His Unexpected Lover (The Thorpe Brothers) (11 page)

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Axel felt one of his
brother sit down at the opposite end of the sofa and he peeked out.  “What was I supposed to say?  ‘Don’t hire her.  She’s the woman who broke my heart.’?”

Ryker was leaning against the mantle but Axel caught his eyes widen at that confession.  “So she’s the one?” he asked, just to clarify. 
All three of them remembered when Axel had come back from Washington, D.C.  He’d been driven, mindlessly pushing harder than necessary to get his division up and running.  He’d been a bear to be around and had worked eighteen and twenty hours every day no matter how fast his business was growing. 

Axel sighed as he nodded his head. 

Xander shrugged his shoulders.  “So what’s the problem?”

Axel leaned forward, holding the cold beer in both his hands.  “We met in Washington, D.C. when she was in school and I was finishing up my time clerking at the Supreme Court.  By the time I’d met her, more than half the pieces were already in place for me to come back here and start my section of the law firm.”

“That was a tough time in your life,” Xander said, concern on his face as he watched his brother struggle with the story. 

“I was pretty angry with her.  And coming on board with you guys, I saw it as if I were starting my own law firm.  I didn’t want to lean on you two for clients or any other support.”  He turned to Ash and smiled.  “You were doing your own clerkship for a federal judge out in California at the time so you weren’t around yet.”

Ash nodded,
then swung his beer out, indicating Axel should continue the story. 

Xander interrupted before he could go on.  “Why didn’t you just bring her back here with you?” he asked.

Ash laughed and the other three brothers looked at him as if he’d lost his mind.  “What’s wrong with that suggestion?” Ryker asked.

That made Ash laugh even harder.  “You wanted her to give up everything so she could come back here and hang out with you?” Ash asked.  He reached out and punched his older brother on the arm.

Axel glared at his brother, but didn’t retaliate as he normally would.  He was too interested to figure out why Ash had said those words.  “That’s almost exactly what she said.  But I still don’t get it.  I wanted to marry her.”

That surprised all of them but they quickly recovered. 
“And now?”

“I’d marry her in a heartbeat if she’d have me.  But she’s only here until the next big assignment comes along.”

Ash definitely didn’t like that.  “Has she said this to you?”

Axel finished off his beer.  “Not in so many words, but it’s true.  So I’m only her boyfriend out of convenience.”

There was a long silence before Xander spoke up.  “I don’t believe that for a minute.”

Axel stood up and walked over to the fridge, pulling out four more beers and popping the tops before he came back, handing them out to his brothers but keeping one for himself.  “What makes you say that?” he asked when he was sitting down again. 

Xander shifted on the huge leather club chair so he could see Axel better.  “I’ve seen the way she looks at you.  She’s hooked.  And if you’re too stupid to realize it, then you don’t deserve her.”

Axel’s eyes looked at his older brother,
then at Ryker and Ash, both of whom were obviously thinking the same thing.  Xander was saying that about Axel and Kiera when he was obviously in love with Autumn?  Really?

Axel laughed along with Ryker and Ash, all three of them catching the irony in Xander’s statement. 

“Okay, fair enough.  I’ve got to figure out how to keep her on my own.  But if you’ve got any advice, please let me know.  I’ve been trying to figure this out for a couple of weeks and so far, it seems that my strategy has only backfired.”

The men changed the subject after that
and the four men proceeded to get drunk in an effort to lose their problems.  Only Ash was sober by the time each of them were finding a bed in his house somewhere.  He smiled when the doorbell rang, knowing that his newcomer would be Mia.  He didn’t let her sleep alone these days and she’d been out to dinner with friends. 

“Hello, Handsome,” she said as soon as he opened the door.

“Why didn’t you use your key?” he asked, pulling her into his arms and kissing her so she couldn’t answer him. 

“I don’t know,” she laughed
when he’d pulled back slightly.  “I guess I’m just not used to it.”

“You’d better get used to it,” he growled and pulled her into his room.  “All my brothers are here, by the way,” he warned before he slammed the door to what he now considered their bedroom.

