Read How to Date a Nerd Online

Authors: Cassie Mae

Tags: #Young Adult, #Humor, #Romance, #Love and Romance, #Romantic Humor, #Teens, #Contemporary Romance

How to Date a Nerd (6 page)

BOOK: How to Date a Nerd
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“I haven’t played in a long time.”

Yeah, that’s a total lie.

He chuckles and slaps the controller in my hand, his fingers lingering on my skin. The hairs on my arm shoot straight up.

“You just told me a code I didn’t know, and I played two months ago.”

I tap my forehead. “Good memory.”

He cocks his eyebrow, making me fumble with the controller.

“Well, beat it, or there’s no deal.”

Slouching back on the couch, interlocking his fingers and resting his head on his hands, he gives me a good impression of someone who’s trying to look cool, but not sure if they’re doing it right.

doing it right.

“I get to be Gandalf.”


Video games are total time suckers, but they are so worth it! I have no idea how long it’s been, but it’s dark outside when I finally toss the controller back at Zak, who is now sitting so close his hips are touching mine.

“And that is how it’s done.” I smile.

He tosses his head back, barking out his laughter and clapping. It’s so darn cute I want to jump into his arms and smack one right there on the kisser.

Instead I throw out a random question so I don’t lose what’s left of my mind. “What time is it?”

“Almost ten. Ariana should be here any…”

Thump! Thump!

“…minute.” He gives me a smile before he stands.

Ariana? What the hell? Why is she…?

Dammit! The documentary! I totally spaced it.

“Wait!” I rush to Zak before he gets to the door. No one at school can know I was here for… oh my gosh, it’s been four hours. “Um… do you mind if I…” Great, how do I get out of this one? “Can I use your bathroom?”

He chuckles. “You know where it is, silly girl.”

Ignoring the flippity flop my stomach does, I book it to the bathroom and lock the door before Zak can get the front door open.

Trying to be quiet in panic mode is near impossible. I get the shower curtain open and move all the shampoo and soap bottles out of the window sill so I can make a break for it. Gym has paid off in the pull-up department for me. I wiggle myself through the window and fall flat on my ass in Ms. Gibbons’ tulips.

Zak is totally going to figure it out since I’m not covering my tracks, but it’s not like I can put things back the way they were. And I’m too busy freaking out to care right now.

I stand to wipe off the crusted mud all over the butt of my jeans when I hear Zak’s voice carry through the living room window.

“I invited her.”

“Why the hell would you do that?”

Yikes! I haven’t heard someone use that type of tone when they were talking about me since… well, since Geek Zoe roamed the halls.

Ariana’s a girl in our grade, way below the status of chess club player. She usually has lipstick on her teeth, and her blonde hair is rarely done in anything but a ragged ponytail. She’s got the most annoying laugh; it’s more of a
hardy har har
. Like she’s heckling you every time you say something funny. She’s got about a million zits on her nose alone, and right now,
ready to talk shit about

I feel sick.

“Because she’s into that stuff. She just played four hours of
Lord of the Rings
with me.”

“Did she need something from you?”

It’s quiet long enough for me to panic over what Zak’s face looks like. I’m almost willing to peek around the corner so I can see, but then I remember his blinds are shut.

Zak mumbles something I don’t catch, and Ariana starts laughing.

“Okay, okay. I’ll be nice. But if she does anything bitchy, I swear, I’m socking her in her overstuffed boob.”

I wait for more conversation, more gossip really, but they start comparing notes on how difficult the different levels are on the game I just beat. I’m pretty sure Zak has taken out his notebook filled with all the theories we put in there about if Gimli had the speed of Legolas then his stats would be higher.

If Ariana wasn’t in there—totally wrong in her theories, by the way—I’d be sitting next to Zak talking nerd. I guess she’s saving me from going full-out Geek Zoe.

Still, I’m a wee bit jealous.

Okay, a lot jealous.

Before I can cause any more social damage, I sprint back home.

Chapter 6

Why can’t my bad decisions only affect me?

The cafeteria is like the houses in
Harry Potter
, I swear. Where you sit is uber important. Because I’m part of the popular group, we don’t have a designated spot. We pick and choose depending on the day and if we’ve decided to eat off campus or not. Everyone revolves around us.

Except for one table.

