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Authors: S. Simone Chavous

Homewrecker Incorporated (23 page)

BOOK: Homewrecker Incorporated
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She couldn't have been more wrong. It was exactly what I wanted to hear. Grey was going to be out of town, too, so I had zero desire to go to G&G, or anywhere else for that matter, until I knew Eric Bennett was gone.

"I'm good with that."

"Oh, well, great then. I'm going to have Bridget do some digging and see if Eric was telling the truth about leaving Monday."

"Jesus, I don't want her hacking an airline just because I got a little freaked out. It was just the worst coincidence in the history of coincidences," I said, although part of me didn't care if she had to hack a NASA satellite to figure out what Eric was up to.

"We'll try it the old-fashioned way first, give his administrative assistant a call and see if we can get her to divulge anything about his schedule."

"Good thinking, you're so smart," I said in an overly sweet, slightly sarcastic tone, although I meant every word.

"What do you say we veg out on the couch with some popcorn, some more alcohol, and a Ryan Gosling movie?"

"I'm not hating that idea," I said, jumping up. "But I get to pick the movie!"

I ran and grabbed the remote as she chased after me.

"I'm not going to sit and pass you tissues while you sob your way through that super sad one. I don't care how epic you think the love story is."

"You're such a bitch." She poked my side.

"I know, how about
Crazy, Stupid, Love
? It's funny and there's plenty of romance like you love."

"I can live with that." She stood and went to start the popcorn while I turned on the television.











Chapter 13 


"Bridget checked with Eric Bennett's assistant this morning and she confirmed he was due back in the office tomorrow morning, so it should be safe for you to head back to G&G first thing," Grace poked her head into my room. "And, I know you said you didn't want her hacking any airlines, but she confirmed he was booked on the red-eye tonight."

A weekend of hanging at home ordering great takeout, drinking some delicious wine, and watching all of our favorite movies was just what I needed.

"What did Bridget say when she called his office?" I asked out of pure curiosity.

"That she was calling from Mr. Bennett's doctor's office to confirm an appointment." Grace started to laugh. "She even rescheduled the appointment for later this week!"

"That cheeky little minx," I replied in my best British accent, courtesy of our British movie marathon on Saturday, which included
Bridget Jones's Diary
Love Actually
Pride & Prejudice
, and
Sense and Sensibility
. Clearly, Grace picked the movies that day, although I actually didn't mind all of the romance for a change.

"So I think we need to talk through your game plan for the day and a half you do have this week before Gregory leaves again for Dallas. Unfortunately, Bridget hasn't been able to find anything about what Kristen Page and Arrow Components are up to yet, and the investigators haven't had anything of interest to report from Kentucky. Gregory has spent the whole weekend meeting with vendors and dealers or hanging out with his brother," she said, pacing the floor by my bed. "Not to mention Elsa's attorney wants to meet later this week. Patty said she's really concerned about what Arrow Components and Kristen Page might be up to, so much so Patty had to talk her off the ledge. She was ready to call the whole thing off and tell Gregory about all of it--the pictures, hiring us, you."

"Shit." I rubbed my fingertips over my necklace. If Elsa told Gregory about me, Grey would find out, too.

"Patty persuaded her not to do anything rash, reminded her what was on the line for her foundation if she made the wrong call. She agreed to see what the investigators can dig up and to give you more time to test Gregory. Even if it turns out all of this has something to do with the business, Elsa's always going to wonder if it was more than business with Kristen. Why else would he keep it from her?"

I didn't want to think about Grey learning the truth about who I was, nor did I want to think about the fact I had less than two days to see him that week, which might turn out to be my last week on the job. I wouldn't see him more than the private lunches we had in his office but because he was gone with his brother, he'd been texting less and less and I'd actually started to miss him. Definitely a first for me.

"I'm open to any ideas you have," I said, walking past Grace to the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and turned on the water. "There's not a lot I can do, I can't exactly ask him if he's interested in a roll in the hay or if he's being blackmailed by a competitor. Not to mention, he's more dedicated to work than any mark I've ever worked. It doesn't seem as though he's been doing anything outside of the office except going home to Elsa."

"I've considered that, so I say you make a pass at him the next time you're alone in the office. Nothing too forward, but make sure he gets the hint and see what he says," she said as I brushed my teeth.

I shook my head and went to spit.

"The worst thing he can do is fire you, which means we'd lose the bonus since we wouldn't be able to close the case."

She thought I was shaking my head because I was worried about the money and truthfully, part of me was but mostly, I wanted to stop trying to lure Gregory into cheating, and not just because I was worried about hurting Grey. Gregory wasn't really like any of the marks I'd worked before. I actually liked him and not just because of his brother. He was a good boss--kind, considerate and fair even with those who didn't seem to deserve it.

"I don't think he'll go for it, Grace. He just doesn't strike me as a cheater."

"Shit, who the hell are you, and what have you done with my cynical, "love doesn't exist" chanting best friend?" she asked. 

I threw a washcloth at her. "Shut up. I'm still here, but you know I can read people pretty well--men in particular. He's not giving off the traditional vibe I get. Besides, have you considered if Elsa is the one who calls it off, we'll still get paid the bonus?"

