough fingertips up, up, up, and over the material of my skirt until his hand snakes between my back and the mattress. He takes hold of the zipper, yanks it down, and in the blink of an eye, pulls my skirt from my body.

“Gavin!” I yelp as I try and move away, but as he said earlier, it’s pointless. He already has the hem of my shirt in his hands and is jerking it over my chest, forcing my arms up with the motion until I’m lying there in nothing but my bra and panties. “What the hell are you doing?!”

“Getting you comfortable,” he returns easily, pulling me across the bed by my ankle once again. With a flick of his wrist, he has the comforter down and is depositing me in the middle of the world’s softest mattress and climbs in behind me, throwing the covers over our bodies and wrapping his arm around my waist, holding my back flush against his rock hard chest.

“Uh…” My brain flips in my head trying to figure out what the hell is happening as Gavin’s palm rests firmly on my stomach. Wait, is he…
me? It’s almost too insane of a concept to believe, but he is. Gavin Saint is spooning me.

Neither of us say a word for several minutes, and as his breathing grows even I begin to think he’s fallen asleep. Then… “Tell me what happened in there.” It’s not a question, it’s a command, but the softness in his voice removes any harshness.

My chest rises as I suck in a deep breath. “It’s stupid. I don’t really want to talk about it, okay? I’ll just get embarrassed when you realize what a big baby I acted like.”

“That wasn’t a request, Miss Prescott.”
Ah, so I’m Miss Prescott whenever I don’t obey
. “Now tell me, what had you so upset.”

There is no way in hell I’m telling him about the conversation I had with my dad earlier. When it comes to my parents, I’m extremely protective, and just the thought of discussing the problems they’re having, and my concerns about them, feels almost like a betrayal to them. Besides, that’s a part of my life I want to keep him out of. There is no place for Gavin in that part of my world. But I know he won’t give up, he’s relentless like that. So I give him part of the truth, knowing he’d read any lies that were to fall from my lips anyway.

“I was at that audition today,” I say in a small, quiet voice.

“What audition?”

With a sigh, I relent and give him the rest of the story, not wanting to drag it out any longer than necessary. “The one your friends were discussing at dinner. I was at that audition earlier today… and every one before that since I moved here three years ago.” The combination of darkness, and the fact I can’t see Gavin’s face makes it easier to pour everything out, like I’m purging at least some of the poison from my body that’s been dragging me under all day long. “It hurt, hearing how easy it was for them to just waltz in there and land a spot with La Magie without really even trying. I mean, I’m sure they’re talented…” I quickly back pedal, realizing I’ve just insulted his friends. “They’d have to be to get in with that troop, right? It just made me feel…” I trail off, so lost in my melancholy that I can’t form the rest of my words.

“Made you feel what?” he asks in a soft voice when I don’t continue.

I feel the tears build and my nose stings once again. “Like I’m not good enough. I’ve been trying so hard, and I want it so badly… it’s the
thing I’ve ever wanted to do! There’s just always someone

Gavin’s body heat disappears as the hand on my stomach forces me to roll over, taking me to my back so he can hover over me, his entire face is a mask of fierceness. “Haven’t you learned yet, Penelope? This town isn’t about being good enough, it doesn’t care how much talent or heart you have. It’ll still chew you up and spit you the fuck out without giving a damn. I’m sure you have more talent in your little fucking toe than either of those two women tonight. But it’s not about talent in Vegas. It’s about who you know, and they’ve both been playing the game for a really long time.”

“But I
play the game!” I cry past the lump in my throat as more dreaded tears break free. “I’ve been doing this for three fucking years, Gavin. I have no connections, there isn’t anyone in my life whose name holds that kind of power. The longer I keep doing this the more I feel like I’m losing another piece of myself every single day. I can’t do it anymore!”

“That’s not true,” he insists adamantly. “You have a connection.”

