Hollywood Prisoner: A Hollywood Alphabet Series Thriller (7 page)

BOOK: Hollywood Prisoner: A Hollywood Alphabet Series Thriller
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I got home after an all-night flight and picked up Bernie from Natalie and Mo’s place. My friends were out doing some PI work, and, since it was a Friday, I made a spontaneous decision to return to Laguna Beach for the long weekend before going back to work on Monday morning.

I spent the next couple days taking long walks on the beach and thinking about Lindsay and my upcoming meeting with Jenson Moore. The coordinates that Moore had sent to my phone, showing where he wanted to meet, turned out to be Lake of the Shrine. It was a secluded spot, ironically just off Sunset Boulevard in the Pacific Palisades, a few minutes from Hollywood.

I’d taken walks with Bernie on a couple of occasions around the small lake that was considered a spiritual sanctuary. I had no idea what the terrorist had in mind for our meeting, but I felt trapped, knowing that Lindsay would die if I didn’t keep my word to meet with him.

On Sunday night, as my long weekend was winding down, I made my way back up Pacific Coast Highway to my brother Robin’s hair salon in the Melrose District of Hollywood. I remembered my friends telling me that I could use a minor makeover as I settled into Robin’s workstation.

At five-eight, my brother was an inch shorter than me. We had the same color brown hair, but he had a short, spiky do, whereas mine seemed to forever have a mind of its own. It was something that I complained to Robin about for probably the millionth time as Bernie sniffed around the salon.

“I’m tired of the frizzies, ready to try something new,” I said, after we’d taken a few minutes to talk about what had happened back east.

Robin walked around my chair, holding out my wayward locks. “New—as in color or cut?”

“Same color, just something shorter and more manageable.”

I showed him a hairstyle on my phone that I’d downloaded. It was a few inches short of the model’s shoulders and had that tousled, windblown look that I dreamt about.

“Instead of mousy and messy,” I said, “I’m aiming for casual and flirty.”

He took my phone, examining the hairstyle for a moment. “I’ll do my best, but…”

When he didn’t go on, I said, “What?”

“It’s just that I can’t make any promises it’s going to stay looking like what’s on your phone.” He glanced at the screen. “This girl has a different hair texture, and…”

When he seemed lost for words again, I took my phone back. “Just do your best.”

While he trimmed my hair, he asked me about Lindsay. I didn’t want to think about my upcoming meeting with Jenson Moore and kept my comments short, then added, “We just have to hope she’s still working underground and will surface and come home soon.”

“You really think she’s working against the Swarm?”

I shrugged. “Time will tell.” I changed the subject, asking about his new boyfriend. “Are you and Adam still together?”

He laughed. “Despite our family reunion, he hasn’t given up on me. We’re actually getting along really well.”

Robin had brought Adam to the reunion my mother had arranged a couple months earlier. We’d all gotten together with my sister, Amanda, and her husband, Geoff. Natalie and Mo had gone with me, and had brought up my brother-in-law’s past indiscretions with an escort. Amanda had a meltdown and had left the party in a huff. I wasn’t sure if we’d ever see her again or if her husband had survived the ordeal.

“Have you talked to Mom lately?” I asked, after we chatted about the reunion.

“It’s been a couple of weeks. She’s talking about going on another spiritual retreat. I think it’s somewhere near Big Sur.”

We spent a few minutes talking about Mom’s prior retreat and finding her meditating in the nude. We made a pledge not to try and rescue her this time, no matter what kind of trouble she got herself into.

“What’s the latest with the Tauists?” Robin asked. “I heard there was some kind of search at Ryland’s estate, but he ended up dead.”

I took a moment and filled him in on Harlan Ryland being in a stasis chamber. “His granddaughter, Harlee, has inherited his entire fortune. She’s…”  I took a moment, trying to come up with words to describe her. “She’s not the most pleasant person I’ve ever met.”

“Harlee?” He took a moment, mulling over her name. “Is she in her thirties? Has dark hair?”

