His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (6 page)

BOOK: His Golden Touch [Gold Rush 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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She stayed downstairs, turning down oil lamps and plumping pillows until she heard the clip-clopping of horses’ hooves fading away. Trudy Green was gone, the Ponti’s were settled at the Vance’s, and Rocco was ensconced in the bunkhouse. At least she hoped that was the case.

The stairs seemed a mountain as she started up them. Her mood had plummeted. She needed to be alone. If rumors started, she’d lose her job, her friends. She’d be ostracized from all Plantsville society. She sat on the top step and put her head in her hands. What had she done?

When she lifted her head again, Wade and Brady were seated on the step with her, one on either side. Brady wore only his overalls, Wade had added a shirt but left it unbuttoned.

“Having second thoughts, love?” Brady asked.

“Darlin’”—Wade raised her chin with a finger—“no one can know what goes on behind closed doors unless we tell them. They can guess all they want, but we will be careful.”

“Don’t you see? They don’t need proof to start the gossip mill rolling, and that’s all it would take. One hint of suspicion and I’ll be ruined in this town.”

“Did you enjoy yourself last night?” Wade stood and leaned against the banister.

“Yes, I loved every second of it. My pussy pulsed all day waiting for more, and this dildo inside me begged to be replaced by a huge cock. But I’m scared. I can’t live in this town if everyone suspects.”

“Do you feel like a bad person now, darlin’ ? Or do you feel like a more alive person who is just as good as the day before yesterday?”

She nodded to Wade and put her arms around Brady and laid her head on his chest. “I feel like a more awake person and good in every way that counts.” She flicked his nipple with her tongue then suckled it.

Brady shuddered and gasped. “Do we jest go to sleep, or do you want more loving tonight? It’s for you ta say.”

Hannah hopped to her feet. “I want to forget those old biddies in town and have some fun while I’m young. I want both of you inside me at once, if it’s possible. I love you both.”

“And we love you,” Wade answered, and Brady nodded.

With arms entwined, they went into the bedroom. The men were barely dressed, and they made quick work of the rest of their clothes. Hannah hadn’t worn any underwear when she ran down to answer the door. Brady pealed her sundress slowly off her body, and she stepped out of it when it hit the floor.

Wade pulled her over to a cushioned chair and bade her sit. “Your visitors upset you, and it’s up to us to put you back in the mood to receive us.”

“No, I—”

Wade put a finger to her lips. “Don’t protest. I’ve been reading your moods for years. Let us get you ready.” He gently spread her knees, and Brady knelt between them. “I purely love the way you taste, love.” He gave her an extra pillow, and she raised her bottom while he placed it beneath her. “There, the perfect position.” He knelt to lick her pussy. “You are drier than usual.” He fingered her until she started to writhe. Wade stood behind her and played with her nipples. Brady licked again. “Ah, much better.” He took her fingers and placed them in her.

“Do you feel that hardened bud in there?”


“That’s your little nub of pleasure.” He released her hand and closed his lips over it. He used sucking pressure on her, every once in a while nipping at the little nub of pleasure. Wade worked on her breasts, kneading, pinching, bending to suck the nipples. Brady’s tongue darted in and around her pussy, never leaving her pleasure nub for long.

Hannah closed her eyes to try to calm her racing pulse and labored breathing. “I never imagined such pleasure was possible,” she whispered through nearly clenched teeth.

Brady reached under her and pressed the dildo higher into her as he sucked harder. A lightning bolt of intense delight went through her entire body. She climaxed and climaxed and climaxed, and when she came down from the heights she’d been on, Brady left his mouth on her nether lips for several seconds. He carried her to the bed and laid her facedown. Wade massaged her neck, shoulders, and back while Brady kneaded her bottom and legs and feet. They used some kind of lotion they warmed in their hands.

Hannah was close to falling asleep when Brady began to manipulate the dildo. He pulled it out halfway and pushed it in again. She tensed with the first shove then relaxed and let him play. Finally, the dildo was taken away and replaced with his fingers, several at once. He circled them inside her, stretching, pulling out and then back in. In one motion he raised himself over her and inserted the tip of his cock and stopped.

“Don’t clench. Keep yourself open so I can fit inside you.”

