Hung: A Badboy Romance (12 page)

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Authors: Carolyn Cruise

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A little later in the afternoon, I’m lounging on the sofa in the living room, reading a paperback novel, when I hear a soft knock at the door. I look up from my book and there’s Colt, standing in sheepishly in the doorway, a shy boyish smile on his face.

“Hey,” he says softly, “I was just wondering if you’d like to take a walk down to the seafront with me.”

There’s a pause, as he stares down at his sneakers for a moment, as if working up the courage to add something; and again, I’m reminded not of a cutthroat, asshole businessman, but of a shy, awkward teenage boy. I can’t quite believe this is even the same guy – the same guy who so cruelly smashed my heart on purpose, just two short weeks ago.

“There’s a few things I need to get off my chest,” he explains, his eyes finally meeting mine, the brilliant blue of his pupils causing an unexpected flash of excitement in my stomach – just like always.

And once again, I find myself giving into him, despite myself.




It’s a surprisingly beautiful day outside, the Autumn sun streaming between cracks in the fluffy white clouds, the sunlight tempered by a cool fresh breeze from the sea – exactly the kind of day that really makes you feel
– and as we stroll leisurely down towards the seafront, taking in the dramatic coastal views all around us, I feel glad that I agreed to come for this walk with him. And there’s obviously something he wants to say; I can tell by his current thoughtful silence, as if he’s still plotting in his head, the best way to say whatever it is that’s currently troubling him.

I decide to just let him work it out in his own time, happy just to be walking along the coast, happy to be out of the house, here with him ...

And then, all of a sudden, he stops stock still on the path, turning towards me and gently putting his hands on my shoulders, his eyes searching out mine, his face totally serious now.

“Stacey, I’m so sorry,” he begins.

“For what, Colt?” I ask gently, feeling the blood beginning to quicken in my veins.

,” he replies, his eyes brimming with hurt and tenderness. “I
myself for the way I’ve treated those closest to me over the last few years. But especially you. And after all this? After Dad’s death? Well, I guess it’s just given me a hell of a lot to think about, and what I keep coming back to is that I’ve treated you so fucking badly – I’ve hurt you so much, Stacey ... And it’s all because ...”

At this he pauses, turning from me for a moment and looking out to sea, the breeze moving through his thick, glossy hair.

I hold my breath, waiting for him to speak, my heart pounding, unable to believe that this moment is even really happening – that I would ever hear any kind of apology from
Colt Grayson

Then he turns back to face me again, eyes blazing, and says something I totally wasn’t expecting.

“It’s all because ... I love you.”


For a moment, I think I’ve actually got through to her. Her face flickers with an unreadable expression, and like a fool I feel my heart leap in anticipation, thinking she’s actually about to smile. But then, a split-second later, her brow furrows and a darkness shoots across her face, her lip curling into a venomous snarl as she takes a step backwards, away from me, shaking her head defiantly, anger flashing in her eyes.

“Oh no, not again, Colt,” she spits. “You’ve hurt me too many times. I’m truly sorry about everything you’ve been through, really I am. I’m sorry Alexander died, and I’m sorry it’s caused you to finally take stock of your life. But this? You and me? You think
is just something you can fix with a few words? Well, I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, but no fucking way.”

And then, before I can even say another word, she’s turned and started marching back towards the house, her arms folded defensively across her chest, her long dark hair streaming out in the wind behind her.

A part of me considers racing after her, calling to her, telling her to wait.

But in the end I decide against it.

Because it’s too late, isn’t it?

She’s right.

Things are just too damn broken between us.

So instead of chasing after her – after the one girl I’ve ever truly loved – I simply stand there and watch her leave.




It feels so weird and empty in this house, without him. Without Dad. It’s evening now, and I’m up in my room, just lying here on my bed, the way I did so many nights when I was just a bored teenager. Damn. I just still can’t believe he’s gone. Any second I feel like I might hear his voice again, ringing through the house – that distinctive low laugh, no doubt at one of his own corny jokes, rumbling away, shattering the stillness of the house.

But no.

Tonight the house is totally and utterly silent.