“Yes. She’s attractive, but has kind of a hard edge to her. Have you met her?”

He nodded. “She was in here about a year ago.” He stopped working on my hair for a moment and looked at me in the mirror. “It’s funny, but now that I think about it, she was asking lots of personal questions, some about our family.”

My brows inched together. “What exactly did she say?”

“I don’t remember exactly. It seemed…” He took another moment. “I think Harlee asked about you, and said something about seeing you on TV, working your cases.”

I sighed, realizing that she had probably secretly been checking into my background. I’d worked several high profile cases that had been covered by all the media outlets.

“Anything else?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Not really. I just remember her because of all the questions.” As he worked some conditioner into my hair, he moved the conversation in a different direction, asking, “Anything new with your investigation?”

I knew he was asking about the department reopening my adoptive father’s case. “Not really. I have no doubt that both Collin Russell and Harlee’s grandfather were involved in his death, but proving it…” I released a long breath. “I’m just not sure if that’s ever going to happen.”

“What about Pearl? Have you…”

“No word. He’s still missing.”

Robin was quiet for a long moment before saying, “Maybe when he surfaces, you’ll get some answers.”


I spent another fifteen minutes in silent thought while he finished up and dried my hair. When he was done, I examined my shorter, sassier cut.

“I love it,” I said. “I look…” I met my brother’s blue eyes in the mirror again. “I think it gives me some attitude.”

He laughed. “You’ve already got plenty of that, sis.”

As I settled my bill, Robin asked me if I was seeing anyone.

I shook my head. “After what…” I paused. “…after everything that’s happened, I’m on the shelf. I’m planning on staying single and unattached. I have lots of work to do on myself before I even begin to even think about a relationship.”

My brother smiled and hugged me. “All I know is that with your looks and your new do…it might be difficult staying on the shelf for very long.”

I kissed his cheek and smiled. “You just made my day.”


Harlee asked about you, and said something about seeing you on TV, working your cases.

As I drove home, I was convinced by what Robin had said that I’d probably been on Harlee Ryland’s radar for months, maybe years, even while she was dating Noah. It also seemed likely that she’d been working with Collin Russell and her grandfather all along, both to protect their fortune and to cover up the murders they’d committed.


Harlee’s last words to me held both a promise and a threat. I knew that she would stop at nothing to protect the deadly legacy she’d inherited. And, while I was still committed to shining the light of truth on what happened, I also knew that I would need to be more vigilant than ever.

Bernie and I had just gotten home when Natalie knocked on my door. “You need to come over, Kate. I just got the lowdown on the dirty deeds Izzy’s…” Her eyes fixed on my hair. “What’d you do to yourself?”

I brushed a hand through my new do as she bent down and greeted Bernie, who had started doing the happy dance when he saw her. “Robin gave me a shorter and sassier look. What do you think?”

“I think you look…hot.” She stood and lowered her voice. “Be careful ‘round Howie. Depending on when you catch him, he’s got a rep for hittin’ on anything that’s movin’.”


“He’s the bloke who’s got the lowdown on Izzy’s cheatin’.” She tugged on my arm. “Come on, you gotta meet him.”

After a couple feeble protests, telling Natalie that I had plans to spend a quiet night alone, she dragged me next door. I found Mo in their living room with a handsome man who looked like he was around thirty.

After Mo complimented me on my hair, she made introductions. “This here is Howie Cromwell. He’s one of Izzy’s assistants in his magic show, but he also does some PI work for Jimmy.”

Jimmy was Natalie and Mo’s boss, a sleazy PI who hired several part-time employees. Cromwell was handsome, with blue eyes, and brown hair cut short. He wasted no time proving Natalie was correct about him being a womanizer. 

“Do you have a little black dress?” Howie asked me.

“I ah…” I looked at my friends, who were smiling like they had a secret. I looked back at their guest. “I guess.”

“Put it on, so I can take it off you.” His eyes swept over my body. “I wanna see what’s in the fridge.”