The Dungeons and Dragons table.

Zak’s table.

If this was middle school, it would be my table too.

Lunch is split in two. I’m in the later lunch with a few of my friends, but Hope is in the earlier lunch. So I park my butt next to Keira for some girl talk before all the guys get here.

“Where were
on Friday?” Keira gives me that you-totally-hooked-up-and-ditched-your-friends look. I take a deep breath and put on my fake smile. It’s like I have to triple act around her so she likes me. She’s a jealous one. Not saying I’m hotter or anything, but the boys tend to flock toward me and Hope more than her, and she seems a little bitter about it.

 “Got my butt grounded.” Excuse number two is what I decide to go with.

“How’d you pull that one off?” Keira takes a sip of her diet soda and strokes the top of her cleavage with her fingertips. I think it’s out of habit now. A guy from third period walks by not even pretending he doesn’t notice her doing this.

“Being a bitch to my nosey parents.” I roll my eyes to keep up with the act. My parents are anything but nosey, but according to Popular Zoe, parents are evil people who want to take control of every aspect of their child’s life.

“That sucks.” Though she sounds like she doesn’t care. Her eyes flick toward Cody across the cafeteria and mine follow. He’s got his arm around his next victim and when he catches me staring, he rams his tongue in her mouth.

“Sexy.” Keira laughs. “I take it you two aren’t… you two anymore?”

I’m so not talking about the freaky attack with her. I mean, if I wouldn’t even tell Hope…

“Well, it’s been a month.”

“Oh wow. I didn’t realize you two had been together that long. You’re right. Time for fresh meat.”

She gazes around the cafeteria, and I’m happy she’s momentarily distracted so I don’t have to talk about my ex.


“Is there a guy here you haven’t dated?”

I force a giggle. “There are lots, but I’d rather gouge my eyes out than kiss any of them.”

She nods. “I know, right? But there must be someone.”

She’s still scoping out the room, her eyes hungry for the next Mr. Livingston.

“Well, there’s Levi,” she says after a minute, pointing at him from across the cafeteria. He’s got his drumsticks out—like always—and is patting a beat against his legs. His smile is pretty cute. But he’s two years younger, so I’m surprised Keira mentions him at all.

“He’s a sophomore.”

“Yeah, but look at him. He’s got the muscles, the eyes, and the hair. He plays the drums. And I mean look at his feet. If anything you’ve got something
satisfying to look forward to.”

I burst out laughing, which isn’t very attractive, but I can’t help it. “Why don’t you take a stab at him, then?”

“I already have three boyfriends. A fourth will complicate things.”

And three
complicated. Yeah. Sounds like Keira. I shake my head. “I don’t think Levi is my type.” Yeah, my type watches Spider-Man documentaries and wears a
Star Wars

“Fine. We’ll find a shrimp for you.” She straightens in her seat to scan the room again.

“There’s a lot more pickin’s for you in this department.” She laughs. “I mean, have a go at anyone at the Dungeons and Doofus’ table.”

I get to my knees to get a better look at the scrawny nerds, all leaning over their game board. I don’t let anyone know of course, but I could totally whoop their butts at D&D, and I kind of want to.

I give a fake shudder as I settle back down in the booth. “I think I threw up a bit.” Total bull.

Keira giggles and takes another sip of her drink. “Well, let me know which one you want to deflower. I’ll make a public announcement.”

I chuck my crumpled napkin at her.

“Shut up.” I grimace at her before getting up and walking to the main cafeteria doors. The guys we hang with are grouped there, and I’d much rather talk to them than her right now.

I only make it about three steps before I hear my name being shouted across the room.

“Yo! Zoe!” Levi jogs up, jamming his drumsticks in the side pocket of his khakis. “Hey, I heard you and Cody broke up.”


“What gave you that idea?” I ask, the sarcasm soaking my tone as I gesture to the tongue-dancing across the room.

He smiles. Wowza. He’s pretty smoking hot actually. My stomach does a little flip, but it’s a somersault compared to the backhand spring I get when Zak smiles. Darn boy.

“You okay? You want to talk about it?”

I glance behind him at Keira, who winks at me. Word around here spreads faster than the Enterprise at Warp-10. I’m sure our conversation was heard by twenty people around us, catching up to Levi within seconds. Hence, why he stands in front of me, waiting to be rebound boy.