“All of them?” she asked, her eyes wide with surprise. 

He answered her while his fingers started taking off her clothes. 
“All three of them.  They’re in the other bedrooms.  Are you okay with them being here?” he asked before he lifted her up and placed her on the bed. 

She laughed but snuggled up to him, not the least bit surprised that he’d taken off all of her clothes as soon as they were alone.  She was used to it now.  “Just wondering,” she said mysteriously.

“Forget about my brothers,” Ash said as he bent his head to kiss her.  “I have other things to discuss.”

Mia was in complete agreement with his agenda and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 

Chapter 8


“Axel Thorpe,” Axel snapped as he answered the phone. 

“Having a bad day, old man?” a familiar voice came back with a chuckle.

“Brett?” Axel asked, thinking this might be his old college buddy.

“At your service,”
Brett Hanson responded with another jovial laugh. 

Axel leaned back in his big leather chair, his frustration with his current situation with Kiera forgotten for a moment.  “It’s been a while.  How have you been?” he asked.

The two men talked for several minutes, catching up on their respective lives.  Axel was only slightly jealous that his old friend already had two kids and was madly in love with his wife.  He thought about what it would be like to say that about himself and Kiera with their kids entering school.  And then he thought about Kiera pregnant with their children and he had a hard time breathing for a moment.  Kiera pregnant would possibly be the most beautiful thing in the world.  As long as he had sons.  He couldn’t imagine raising a daughter that might look like Kiera.  He had enough problems already.  Adding a beautiful teenage daughter and he thought he might just lose it.  He pushed that out of his mind, refusing to get caught up in that dream.  Kiera didn’t want that, he knew.  She wanted the career. 

Maybe at some point in the future, they could work things out and she would be ready to start a family.  If he could hold onto her for that long, he thought.  He hadn’t talked to her about the issue for a while.  Maybe it was time to broach the subject.  He wanted her and he was willing to do just about anything to keep her. 

Axel re-focused on Brett’s voice, hearing about all the strange and wonderful things his wife and children were up to.  He made a mental note to try and get back to Washington, D.C. to visit him and his family.  Brett was a good guy, having gone into business while Axel studied law.  They’d done some crazy things throughout their college years together. 

“So what’s the call for?  Surely you didn’t just call me to catch up,” Axel asked.  “You always have an angle.”

Brett laughed. “You’ve caught me.  I heard through the grapevine that someone in your group hired a woman named Kiera Ward.  She graduated from Georgetown and I’ve been hearing that she’s just the person I need.”

Axel hesitated, not wanting
to confirm or deny that Kiera was on staff.  “What about her?”  As far as he was concerned, Kiera was his.  Brett needed to keep his paws off of her.  It took Axel several minutes to remember that Brett was madly in love with his wife and Antonia was just as infatuated with him.  It still took several more minutes to tamp down the jealousy that rose up. 

Brett continued, unaware that his friend was having homicidal thoughts.
  “I have a position that I think she would be perfect for.  It’s in Paris, which I know she’s fluent in French and she also did some work with an international client I stole out from under Watson and Watson three days ago.  They’re asking for her to join them in Paris and work through some legal issues they’re having.”  Axel listened as Brett continued to describe the role and the criminal problems the client was having. 

Axel felt like his old friend had just slugged him.  “Why would you need her on your team?”
he asked, gripping the phone so hard he was amazed it didn’t break into little pieces.  “Kiera is more of a trial lawyer than an organizational lawyer.  She’s pretty amazing in the courtroom.”

“That’s what I’ve heard.  And exactly the person I need for the job.  Ms. Ward has a reputation for being able to see the small details and make them into big ones that a jury can understand.  She’s quite the litigator even at such a young age.”

“You’re right.  She’s pretty amazing,” Axel agreed.  But that didn’t mean he wanted Brett even within a ten mile radius of his woman. 

laughed, trying to keep things jovial.  “It’s an incredible opportunity for her.”  Brett went on to give Axel more of the details of the position.  As Axel listened, his gut tightened.  This was an incredible opportunity for Kiera.  She would be a fool to turn it down.

