Read Hurt: A Bad Boy MMA Romantic Suspense Novel Online

Authors: London Casey,Ana W. Fawkes

Hurt: A Bad Boy MMA Romantic Suspense Novel (19 page)

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“What did he do then?” Noah asked.

“Nothing. He grabbed me and tried to touch me. He stuck his hand between my legs and… I slapped him. He kicked at me, hitting me in the stomach. I freaked out and barely got away from him. He was going to hurt me, Noah. I thought I lost the baby.”

“I’m going to kill him,” Noah said. “I swear to you…”

“Ricky called the police and he was taken away. I did everything I was supposed to do with the police. Restraining order and all that. Last I knew, he was gone. Long gone. Going to different strip clubs, looking for other women to harass.”

“Now he’s back,” Noah said. “And he has a demand…”

“What’s that?” I asked.

Noah took out a piece of paper. “They found this in Bo’s hand. It’s a note from Ellis saying that he wants his kid.”

“His kid?” I yelled. “No. No, Noah. No. Jude is not his kid.” I hurried from the bed. “I swear on my life, Noah.” I grabbed at Noah and he stood like a statue. “I would never do that to you. I swear.”

Noah looked at me. “I know. I believe you. This shit is all connected, Ashlynn. Benito, your father, and this Ellis guy. I think your mother has more secrets than she’s confessing.”

“What does my father have to do with this?” I asked.

“There was something else with the note,” Noah said.


Noah opened his hand.

It was a picture folded up.

I unfolded the picture. It was the picture that had been taken from my mother’s room the night those men busted in.

I looked at Noah.

“Who the… was that Ellis? Or was that my father?”

Noah shook his head. “I don’t know. But it’s not good, sweetheart. This is a power move now. Everyone wants a piece of your father and they’re going through you and my son to get it.”

“That can’t happen,” I said.

“Then don’t keep shit from me.”

I hung my head. “I didn’t think of it. I block that time of my life out, Noah.”

“Ashlynn, this is more serious than I thought. We need to meet up with Benito and give him the location.”

“I don’t know what it is,” I said. “I told you that. She told me it’s a cabin in the woods. Part of the family. We can probably pull some records or something. Maybe Benito can help us. There’s no address or anything like that. It’s somewhere in the woods.”

Noah shook his head. “Fuck. This isn’t good. We need to… shit. Happy sign.”

“Happy sign?” I asked.

Noah looked at me. “There’s a road with a sign about being happy. Do you know where that is?”

“I… uh…” My wheels spun fast. “Wait. Yeah. I think. A happy sign. The happy restaurant or something.” I looked at Noah. “How do you know this?”

“Your mother told me a story about that sign. I think that was her way of giving up the location. We have to get to Benito right now.”

“What about Jude?” I asked. “I don’t want him near any of this.”

“Shit,” Noah said. “Okay. Listen to me. You have a gun, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Stay here. Lock the doors. Stay with Jude. Don’t make a move. I’m going to meet with Benito right now. I’ll tell him everything that’s happened.”

“Can’t you call him?”

“No. He doesn’t talk business over the phone. Too risky. I need to see him, sweetheart. I need to know he’s not involved. My trust… I don’t know who to trust right now.”

That was like a punch to the chest. “Oh.”

“I’m sorry,” Noah said. “Right now all I want to do is protect my son. And I’m asking you to do the same. Don’t make a move.”

I tried to grab for Noah as he left the bedroom. I couldn’t stop him though. I watched as he stopped in the hallway and looked to his left, at Jude’s room. He made a fist and put it out. Then he nodded.

I touched my mouth as tears filled my eyes.

All I could do then was be strong and wait.

All I had to do was not make a mistake… like answer the door for the wrong person…






It was too much to handle. That was reaction as I sped to Benito’s. Just everything on my damn back. My best friend was fucking dead. Not that I knew much about Bo, but on the inside, you didn’t need much to feel everything. That man put himself on the line for me many times. Christ, I thought about when they took him down, shocking him to make sure he didn’t try and hurt the guards. That was a regular thing for Bo. He took it in pride and swallowed it all down for the sake of his family.

His family.

Those two boys of his. A woman that had a fierce love and loyalty.