“Yeah?” I scoff, lost to the pain that’s been sitting in my chest all damned day. There’s no pulling myself out of it now, I’ve been walking a fine line between holding it together and completely crumbling all afternoon, now the jig is up. I can’t hold it together anymore. I’m crumbling. “And who the hell do I know? Huh? One of the assholes in the high roller suite who’ll expect to get sucked off as a thank you for putting in a good word?”

I’m so absorbed in my rant that I don’t notice Gavin’s face grow thunderous with every word that spills from my mouth. “
,” he finally grinds between clenched teeth. “
your goddamned connection, you hear me? No one else. And if I so much as find out any of those fuckers even propositions you, I swear to fucking God—”

I can’t explain what comes over me in that very moment, maybe it’s the tumultuous emotions that I’ve been struggling with all day, maybe it’s temporary insanity, or maybe it’s just sheer relief at hearing someone say they’ve got my back, someone who can actually
something about it. But no matter what the reason is, my brain completely shuts down, and I lift my head off Gavin’s pillow and press my lips to his in an unexpected kiss. I don’t allow myself to think, to question what I’m doing or the reasons behind it. I simply feel, I allow myself to stay in the moment as Gavin’s tongue teases the seam of my lips with a gentleness I never would have expected from him.

I expected him to command, to plunder, to dominate. But as I part my lips to allow him entry, he’s slow, methodical, almost careful.

I can’t help but moan at the taste of him in my mouth, and my needy sounds must do something to him, because the kiss grows in intensity. We nip and suck at each other’s lips and tongues, as if we’re unable to get enough of the other person. When I feel Gavin’s weight shift, his strong legs pressing between mine, forcing me to open wider, I’m all too happy to do it. I bend my knees as Gavin presses his cock against the soaked fabric of my panties and tilts his hips, the pressure of his erection against my clit so delicious my head falls back on a deep groan.

“Fuck,” he mutters against my neck as he trails kisses along its column. “I already feel how wet you are.” He snaps his hips again, sending a jolt of electricity from that swollen bundle of nerves all the way to my nipples, causing them to tighten into painful peaks.

As if he were able to read my mind, Gavin’s fingers grip one of the cups of my bra and yanks it down as he continues to thrust against me, making me wetter, achier. Those soft, lush lips of his surround my nipple and he sucks long and hard, pulling a keening cry from my throat as he bites down on the sensitive skin just hard enough that the twinge of pain causes me to shiver with want. He switches back and forth, lavishing each breast with the same amount of attention, all the while his cock continues to nudge against my pussy, driving me insane.

But it’s not enough.

I need more.

And I need it now.

“Gavin,” I whimper, my fingers curling into his hair so I can yank his lips away from my swollen nipples. “Please.”

“Please what, Penelope?” And once again, we’re back to first names. “Tell me what you need.”

“Fuck me,” I groan, lifting my hips to meet his in an attempt to increase the friction. “I need you to fuck me.”

“You want me inside that wet pussy?” he continues to tease, driving me out of my skin. “Tell me you want my hard cock inside you and I’ll give you what you need,”

“I want it,” I pant, “I want your hard cock inside me, Gavin.

His weight disappears, quickly replaced by cool air, and I whimper at the loss. I can hear him open a drawer and rummage around inside of it. Seconds later, he’s back, resting on his haunches above me as he places the foil wrapper of a condom between his teeth and rips it open. My eyes remain glued to the erection straining against his underwear until his suddenly rough voice speaks up. “Take it out, Penelope.”

Without objection, I reach down and wrap my fingers around the elastic waistband and pull, careful to get it over his cock without any unnecessary pain. I gasp at the sight of it in front of me, so long and thick, the wide head leaking precum.

Without a second thought, I wrap my fingers around him and lick away the salty droplet, suddenly hungry for more. I open my mouth to take Gavin in as far as I can, only to have him pull out of my hold. “Despite the fact that I’m dying to see your lips stretched around my cock, I need to be inside you, baby. Right
fucking now

The combination of the hunger in his face and sound of his voice causes another shiver to wrack my body as he makes quick work of the condom. As soon as it meets the thick root, Gavin pushes me back against the bed, lines himself with my pussy, and plunges in. Filling me, stretching me, with one quick thrust.