I wonder where Stacey is. But after my attempt at talking to her on our walk this afternoon, I figure the best thing I can do from now on is simply stay the hell out of her way.

So I lie back on the bed, letting my eyes fall closed, trying to push all the swirling, conflicting thoughts from my mind, as I drift off to sleep ...




I’m woken again by a sound. Is that the creak of my bedroom door opening and closing? At first I think I must’ve imagined it, but then I hear another sound – the soft pad of footsteps, coming right this way, right towards my bed.

What the hell?

I’m still kinda sleepy, and its so dark I can’t make out a damn thing. It must still be sometime in the early hours of the morning ...

All of a sudden, I feel someone climbing onto the bed, and I’m about to say something when I feel the softness of their lips pressing against my own.


I move my fingers through her hair, pulling her closer, hungry for her now, feeling the blood beginning to pound through my body as I realize just what’s happening.

We break the kiss for a moment, and again I’m about to speak when she puts the tip of her finger to my lips.

“Just shut the fuck up and kiss me,” she whispers, her voice trembling with excitement.

So I do just as she asks, crushing my mouth back against hers, pulling her close to me, feeling her whole body trembling as we fall back onto the sheets again, Stacy on top of me.

Finally she breaks the kiss, and I lie there in the dark as her fingertips begin to trace downwards, over the toned muscles of my chest, and she climbs up and over me, so she’s straddling me, pressing her mouth back against my own in another deep kiss, as her hands still trace further downwards.

And soon her fingers have slipped beneath the waistband of my shorts, and she’s pulled my cock free, stroking it as we kiss, her tongue pushing deeper into my mouth, her fingers caressing my swollen cock and full tight balls.

She breaks the kiss again, then moves her head downwards, over my chest, causing me to gasp when I feel her lips enclose my cock, her fingers stroking my shaft as she sucks me, my breathing getting more urgent and my fingers winding into her hair once more, my hips bucking as I begin to fuck her mouth, her eager tongue swirling and dancing around my swollen cock head, teasing and tantalizing me, drawing me right to the very edge. 

“Woah, woah,” I whisper, as I feel myself tensing up, quickly pulling her away from my throbbing, rock-hard cock. “I don’t want this to be over

At this, she crawls back towards me for another kiss, straddling me again, crushing her mouth so fucking hard against mine, and this time I feel just how turned on she is too, her whole body shivering, the hardness of her nipples grazing my bare chest through her t-shirt, the heat of her cunt, radiating like fire through the damp fabric of her panties as she grinds herself against me.

I can’t take it any longer. I reach between her legs, pulling her panties roughly to one side, feeling again the sheer heat and wetness of her there, as I guide myself so easily inside her, hearing her moan softly in my ear, her arms drawing me in even tighter, as I stretch her wide open with my cock.

My hands move to her ass now, too, and she whimpers, urging me deeper, rocking her hips, riding on top of me, faster and faster, harder and harder. I’m plunging so deep inside her from beneath now, as she thrashes on top of me, her arms around my neck, our bodies moving in unison, the sweat soaking our skin, our tongues flicking in the darkness in a long, passionate kiss.

I reach down between her legs, working her clit with my thumb, just enough to throw her over the edge. With a final deep shudder, she cries out as she comes, stuffing her tongue into my mouth, and as I feel her pussy clench and spasm around my cock I finally let myself go too, pumping my come so fucking hard and deep inside her.

Afterwards, in the shivering breathy silence of the room, we’re both so exhausted that we drift off to sleep without even speaking – our bodies entwined, lying tangled together on top of the sheets, exhausted and utterly content.

As I wake, I can’t help the naughty little smile that flickers across my face, as I remember last night – finally fulfilling my oldest fantasy and sneaking into Colt’s room in the middle of the night, surprising him like that ... And then, once he’d fallen asleep, I made sure to sneak back out again, leaving him there alone, sprawled on top of the sheets.

I wonder what he’ll think when he wakes up.

Will he wonder if it was all just a dream ... 

I let out a cheeky little laugh.

It felt so fun to be the one in control for once. To tease him and play with him in my own way, at my own pace ...