I drove faster as the jealousy surged through me. Yeah, that’s right, jealousy. It didn’t make sense for me to be jealous. But I was. Some guy grabbing at Ashlynn? I could shove it aside. But some asshole paying her to flash him? And then coming back for more? Some guy trying to touch her body after I had been there and gotten her pregnant? Not to mention trying to kick and hurt my child.

This Ellis guy was dead.

He would be smarter to just put a bullet in his own head.

The tires screamed as I turned into the back lot of the bar to meet up with Benito. Before I could park, three men came out with guns. Rightfully so, they figured it was an attack on Benito.

I turned off the car and climbed out. The door opened again and I saw Dante walk out. In a full suit, but without the usual speed of his. It would take time for that bullet wound to fully heal.

“Put your fucking guns down,” Dante said.

The men listened.

“I need to talk to Benito,” I said.

“We heard about Bo,” Dante said. “I’m sorry, man.”

“Me too,” I said. “I know who Ellis is. He’s somehow involved with Craig. And he’s after Ashlynn and Jude. He was some stalker freak that was after her before I met her. I think he’s pissed she had a baby with me. He thinks the kid is his…”

I was at the door and Dante put a hand to it. “I have to ask something, Noah. And you cannot try to take a swing at me.”

“Try me,” I said. “I’m not in the mood to make any promises.”

“This baby… it’s yours?”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

“You know exactly what it means.”

“Move your damn hand, Dante.”

Dante moved his hand, but I didn’t rip open the door and rush inside.

“The kid is mine,” I said. “I believe it. I saw pictures of all the shit Ashlynn went through. And you know what? Even if the kid wasn’t mine, I don’t care at this point. That baby deserves a good life and so does Ashlynn.”

“Wow,” Dante said. “I never thought I’d hear you say something like that.”

I ignored Dante’s comment and went inside. I found Benito at the bar and he was holding a glass of something, but he wasn’t drinking it. He was just swishing it around, staring at the liquid.

“We have to talk,” I said. “I know where Craig is.”

Benito looked at Dante and gave a nod. That was Dante’s cue to shut the door, lock it, and keep all ears away from the conversation. You could never know when a rat was lingering around.

“Talk,” Benito said.

“This is getting deeper,” I said.

“I’m really sorry about your friend,” Benito said. “We had protection for him.”

“Is that why you’re nervous right now?” I asked. “Because whoever set that up with Bo… that’s power.”

“We have more,” Dante said.

“Noah’s right,” Benito said. He looked at me. “You think Bo’s death and Craig are related?”

“Yes. The note he left with Bo points right to Ashlynn. She had some kind of stalker a while back. Before she got pregnant. The guy bothered her and she eventually got rid of him. He’s the one doing all this.”

“Jesus,” Benito said. “Is her pussy made out of chocolate or something? Everyone wants it.”

I grabbed a beer bottle and slammed it off the edge of the bar, shattering it. Dante grabbed my arm. “Hey, Noah, calm down.”

“I get it,” Benito said. “You really love her, huh?”

“She’s the mother of my son. She has nothing to do with her father. Her mother had been giving him money without anyone knowing. I guess her mother is all dried up, but he doesn’t believe it. So he’s coming after her. That’s why he used the address.”

“How does this other guy factor in?” Benito asked.

“I’m not sure,” I said. “Wouldn’t surprise me if her father went to him and struck up a deal.”

“A deal?” Dante asked.

“Her father is a piece of shit. He probably told this Ellis guy that he could give him his daughter in exchange for money.”

“Christ,” Dante whispered.

“That’s not half bad,” Benito said.

“Do you know anything about Ellis?” I asked.

“Not much,” Benito said. “He moves slow and steady. He’s making this statement because of your woman. He really wants her. And if he has her father involved… just damn.”

“Just damn?” I asked. “Make some calls then. Get more of your family down here. Nothing can happen to her. No way.”

“I make the rules, Noah,” Benito said.

“My best friend is dead. A man who put his ass on the line to keep me alive. You promised he wouldn’t die. Now he’s dead.”

“Okay,” Dante said, putting a hand to my shoulder. “Why don’t we have a drink and calm down?”

