Read His to Bear Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #bears, #Kodiak, #haven, #hunters, #shape-shifter, #mates, #betrayal, #alpha, #ritual, #elders, #hidden, #awakening pride, #military, #marine, #endangered, #pack, #destiny, #fate

His to Bear (11 page)

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it’ll be because we want them.”

She sighed. “I have no control over when I conceive and when I don’t. There

might be a child created the first time we mate. It may not occur for years.” She

hurried on before he could say anything. “But I want children, as many as we’re

blessed with. I’ll love each and every one and do my all to be the best mother

possible. They’ll be testament to our bond, a mixture of the two of us. I can imagine

no greater gift in all the world.”

He stopped and grinned. “I’m not going to postpone our mating for a longer time

because you can’t control conception. I know normal avenues of birth control don’t

work with the mated members of the pride. Is it similar among bears?”

“Yes. Our males are unable to wear condoms, and the females are unable to

have sex with a male who could use them. It’s an allergy we have. I’ve heard sex

becomes extremely painful if attempted. Pills, shots and implants don’t work, either.

Our bodies reject them. It’s why most females come to a mating as virgins.”

His gaze darkened, and she knew he was turned on by the fact she was coming

to him untouched by another man. It sent a shiver of need through her.

“Will you know immediately when you conceive?” he asked, reaching for her

hand and taking it as they continued.

“Not necessarily,” she admitted. “Our fertility tends to mirror the bears we’re

merged with. We carry our babes for a similar amount of time as a human woman

does before giving birth, between eight and a half and nine months. Are you very

familiar with bears?”


“We have another unique ability that comes from our animal.” She glanced up at

him then quickly away, unsure how he’d take her next bit of news. “It’s entirely

possible for one of my eggs to become fertilized but not to begin development


“What?” he asked, sounding shocked.

“Embryo development can be delayed up to four months. That’s why I might not

know immediately. We could make a baby but not have our child begin to grow inside

me until much later.”

“I had no idea,” he said with a whistle. “All that time inside you, and you never


She shrugged. “My mother said she knew with all of us, from the very moment

we were conceived. I don’t know if I’ll be the same or not.”

He stopped again and turned to her. “How old are you, Jaeda?”

“Twenty-four. Plenty old enough to be mated and begin a family. My mother

was mated at eighteen.”

“I’m eleven years older than you,” Holt said and the tone of his voice made her

think that fact bothered him.

“My father was fifteen years older. Age is only a number. Does it bother you?”

“A little,” he admitted.

“If I wasn’t yours, I’d belong to Koby. He’d eagerly claim me with no such

reservation. I believe he’s your age.”

“It really doesn’t bother you?”

She stepped into him, gripping his waist with one hand while flattening her other

palm over his chest. “I took one look at you and saw the man who would be my mate.

I felt the connection deep in my soul. There was no question for me. There was only


He pulled her flush against him and dipped his head, brushing his lips over hers

gently. He teased her bottom lip with his teeth, and she opened to him, enjoying the

feel of his tongue gliding along hers. He awakened a yearning in her for so much

more. She wanted to be joined completely with him, his hardened cock thrusting deep

within her. If he’d allow it, she’d beg him to take her here and now, on the grassy

ground beneath their feet.

“I need you,” she panted when he broke the kiss and ran his lips down to skim

along her jaw then up to her ear.

“Yes,” he agreed with a groan.

“Now,” she demanded, pulling back to meet his gaze and almost screaming as

she watched him restrain his need. How was it possible for one man to have so much


“Soon,” he said, running shaking fingers up and down her arms.

“What more do you need to know?” she cried out in frustration. “What else do

you wish to tell me? Ask me. Tell me. Whatever you need to be okay with this. I’ll do

anything. Just tell me what it is you need.”

He released a shaky laugh. “I’m trying to give us a chance to get to know one

another. To make sure you’re completely comfortable with me before we take things

any further. It’s not like we have an out if you change your mind later. Or do bears

mate more than once?”