I flick my gaze to Cody, who’s glaring at me. I get a sick satisfaction from his anger. It’s like I can punish him by throwing myself at someone else.

“I don’t really want to talk,” I say, taking a step closer to Levi, making my intentions clear. He raises his eyebrows, and his mouth pops open in audible shock.

“Uh, wh-what do you want to do then?”

Get back at the dickwad who attacked me.

I roll my eyes and get on my tippy toes to reach him. I smack a gooey kiss on his lips and pull him close.

The only thing going on in my head right now is the look I imagine on Cody’s face. I bet he’s seething at my public display with some kid I’ve talked to maybe twice in my whole life.

I know I’m a total bitch for using Levi like this. But that’s who I am in school. A bitch. A bitch who gets asked out and ogled and fawned over. A complete act that’s getting easier and easier the longer I’m in it.

I don’t even notice Levi’s frenching me until someone taps on my arm and I have to extract my tongue from his mouth.

“I’m a pretty tolerant teacher, but this isn’t exactly appropriate during school hours.”

Ms. Weber’s interruption sort of brings me back to life. Why am I so stupid? This isn’t going to fix anything.

I glance around the room. Cody’s mouth is turned down in disgust, but he’s looking at Levi like he feels sorry for him, not angry. But that isn’t what throws me over the edge.

It’s Zak.

He’s standing by the D&D table, looking at me with such loathing I can’t seem to concentrate on anything else. He crosses his arms over his chest, his muscles intensely frozen. His friends try to get his attention back to the game, but he ignores them, storming across the cafeteria and out onto the school grounds. He heads for the bleachers, with Ariana following shortly after.

“Miss Livingston.” Ms. Weber is still waiting for me to untangle myself from Levi.

I take a step away from him and mumble an apology, and before I permanently turn red from embarrassment, I bolt out the doors after Zak.

Chapter 7

If there is any more touchy feely crap,
 I’m going to kill her.

I can’t talk to him. Not here. Not where everyone can see me. I’m pretty sure no one noticed me staring, or following him, but I can’t risk it.

So I’ll eavesdrop instead. He’s sitting in the middle section of the bleachers with Ariana, and my stomach plummets into my feet making it hard to walk. Why is he with
again? I sneak around back and crouch underneath the seats and try to keep my footfalls quiet, though it’s really hard wearing heels. And no way am I taking them off with all the trash on the ground. Sick.

“Are you seriously giving me the silent treatment?” Ariana sighs and stares Zak down. She’s wearing a skirt so I can see straight up it, giving me full access to purple granny panties. I cringe and try to keep my eyes on Zak. I guess it’s better than a thong though. I do not want to see a full moon.


“You’re not talking because you’re upset about her, right?”

Zak shrugs.

“And you’re taking it out on me?” She inches closer to him, and I feel like yanking her hair out.

“Sorry.” He moves his backpack so it’s nestled between them. He’s pretty smooth about it, but I can tell he doesn’t want to be close to her.

“You know I hate it when you shut me out.”

I hear a grinding noise and it takes a minute for me to register it’s my teeth. How long has she been his “go to” girl?

“Sorry,” he says again. “I know.” Zak picks at a loose thread in his jeans, and it’s quiet for what seems like an eternity. “I thought, after this weekend, things were getting better.”

This weekend? Does he mean after I pulled a fugitive move out his bathroom window?

“Zak…” She scoots closer still, almost sitting on top of Zak’s bag. I really want to scream at her to take the hint.


“What?” Ariana’s hands are on his forearm now.

“Don’t say it.”

“Say what?”

“You know what.”

She lets out a huge breath from her nostrils. “I don’t get why you let her do this to you.”

“She just gets to me!” Zak’s arms fly up and Ariana pulls away. “I don’t know why either, but she does. And I don’t know how much more of it I can take.”

“Then don’t take it anymore!” I see Zak’s surprise as Ariana yells back. I have to admit, I’ve never heard her voice this loud either.

“But…” He can’t seem to finish his thought.

“Come on. She’s not worth this and you know it. You
to drop it.” Her voice softens. “She’s not your friend anymore. You have to let her go.” She rubs his back to soothe him.

BOOK: How to Date a Nerd
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