I looked at my friends and realized they’d probably told him about me not dating. They often referred to my private parts as being in the refrigerator when I wasn’t in a relationship.

I was about to respond when Howie went on, still ogling me. “Dang ya…dang ya…I’d like to take ya home and bang ya.” He looked at Natalie and Mo. “You know what the difference is between men and women?”

Natalie started to answer. “I heard this theory once…”

“Wrong,” Howie said, cutting her off. “Men are more in touch with their bodily functions.” He pulled on his finger and made a farting sound. He looked at me. “Wanna hear me play ‘Unchained Melody’?” He didn’t wait for an answer, instead pulling his finger several times as he farted his way through the song. When he finished, he said to me, “What do you think?”

“I think you’re insane,” I said.

Howie looked at my friends. “I think she likes me.”

Mo brushed blue wig hair out of her eyes. “Kate always did like men who are in touch with their bodies.”

“Want another song?” Howie asked me.

I stood. “I think I’ve heard enough.”

“Wait.” Natalie pulled me down onto the sofa, then said to Howie, “This one needs to be brought around slowly. You’d better put it in PG gear.”

Howie cleared his throat, sat up straighter. “Very nice to meet you, Detective Sexton. May I call you Kate?”

I looked at my friends and exhaled. “Really?”

“Howie’s harmless,” Mo said. She looked at their friend. “Aren’t you, hon?”

Howie’s face was serious as he nodded. “I’ve been in therapy for years, learning to control my impulses.” He lowered his voice and pointed at my friends. “These two are aliens, in case you didn’t know.
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“It’s from the movie
The Day the Earth Stood Still.
It’s an alien phrase instructing Gort, the robot, not to destroy the planet. So far, I’ve been able to keep Hollywood safe from them.”

I rolled my eyes. “Enough.”

“Back on PG mode, Mr. Spock,” Natalie said to him. She looked at me. “Howie’s been workin’ as an assistant in Izzy’s show for the past few months. When he also came to work for Jimmy part-time, I had him check on the dirty wanker.” She looked back at Howie. “Tell her, in terms that she can understand, what’s been goin’ on.”

Howie’s voice changed, reminding me of a character from the old TV show
. “I was working the night watch out of metro last Tuesday, assigned to surveil one Izzy Cluck. At zero eight hundred hours, said subject was seen entering the Lamplighter Motel with the assistant in his magic show, one Doreen Drake. They remained in said accommodations until just after midnight, where it seems highly probable that Mr. Cluck engaged in a sexual act that rhymes with his surname.”

“He screwed his assistant, Doreen,” Natalie said.

“It was a Cluck fuck,” Mo agreed.

Howie made a clucking sound like a chicken and began flapping his arms.

“Control,” Mo cautioned him, wagging a finger.

Howie fell silent.

“So you’re sure he’s been cheating on you,” I said to Natalie.

Howie failed to muffle another cluck as Natalie answered. “What Howie saw confirms it. It’s now payback time.”

“What have you got in mind?”

Howie made some rat-a-tat-tat sounds, like a machine gun.

He’d gotten on my nerves again. “Silence!” I said. I looked back at Natalie, raising my brows.

“Public humiliation,” Natalie said.

“What exactly does that mean?”

“Me and Mo gotta work out the details, but we want you there.”

“Baby sis is gonna make this big,” Mo said.

Howie had his arm raised. “What is it?” I said, annoyed with his nonsense.

“May I be excused? I have to go to the little boys’ room.”

“I think you better just call it a night,” Mo said to him. “Kate’s tolerance tank’s runnin’ on empty.”

Howie stood, but reached down and kissed my hand. “It’s been exquisite. Perhaps you can come to my nude jousting event this weekend. I think you’ll find that I thrust and parry with the best of them.”

“I’m busy,” I said, before he sauntered off.

After he was gone, I looked at my friends. “I don’t believe what I just saw.”

