Read Hot Sheets Online

Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #erotic ebook, #ray gordon

Hot Sheets (25 page)

BOOK: Hot Sheets
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"Please, you
must untie me!" she cried as his finger slipped into her wet cuntal
sheath and massaged her inner sex flesh.

Slipping his
creamy-wet finger out of her vagina, he grinned. "Untie you? Why on
earth would I want to do that? As I said, I have to make sure that
you're suited to the job, Wendy. And that means that I have to fuck

"No! You just
dare!" the trussed bird squawked as she looked up between her long
legs to see Mike haul his erect penis out of his trousers.

"Don't you
want me to fuck you?"

"No, of course
I don't!"

"In my
experience, I've always found that a good fucking brings people

"I don't want
to be closer to you!"

"Of course you
do, it's public relations - ask your boss. Didn't they teach you
that at policewoman training college?"


"Allow me to
teach you, Wendy."

Running his
purple glans up and down his cute captive's hot sex valley, Mike
again wondered what to do with the policewoman after he'd fucked
her, spunked up her tight cavern. He could hardly keep her prisoner
but, on the other hand, he couldn't let her go running back to
Dickwipe. No one would know she was being held prisoner on the
fourth floor, he reflected. All he'd have to say was that she'd
checked out, and that would be that. Dickwipe could search her
room, search the entire hotel if he so wished - but he'd find

Driving his
cock deep into her tightening vagina, he gasped as his knob pressed
against the soft hardness of her sex-wet cervix. "This is..." she
cried, her naked body jolting as Mike withdrew his penis and
repeatedly drove his knob into her tight sex canal. "You'll end up
in prison for this!"

"I'll end up
spunking in your fanny," Mike chuckled, grabbing her hips and
fucking her with a vengeance. "God, you've got a tight cunt!"

"You needn't
think you're going to get away with this. I'll see to it that...
oh, oh! I'll see to it... ah! Oh, God!"

"Like it?"
Mike asked the panting policewoman as he rammed into her lust

"No, no, I...
I don't! Ah, God, that's... this wasn't mentioned in the police

"No, I don't
suppose it was!"



"No, it's...
it's dreadful!"

"I'm going to
spunk up your cunt, WPC!"

"No, you
mustn't! Ah, oh!"

Thrusting his
purple headed warrior deep into the policewoman's tightening lust
duct, Mike forced her tensed buttocks wide apart and focused on the
small entrance to her bowels. He'd take her bottom sheath next, he
decided as she began shaking violently. She was also in line for a
thrashing, he mused, casting his eyes over the unblemished taut
skin covering her beautifully rounded bottom orbs. But first, he'd
pump his spunk deep into her accommodating cunt!

"Oh, please!"
she gasped as her vaginal muscles tightened, lovingly hugging
Mike's pistoning cock. "Oh, my gosh, I'm..."

"God, so am
I!" Mike breathed, his heavy balls in dire need of draining as his
knob throbbed in the beginnings of his orgasm. "Here it comes!"

His sperm
jetting from his pulsating glans, oiling the woman's tight sex
cylinder, he rammed into her again and again, filling her gripping
cunt with his orgasmic spend. The wedding guests, Inspector
Dickwipe, Harold Gloom, Mr Gill - all faded into a euphoric sexual
haze as he pursued his favourite pastime.

"Mike, the
guests are arriving!" Hammering on the door, Dave pricked his spunk

"So am I!"
Mike bellowed, his knob gliding into Wendy's sperm-drenched

"Quickly, you
have to come!"

"I am bloody

"The bride's
here, she wants to see you."

"Christ, in a

Finishing his
penile thrusting, draining the last of his sex seed, Mike stilled
his trembling body. His sensitive glans buried deep within his
prisoner's gushing pussy, he focused again on her tight anal
portal, wondering whether to give her a good rear-ender before
attending to the wedding guests. There was no rush, he concluded as
he withdrew his drowning cock from her brimming cunt. WPC Widegroin
was going to be around for some time to come!

"You must let
me go now!" she sobbed, her long blonde hair fanning out over the

"Didn't you
like it?" Mike murmured as his purple plum slid out of her spasming
sex slit.

