His Five Favorite Lines (3 page)

Read His Five Favorite Lines Online

Authors: Gina Gordon

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: His Five Favorite Lines
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“Hi.” She spoke with a soft whisper.

“Hi.” If he had any intention of keeping her around, he was going to have to be more than monosyllabic. “Thank you, Janice.” He acknowledged his assistant, her blue eyes darting back and forth between them, no doubt trying to put together the pieces of their story. He ignored the blond woman’s questioning eyes and focused on Becca. “Ms. Clarke, come with me.”

Becca picked up the cardboard tray of coffee that sat on the desk. She walked toward him with the little wiggle that he had come to love. A sly grin curled at the side of her lips. When she walked in past him, his nose filled with the scent of her perfume, lilac or roses or daisies.

Whatever it was, it stirred his desire.

“I was hoping you could help me with something, Mr. Matthews,” she said just loud enough that his coworkers would think this was a business meeting. Not only was she drop-dead sexy, but she was smart and crafty.

Becca walked ahead of him into his corner office, and he motioned with his hand for her to enter. She sashayed toward his big black desk. Her nape was bare. It screamed for him to trail his tongue along her creamy skin. He watched her pull at the belt of her black trench coat; then he turned to close and lock the door behind them.

When he turned around, five and a half feet of raw sex appeal stared him right in the face. Her black coat puddled around her feet, leaving her in nothing but a black bra and matching thong. Spread across her hips was a black garter that held up black stockings. Becca held her weight on one foot as she stood before him even more beautiful than he remembered.

“I seem to have lost all my clothes,”

she said seductively. “Would you be willing to help me find them?”

“Absolutely not! Finding your clothes would be a crime against nature.” There was no reason for a body like that to be covered up at any time.

He stalked over to where she stood and pulled her to his body, her skin so warm and soft. Their previous encounter had prevented him from touching her the way he craved, their clothes an unwanted barrier that wouldn’t be a problem this time.

He grasped the back of her neck and smashed his mouth down on hers, unable to contain his need. Two weeks of pent-up sexual frustration wrapped around them, blocking out logic, nervousness,

embarrassment. There was only the two of them.

Her lips followed in his frantic rhythm. She gave as good as he was giving. Her hands snaked around his back and she squeezed him against her body, her palms flat against his shoulder blades.

Jordan’s hands roamed the length of her body, from her smooth shoulders to her supple thighs, and rested on her bare bottom.

Becca pulled away, her breath heavy as she gasped the words she needed to say. “I’ve been thinking about you,” she admitted. Her hands made their way up and she kneaded her fingers in his hair.

“At work.” She kissed his nose. “In my car.” She kissed his neck. “In my bed.”

Jordan cleared his throat, certain that his words would be caught in the growing desire building from within. “What exactly are you doing when you’re thinking of me?”

“Would you like me to show you?”

Becca slowly slid her hand down her abdomen, the tips of her fingers gliding along the top of her garter, then between her legs. She brushed her knuckles over his erection hidden behind the fabric of his pants. Her thumb rested in the crease of her thigh and she rubbed her fingers along the skimpy lace.

“Do your fingers ever sneak underneath the lace?” His voice was low, unrecognizable.

Without answering, she slid her finger under the lace and stroked. A tiny whimper escaped from her lush mouth, already swollen from his kisses.

She continued to tease between her legs while her other hand pulled down the lace covering her breast and tweaked her nipple. Becca backed away from him until she bumped the edge of the desk. She sat on the edge, spreading her legs to give herself more room to maneuver her hand.

Her chest rose and fell a little more quickly while her tongue consistently swiped along her lips in excitement. The only thought running through his mind now was,

Jordan wondered how many times she touched herself in the last two weeks while thinking of him. He wondered if she touched herself thinking about anyone else in the last two weeks. She was the only thought on his mind. His cock twitched inside his pants, desperately wanting to break free of its polyester prison at the sight of her pleasuring herself.

“Stop!” The word escaped without his consent. His brain-to-mouth filter seemed to be malfunctioning. Becca stiffened in her spot at his sudden outburst.