“Gavin,” I cry, throwing my head back as he groans my name in the crook of my neck. I clench my eyes closed as he pulls out once and thrusts back in slowly.

He continues to move at a slow, almost tender, pace as his fingers twist and tangle in my hair, forcing my head to tilt back to his. “Open,” his guttural voice demands.

My eyelids snap open on command and what I see in his onyx gaze punches the breath from my lungs. Determination, hunger and appreciation all mingle together as he steadily fucks in and out of me.

“Keep your eyes on me. Don’t look away.”

I nod my agreement as his hips speed up just a fraction, but it’s the way he grabs the backs of my knees, forcing them closer to my chest that causes me to moan against Gavin’s lips. Thanks to the new angle, his cockhead hits that magical spot every time he pumps inside of me.

“Oh, God,” I whimper as something deep in my belly begins to twist and tighten. I’ve never come from just sex before, it’s always taken additional stimulation to get me there; but as Gavin continues to move, his gorgeous body in complete control, I feel my release building. “I’m close. Oh, God, Gavin. Don’t stop.”

“Eyes open,” he bites out when my lids drift close of their own accord. I immediately comply, opening them wide as I teeter on that thin edge. “
,” he grunts as beads of sweat build along his forehead. “I can feel you. Christ, you’re squeezing the shit out of me, baby. Don’t look away. When you come, I want you staring right at me. I want you to know who made you feel so goddamned good.”

And just like that, I explode, screaming nonsensical words as my walls clamp down around his cock almost painfully. I come harder and longer than I ever have before, and by the time I feel him swelling inside my body, his movements growing erratic, I’m on the cusp of passing out.

fucking shit
!” Gavin shouts as he buries himself balls deep and pours himself into the condom, the only barrier between us. Our eyes stay locked the entire time, his midnight gaze penetrating mine, burning into me as he continues to twitch, emptying every last drop. Our breaths mingle together as we stare, neither one us able to break contact first. No words are spoken as he lowers his head and places a soft kiss against my lips.

It isn’t until he whispers sweetly that he’ll be right back, gives me one last kiss, and climbs from the bed to get rid of the condom that the crushing weight of what I’ve just done settles firmly on my chest. I consider making a run for it, but know it’ll be no use, he’ll catch me before I even make it to the bedroom door. As I’m arguing with myself, the toilet flushes and Gavin returns to the bed, taking up the same position we were in before we wound up naked. My back against his chest, his strong arms holding me close. There’s no way in hell I’ll be able to sleep. I’m wide awake now, unable to calm my restless mind. Only one thought circles around my mind as Gavin’s breathing grows slow and even, sleep finally taking over.

What the fuck did I just get myself into

Chapter Seventeen




An annoying beeping sound wakes me from my deep slumber, which I have to give Penelope credit for. I’ve been restless lately with her constantly on my mind, but last night, with her in my arms, it soothed my brain like a sedative, relaxing me for the first time in a very long time.

With blurry eyes, I turn off the incessant beeping of the alarm on my phone and then turn to cup Penelope against my body once again. Despite the inability to see straight thanks to the coma I just woke up from, I could still use a good morning fuck, and maybe a shower fuck as well.

Throwing my hand to the other side of the bed, I try to grip Penelope but come up empty.

What the hell?

Peeling one eye open, shielding my eyes the best I can from the bright morning sun reflecting off the tops of buildings and streaming into my bedroom window, I notice the other side of the bed is empty.

Sitting up, I rub my eye with the palm of my hand, trying to gain my bearings, the sheet slipping down my bare chest. I look around the room and notice the lack of women’s clothing scattered on the ground.

I know I flung her clothes to the side, not giving a fuck about folding them last night, so that could only mean one thing…

Throwing my feet over the side of the bed, I let my morning wood hang as I make my way to the bathroom. Hovering over the toilet, I prop myself up with one hand against the wall. As I do my business, I try to convince myself that Penelope is in the kitchen, maybe making me breakfast. There is no way after last night that she ditched me this morning. She didn’t run…

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