"Yes, no, I
mean... please, let me go now!"

"Sorry, but I
can't do that," he replied, zipping his trousers. "I'll be back
later to give you one up your bum."

against the law!" she remonstrated, tugging on the ropes.

"It's not
against my law! See you later."

"You can't
leave me like this!"

Taking the lift to the ground floor, Mike entered the foyer to
find a dozen or so people milling around. The last thing I need, he
thought as the bride approached him in her virgin-white wedding
dress. Now she really was a stunning woman, he observed.
And the bridesmaids are absolutely... Christ, what
am I thinking?

afternoon," he greeted the soon-to-be-fucked young woman. "Welcome
to Stokepot Towers, and congratulations on your wedding."

"Thank you,"
the radiant bride smiled, lifting her white veil from her angelic
face. "Haven't I seen a picture of you in the local paper?"

"If anyone
else asks about the fucking... er, sorry. What I meant was..."

"I was just
wondering about the food, I thought there was to be a buffet in the
dining room."

"Yes, that's right. If you'll take your guests into the bar,
I'll go and kick... I mean, I'll go and check with the
Wonder whether she has a virgin

"Most of my
guests are in the bar, but there's no one to serve them."

"Really? That's odd," Mike frowned, making his way through the
crowd to the bar.
If that bastard's passed
out I'll

Leaning over the bar, he sighed to see Paul unconscious on the
floor. This really was the last straw! he reflected. Paul might be
good at setting up video cameras and sorting the lift out, but that
didn't atone for his drunkenness, his dreadful alcoholism.
I'll kick him in the bollocks for this!
Pushing through the growing crowd, he managed to
reach the dining room to find Goldie chatting to Trudie.

"Don't you two
realize that there are forty guests out there?" he asked

"We were
just..." Goldie began.

"Get behind
the bar!" he stormed at the girl. "Trudie, get the buffet sorted
out this instant or I'll shove a video camera up your fanny and
pump pictures of your cervix around the hotel!"

"I was just
about to start it!" the girl returned peevishly. "God, you're in a
bad mood!"

"A bad mood? A
bad fucking mood! Christ, the tables should have been assembled,
clean cloths put on and the food laid out an hour ago!"

"I was talking
to Goldie about..."

"Do it now or
I'll shove my head up your fanny and chew your cervix off!"

"Yes, sir! Oh,
by the way, while you were fucking that woman in room sixty-nine I
took a couple of bookings for this evening."

"How do you
know that I was..."

"The TV, I saw
the whole thing, mate."

"You're not
allowed to touch that TV!"


"So, two more
kinky punters for tonight, that is good news!" Mike smiled, his
mood lightening. "Where are Nancy and Cecilia?"

"They went
into town, but they'll be back in time for the punters."

"Good, the
more girls the better. Oh, clear out Widegroin's personal
belongings from her room. Shove everything into a plastic bag and
hide it behind the boiler in the basement."

"Her clothes,


"What are you
going to do with her?"

"Let me worry
about that. OK, get your fanny into gear!"

Leaving the
dining room, Mike ushered the noisy guests into the bar, praying
that all would go well. Apart from the money from the wedding
reception, he'd make another four hundred pounds that night from
his even seedier fare. Things were definitely looking up, he
reflected, as the bride emerged from the bar.

"Is there
somewhere I can change?" she asked, gathering up the train of her

"Yes, go up
the stairs to room three. Ah, on second thoughts, use room eleven!"
Mike grinned excitedly, remembering the video camera concealed in
the room. Moving behind the desk, he grabbed the key from the hook.
"Just drop the key on the desk when you've finished."

"Thank you,"
the unsuspecting video star replied, taking the key. "Oh, should
you see my husband, will you tell him that I won't be long?"

"Yes, of

expectantly behind the desk, Mike turned the monitor on and
switched to room eleven. Might as well feast my eyes on the
delicious young bride, he thought as several guests wandered out of
the bar asking where the toilets were. Directing them up the
stairs, Mike gazed at the monitor, watching the bride haul herself
out of her dress. Standing in her bra and panties, she was a rare
beauty, he observed. Her husband was a lucky man! Lucky, that was,
until his wife started feigning headaches and denying him sex.