He closed the distance between them and grabbed both her wrists. “When you’re with me, I’ll be responsible for your pleasure. Every moan, every whimper, every scream will be because of me and what I can do with your body.”

He saw the excitement flare in her eyes. He brought the hand that was between her legs to his mouth and flicked his tongue out to taste. Sweet. Just like he remembered. He licked her finger like a lollipop.

Jordan stepped between her legs and pressed his cock into her center. He let go of her hands and grabbed her bottom, pulling her forward. She cupped his face and pulled him down to meet her, kissing him with fierce intensity, as if his lips were the only thing keeping her alive.

She undid the buttons of his dress shirt, one by one, until excitement got the better of her. She pulled at the shirt, ripping it from his waistband. The
plink, plink
of buttons hitting the floor echoed around them. With his chest bare, she spread her hands across his pecs, fluttering her fingers through the small bit of hair that covered him. He loved the feel of her warm hands on his flesh, the feel of her soft skin caressing him. But he needed more.

Jordan reached behind her and whipped his hand from side to side, clearing away the clutter that covered his desk. He eased her down, then leaned his weight on top of her.

“I’m sorry it took me so long to get here,” she panted against him.

Jordan would have waited an eternity for the chance to be with her again. He shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. You’re here now.”

Jordan searched her eyes for an answer, and she didn’t shy away. She stared right back, letting him know that she was just as interested, just as desperate to have him. He leaned down to take her lips in another heated kiss when the rattle of his door caught his attention.

“Murphy? Why is the door locked?”

“Shit!” Jordan froze. “That’s my boss.”

Becca immediately sat up, but in shock, Jordan hadn’t moved, and they bumped heads. A loud crack sounded and Becca clutched the top of her head with a smile that spread from ear to ear. “Ouch,” she whispered.

Jordan heard the door handle jiggle.

“Quick. Hide under the desk.”

“Excellent.” Becca squealed in excitement. “I’m going to get that under-the-desk action after all.”

She licked her lips. Jordan’s cock jumped at the sight but he had to focus on more important things—like how his boss was knocking at his door for a meeting he had forgotten while he huddled a naked woman under his desk. Visions of the unemployment line danced in his head.

“ Hurry.”
Shit. Shit
. He shuffled Becca around the desk and pushed her under the dark wood. He looked down at himself. The sudden interruption had taken care of his massive hard-on, but what about his disheveled state?

He eyed the coffees that sat on his desk. Immediately he opened one lid and poured some of the hot liquid on his shirt.

“Ouch,” he muttered as some coffee splashed on his chest, now a bit less impressed by his quick thinking.

“Jordan, are you okay in there?”

More insistent knocking.

“Coming. I’m just...just changing my shirt.” He headed to the door and finally opened it.

His boss stood on the other side, an annoyed look on his face. Although Jordan was over six feet, he still had to tilt his head up to look his boss in the eye.

Caleb Warren was a man of great strength and determination. He seemed to achieve the impossible almost every day and Jordan could only assume that there was more to the man than met the eye. But Jordan hoped his theories were wrong. It would be a very bad thing if his boss did in fact have superhero powers and could see through the door.

Caleb eyed his disheveled state.

“What happened to you, Murphy?” He wasn’t angry. He sounded concerned.

Jordan was glad he already proved himself at his company; otherwise an incident like this would have destroyed him.

“I spilled coffee all over my shirt. I had it off to dry, so that’s why I had the door locked.” Good excuse. That would actually explain why it was open at the waistband. “I wanted to finish up for our meeting so I figured I could go down to the concourse later and buy a new one.”

Jordan lowered his eyes to his nose, a quick check to make sure it wasn’t growing.

“I would have waited for you, Murphy.”

Jordan nodded. “Come in, sir. Just give me one minute.”

The stocky man waltzed into his office. His gray hair was cut short, thinning along the sides. He wore a navy-blue shirt, crisp and clean.

Jordan headed back to his desk, buttoning up his shirt—what was left of the buttons—and tensed as he approached his desk. He side-stepped around the papers and folders that had made their way to the floor during his loss of control, while his boss took a seat in the black chrome chair that sat in front of his desk.

