His Little Courtesan (12 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: His Little Courtesan
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Moaning with shame, she wasted no time stepping
over to stand beside the chair, only to be immediately seized by the wrist.
"I don't care how old you are," he told her sternly, "as long as
I'm present in your life, you will never be too old to be spanked."

While being led carefully over his knee,
Jane's gaze fell upon the two instruments that Philip had chosen. She
whimpered, stiffening with the understanding that she was about to receive a
spanking that would make Rama's discipline seem like love pats.

"A proper and through spanking is 
you need young lady," Philip said, as he deftly balanced her on the peak
of his left knee, forcing her to brace her body against the floor with both
hands as her legs waved unhindered in the air. "You were very diligent in
your work to earn this one, and I promised that you will remember every smack
you receive."

"Papa. I beg of you—"

"That is quite enough, little
girl," the man growled, raising his hand. "Let's get this punishment

Philip began with an old-fashioned
hand-spanking, delivering round after round of hard, solid smacks to his wife's
quivering little backside. He laid in with a swift marching rhythm, shocking
her alabaster globes into a bright, simmering red within a few seconds. Her
shrieks of pain kept time with his racing tempo, joined by the kicking of her
legs and squirming attempts to avoid being struck in the same spot twice. It
took only a minute before Jane was quickly reduced to keening screams for

"Ow! Papa, no!
Dear Lord! Owww!" she shrieked. "That hurts!"

Philip gave no
allowing his hand free range over buttocks and thighs—
the intensity of his swats increasing in
order to work her
bottom up to a feverish cherry red.

The desperate struggle and writhing across his
lap cause Jane's braid to fall loose, and her hair flew in long, thick waves of
disarray over her sobbing wet face. She released a loud howl as her plump
bottom bounced and jiggled with each resounding slap. Her shrieking increased
as he concentrated his attention on the curving overlap between her upper
thighs and bottom cheeks, making her flesh wobble and quake with each scathing

He tightened his hold about her waist to
prevent her from bucking off his knee, and delivered a final ten echoing swats
to the backs of her legs, thoroughly coloring his canvas a satisfactory scarlet

The finalization of the hand spanking allowed
Jane to slump into a trembling heap over her hard perch. She sobbed miserably,
begging any deity who would listen to her pleas to intervene, and save her
sore, hot bottom from further agony.

"Am I getting through to you?" Philip
asked, permitting a few moments reprieve for his wayward wife to catch her
breath. He laid the hairbrush to rest upon the glowing cheeks.

"Yes, sir! Oh dear, yes! Please
 Jane begged
"On my honor, I've learned my lesson. Please, do not use that hairbrush. I
promise that I'll never disobey you again. You cannot imagine the pain! Please.
I'm in agony…"

"Had this been
the first time you found yourself over my lap for such an offense, I would
believe your promise to be trustworthy. However, it is not. I am afraid that
you have earned much more punishment for this last escapade, and that, by the
time I am finished with you, you will truly know the definition of the word

Having pronounced judgment, Philip lifted the
broad, thick brush from its resting place across her mounds

"I need to see you exercise some
self-control in your life. That includes refusing to give in to your impulses.
We will start with that now," he informed her. "While you are across
my knee this time, I expect you to stay perfectly still. If you move so much as
a toe, I'll spank you twice as hard and twice as long. Am I clear?"

Jane shuddered, hiding her face behind her
hands. He
that it was impossible
for her to stay still! Even as a child, he'd commented on her 'worm-like
wriggling' when facing discipline. 

"Y-yes, Papa," she stammered
woefully, clenching her bottom with anxiety. She squeezed her eyes shut and
held her breath, sensing Philip lifting the lethal brush high over his right
shoulder. It landed with a resounding crack, catching her square across the
left buttock. Rendered mute by the painful impact, and digging her fingers into
the rug beneath her face, Jane gaped wordlessly as she groped for her breath.

"Ow!" she finally wailed.
"Dearest Lord!! OW!"

The brush descended upon her pert, round
bottom, searing each cheek in rapid succession, until her skin glowed with a
radiant ruby hue. Jane pounded her fists to the floor, screeching uncontrollably,
with tears flooding in tiny rivulets down her face.

"I will never allow you to bring harm to
yourself if I can avoid it." He swung the hairbrush in a dazzling blur,
scalding her blazing mounds as the implement swished down in a whir of hissing

"I beg of
you," she sobbed. "Please stop. Papa, I'm begging! It hurts so

"I know it
hurts, baby." Only his voice softened in response to her pleas. "It
is supposed to hurt. You would not learn this lesson if it did not."

"Please stop,

"No, my love.
Better I turn your backend into a cauldron of liquid fire than to lose you to a
wild tiger or an angry zealot. Do you feel how powerless you are to prevent me
from spanking you?" He did not wait for her response, nor did he slow the
brush's assault upon her scorched posterior. "You would be even more
powerless in the hands of someone who wanted to bring you harm.
this lesson this time."

Jane buried her face in her hair and wept in

"Even if you were not my wife, you will
always be my ward and my little girl. If spanking this backside today is not
enough to prove how I worry for you, then I will further show you in the days
to come."

Regret and despair crept into her heart,
increasing the volume of her cries.

"As your papa, I have every right to do
whatever I feel is necessary for your best interest. I have never enforced my
will upon you without reason, but we have reached an impasse. You
surrender yourself to my authority
this time. When it comes to your safety, there is no debate, no argument, and
no appeal for mercy. This bottom is mine to paddle if that is how I choose to
teach you a valuable lesson, and I intend to have the final word when it comes
to your life."