Leaning forward eagerly as the bride slipped her panties down
her curvaceous legs, he stared open-mouthed as a young man entered
the room and began fondling her pussy crack. That's not her new
husband, he observed as she tugged his zip down and pulled his
erect penis out.
What a way to begin
married life!

Switching the
video recorder on, he pondered on the idea of blackmailing her,
demanding sex in return for keeping quiet about her wanton
adultery. "The bitter's run out," Goldie called, peering round the
bar door.

"Christ! All right, I'll go down and change it," Mike sighed,
switching the monitor off.
Just one
moment's peace, that's all I ask

Bounding down
the steps to the basement, he changed the barrel, wondering what to
do with his pig of a prisoner. It had been a mistake to capture and
fuck her, he reflected, but what else could he have done? Pondering
on the idea of paying her off, giving her a few hundred pounds hush
money, he returned to the foyer. Again, blackmail crossed his mind.
Video tape the WPC enjoying the delights of the whip and threaten
to send a copy to Pox Green police station!

"Ah, Hunt, old
boy!" Colonel Buckshot grinned as he blundered down the stairs.
"What are all these people doing here?"

"It's a
wedding reception, Colonel."

"A wedding
reception, eh? By the way, I haven't seen Miss Chaste for some

probably in her room."

"No, I've
checked. Disappeared, she has - evaporated, don't you know!"

"Perhaps she's
gone out for a walk. I wouldn't worry about it."

"Do you know,
back in fifty-seven, I went out for a walk and met this horny
little filly who..."

"Look, I have things to do, Colonel. Why don't you go into the
bar and have a large scotch?"
Get pissed
and pass out for the rest of the day

"Ah, jolly
good idea! Or was it fifty-six?"

Sighing as the
old boy wandered off, Mike dashed behind the desk and turned the
monitor on. The bride's naked body sprawled across the bed, her
legs open, the best man was kneeling on the floor between her feet,
fervently lapping up her flowing girl juice. Gasping, tossing her
head from side to side, her long dark hair dishevelled, he deduced
she was about to come.

"All ready!"
Dave grinned, emerging from the dining room.

"And about
bloody time!" Mike returned without taking his eyes off the screen.
"Tell the guests to go through. And remind me to..."

"Will do."

"Excuse me,"
the groom said as he approached the desk, adjusting his red
carnation. "Have you seen my wife?"

"Damned right
I have! Er... I mean... I saw her earlier."

"The best
man's gone missing, too."

"They'll soon
come off... come back, I mean. The buffet's ready in the dining
room if you'd like to tell the guests."

Frowning as Inspector Dickwipe appeared through the entrance,
Mike smelt trouble. The guests filing out of the bar and making
their way to the dining room, he rehearsed his story - his blatant
lies. WPC Widegroin had checked out and...
Shit, I hope Trudie's cleared her room

afternoon, Mr Hunt," the inspector grinned. "I've called to see the
woman you have staying in room four, WPC... I mean, Miss

Widegroin? Oh, yes, Wendy Widegroin. She's checked out, I'm

"Checked out?
She can't have done!"


"No, she...
when did she leave?"

"Several hours
ago. She said something about running away from it all."

"Did she say
anything else?"

"Er... yes,
she mentioned something about her boss being a right bastard and
she wasn't going to have anything to do with his evil plan to
destroy other people's innocent fun. What she meant by that, I
really don't know."

people's innocent... may I check her room?"

"Yes, of
course," Mike smiled, taking the key from the hook. "There you are,
up the stairs on the first floor."


As Dickwipe
climbed the stairs, Mike rubbed his hands together gleefully. No
doubt there'd be a full-scale hunt for the woman, but he was
confident that they'd find nothing suspicious in the hotel and take
their search elsewhere. Cringing as Harold Gloom emerged from the
lift, he decided that the time had come to send him packing.

BOOK: Hot Sheets
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