“Who’s the coffee for?” Caleb questioned.

“Uh, you.” Jordan felt a hand slap at his leg. “I hope you like lattes.” Becca was just going to have to get over the fact that he gave away her coffee.

“Caffeine is caffeine.” Caleb picked the lone cup out of the tray. “Too bad you spilled yours.” He took a long sip, then winced. “Hot!”

“They’re extra hot.”

“Warn me next time.” His boss sucked air quickly into his mouth, no doubt trying to ease the burn.

This was a nightmare. How the hell was Jordan supposed to talk business with a near-naked woman under his desk? How was he supposed to talk business while the same woman slid her hand up his pant leg? He tried to shake her off but making sudden movements would only draw more attention to an already horrific situation.

“All right, Murphy. Where do we stand with the Haney contract?”

“Signed, sealed, and delivered.”

Jordan reached to the edge of his desk where his folders had been whipped in a heated moment. Luckily, the folder he needed wasn’t one of the ones that ended up on the floor. They both looked down at the mess but neither acknowledged.

“Good news.”

“They want to break ground the first of September. We will supply them with...” Jordan wanted to continue, but Becca’s hand crept up his leg toward the inside of his thigh, and he jerked when she grazed his package.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Murphy?”

“Fine. Sure. Just rattled about the coffee spill.” And the fact that a sexy woman was fondling him while he tried to be as normal as possible.

They continued to banter back and forth. Within minutes his shoulders were tight up against his neck, and somehow Becca had managed to free his cock from his pants.

Jordan grabbed at Becca’s hands, trying to stop her from continuing, but she was too quick. Instead of grabbing her hands, he grasped at both sides of her head. Her mouth had already engulfed his length.

Heat rose from his cock, up his body, and settled on his cheeks, sweat beading along his hairline. Her mouth. The mouth that he fantasized about for two weeks worked magic along his shaft. After only a small glimpse of what she could do in the elevator, he wanted more, much more.

His boss eyed him curiously.

“You’re face is as red as a tomato.”

“It’s just from the heat of the coffee, that’s all.” Jordan’s voice squeaked as Becca’s tongue swirled around the top of his cock. Then she sucked him down to the base.

“So what about financing?” His boss continued their meeting, seemingly unaware of the dirty action going on underneath his desk. “Have they been approved for the loan?”

“Yes!” Jordan’s voice fluctuated a few octaves. He grasped his knees and spread his legs, scooting his chair closer so Becca could scoot in between them.

Mother Mary help him. He was going straight to hell.

“I got confirmation from the bank yesterday.” Jordan said. His words were easier to get out now that Becca had released his cock from her mouth. The heat of her body slunk away farther under the desk. He relaxed a little, hoping that she would give him some time to recover, but that was not her intention.

Picking up his hand that rested on his knee, she placed it on her bottom. She had turned herself around under the desk. He couldn’t stop his hand from caressing her smooth skin while his boss continued to talk.

Jordan slipped his hand between her legs. He couldn’t resist, and the heat radiating from her pussy practically burned his skin. There was no mistaking her excitement as his fingers grazed over the moist lace of her thong.

“I need you to get those contracts over to the legal so we can get a move on,” his boss demanded. It was a miracle Jordan could even understand the words that were being thrown at him. Becca wiggled her core against his hand, rocking her body so that his fingers grazed over her clit, hard and distended against his fingertip.

“I don’t want anything interrupting this deal, Murphy.”

Jordan nodded. He had always prided himself on being a multitasker.

There was no reason he couldn’t take instruction while getting off his guest. He slipped a finger under the lace of her thong—warm, wet cream greeted his skin.

Anticipation built is his stomach, and he couldn’t wait to dive between her legs.

“I want a prospect report for 2012 on my desk for next week,” his bossed asked.

“Can you handle that?”

Jordan’s head swirled in too many directions. Becca was now pulsing her bottom back and forth, making it so his finger found her warm hole and slipped in with ease. He had to hold in his groan as she sucked in his finger, the warm walls of her canal sizzling with heat. He could only imagine the agony that Becca must be feeling and not being able to make a sound. But it made it all the more exciting.

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