It took all her will power, but she kept her sphincter loose for him until his cock was deep within her. She found it hard to breathe. The pain was the dull throbbing kind, but it wasn’t unbearable. He made little pulsing motions in and out, not the long silken strokes they’d both used in her pussy last night. She panted to keep from tensing.

“Are you okay, love?”

“I’m fine.”

He gave a final hefty shove deeper than she’d thought possible, and she felt him spew inside her so profusely it spilled out onto her legs. He left her slowly, raised her to sitting, and kissed her over and over. “You are a wonderful gift, love.”

Apparently, while Brady was fucking her ass, Wade had brought up a large copper tub of warmed water. They led her to it. “You should soak for a while, darlin’.” Wade kissed her while stroking her breasts.

“Don’t you want to do that to me, too, Wade?”

“Of course, but I don’t know if you’ll be ready for more of that, tonight. Did it hurt much?”

She washed with a large sponge as she spoke. “It hurt like hell at first, but as long as I kept relaxed and open, it was fun. I think I like it.”

“Brady likes it that way because he doesn’t have to wear a rubber.”

“Don’t you like it?”

“I do, but only if you want it that way. I love fucking you any way I can.”

“I think I’m ready for you now.”

“No, you’re not. No more tonight. Tomorrow we want to do what you suggested before, both of us fucking you at once, Brady in your ass, me in your pussy. Would you really like that?”

“I would, but is it possible?”

“It’s possible, but no more tonight.”

“Then you come over here by the tub.” When he reached her side, she caressed his flaccid member then slurped it into her mouth and sucked. It hardened in seconds. He came quickly, and she swallowed all he had and licked him dry.

He raised her out of the tub and held her as Brady dried her with a towel. “Do you want your nightgown, love?”

“Can’t we continue? I want to feel you both inside me.”

“Not until morning, if we wake early enough, we’ll show you how it’s done, then. Now, do you want to sleep in the altogether like we do or do you want a nightgown?” Wade used his sternest voice.

What she wanted was her two husbands inside her, but there was no dissuading them tonight. The men fell asleep quickly, but Hannah was edgy. Her body craved attention. She missed the dildo up inside her. She closed her eyes and must have nodded off, because when she opened them again, the first rays of dawn were filtering around the window shade. She looked on either side of her. The men were sleeping like rocks. If she let them sleep, they’d have to get out to the fields and would have no time to fuck her the way she wanted. She smiled.

Chapter Five


Hannah slid one hand down Wade’s thigh and the other down Brady’s. She was surprised, when she reached their cocks, that they were both hard. She fisted her hands around them and pumped as if milking a cow.

Brady actually climaxed while still asleep. His eyes popped open quickly after his release. Wade moaned and wriggled, seeming to be thoroughly enjoying his dream, then awakened when he spurted into her hand. The three of them laughed heartily once they realized what had happened.

“Dawn is almost upon us. Show me now how it’s done?” Hannah sat up, letting the sheet slip to expose most of her nakedness.

Wade stared at her in disbelief. “You mean, now?”

“You promised we could do it in the morning if we had time.”

Without another word, both men hopped out of bed, washed briefly at the bureau ewer, dressed, and excused themselves. Hannah sat in disbelief as their footsteps faded from the stairs and the back door closed on a silent house.

In a whirl of confusion, she dressed for school then realized it was much too early. She went out to the hen house and gathered a basket of newly laid eggs. Next she went into the silo for grain to feed the chickens. Rocco met her as she emerged.

“Let me do that for you, ma’am.”

“You can call me Hannah since we’ll be living in such close proximity.”

“Okay, Hannah, I’ll feed the fowl and give the horses fresh hay. You go along inside and get your breakfast.”

“Did you eat with the others at your mother’s table?”

“No, I’ll get something later. I haven’t been given duties yet.”

“Come on in when you’re finished with the animals and have a bite with me.”

“I’d love to, thanks.”

Hannah fried up some bacon and added the eggs when she saw Rocco at the well washing up. He took off his shirt and she had to suck in her breath at the ripple of muscles he displayed as he scrubbed himself. He was only half buttoned up when he entered the kitchen.

He picked up the novel she’d left on the counter. “Do you like this author, Ellis Bell?”

