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Authors: Nancy Frederick

Hungry for Love (43 page)

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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Clint looked up at the ceiling
down at the floor
then decided he could pull off suave and said

You two crazy kids.

Ben didn

t know where to look.  He glanced furtively at Angie to see if she was reacting in any way at all
and she did seem to have a disapproving look on her face
so maybe that was something.  Maybe one day they

d laugh together about this.

A larger table had opened up and Angie pointed toward it saying


ll be a lot easier for us to eat if we all have seats.


If you insist
said Colette

But wait
I need a little amuse bouche before I give up the best seat in the house.

  And once more she began kissing Ben.  After several kisses on the lips
she began kissing his neck with rather loud slurping sounds and much noise
then she laughed and said

They don

t call them smackeroos for nothing.

Once they were all seated
Angie returned from the kitchen with some sampler plates of her latest menu items and some tasting plates. 

No more cutting edge cuisine
she said to Ben.

Oh my honey pie likes down home good cooking

t you sugar lump

re gonna bring back the old times

s for sure
once we move into our house.  And it will be so much fun driving cross country together until we get back home.

said Clint and Angie simultaneously.

Well we

re just not city folk
are we honey pie

re thinking
one of the really good states with the short names.

Angie asked Ben.


t you go confusing my honey pie.  You had him all to yourself since you were toddlers
but now it

s my turn.  We have to have a nice big yard for all those babies to run around in

t we
  Colette reached into her tote and pulled out several magazines. 

Check this out—look at this darling house—what a little love nest.

  She took Ben

s hand and pressed it fervently to her chest and said

Oh honey pie
feel my heart beating.  Just for you!

  Then she took a forkful of food off her plate and leaned in toward Ben and said

Open wide.  Here comes the airplane.

  Then she laughed as Ben obeyed and said

Just practicing for when Ben junior comes.

Maybe you

ll have twins
said Clint good naturedly. 

Ben junior and Ben junior-junior.

said Colette to Angie

This tuna salad is fabuloso
almost as good as my mom



s duck
said Angie.

Rubber ducky

re the one
sang Colette
running her hand through Ben

s hair in a mock shampoo. 

Oh my God!

she trilled
displaying an enormous amount of excitement
and waving her hands in the air a few times

I totally forgot
then reached back down into her tote and extracted an elegant parcel from which she pulled a white lace nightgown. 

Look at this
cover your eyes
no what the heck
might as well have a little preview.  Oh
can you imagine me in this
And then she stood and held the lingerie up to herself
turning this way and that with many seductive wriggles. 

Ben blushed and Colette laughed

Oh isn

t he just too good to be true.  What a dirty mind.  He

s picturing me out of it

t you honey pie



Bill sighed as he walked out of his attorney

s office and back to his own where he would have the girls go through all the patient files and see who belonged to whom.  This was going to be as bad as a divorce.  There would be patients to placate
assets to split up
decisions about locations.  It was a huge headache.  He couldn

t legally bar Kevin from the office.  Being a sleaze ball didn

t disqualify him from practicing medicine.  He would have to confront Kevin
perhaps more than once and attorneys might have to be present.  Papers would have to be drawn up.  Even if he found a new office
which he probably would have to do
there would still be much contact.  But did it matter that much
  He was angry at Kevin
yes.  He didn

t want to associate with Kevin any longer
no.  But did he feel that the sight of Kevin would send him into a rage
  Bill didn

t know.  Despite the fact that he clearly was better off without Chrissy
he knew that having a partner who

d do such a thing was out of the question.  Kevin

s ethics had always been a problem but the truth was that he

d never treated Kevin as a partner
more of a junior associate
and certainly Kevin resented that.  Should Bill be assuming some of the blame for this situation
  Surely that would be absurd.  He would just have to deal with the aggravations until he was extricated.  And then life would go on and he probably would never see Kevin again.

He could ask Laura to help him find a new office.  Laura would know a real estate person.  It seemed such a strange thought—now that there was no party to plan
he and Laura surely wouldn

t be spending as much time together.  And he recognized that she had been correct—for them to end up together would be sort of tacky.  His partner screwed his girlfriend so Bill should snag Kevin

s wife
  Was it wrong
  It probably was.  What was it he had been feeling for Laura anyway
  Had she been right
  Was he just using her as some sort of conduit to the past
  Were they playing musical chairs and were they the only two people left in the game so it seemed reasonable for them to end up together
  Having a good old friend by his side would be nice
it would be lovely

t it
  Bill admitted that it would.  But somewhere deep inside his heart he admitted something else.  Laura had been right—that was no substitute for love.  And then Bill admitted the thing that was most heart wrenching
the thing he didn

t want to think let alone say out loud.  He had no faith that he would be thunderstruck by love ever again.  That sort of intense connection didn

t just happen because JoEllen was a one in a million and it wasn

t as though there were more just like her standing on every corner
were there.  And then his heart sank.

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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