“That’s nuthin’,” Natalie said. “Howie was on his best behavior tonight. It gets a lot better once you get to know him.”

We went back to discussing Izzy for a moment, before Natalie got us a bottle of wine. After serving the drinks, she and Mo asked for the details about my time with the feds. After I filled them in on everything, they asked about Lindsay.

I lied once again. “All we can do at this point is hope she finds a way to contact us and gets away from the Swarm.”

Mo’s heavy brow tightened, she turned her head slightly, then regarded me with one eye in her characteristic way. “You sure there ain’t more?”

I nodded, but didn’t meet her eyes. “I’m sure.”

Natalie spoke up, telling me, “We know you better than your own mum, Kate…sorry, I forgot, she’s dead. But we can tell when you’re lyin’. What’s really goin’ on?”

I sighed and shook my head, deciding I had no choice but to level with them. “You both have to promise me you won’t say anything to anyone about what I’m going to tell you.”

I got a couple sistah pinky swears, as Natalie calls them.

“There’s a man named Jenson Moore. He’s a wealthy industrialist who is part of the Swarm. He’s got Lindsay. He wants me to meet him at Lake of the Shrine Friday night or he’s going to kill her.”

Mo set her glass down. “What you gonna do ‘bout this?”

I tried to keep my voice steady, even though my emotions were surfacing. “I have no choice but to meet him. If I don’t, I’m sure he will kill Lindsay.”

“We gotta go with you,” Natalie said.

“No. He made it clear that if I tell anyone about this, Lindsay will die.”

“But it’s not safe,” Mo said. “I know that place. Me and baby sis can stay in the woods, watch your back from a distance.”

“Please,” Natalie begged. “If anything ever happened to you…” She brushed a tear and didn’t go on.

I released a long breath and reached over, squeezing her hand. “Let me think about it, and I’ll let you know. In the meantime, be sure you don’t mention this to anyone.”

We chatted a few minutes longer while we finished our wine, before Mo asked me, “What’s the latest with Harlee the hater?”

“When I called Leo and told him I’d be back at work tomorrow he said, as far as he knows, she’s keeping a low profile.”

“Maybe that’s ‘cause she’s hooking up with Brett Denver.”

“The actor?”

“That would be him,” Natalie said. “Rumors have it that Denver has secretly been one of them Tauists for years.”

Denver was a Hollywood A-lister with a bad attitude, whose career had cooled in recent years. He’d also been the fodder for gossip magazines that ran salacious stories about his many exploits.

“I’ve heard some talk that he’s been involved in lots of drugs and sex scandals,” I said. “And he also filed bankruptcy.”

Natalie finished her wine. “Looks like he’s got himself a new sugar mama.”

“Denver’s bad news,” Mo said. “He’s as mean and nasty as they come, so if those two are hookin’ up, you need to watch your back.”

I sighed. “They’re going to have to get in line.”

“Mo’s right,” Natalie said. “Denver’s a janky little bastard.” She looked at Mo. “Guess we need to keep an eye on them two, along with that Jenson Moore bloke.”

I again told them I hadn’t made any decisions about how to handle Moore, before making excuses about needing to go because I had an early day tomorrow.

Natalie then mentioned Nana. “She’s convinced Boris to let me and Mo work our makeover magic on him. The SharkMamas are gonna make him into a new man the night after tomorrow.”

Mo pulled a photograph out of her purse. “This is Boris, so you can see we got our work cut out for us.”

I winced as I examined the photo. Nana’s new roommate looked like something out of an old horror movie. He had more hair than a Wookiee, an overbite, and crazy eyes. I gave the photo back to her. “It looks to me like the SharkMamas are going to need to perform plastic surgery.”

After I agreed to come by and see their handiwork, my friends walked me to the door, where we all exchanged hugs.

Mo then lowered her sonorous voice. “You be careful.”

Natalie brushed another tear as she released me. “Please think ‘bout lettin’ us watch your back. I only got two sisters in this life, and they’re both standin’ right beside me.”

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