Hungry for Love (37 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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honey it

s okay.  You

ll be okay.  Come here.

  Bill wrapped his arms around Laura and held her tightly until the sobbing turned into an occasional sniffle.  Then she dabbed her face again and blew her nose.  They sat down together on a couple of chairs and just tried to breathe for a while.

Are you going to leave him
Bill asked.

I don

t know.

The two divorce thing

Maybe I

ll just let him see me snuggling in bed a few times with the puppy.  Drive him totally over the edge.

They both laughed as Laura continued

Here I am sobbing all over you
and you

re in the same boat I am.

Bill shrugged. 

You know—I don

t actually feel that bad.  I keep waiting for it to sink in
but all I can think of is two things.  First
JoEllen is dead.  She

s not coming back.  And second
Chrissy is history.  Thank God!

  He stopped to think for a moment and realized he

d been right earlier—everything had changed tonight
just not in the way he

d expected but somehow it was all right. 

You know—I gained fifteen pounds since she moved in.

They both laughed and Laura said

Be glad it was you.  If she

d gained weight from living with you
she probably would

ve hired a couple thugs to murder you.

No kidding!

Bill smiled and shook his head then his voice grew softer

So I guess I

m back to square one again.  All alone.


re so much better off without her.  She was just a diversion.  Someone else will come along.  You

ll see.  And you

ll be happy again. In love again.

Bill looked into Laura

s eyes and grew dazzled by what she was saying.  Happy again.  In love again.  Compelling words.  As if entranced
he reached over to kiss her
which she assumed was a peck on the cheek but as soon as she realized what he was about to do
Laura leapt up and stared at him
her hands on her hips.

What are you doing

I thought…you looked so…it seemed like….

Good God

re doing it again—this time trying to plug me in for JoEllen.  That

s not right.

I don

t think so.

He reached for her again but she jumped back.

For God

s sake
are all you men the same

But it

s been so wonderful spending this time with you
and I felt
I felt….

Of course you

ve enjoyed it—all we do is talk about JoEllen.  I

m like a conduit to her.  And that

s fine because we

re friends.  But why would I want to be with someone who just wants me to remember his wife with him.  That

s not love.  Love is you see someone and you can

t remember anyone else
not even JoEllen.

Ah geez I

m sorry
said Bill.

Forget it.  That was one hell of a crappy party.

Bill laughed. 


s get the kids and go home.



There was a benefit to infidelity despite the obvious
Kevin thought.  The time he was spending mentally calculating the penance he

d have to pay
the gifts he

d have to buy
the promises he

d have to make in order to keep his wife in line
had completely taken his mind off the traveling circus of psychosis that driving along Sunset Boulevard had become.  He almost laughed.  How had he let himself become so paranoid
  Just this afternoon he was peering to the left and to the right like a pony express driver deep in Indian country.  Surely it was just some crazy coincidence.  After all what had that teeny bopper in blue said—the car he was certain was after him was the most popular car on the road.  Or the most popular SUV.  Something like that.  Come to think of it

d been through so much lately.  He was in a precarious mental state because of this presumed harassment
and that might make sense to Bill when he went in to confront him about this rift between them.  Yes

d have to kiss some hairy ass
do some genuflecting
make some threats too.  He could hire a lawyer too
for sure he could threaten that.  After all
Chrissy wasn

t Bill

s wife and the point could be made that Kevin

s temporary insanity had saved Bill from a terrible fate—marriage.  Bill was a reasonable man and Kevin could probably make him see it that way. 

Or he could say it was Chrissy

s fault.  He was there just to do a good deed
to pick up his partner

s girlfriend for a surprise party and how could he know she would force him to have sex with her
  That was another kind of surprise
one he wasn

t ready to defend against.  In his state of hysteria
how could he be responsible for his actions
  Kevin took a deep breath
and he realized he was starting to feel a lot better.  Things were looking up.  And then Kevin too looked up and there they were—again—almost neck and neck with him in a single lane.  How did the cars not crash

Something in Kevin snapped.  He wasn

t going to take this any longer.  First his partner

s girlfriend practically rapes him
his partner threatens him with shysters
his wife looks at him like he

s garbage and now this—well somewhere he had to draw the line.

he said

See how you like it!

  And he sped up
and wow did the Porsche respond like a dream—worth every penny he

d paid for it
and then
just like one of those steely race car drivers
he spun the car around and now he was the one chasing that demented asshole. 

Take that
you piece of shit
he said with much satisfaction
although of course the windows were closed and nobody heard but him.  Maybe he should open the window so they

d hear what he had to say—just before he ran them off the road.  Yeah
justice at last. The chase continued with the hunter becoming the hunted or so it seemed in Kevin

s imagination. 

The worm has turned
exclaimed Butch grimly
as her hands tightened on the steering wheel.  She and Wimp exchanged one frantic glance.

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