Read Honeymoon from Hell Part I Online

Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #neighbor from hell, #contemporary romance series, #rl mathewson chronicles, #bradfords, #rl mathweson

Honeymoon from Hell Part I (4 page)

BOOK: Honeymoon from Hell Part I
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Go to sleep, baby,” he whispered, chuckling when she released a little frustrated growl and abruptly turned in his arms to bury her face against his chest.

With a sigh, he pulled back just enough so that he could take her glasses off, which earned another one of those growls that had him smiling, and placed them carefully on the hotel room’s side table. As soon as his hand was free, he wrapped his arm back around his wife and pressed a kiss against the top of her head.

His wife

Christ, he couldn’t believe that he was actually married. Up until he’d fallen for Haley he’d honestly never thought that he’d end up love sick like so many of the bastards in his family, but once he’d kissed her…

He was done for.

He’d wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, the need becoming more urgent with every passing day until he’d thought he’d die if he didn’t make her his. Then she’d broken his heart, destroyed it completely, leaving him hollow. When he’d left he’d felt like he was in hell.

He hadn’t been able to sleep, eat or do much of anything except think about her. Every day had been harder than the last. Most of the time he hadn’t been sure how he’d find the willpower to keep moving, to keep taking that next breath, but somehow he had. By the time he’d come back he’d realized something very important, he could live without Haley.

The problem was that he didn’t want to, but if making her happy meant living in hell then he’d been prepared to do it. He’d been prepared to sell his house, to find a new job and move away so that he would never have to see her again so that she could move on as well. When she’d handcuffed him to the chair last night and he’d been forced to think about her with another guy, he’d lost it. At that point he’d been willing to move heaven and hell to have her. That desperation had led him to do whatever it took to make that happen.

And now she was

Smiling, he leaned back just far enough so that he could gently brush his lips against hers, not wanting to wake her, but needing to kiss her goodnight. After brushing his lips against hers one last time, he moved back only to have Haley release a sexy little moan in her sleep that had him leaning in for another kiss.

This time when he tried to move away, Haley reached up and threaded her fingers through his hair. She kept him right where he was as she returned his kiss, slowly at first. It was sweet a kiss, a perfect kiss so he didn’t rush it, didn’t want to. He continued the kiss, slowly devouring her lips, waiting for the moment when her lips parted and when they did, he deepened the kiss, taking it slow and pouring every ounce of love that he felt for her into it.

She moaned softly as she met him stroke for stroke. He raised himself up, never breaking the kiss and moved over her, holding himself up on one arm as he reached down between them and placed his hand between her legs. He cupped her, groaning when he felt her panties becoming wet and gently rubbed his hand over her a few times before he hooked his fingers in the waist of her panties and pulled them down.

Haley released the hold that she had on his hair. She reached down and helped him by pushing her panties down until she could kick them off. Still not breaking their kiss, she sat up, forcing him to sit back so that he could help her with her bra. As soon as it was off, she was laying back down, her arms around his shoulders, taking him with her.

He settled himself between her legs. They both moaned loudly when his erection pressed against her wet slit. He shifted until he was putting all of his weight on his right arm so that he could reach up with his left hand and cup her breast, gently squeezing it as he ran his thumb over her nipple. He continued to tease her hard nipple as he rolled his hips, forcing his cock to lay deeper between her slit until the underside was pressed up against her swollen clit.

She gasped into his mouth, her nails digging into his back as he pressed down harder against her, applying as much pressure as he could without hurting her.

That feels so good,” Haley said with a sexy little groan.

You like that?” he asked, his voice growing husky as she became wetter, soaking the underside of his cock and sending a shiver of pleasure through his body.

I’d like it even more if I was on top,” she whispered against his lips with a smile that he easily returned as he complied, rolling over onto his back and taking his wife with him.

As she settled more comfortably on top of him, he continued to gently massage her breast as his other hand reached up for her neglected breast and gave it the same attention, working his thumb over her nipple until it was just as hard as the other one. Haley placed her hand down on the mattress beside his head, shifting her weight onto one arm while she moved her other hand between them and wrapped it around his erection. She gave it a brief squeeze that had him gently sucking her tongue in appreciation before she moved her hand in a smooth stroke up until she was cupping only the tip in her hand.

,” he gasped loudly as she tightened her hold around the tip, her hips rolling forward, causing his cock to become enveloped between her wet slit.

She smiled against his lips, clearly enjoying the hold she had over him and he let her have it. He stayed still, fighting the need to put her back against the mattress and fuck her until she screamed his name and squeezed every last drop from him. If she had been any other woman, he would have done just that, got what he wanted and left, but this wasn’t just any woman.

This was his little grasshopper, the love of his life, his soul, his life…..

His wife.

I love you, Haley,” he said, sliding his hands up her chest so that he could cup her face in his hands, his thumbs gently caressing her cheeks as he brushed his lips against hers. “I love you so damn much.”

He felt her smile against his lips, felt her lips tremble as the first tear rolled down her cheek. He brushed the tear away with his thumb as he kissed her.

I love you, too,” she whispered back, releasing her hold on him and kissed him for a minute before she shifted her hips, rolling them forward and then pushing back until the tip of his erection pressed up against her core.