“Only in cases of death,” she said. “If a mate is lost then there is the possibility.

If a woman is young enough to still bear children then it’s expected of her.”

“How do you stand to be treated that way?” Holt exploded. “You’re more than a


“I said expected, not demanded,” Jaeda qualified.

“So you pick your mate then submit to him in all ways until one of you dies?”

“Laramie,” she guessed but didn’t wait for confirmation. “It isn’t as archaic as it

may seem. It’s the way I was raised, how my parents lived. It doesn’t make me less

your equal.”

“Will you challenge me if I do something you don’t agree with?”

“Privately,” she agreed. “When we’re among others, it’s my job to be silent and

observant. I’m your eyes and ears when your attention might be otherwise engaged.

Once we’re alone, I’ll tell you the things I picked up on so you’ll be aware.”

“That makes sense,” Holt agreed. “I’ve been the observant one most of my life.

It’ll be different to have someone play the role for me.” He seemed to debate with

himself for a moment before asking her another question. “What about sexually?”

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” she informed him softly. “Your

pleasure is mine. I don’t believe you’ll be a greedy or abusive lover. Far from it. Am I so wrong?”

“No, but I have to warn you that you bring out things in me I’ve never felt in the


“Such as?” she asked.

“I have this need to throw you down and fuck you hard and fast. I want to

imprint myself so deep inside you that nothing exists outside of me, of us. I want to

take you every way imaginable. Pussy, ass, mouth. I want it so badly, the need has me

shaking. I want you on your knees, lips wrapped around my cock, sucking me dry. I

want you on your back, legs on my shoulders while I pump you full of my cum. And I

want that gorgeous ass bent over, cheeks spread wide while I watch my cock slowly

sink in you there. You have no idea what you do to me.”

She felt her breath catch, her nipples grow harder as the walls of her pussy

drenched with lust. “I want that, too.”

“How can you when you’re a virgin?” he demanded. “What I want should scare


“I’m not afraid of you. Yours is the only touch I’ll know. Your hands, your

cock, your tongue. You’ll own every inch of me, and I know you’ll never hurt me.”

His eyes glazed, his cheeks going ruddy with warm color. “If we head back now,

I won’t be able to keep myself from taking you, and once will never be enough. I’ll

want you over and over again, until neither of us has the strength to leave the bed.”

“Yes,” she agreed with a moan, sliding her hand down his chest to cup the bulge

in his jeans and give it a squeeze. “Please.”

He was ready to give in, ready to take her back and finally claim her, when she

felt the shift in the air. One moment, she was searching her mate’s eyes. The next, she

was behind him, his body taut with anger as someone joined them. Koby Holloway.

She stepped to Holt’s side and watched Koby glance between them. She saw

something she hadn’t expected in the other man’s face. Regret.

“I don’t understand,” Koby muttered, confusion overshadowing his anger.

“She’s mine,” Holt stated quietly. “I’m not giving her up. Not for you. Not for


“I smell her on you,” Koby growled. “Scent the bond between you, and it makes

my beast angry. She’s yours. Yet, I’d swear, she’s mine. I’m ripped in two.”

“Why do you think she’s yours?” Holt asked.

“There’s a connection that can only exist between shifter mates. A bestial

knowing that defies all logic. My animal knows hers. She can say what she will, but I

know she feels it, too,” Koby said.

Holt turned to look at her, and she shook her head.

“Liar,” Koby all but roared.

“I’m not,” she disagreed. “My animal doesn’t know yours. There’s no bond for

us, Koby. There’s nothing here that belongs to you.”

He jerked his head back, lips wide, showing the sharp, white relief of his teeth as

the chords on his neck stood out. She could sense the turmoil inside him but was

helpless to do anything about it. She wasn’t lying. There was nothing between them.

Whenever she was around him it was as if her body locked up with fear, making it

hard for her to think. She wouldn’t be afraid if her animal recognized him as a

potential mate. Her mate was Holt. End of story.

