Read His Five Night Stand Online

Authors: Emma Thorne

Tags: #Erotic Romance

His Five Night Stand (3 page)

BOOK: His Five Night Stand
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I buzzed the manager and waited. At the sound of laughter, I turned to see a tall leggy woman with strawberry blonde hair walking up the path. She held the hand of a gorgeous guy with short dark hair and a five o’clock shadow. It was hard not to stare they were so beautiful together. The guy wore tight blue jeans and a thin white t-shirt that had been soaked by the rain—it was nearly transparent. The girl wore a pale pink dress that hugged her body and open toed sandals that looked completely inappropriate for the summer rain.

I felt incredibly self-conscious in my wrinkled blouse and skirt.

“You should have worn a jacket, Troy,” the girl said, dragging the hot guy up the stairs onto the porch. “You look so hot in a suit.”

We all stood huddled around the call box, I scooted over to make room. I really hoped I didn’t smell like a wine bar.

“Less clothes, less bother,” the guy said, wrapping his arm around the girl’s waist. Right there in front of me, inches away from me actually, the man called Troy pulled this gorgeous woman close locking her into a passionate kiss. I leaned back to avoid bumping into them and could not help but notice the enormous bulge in the guy’s pants. I flushed realizing I was staring at a stranger’s crotch like some sort of a weirdo.

I looked away focusing on the blinking vacancy sign trying very hard to avoid staring. I even cleared my throat but the couple appeared not to hear me or care. They finally came up for air.

“Sorry,” the flushed woman said, giving me an apologetic smile. “We haven’t seen each other in a while.”

“Twenty-four hours, twenty-four long hours,” the guy said his hands never leaving the woman’s body.

“No problem . . .” I said, unsure what I was supposed to say. This was what they acted like after twenty-four hours apart? I remembered one reunion with Henry after he’d been in London for two weeks. I think he may have kissed me in the parking lot at the airport which I had considered a good sign. I felt like such an idiot standing next to these two people who clearly couldn’t keep their hands off of each other.

“You need inside the building?” the girl asked as she unlocked the door with jangling keys.

“I’m trying to get inside,” the man said, rubbing up against her backside.

“Behave,” she said swatting at his hand, her green eyes not leaving mine. She mouthed the word “Sorry” and rolled her eyes as if we were girlfriends sharing an inside joke.

I was so on the outside of this joke. I had never ever had a guy all over me like that. I wondered what it would even feel like to be so turned on that I didn’t care who saw. This beautiful couple was obviously going straight inside to have sex. I felt a little dizzy thinking about it. Sex. When was the last time I had been that excited to have sex? Had I ever been like that with Henry? It was also like 11:00 a.m. Did people actually just have sex in the middle of the day? Didn’t they have chores to do, or errands and responsibilities, and all that other stuff that had kept me and Henry from being spontaneous for years?

I had a thousand questions but instead I said, “I’m here about the apartment.” I nodded toward the vacancy sign.

“Come on in. I’ll take you to Billie.” The woman held open the door, the hot guy kept a firm hand on her waist, his hand moving along the back of her dress as I followed them inside.

“You should move in,” the guy said, smiling at me as we walked down the hall. He had bright blue eyes and a dimple on his left cheek. It was hard not to stare at the cut of his six-pack through his wet t-shirt.

“I just started looking, but it seems like a very nice place.”

“I can tell you’ll fit in with the girls here. They all know how to have a good time.” And then he winked.


I actually stopped in my tracks for a moment. A wink. What did that mean? Did that mean I looked like I knew how to have a good time? And what exactly did he mean by a good time anyway? “Um . . .” I stuttered very uncertain of how to respond.

The woman swatted him in the chest. “Troy, would you leave her alone already?”

Down the hall a door opened and a short dark haired girl with serious curves turned to lock the door behind her. She wore a tight purple dress and gorgeous red heels. She had long eyelashes and a beautiful mouth that she’d painted harlot red. She looked ready to take whatever she wanted from whomever she pleased. “Hey Shea,” the girl said to the blonde.

“Hey Bella, you have a date today?”

“Some afternoon delight,” the curvy girl said grinning. “Looks like you’ve got your hands full too.” She nodded at Troy before grinning and walking down the hall, her hips swaying. “Have fun Troy, but don’t keep me up all night this time, all right? A girl needs her beauty sleep.”

“You know I can’t promise that Bella. You should join us, my offer stands,” Troy said, his hands extended palms skyward.

I think my eyes about bugged out of my head. Shea, Troy, and Bella were so open about sex, about having it, and enjoying it. I had never talked like that to anyone, not even Cara. Was everyone in the world having great sex but me or was it just the girls in this building?

I thought of Henry and our love making. Sure I enjoyed it, but I could not remember the last time I’d looked at him the way Shea and Troy undressed each other with their eyes, or the last time I’d dolled myself up like Bella. She looked ready to tumble into bed.

I felt so lame in my rumpled work clothes. I had my reasons for my sad attire, but the truth was I hadn’t thought about dressing up for myself or anyone else in a very long time.

Shea and Troy walked me down a flight of stairs to a door labeled manager. She knocked. “Billie . . . Billie the buzzer is broken. A nice girl here wants to move in. You should give her the apartment above me.”

I liked Shea and the way she was rooting for me without even knowing me. I felt like I was a candidate for an elite club instead of a prospective tenant.

“Hold on!” A woman responded inside.

I heard the sound of shuffling and the door opened revealing a slightly disheveled and flushed Billie. It was the girl I’d seen out front hanging the Christmas lights. A door closed behind her making me wonder if she had been alone.

