How Sassy Changed My Life (20 page)

BOOK: How Sassy Changed My Life
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National Abortion Rights Action League
National Organization for Women (NOW)
Nation of Ulysses
Nelson, Blake
Newhouse, Si
New Kids on the Block
New York
New Yorker, The
New York Press
New York Review of Magazines, The
New York Times, The Magazine
New York University
Nordell, Jessica
Northwestern University, Medill School of Journalism
Noxell Corporation
Nunez, Bryan
Oates, Joyce Carol
Oberlin College
O'Brien, Virginia
On the Waterfront
Onion, The
Our Bodies, Ourselves
(Boston Women's Health Collective)
Padilla, Laura
Page, Bettie
Paglia, Camille
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
Parker, Dorothy
Parks, Gordon
Patterson, Sala
Paylor, Diane
Pearl Jam
Pengilly, Kirk
Perry, Luke
Petersen Publishing
Peterson, Alicia
Pettibon, Raymond
Pfeffer, Danny
Phair, Liz
Phillips, Chynna
Phoenix, River
Pierson, Kate
Plakias, Anastasia Cole
Planned Parenthood
Plumb, Eve
Pop, Iggy
Portland Mercury
Powers, Ann
Pozner, Jennifer
Pratt, Jane
adolescence of
advertisers and
and boycott by religious right
celebrity status of
in Chia Pet
“Diary” column of
dieting stories and
feminism of
hiring of staff by
staff and
magazine launched by
management approach of
nose ring of
promotional video of
readers and
and sale of
at Sterling Forest retreat
talk show hosted by
Procter & Gamble
Publishers Weekly
Pulitzer Prize
Pulp Fiction
Rachtman, Riki
Ramone, Joey
Ranaldo, Lee
Raphael, Sally Jesse
Razorfish Internet media company
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
Real World, The
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Reeves, Keanu
Republican Party
Revlon cosmetics
Reynolds, Burt
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
Richardson, Hamilton
Richardson, Midge
Richter, Gerhard
Riot Grrrl
riot grrrl movement
Risky Business
Robinson, Charlotte
Rock for Choice
Roe v. Wade
Roiphe, Katie
Rolling Stone
Rollins, Henry
Rose, Axl
Rove, Karl
Rubenstein, Atoosa
Ryder, Winona
Sarah Lawrence College
Sassiest Boy in America Contest (SBIA)
Sassiest Girl in American Contest (SGIA)
Sassoon, Vidal
Saturday Night Live
Saved by the Bell
Say Anything
Schering-Plough, Inc.
Schilling, Mary Kaye
alternative beauty ideals advocated by
as editor during run of Jane's talk show
Entertainment Weekly
on feminism
on Jane's celebrity status
on reader-produced issue
Schlatter, Charlie
Schroeder, Amy
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Second Wave feminism
Sedgwick, Edie
See Hear zine shop
Senate, U.S.
7 Days
bands featured in
celebrity coverage in
circulation of
diet stories in
employment advice in
feminism and
relationship advice in
sex articles in
zine column in
7 Year Bitch
Sevigny, Chloë
Sex and the City
Sex Pistols, The
Shakespeare, William
Shapira, Roni
Shelley, Steve
Shepherd, Julianne
Shop, Etc.
Shue, Andrew
Silent Scream, The
Simpson, O. J.
Smart, Amy
Smashing Pumpkins
Smith, Don
Smith, Erin
Smith, Ethan
Smith College
Social Distortion
Sonic Youth
Special Ed
Spelling, Tori
Spice Girls
Spungen, Nancy
Stanton, Jeff
Steinem, Gloria
Stipe, Michael
Stoller, Debbie
Stoltz, Eric
Sub Pop Records
Sui, Anna
Summers, Anne
Super Hate Jr.
Svenonius, Ian
Swarthmore College
Swayze, Patrick
Tambrands, Inc.
Teenage Gang Debs
Teen People
Teen Vogue
Temple, Shirley
Tentler, Kate
Terminator 2
That dog.
Thiessen, Tiffani-Amber
Third Wave feminism
Third Wave Foundation
Thomas, Clarence
Thoreau, Henry David
Tiara, Alice
Tiara, Marla
Tibetan Buddhism
Tiger Beat
Time, Inc.
Tomlin, Annie
To Tell the Truth
Tower Records
Trojan condoms
Truth or Dare
Tulane University
Turner, Tina
Ung, Elisa
Urban Outfitters
USA Today
Us Weekly
Utne Reader
Vanity Fair
van Sant, Gus
Velvet Underground, The
Venus Zine
Village Voice, The
Vinokour, Bruce
Vitkus, Jessica
Von Firth, Daisy
Walker, Alice
Walker, Marty
Walker, Rebecca
Walker, Sara
Wall Street Journal, The
Wang, Richard
Warnick, Melody
Waters, John
Weeks, Bobby
Weeks, Eric
Weinberg, Max
Wenner, Jann
Whitman, Walt
Wilde, Oscar
Wildmon, Donald
Williams, R. A.
Wilson Phillips
Winter, Alex
Wintour, Anna
Without You I'm Nothing
Wolf, Naomi
Women Aglow
Women's Electoral Lobby
Women's Wear Daily
Working Women
World War II
World Wide Web
Wuhrer, Kari
X-Girl clothing
Yard, Molly
Yates, Sandra
Yeats, William Butler
Yu, Tae Won
Yurman, David
Zappa, Dweezil
Zappa, Moon Unit
Zeises, Lara
Zeisler, Andi
Copyright © 2007 by Kara Jesella and Marisa Meltzer
All rights reserved
Faber and Faber, Inc.
An affiliate of Farrar, Straus and Giroux
19 Union Square West, New York 10003
Designed by Charlotte Strick
eISBN 9781466821613
First eBook Edition : May 2012
First edition, 2007
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Jesella, Kara, [date]
How Sassy changed my life : a love letter to the greatest teen magazine of all time / by Kara Jesella and Marisa Meltzer.—1st ed.
p. cm.
ISBN-13: 978-0-571-21185-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 0-571-21185-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Teenage girls—United States—Attitudes. 2. Sassy (New York, N.Y.: 1988)—History. 3. Feminism—United States. I. Meltzer, Marisa, [date] II. Title.
HQ798.J39 2007

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