“I’ve never read anything else by him or her.”

“Her? It’s a masculine name.”

“Yes, but have you read
Wuthering Heights

“I haven’t, but I’ve heard about it. It has a mystical theme, does it not?”

“Yes, but it’s a love story only a woman could write.”

“Men believe in love.” He moved very near to her at the stove. They stood eye to eye for several seconds.

Hannah picked up a plate and filled it with eggs and bacon. She shoved it at him. “Breakfast is ready.”

He took the plate and sat at the table. She joined him with her own plate. They talked through the meal and ate very little, so engrossed in each other were they. The literature of the day, the possibility of a civil war, nothing was out of bounds. Hannah hadn’t had such a stimulating discussion since she had left school.

“Before I overstay my welcome, I’d better leave and let you get ready for school. Do you want me to clean up?

“No, I have water heated for the plates, and I’m going to let them soak.”

She saw Rocco to the door, wishing they had more time to talk. The kitchen was cold as she packed a lunch. The horse and buggy waited at the front door with old Adele pawing the ground, impatient to be off. Her husbands were off to do the day’s work and nowhere in sight. Had they tired of her already? What had gone wrong this morning? Her body felt a void, an unease, a need, and the morning with Rocco had only intensified her longing.

She flicked the reins, and Addy pranced down the lane. The horse knew the way without guidance. They’d been making this same trek every day for two years.

Hannah didn’t know how she survived the school day, but the children were filing out and whooping it up in the yard as they scurried home. She was alone as she had been this morning. The unfulfilled ache had not dissipated. It had grown stronger. She stuffed papers in her satchel and did up the buckle. With every movement her anger escalated. Her husbands would give her what she wanted tonight or she’d throw them both out.

The schoolhouse door slammed. She twirled to face Rocco Ponti. “Howdy, Miz Hannah. Just stopped by to see if you needed anything.”

“Why would I need anything?”

“Dunno, just thought you looked a mite peaked when you left this morning.”

“I’m perfectly fine.”

He stepped close. She backed into the desk. He moved in closer. “Ex–excuse me, Rocco…”

He leaned into her, causing his hair to fall against her forehead. His breath warmed her cheek. “You look tense and in need of relaxation. Brady never came into the bunkhouse this morning. I wonder where he got to all night. You don’t happen to know, do you, Hannah?”

“N–no, I don’t. Would you kindly move back a bit?”

“If you really want me to.” He ran his hands down her hips and scrunched up her skirt, raising it inch by inch. “Do you really want me to, darlin’?”

Air around her ankles didn’t cool her, nor did the heat inside her dissipate when her skirt reached her thighs. He somehow switched his hands from her dress to her flesh as he continued to raise her skirt by pushing it up while he was caressing her legs. Her nipples pebbled, and her pussy dampened. Her dress reached her waist. He slid two fingers under her bloomers and whisked them off. A hard hand palmed her nether lips.

She didn’t know where it came from, but he sheathed himself with a condom and replaced his hand with his cock. She had never noticed him unbuttoning his trousers. He rubbed his cock on her thigh then let it rest against to entrance to her pussy. She used her own hand to guide it inside her as she fell back onto the desk. His tongue explored her mouth as his cock explored her pussy. He circled it inside her instead of thrusting fast and hard as her husbands had.

“You are luscious, Miz Hannah, truly luscious. Do you like this slow movement inside you? Or do you want more?”

“More, harder, deeper,” she managed to get out on a ragged breath. His touch was slick and hot, and she wanted it never to end.

He fucked her hard as she requested. Her breasts were tender from his kneading, her lips raw from his bruising kisses. Again and again, he pushed in and out of her and she begged for more. When she was nearly at the pinnacle, he stopped and bit her lip. She tasted blood.

“Not too fast, darlin’. We don’t want this to be over too fast. He used his fingers and his cock to tease her while sucking on her nipples through the cotton of her shift. This time he let it build all the way.

“Okay, come for me, darlin’. Come hard and loud.”

She threw back her head and screamed out his name as she came and came and came. He shoved into her all the way and spewed so much, the excess ran over the condom he’d used. She contracted around him to squeeze out the last drops and to keep him inside her. She wanted more. But he pulled out and stepped back.

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