He paused, giving her a moment to catch her
breath and flex his fingers.

"Have I ever punished you unfairly?"

Through her hiccups, the girl whimpered 'no'.
It was true. He was being as severe as the situation dictated he should, and
she knew that what she had done had been stupid, selfish, and out of pure

"Thank you for acknowledging that. Just
remember it." He picked up the strap and lashed down, steadily increasing
his force as he bounced the thick leather from side to side. Unable to control
the primal need to escape, Jane kicked her feet and howled again, vigorously
trying to slip through his impenetrable grip around her waist.

"I told you to hold still, young
lady," he said grimly, immediately doubling his pace and strumming the
strap in the same spot, raising a torrent of incoherent yowling and shrill cries.

The entire spanking had only lasted about ten
minutes, but to Jane, the punishment felt as though it had endured a lifetime.

Philip started to slow his efforts as she
sagged with exhaustion in her doubled position over his knees. He rounded off
the spanking with an echoing dozen smacks with his hand to her impertinent
bottom, and then held her blubbering form in place with that same hand resting
gently in the center of her back.

Several minutes passed and, except for the
sound of Jane's muffled cries and the pattering of rainfall outside the window,
the room was silent. Gently, he smoothed his hand over her glowing orbs,
cupping the heated fleshed in his palm.

"Are you able to stand?" he asked,
helping her to her feet.

"B-barely," she sniveled.

"Very well. You may lie on the bed over a
pillow. I want your bottom in the air. I know you are familiar with this,"
he produced a large hand of ginger that had been peeled into the shaped of a
wide, flared-bottomed cone. "You will stay there, plugged with this, until
I tell you to move."

Jane whimpered, unable to summon the strength
to protest.

He pressed her across the bed, tucking pillows
under her hips, and lifted the shift away from her bottom. She buried her face
in her hands as he pried her quaking cheeks apart and gently pressed the large
bulb to her clenched pucker.

"I suggest you relax. It only irritates
more when you squeeze," he commented, working the juicy root through the
resistant pathway and lodging it in place. The wide base locked the plug within
her, pressing against the sensitive inner tissue of her rectum. A high-pitched
squeal rose within a few seconds as the juicy plug began to work its magic,
filling her bottom with a deep, hot sensation that extended beyond

"It burns, Papa! It burns! Please take it

"No. You will lie here on your tummy with
the ginger in place until I tell you to move. If it comes out, I will take the
strap to you again. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, sir," she sniveled, hugging the
pillow to her chest. Would this day ever end?

Twenty minutes later, Philip returned and eased
the plug from her throbbing bottom. He sat down next to her on the bed and
stroked her back.

"Your nanny will be here to help you bathe
and dress. Be a good girl and do not give her any problems. She is under
instruction to take a switch to your bottom if you cause her problems."

"A nanny? Papa, I'm too old—"

"If you are young enough to be spanked
then you are young enough to need a caregiver. I did warn you. You will not be
out of sight for any reason. You will have to earn your freedom, darling. I
will be downstairs in the study. Behave yourself, please." He kissed her
on the back of the head, patted her hot backside, and left the room.

The girl sniffed, wiping her face with the back
of her hand. The way in which Philip had ended the punishment spoke volumes to
her. It was indifferent, almost businesslike, and lacked the warm aftercare
that he typically demonstrated after such an event. Her heart sank. She truly
had angered and disappointed him this time. She turned her glazed eyes to the
sound of the door opening.


"Yes, little Jane. It is I. No, stay where
you are. I want to see the damage your papa has inflicted upon your

"This is so shameful." Jane hid her
face. "Please spare me."

"I shall not. I am to be here until our
husbands declare it is time to go. I am to look after you as though you were a
school-aged child, teach you manners, grace and eloquence, and instruct you in
exercises of the body, mind and spirit. I am having a bath readied for you and
afterwards, we will discuss what is expected of you."

"I'm so sorry for my foolishness. Will
Philip ever forgive me?"

"His heart is in pain right now. It hurts
him when you misbehave and he has to punish you. Men are very delicate that
way," Usha explained, stroking Jane's hair. "Time will heal him,
daughter. Have no fear. Now, let us get you bathed and dressed. You are
scheduled to attend to your papa in his study when he calls for you."

"Is he going to spank me again?" Jane
asked nervously. She noticed Usha's confusion, and explained. "He
frequently took me to his study when I was a child—for punishment. It has
never been a place I enjoy being summoned or led to."

"It is his right to spank you whenever he
desires. He needs no reason or purpose, other than for his own enjoyment.
Therefore, the question of whether he intends to do so, or not, is moot."

"Are you saying that he can spank me with
no cause?"

"He is your husband."

Jane blinked through swollen eyelids. "To
punish without cause is barbaric! Philip might be strict, but he is not an

"And yet you asked me the question if he
can spank you without cause. The answer is yes, he can. It is also no, he will
not punish you."

"There is no difference," the girl

"That is not true. Punishment requires a
misdeed. Discipline requires a purpose at hand. And spanking," Usha
shrugged, "can be conducted simply for pleasure."

"Usha, I love you," Jane said warily,
"but I am so sore that I can barely move. Please, do not add pain by
making me think as well."

Usha smiled warmly and helped the girl off the
bed. She slipped the shift from Jane's body, leaving her standing naked. Jane
twisted to view her pulsating backend, biting her lip as she caught a glimpse
of the angry swollen cheeks.

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