“So what do you say?  Any chance you could help me convert her to the dark side?” he teased. 

Axel sighed and rubbed his forehead.  He wasn’t sure how to handle this.  If he convinced Kiera to take the job, it would be the end of their relationship.  If he didn’t bring this to her, he wouldn’t ever feel right about them being together. This was the nightmare he’d been dreading but it had come significantly sooner than he’d expected.  Hell, she hadn’t even been working here for a month! 

It was still an awesome opportunity.  A part of him was thrilled for her, excited that her work and reputation have paid off.  The other part of him wanted to hide her away so no one else would ever discover what a fantastic lawyer she was. 
“I’ll talk to her about it,” was all he would commit to at this point.

“Sounds great, buddy!”
Brett came back.  “I’ll talk to you later.  And thanks for your help.  This would be a huge coup for her career.”

Axel hung up and just about slammed his fist against his desk.  Standing up, he walked over to the windows, staring out into the gloomy afternoon weather but not really seeing anything.  His mind was remembering Kiera as she was last night, in his arms and smiling up at him as she touched different parts of his body, making him want her as much as she wanted him.  Every moment in her company was an exploration either of her mind or her body and he wasn’t sure which he liked more, making her scream out in passion or arguing with h
er about legal issues.  Both fired his mind like no other woman ever had. 

He was pacing back and forth, a plan forming in his mind.  He
wasn’t sure it would work but he had to at least give it a try.  He walked up the stairs, for the first time ignoring his staff when they called out to him.  He had a mission and he had to work out the details as fast as possible.  He didn’t want Brett calling Kiera before he had a chance to talk to her first. 

There was so much he needed to do before this could actually work,
but this was not an opportunity that he would relinquish.  Hell, he wasn’t even sure if Kiera would go through with the plan.  He didn’t even know if she would want him to come to Paris with her.  There was no doubt in his mind that Kiera would take the job.  It was too good of an opportunity for her not to take it.  This job was a career maker.  Once she’d finished working through this issue in Paris, which he suspected might take two or three years from what Brett had explained, she could basically write her own ticket. 

Ash was going to be furious about losing her
after such a short period of time.  He’d already been singing her praises and her clients, even in the short period she’d been here, had come to rely on her more than anyone had expected.  Everything everyone said about Kiera was true.  She was a fabulous lawyer.  But he’d known she would get there six years ago. 

He went up to
Ryker’s office and paused by his assistant’s desk.  “Is he in?” he asked Joan who was always cheerful despite Ryker’s reputation for being a grump most of the time.

Joan looked up and smiled.  “He’s just reviewing some files.  Go on in.”

Axel walked in and stopped in the middle of his brother’s office, pacing back and forth while he continued to work the issue through in his mind.  He didn’t even notice when Ryker put down his papers and watched while Axel paced, his mind figuring out the problems that might come up and solutions to overcome or even circumvent them before they happened. 

When Axel didn’t say anything for several minutes,
Ryker picked up the phone and called Xander.  “Better come up.  Something is going on.  Get Ash on your way, okay?” He listened for a moment, then glanced up at Axel and said, “Yes.”  The pacing continued and Ryker waited patiently while Axel worked through whatever was going on in his mind.  Ryker trusted his brothers so if Axel was in here pacing, this was monumental. 

A few minutes later, Ash and Xander stepped into
Ryker’s office, only to see the same thing Ryker had been witnessing for several minutes.  They came inside and closed the door, assuming correctly that this was probably a conversation that was better left to just the four of them.  All of them glanced at each other, their eyes communicating their suspicion that it had to do with the issue they’d been discussing a few nights ago. 

“What’s going on?” Xander asked, always the first one to step into any confrontation or issue.  Except in one area, that is. 
And all three of Xander’s brothers wished he would face up to his romantic issues with Autumn but none were brave enough to demand it. 

“No clue,”
Ryker replied, leaning his head back against his large, leather chair, waiting for Axel to explain. 