"I wouldn't admit this to Patty, but this case is about more than the money for me. You know what Elsa could mean for me, for the foundation I want to run, but it's not just that. I admire and respect her, and I don't want to see her running back to her husband still wondering or, worse, find out later he's not the man she thinks he is and end up losing everything she's worked so hard to build. Besides, I have two words for you: Wesley Zimmerman."

She was right to bring that case up again. We'd almost given up on the Zimmerman case. He had me all but convinced until I got ahold of his phone and Bridget worked her magic to retrieve his deleted messages. 

"You're right. We can't be sure of anything yet and there's too much at stake."

Of course I knew closing the Michaels job meant for Grace and the things she wanted to do for her brother and other families like hers. I'd been selfish in dragging my feet with Gregory because as much as I hated to admit it, the reason had nothing to do with the case and everything to do with getting more time to live in my doomed fantasy friendship with Grey. It was ridiculous and it needed to stop. Grace was right. Elsa had questions about a man she'd known and loved for her entire adult life. Who was I to decide her fate based on a brief acquaintance with that man, which was tainted by my feelings for his brother?

"Okay, Grace. You're right, just because Gregory seems like a nice guy right now doesn't mean anything. If he's a cheater, all we need to do is present him with the right temptation," I said, feeling determined to do just that. It was time to stop fucking around, use all the weapons in my arsenal to turn Gregory's head, and get him to show me he was just like all of the other marks I'd worked in the past.

With renewed resolve, I strode into G&G on Tuesday morning in a red skirt suit I knew looked hot but was still professional. The two buttons I left undone on the jacket and the lacy somewhat sheer black camisole I wore underneath made it less so, but I was on a mission so I was pulling out all the stops. My hair was up in a loose twist with a few tendrils hanging down to frame my face, and I'd opted to leave out my contacts and wear my glasses instead. The overall look was very naughty librarian, but it worked.

If I wasn't certain about my wardrobe choices before I walked into the building, the fact the lobby security guard, Bruce, elbowed his coworker when he saw me and could barely talk by the time I made it to his post gave me the extra boost of confidence I was going to need.

"Holy cow," Bridget whispered, catching up to me as I arrived at the elevators. "Guess the long weekend did you some good. You look fantastic!"

"Where'd you come from?" I smiled down at her. "I didn't see you on my way in."

"I was in the bathroom." She twisted a chunk of her long red hair around her finger. "I always get a little nervous when I come here."

"You look really nice too, Bridget. Are you wearing new perfume?"

She nodded.

"Is it for anyone in particular?" I asked, trying to be nonchalant.

"I don't know. I just like the way it smells, no real reason," she replied, but the look in her eye and the little smile on her face said there was a very specific reason for the change and his name was Josh.

"Well, I like it."

The doors opened.

"Hey, you want to grab lunch tomorrow?" I asked when she stepped out.

"Sure, that sounds good. You already have plans today?"

"Yeah, I have a meeting with Gregory. I'll text you tomorrow if I don't see you," I said as the doors closed.

Between my meeting with Gregory and my lunch with Bridget, I'd be able to avoid Grey until he left Thursday morning for the convention in Dallas.

"Hi, Anna." I waved to the receptionist as I walked by, pulling my phone out of my bag.


Me: Can't do lunch today, have a meeting


I figured it would be easier to tell him via text so I wouldn't have to worry about him stopping by to ask me.

Grey: That sucks. Tomorrow?

Me: Sorry, Bridget already asked


I worried he would press me to cancel it.


Me: Seems she really needs to talk

Grey: Guess we can catch up Monday then


I was a little surprised he was so understanding, although I shouldn't have been. He'd been true to his word about being just friends and acted accordingly. I felt a little sad I hadn't seen him in so long. I missed him, but I needed to keep my distance and get back on track. The job wasn't about me, which I had to keep reminding myself of every time I was tempted to get out of my meeting with Gregory. The morning flew by, probably because I was so nervous about what I had to do.

Janet decided to take a rare lunch out of the office to give me a chance to work with Gregory on my own since she announced her last day, which was six weeks away. I felt guilty, knowing her time training me was in vain and she'd be left scrambling to find a replacement.

I pushed those thoughts aside as I approached Gregory's office. We were supposed to be going over his tentative schedule for the rest of the month and some information he'd asked Janet and I to compile for a presentation he was giving at the upcoming convention. I could hear him talking on the phone so I knocked lightly.

"Come on in."

He was still on the phone when I stepped through the door. He looked up at me, his expression a little surprised, and then he smiled and continued talking.

"That sounds good, Chris. I'll have Nick get back to you later today," he said before hanging up the phone.

"Wow, Claudia, you look great. Are the glasses new?" He stood and walked around the desk to greet me as I set my notebook and tablet down on his desk.

I extended my hand, but he pulled me into a quick hug. That was new and definitely a good sign. Maybe Grace was right about it being like the Zimmerman case. While he made his way back around the desk, I took a seat and discreetly popped open another button on my jacket, letting it hang open to reveal the maximum amount of cleavage I could show without making me look like a total hooker.

"No, I just ran out of contacts," I lied as I pulled up the PowerPoint presentation on my tablet.

BOOK: Homewrecker Incorporated
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