“Why are you lying?” he demanded, his words garbled. “Why are you pushing


“He’s shifting,” Jaeda cried, tugging at Holt.

Koby glared at them as his body began to contort, bones popping as his body

began changing. He managed one word. “Run.”

“Holt!” she cried, yanking at him. “You can’t fight him like this. Not like this.”

The beast was enraged in Koby. It was something her animal could sense. “Please!”

Holt seemed to waver as if uncertain what to do. Then Laramie stepped out, the

rest of the Holloway brothers with him.

“Go,” Laramie ordered. “We’ll see to Koby.”

It was only then that Holt let her lead him away. They hadn’t gone far when

roars filled the air behind them. Holt paused, but she pulled him along with her toward

the main house. She wouldn’t let the Holloway’s ruin this for her. Holt had agreed to

take her, to claim and fully mate her. She needed him like she needed her next breath.

He stopped when they stepped in the front door. “I should go back. Make sure

he’s okay.”

“Don’t leave me,” she begged, unable to hold the words in. “I need you.”

He searched her face then grabbed her with a groan. She needed no more

invitation than that. She clung to him, reaching for his shoulders and meeting his

mouth with a clash of hers. She lifted one leg, half climbing him as she sought to align her pussy with his shaft, rubbing against him with wanton need. He dropped his hands

to her ass, lifting, and she did climb him then, wrapping both legs around his waist.

“Yes,” she hissed as he scraped his teeth over her neck.

He moved lower until he found her turgid nipple and sucked it in his mouth

through her clothes. Too many clothes. She wanted to feel him on her skin. She cried

out, arching further into him as he bit down on the hard nub, sending fire racing

straight to her womb.

“For the love of God, man,” a deep brogue interrupted. “Pick a room. Any of


Holt reared back, and she groaned in denial as she clutched at him, desperate to

rekindle the moment. His fingers clenched against her ass, pressing her harder against

him before reluctantly easing her away.

“On your feet,” he ordered, and she hissed again as she complied. He leaned in

and nipped her bottom lip hard before she could say anything else. “I want you to go

upstairs to our room and wait for me. Don’t argue,” he warned and nipped her jaw

hard, making her catch her breath and forget what she’d been about to say. “When I

get up there, I expect you to be naked and kneeling in the middle of our bed. Waiting

for me. Now go.”

He gave her ass a hard pat that had her clenching her thighs as her juices spilled

from her vagina. She nodded, not sparing Murphy a glance, though she’d been

prepared to threaten him moments earlier. She rushed up the stairs to do exactly as her

Holt had demanded. So help him, she’d be hard pressed not to kill him if he changed

his mind and decided to make her wait longer. She wanted her mate, needed him. If he

wanted her naked and ready for him then that’s exactly how he’d find her.

* * * *

Holt took a deep breath, trying to regain some control while he watched Jaeda

practically run up the stairs. Jesus! This was it. There would be no turning back after

this. Who the hell was he kidding? There had been no turning back from the moment

he’d unknowingly taken part in a mating ceremony his little bear had tricked him into.

“I’m guessing you’ve decided she’s what you want,” Murphy said.

“She is,” Holt agreed.

“I expected as much.”

“I need you to do something for me,” Holt said. “There was an incident with

Koby in the woods. His beast got the better of him before we could finish talking.”

“Christ!” Murphy grunted. “Are the two of you okay?”

Holt knew Murphy was referring to him and Jaeda and nodded. “Laramie and

the rest of them showed up. The thing is, I think I might know why Koby is acting the

way he is. Would you let Laramie know I need to talk to him later.” His glance went

back toward the stairs. “Much later.”

“I’ll let him know,” Murphy agreed. “I’m happy for you, Holt. She seems like a

fine woman.”

“She and I still need to talk. I just realized I never really told her about Kenzie.”

He snorted a laugh that turned into a groan. “I swear Jaeda ties me in knots.”

“Let her work a few out of you then,” Murphy suggested. “It’ll be good for both

BOOK: His to Bear
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