Axel turned at the noise and looked around, relieved that his other brothers were here now.  “I have a problem,” he said.  He turned to face Ash.  “I’m
still in love with Kiera and I can’t let her get away from me for another six years.”

Ash grinned.  “And what are you going to do about Kiera?”

Axel wasn’t surprised.  Ash would know that this wasn’t an arbitrary liaison that would cause problems later on with the proximity of one worker being involved, even formerly, with another staff member.  “Thanks.  I know we discussed this the other night but now I’m going to do something, or at least I hope she’ll let me do something, to make our relationship permanent.”

Xander shook his head
, relieved that his brother was going to finally do something about the woman he obviously loved.  “It’s about time!” he teased.

“That’s rich,”
Ash said under his breath.  But when Xander turned to face his brother, Ryker stepped in and brought them back to the original issue before things got out of hand.  They weren’t at the gym with an open space and he didn’t relish his furniture being turned into toothpicks by one of his brothers’ epic fights.  “Are you announcing your engagement?” he asked.

Axel ran a frustrated hand over h
is face and shook his head.  “I’d like to but I doubt she’d accept.  Like I mentioned the other night, she’s not here for long,” he explained.  “And what’s worse, I just got a call from an old college buddy.  He has a fantastic position he wants to offer Kiera.”

Ash was already shaking his head.  “He can’t have her.  She just got here and she’s already one of the best lawyers I’ve had on my team.  She’s smart and funny and the clients love her.  It doesn’t hurt that she’s nice to look at either.”

Axel almost leapt across the room at Ash but Xander knew exactly what was about to happen and stepped in at just the right moment to stop the beating.  “Not now!” he commanded, holding Axel’s shoulders while Ryker stood up and came around to the other side of his desk. 

“Ash is right,”
Ryker said.  “Even I’ve been impressed with Kiera’s work.  Question is, what are you going to do to keep her on the team?”

Axel turned away and started his pacing.  “I can’t
stop her,” he said and all of his brothers heard the pained emotion in Axel’s voice.  “This really is a great opportunity.  She can’t turn it down.”  He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.  “This is the same thing that happened in Washington, D.C. but in reverse.  Back then, I had the great job I was moving off to and she had to stay put.  Now she’s got the great opportunity and I’m here in Chicago.”

None of them pointed out that he shouldn’t consider himself “stuck” when he was one of the managing partners in one of the most reputable law firms in the country. 
“That was years ago.”

Axel nodded.  “I know.  And I’m not going to make the same mistake I made last time.  I lost her back then because I was being a selfish jerk.
  I didn’t understand back then, but I do now and I can’t lose her this time.”

All three brothers stood shoulder to shoulder, bracing for whatever Axel was about to tell them. 

Axel took a long breath, steadying himself for what he was about to say.  He didn’t want to leave Chicago and his brothers.  But Kiera was more important now.  Besides, he could fly back and forth to see his brothers.  Not having Kiera in his life would be like severing a limb.  She was that essential to him now.  She had been six years ago, but he hadn’t understood all of it then.  He wouldn’t be so stupid as to lose her this time around.  “I’d like to start up a branch of The Thorpe Group in Paris.”

“France?” Ash clarified
, stunned into saying something obviously stupid.

Axel nodded even while Xander smacked him on the back of the head for being so dense. 
“Of course Paris, France, you idiot.”

That reminded Axel of the conversation he’d overheard recently.  Turning to
Ryker he said, “Cricket Fairchild is planning to dye her hair brown,” he said and waited for the explosion. 

Ryker demanded, his whole body tensing with fury at the idea.  “Why the hell would she do that?”

Axel grinned
, feeling relief for a moment now that someone else had problems other than him.  They’d come back to him, but at least for a few moments, someone else was confused.  “Because she thinks that you think she’s an idiot.  She says that being a brunette would help her disperse that perception.”

rolled his eyes.  “Of all the ridiculous…” he stopped himself and took a deep breath.  “I’ll deal with Cricket.  What about Paris?”

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