Still grinning, I push myself out of bed and pad through to the en-suite bathroom, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror – my hair mussed up and a cat-that-got-the-cream smile plastered to my face as I set the shower running, then step out of my t-shirt and panties.

I step into the shower and start to soap myself, the steam swirling around me, eyes closing. But as I reach out to turn up the heat a little, I gasp as another hand encloses my own.

His hand.

I shiver with a mixture of delight and surprise as I feel the broadness of his body pressing against mine, the hardness of his cock against my buttocks, as he turns the dial on the shower and the cool water begins to turn warmer.

And then, sure enough, I feel his other hand reaching around, tracing across my stomach. I sigh, grinding myself back against him, as both his hands begin to explore my body now, one moving to my tender left breast, the other slipping between my parting thighs, his cock pressing against my ass as I push back against him, my eyes closing and a soft sigh escaping my lips as his fingers finally touch against my clit, toying with my sensitive button in slow but expert circles, his other palm cupping my breast and his teeth grazing against my neck, covering it with playful bites and kisses.

I slip around in his arms to face him, our bodies so slick and wet, our breath shivering past our lips as we push tight against each other, his hands moving to my ass, his cock nestled right between my legs, the hot thick length of him touching gently against the my hot wetness, and I can feel an almost painful need for him building right at the centre of me, as his mouth crushes against my own, his tongue pushing deep between my lips, plundering me with long sensuous licks, his lips against my own.

As I reach down to take his throbbing cock in my hand, I tremble with delight as I feel him groan with pleasure, his mouth still pressed firmly against mine.

I pull away from the kiss, but only so that I can take his hand, bringing it to my mouth, sucking on two of his fingers slowly and sensuously while I stroke him, as if to tell him exactly what I have in store for him. I gasp, as he in turn drives the fingers of his other hand so fucking deep inside me, stretching me wide, and I buck my hips in time with the motions of his hand as he moves his fingers, sliding them in and out of me, in and out, hitting a sweet spot deep inside me, causing me to shudder, the first shivers of my orgasm building powerfully inside me.

I close my eyes, sucking on his fingers, stifling my moans as he finger-fucks my yearning pussy, faster and faster, until with a final gasp I come, my muscles clenching tight around his fingers, my whole body shivering and bucking as the sensations flow through me, my mind splintering into a thousand pieces, my body slicking with the delicious warm water, Colt’s muscular body pressed so tightly against me.

Just as I’m returning to my senses, he scoops me up in his arms so easily, carrying me out of the shower stall and back through to the bedroom, both of us still dripping wet, his tanned body shining in the morning light streaming through the bedroom windows. He throws me playfully onto the bed, and I squeal from the surprise of it.

But once he’s lying down too, I quickly climb over him, pushing his slicked wet shoulders back hard against the white cotton sheets, my rock hard nipples grazing against his broad tanned chest as I steal a final hungry kiss from his lips before working my way further downwards, over his taught pecs and chiselled abs, towards that beautiful cock, wrapping my fingers greedily around his shaft, stroking his hardness, feeling him swell even bigger and harder in my grip, his cock head becoming slicked with the pre-cum that’s pulsing from the tip. And while part of me wants nothing more than to take him in my mouth, another part of me is just too damn impatient.

So I shift upwards again, bucking my hips, feeing the hot head of his cock grazing against me, and with my hand still firmly around his cock I start to graze the head of him against my clit, tracing it in slow delicious circles, sending white hot flashes of pleasure through me as I close my eyes and moan softly, feeling his other hand cup my breast in his hot rough palm, kneading my tender flesh, toying with my hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

A moment later, he’s pushing inside me from beneath, spreading me wide open with his hardness, his cock slipping so fucking deep inside me that I cry out, my muscles clenching tight as another intense flash of pleasure rockets through me.

“Oh fuck, Colt,” I gasp, my voice shivering. “I love the feel of you inside me ...”

He growls in reply, thrusting even deeper in response, his mouth moving to my neck, pinning me between his teeth for a moment before suddenly his kiss yields and becomes tender.