“You’re in good hands,” Shea said. “I hope this place works out for you. Come on Troy,” Shea said, taking his hand. “You’ve been a very patient boy.”

“I have. I have been patient,” he said, as they walked away. “I need some attention. Some one on one special attention.”

“I know what you need, baby.”

“Yeah you do.”

I watched them walk down the hall together totally transfixed.

“So, you met Shea,” Billie said, her voice a little louder than necessary shocking my attention away from Shea and her lover. Oh my God, I’d been staring. I hadn’t even realized it.

“Yes, Shea,” I said, stammering. “And we ran into someone named Bella.”

“Oh, yes Bella. You ever need someone cursed, she’s your girl,” Billie laughed. “And Shea and Troy are totally in love when they aren’t fighting, but really I think they fight for the makeup sex. You know how that is.” She gave me a knowing smile as she took a seat behind her desk.

“Yeah,” I laughed. “I know how that is.” I did not. I did not know how that was. Henry and I never fought. We agreed. We got along. We never had fiery battles that resulted in us tearing off our clothes to makeup. Outside of breaking up we were very compatible.

I took a seat on a small red velvet couch in front of Billie’s desk. The manager’s office was unusual antique furniture, lavender walls, and a strand of plastic chili pepper lights draped along the back wall.

“I’ve managed this building for five years,” Billie said. “The building has a mix of large one and two bedrooms and a couple of studios. It’s funny, but right now we primarily have women tenants. It’s kind of a girl’s club. I have one studio available.”

“A studio is great,” I said, wondering how much space I needed and what did she mean by a girl’s club? Were all the women in this building as sexy and gorgeous as Shea, Bella, and Billie? Billie lacked the oozing sexuality of the other girls, but she had strong features and deep brown eyes that stood out against her pale skin. There was a picture on the bookcase behind her of Billie and a tall African American man, their arms wrapped around each other. They were bundled up in parkas standing in a field of snow in front of a bank of trees. They looked like beautiful outdoor models having their picture taken in a catalog.

“You need to fill out an application,” Billie said. “But that is really a formality. I can do a quick credit check and if you have a security deposit, first and last, we are good to go.”

“Not a problem,” I said, thinking of that damn check in the manila envelope. I wished I could turn Henry down, but my bank account told me I could not have that much pride. I promised myself that once I had the apartment I’d get on a budget and pay back every cent.

Cara reminded me that he owed me for my years of joint mortgage payments, but Henry had explained that was actually rent. What a prince, right?

“Have you been looking long?” Billie asked.

“Just today,” I said. Billie looked a little surprised. “I just got out of a relationship. Yesterday actually. It’s fresh and I’m ready for this, ready for a change . . .” My voice trailed off. I’d shared so much more than I intended.

“The Holiday is a great place for a new start,” Billie said, smiling at me. “And I like you, I think you’ll fit in. Let’s go look at the apartment.”




I followed Billie out of her office. There was no elevator in
The Holiday, only wide carpet covered stairs. According to Billie, the laundry was in the basement and there were a few prized garages off the back alley.

“All garages are rented,” she said. “People tend to move in here and stay. We haven’t had a vacancy in over eighteen months.”

I suddenly felt like I’d stumbled onto some exclusive hideaway. Thanks to Henry, I knew vacancy rates were low in the city. I wondered how he’d found the time to do so much online research in between work and trying not to sleep with Sophia.

We walked up two flights of stairs. There was one unit on the left side of the hall which clearly had to be a large one or two bedroom. Two doors on the right, 302 and 304.

“It’s this one,” Billie said, sorting through her keys. “304.” As she fiddled with the keys someone opened the unit next door.

A tall guy wearing a black t-shirt and jeans stepped outside and turned to lock the door. He smiled as he glanced at Billie and me. I swallowed, my mouth immediately dry. This guy was jaw-droppingly gorgeous. He had wavy dark brown hair almost black, a strong jaw, and these amazing pale blue eyes that jumped out against his olive skin tone. He had broad shoulders, and strong biceps. When he turned away, I couldn’t help but notice that his backside was just as gorgeous. I had to remind myself not to stare again.

“Oh, that’s Theo,” Billie said to me softly. “Hey Theo!” she called a little louder. “New tenant, Callie. You should say hello. You two might be neighbors.” Her voice was a little sing-song as she fiddled with her keys.

“Oh, I don’t want to interrupt him,” I said, wishing I had bothered to brush my hair that morning. I didn’t even have on mascara since I’d cried it all off the night before.

Theo strode toward us smiling. His pale blue eyes were even more magnetic close up.

He held out his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Callie, or shall I say neighbor,” he gave my hand a firm squeeze. His voice had a lilt to it, British I assumed, though I’d never been really good with accents outside of knowing they made me melt.

His hands were large, strong and warm. I immediately liked the feeling of his skin against mine.

“Maybe neighbor,” I said, laughing as my cheeks burned. “I need to apply and see the place, but it seems nice. Like everyone I’ve met seems wonderful and so welcoming . . .”

His hair was slightly long so it hung in waves not quite hitting his shoulder or falling into his eyes. I had to fight the urge to reach out and brush the curls off his forehead. “Oh, you’ll like it here,” Theo said. “Billie runs a tight ship. Nothing but the most beautiful apartments this side of the University. Right Billie?”

“Got it!” Billie said holding up a key. I doubted she’d been listening to us at all. She’d fiddled with a series of keys before hitting pay dirt. “Almost thought I’d have to leave you here with Theo and who knows where that would lead.”

BOOK: His Five Night Stand
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