I grabbed Dante’s wrist and twisted it. “Fuck that.” I pushed Dante out of my way. “You owe this to me, Benito. For all I’ve done for you. That’s the woman I love and my son. My goddamn child. I’ll do anything to protect them. Even if that means taking this guy on by myself.”

I turned to storm out of the bar.

“Noah?” Benito said.

I stopped and turned. He reached into his pocket and took out money. He put it on the bar and slid it toward me. Then he patted it.

“That’s yours,” he said. “Another payment for what you did on the inside. I told you I owe you. I’m paying.”

I walked to the bar and pushed the money back at him. “This is my payment to you then. My
. My asking for help. I don’t want anything to do with money if I can’t have my family.”

That’s when I left the bar for good.

I got into the car and I thought about what to do next.

Before I could make a plan, a plan came to me.

My cell rang.

I answered the call, an unknown number.


“Is this Noah?” a voice asked.

“Yes. Who is this?”

“This is Ellis.”






The knocking wouldn’t stop. I was holding Jude and my phone was nowhere near me. Not a big deal since the door was locked. I carried Jude out to the living room and looked for my cell to call Noah.

Another heavy pounding on the door.

Then it was followed by, “Ashlynn? I know you’re in there. It’s about the murder… I just need to talk to you.”

“Detective Williams?” I asked.

“Yes. It’s me. Yes. Are you with Noah?”

My mouth opened… “I…”

“I have something else for you, Ashlynn. It’s important.”

“Tell me.”

“There’s evidence against you. I’m trying to figure this out without jumping to conclusions. I know you have a newborn and I know it’s hard right now. But if you don’t answer my questions, I’m going to have to take you in.”

“Then ask me through the door,” I said.

“We found something else on the body. I’m not sure what to make of it. I need you to see it. If you can answer my questions about it, maybe even point me in the right direction, then I won’t need to bother you.”

“I’m not opening that door,” I said.

“Because you’re alone and afraid. Ashlynn, I have a gun. A badge. You know who I am, right?”

I swallowed hard. I stepped toward the door. “What kind of object is it? The thing you found?”

“I can’t really explain it. Just open a little and I’ll show it to you. I think this will get me to that Ellis guy. Right?”

Ellis… right…

I grabbed the doorknob. I unlocked the door. I reached up and undid the deadbolt lock. I didn’t want to piss off the detective and have him take out his anger on me or Noah. And if he had something that could get Ellis put away…

You shouldn’t open the door…

I fought my better judgement. The other time I fought my better judgement was the night a wickedly sexy fighter was eyeing me. The way he seemed to circle around me, his eyes devouring me. The way he made me so nervous that I missed my mouth when I took a drink. The way I begged myself not to fall for anything… but I did. I went against my better judgement then. I went into a bathroom with Noah. I had the hottest sex of my life. And, yeah, I had gotten pregnant.

I opened the door, tossing my judgement aside.

The first time, it paid off… it got me Jude and it got me Noah.

This time?


“You stupid bitch.”

I stared at him and at the gun.

“Don’t kill me,” I whispered.

“I’m not.
I’m taking you.”






“I want you to set up your boss.”

I stared at the bar as I sat in my car. I knew I needed to drive and get out of there.

“Set up Benito?” I asked.

I started to drive away.


“You think you’re something, don’t you?” I asked. “You killed my best friend. For no goddamn reason.”

“For good reason,” Ellis said. “I have your attention. I have everyone’s attention. I’m taking what is mine, Noah. That whore slept around behind my back and now my baby is confused.”

“She wasn’t yours,” I said. “And Jude is my son. I fucked Ashlynn, not you. You never got her. You barely touched her, you fucking loser.”

“Fucking loser? Yeah? Okay… I’ll show you what a loser gets then.”

There was some muffled scratching sound followed by the pop of a gunshot. A split second later I heard a scream. Then a cry.

I almost drove my damn car off the road.

It was Ashlynn and Jude.

“What the fuck did you do?” I yelled.

“Now I have your full attention, Noah,” Ellis said. “Here, listen to them scream.”

“Stop!” I screamed. “I’ll help you! Just stop!”

I heard the sound of Jude crying start to fade. Ellis was walking away from Ashlynn and Jude. I heard a door shut. Then the squeak of a chair.

BOOK: Hurt: A Bad Boy MMA Romantic Suspense Novel
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