“I don’t know what I want more, Stacey,” he purrs, his cock sliding in and out of me now with such a teasing slowness. “To fuck so slowly and sensuously like
,” and at this he slides his thick length in and out of me with a slow buck of his hips, “or to fuck you so hard and fast that you scream ...”

“Please,” I gasp, my whole body begging for
of him, my hands moving to his perfect ass, urging him deeper inside me. “
fuck me ... Fuck me hard ...”

It feels so good – so slutty – to finally say and do the things I’ve been craving for so long.

And he does just as I ask, slamming his cock so hard and deep inside me that I feel lost with desire, trembling and moaning, each fresh thrust sending me spinning and my body pulsing with pleasure.

But just before I come, he pulls out, leaving me gasping and begging for him, confused.

“Please don’t stop,” I whisper.

“Turn around,” he commands, and I do just as he says, knowing right now that he could ask anything of me and I’d give it to him.

He’s using that tone; the same commanding tone he used with Kelly all those years ago. He’s finally speaking to me the way I’ve wanted him to.

“Good,” he murmurs. “That’s good ...”

I get on all fours, arching my back, offering myself to him like that, flashes of electricity shooting through me when I feel his touch once more between my legs, tracing my slick wetness with his fingertips, back and up between my cheeks, his the tip of his thumb tracing teasingly around my asshole before pushing right inside it, causing me to gasp with surprise.

Holding me in place like that, both hands cupping my buttocks, his thumb deep in my ass, he pulls me roughly back towards him, and then a moment later I feel him inside me once again, filling me up, fucking me from behind, slowly and sensually this time, his cock hitting a sweet spot inside me that causes me to moan, my hair falling in my face, my ass thrust high in the air, the thickness of his cock stretching me wide, his thumb pushing even
into my ass.

“Touch yourself, Stacey,” he growls behind me. “I want you to play with your clit until you come on my cock.”

Steadying myself with my left hand, I lift my right between my legs, shuddering as my fingers touch against my swollen clit. I only have to work it with a few slow strokes before another orgasm flashes through me. I arch my back, whimpering, stroking my clit in circles, as I feel my pussy clench tight around his cock and my ass clamping around his thumb.

He moans, his cock sliding out of me, and I look back over my shoulder at him: his muscular body glistening with sweat, his eyes burning with desire, locking with mine, as he jacks his cock and then, a moment later, he comes over my ass and my back, shooting his thick white jets in powerful spurts that he massages into my tender skin, my whole body still shivering from my own orgasm.

I turn and fall onto my back, catching my breath, and Colt falls down beside me, both of us just breathing for a while, too overcome to speak.

He’s the first one to break the silence. “I meant what I said, you know,” he murmurs, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from my face. “I love you, Stacey.”

I can’t quite believe it.

I mean, I
but I just never thought I’d hear him actually
say it –
say something so tender, so sincere, so emotional.

“Do you believe me?” he persists, and after a pause I nod my head.

Because I do.

And even though I still don’t quite understand it, when I look into his eyes, well, I can just see that something’s changed in him.

So there’s still so much
I have to ask him. So much about this change that still doesn’t make sense to me.

“So what happens now?” I begin. “Where does this leave us?”

And he’s about to answer when all of a sudden we both hear a noise from the hall downstairs – the distinctive sound of the front door opening then slamming closed.

Our eyes widen at the exact same moment, and then, like two nervous teenagers, desperate not to be caught in bed together, we quickly jump off the bed and start throwing on our clothes.

“Hello?” comes my mom’s voice from downstairs. “Anybody home?”

“Coming Mom!” I call back a little too nervously, as I frantically wriggle into my jeans, my heart pounding.

Then, as soon as I’m dressed, I rush out of the room and down the central staircase, giving her a big hug, glad she didn’t catch us.

A second later, Colt joins us, sauntering casually down the stairs, fully dressed, like nothing at all is out of the ordinary.

“Hi, Gloria,” he says calmly.

“So, how was your weekend?” Mom asks, her eyes moving from me to Colt then back again.

And as I catch Colt’s eye over Mom’s shoulder, I can’t help but smile.



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