Slowly, she pushed back, taking him inside her inch by excruciating inch until he thought he’d die. Finally after what felt like hours, she was fully seated on top of him. Just when he thought that she’d move and put him out of his misery, she pulled back just far enough so that she could look at him, her hair falling down around them.

She worried her bottom lip as she squinted down at him.

What’s wrong, baby?” he asked, running the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip.

You know this is forever, don’t you?”

Chuckling, he used his hold on her to pull her down for a kiss.

It damn well better be.”

Chapter 4

Are you planning on sharing?”

No,” she simply said, smiling as she shifted on her stomach so that she could prop herself back up on her elbows. She made a show of reaching into the bag of peanut butter cups that Jason had run out to buy for her early this morning when she’d complained that she was hungry and selected one of the delicious morsels.

Greedy little thing,” Jason said, chuckling approvingly as he dropped his towel and crawled onto the bed so that he was lying on his stomach next to her.

I learned from the best,” she teased, unwrapping the peanut butter cup in her hand and popped it in her mouth.

What are we watching?” he asked, resting his chin on his folded arms.

The Goonies,” she said, shifting on the edge of the bed so that she could reach down and pick up her bottle of orange juice.

Good movie,” he said, shifting so that he could press a kiss against her bare shoulder.

Mmmhmmm,” she murmured, licking her lips as a delicious tremor worked its way down to her toes.

He shifted closer to her, pressing more of those teasing little kisses on her shoulder and back. “Do you want to go grab something to eat?” he asked, kissing the spot where her neck and shoulder met, making her bite back a moan.

She glanced at the cable box near the television and sighed. It was a little after ten, which meant that it was almost time to return to reality. She wished that she could spend more time with Jason, reacquainting herself with his body and enjoying the fact that he was all hers now, but unfortunately for them, they had to go to work tomorrow.

Do you want to stop at the pizza that place we spotted on the way up here?” she asked, enjoying one more kiss against her shoulder before she reluctantly climbed off the bed and headed towards the bathroom.

Maybe next weekend,” Jason said around what sounded like a mouthful of her peanut butter cups.

What’s going on next weekend?” she asked with a frown as she grabbed her clothes, wondering why they needed to come back this way next weekend.

We’re going home,” he said, coming up behind her and tossed the empty bag in the small trashcan beneath the sink.

What are you talking about?” she asked, grabbing the hotel issued toothbrush and toothpaste.

He stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against him. “Our honeymoon’s not over yet, sweetheart,” he said, turning his head so that he could kiss the side of her neck.

Honeymoon?” she asked, biting back a smile until she realized that a honeymoon wasn’t a possibility, at least not yet.

Getting time off right now was not a possiblity, not when they’d just started the school year. They might be able to manage to call in sick tomorrow, but they’d just end up spending most of the day on the road, fighting rush hour traffic to get home. If they were going to take tomorrow off, she’d rather go home now so that they could spend all day in bed. That was something at least, she thought with a little sigh as she turned her head and met Jason’s lips.

We could plan something for Christmas,” she said, really liking the idea of curling up with him in front of a roaring fire in a cabin somewhere deep in the woods.

We’re not putting this off,” he said, brushing his lips against hers.

We have to go to work tomorrow,” she reminded him as she started to brush her teeth.

No, we don’t,” he said, pulling on his boxers.

If we want to keep our jobs we do,” she grumbled, wishing that she could say the hell with it and stay in bed with Jason for the next month or two, but they couldn’t.

We’re on leave until next Monday,” Jason announced with a shrug as he pulled on his pants.

She froze, mid-brush. “I’m sorry. What’s this now?” she asked, pulling the toothbrush out of her mouth, sure that she’d misheard him. There was no way that he’d said what she’d thought she’d heard.

I called yesterday and arranged for us to get a week off,” he said, taking the toothbrush from her.

But it’s the beginning of the year,” she pointed out, almost too afraid to ask how he’d pulled it off when the front office was notorious for refusing to grant time off unless there was a death certificate involved.

I explained it to them that it was in their best interest to let me to take my wife on a real honeymoon,” he simply said as he rinsed her toothbrush off, put toothpaste on it and brushed his teeth.

And they were fine with that?” she asked as she pulled on her panties and bra, knowing that there had to be more to it than that.

I didn’t give them a choice,” he said, rinsing the toothbrush off and applying more toothpaste to it before handing it to her.

Thanks,” she mumbled absently, taking the toothbrush from him and began brushing her teeth with a heavy sigh, knowing that if she had been the one to call to ask for time off that they would have said no and probably asked her to come in an hour early to handle bus duty.

Damn residual pushover tendencies, she inwardly grumbled with a pout.


Tell me!” Haley cried, practically bouncing in her seat.

No!” he said, chuckling when she shot him a pout, probably hoping that it would work on him, but she was forgetting that he was a Bradford and had mastered the pout by the age of three.

I hate you,” she muttered, slumping in her seat with her arms folded over her chest as she glared out her window, pointedly ignoring him and making him shake his head in amusement.

She was just so damn cute for an amateur.

Would it make you feel better if I gave you a hint?” he asked, deciding to pass the time by screwing with her head for his own amusement.

Still glaring off at nothing, she shrugged and said, “Maybe.”

That’s too bad,” he said, chuckling when she turned to glare at him.

BOOK: Honeymoon from Hell Part I
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