His Fair Lady (21 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Gardner

Tags: #Contemporary, #Transgender, #new adult, #LGBTTQ

BOOK: His Fair Lady
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“When I thought you might be coming over tonight. Since you don’t like wine—”

“I don’t dislike wine. I just don’t like it especially.”

Josie opened the bottle and brought it to him. “Well, I didn’t want you to have to drink something you don’t dislike.”

“Thanks.” Mark slid an arm around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. When it broke, he asked, “You feeling okay? How’s your head?”

Josie leaned back. Setting her beer aside, she looped her arms around his neck. “It’s fine. I hardly get any headaches now. So Vi and Masterson are having a thing?”

“Yeah, for a couple weeks now. And it is totally weird when she sleeps in our room.”

Josie laughed. “Poor baby. Kyle’s going to be devastated. He has a massive crush on Masterson, you know.”

“So you said. But I thought Kyle had better taste than that.”

“I think Masterson’s kind of cute,” Josie teased.

Mark grinned. “He’s really not my type. And as far as Kyle goes, you can tell him Masterson’s totally straight, so he should probably look elsewhere for his next conquest.”

“I think he knows that. Or if he doesn’t, at least he isn’t sitting around pining.”

Mark sipped from his beer, then set the bottle on the counter. But when he tried to draw Josie in for another kiss, she stopped him with a hand on his chest.

“Mark, I have to tell you something. It’s part of that no-more-hiding stuff or not telling the whole truth.”

“Okay. Should I be sitting? Or more to the point, should I be worried?”

Josie smiled. “It’s nothing bad. But let’s sit.”

They sat on the couch, and she turned sideways to face him, curling one leg up under her.

“I went to see Kierra today, and I told her about the note.”

“You should have said something. I would have gone with you.”

“I know you would have. But I wanted to do this myself. I also told her about what happened opening night, about what I saw or thought I saw.”

“What did she say?”

“She asked if I wanted to go to the administration. I said no. But I did tell her it was okay if she talked to Brie herself.”

“Hmm. Maybe I should have a talk with Brie.”

“I wish you wouldn’t. I mean, I appreciate that you would, that you want to, but I’d rather just let it lie.”

“Would you feel that way if it was someone you cared about? Like if somebody was harassing Kyle for being gay.”

“Of course not. I’d want to kick their ass. Which is why it means so much that you would do the same for me.”

“Of course I would. You’re my girl.”

She was his girl. She smiled.

She was still smiling when she let him draw her into a kiss. His kiss was like coming home. Gentle and skilled, he took control, letting her feel his desire in that simple meeting of lips.

God but she loved kissing him. She could kiss him all night. Except tonight she had other bigger plans.

They stayed like that, twined together on her couch, lips clinging, tongues tangling. The taste of him filled her as need and desire fought a raging battle with nerves. She felt the hard length of his cock as it pressed into her hip, and she knew the time had come.

Her heartbeat hammered in her chest, her throat, her wrists, her temples. Screwing up her courage, she broke their kiss and drew a deep breath. “Mark?”

“Hmm? What’s the matter? You okay?” He shifted.

“I’m fine. I’m good. Really.” She moved close, pressing against him. “But I was sort of wondering, will you stay with me?”

“I’m not going anywhere.” He moved to kiss her again.

She turned her head just enough so he caught the corner of her mouth rather than her lips. “No, I mean, will you stay? With me. In my bed. Tonight.”

“Tonight? Like now? To sleep?”

“Sleeping wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. But I guess we’ll get some sleep eventually.” She tried what she hoped was a flirtatious smile. She even lowered her lashes the way she’d seen other girls do when they were flirting with guys.

“Wow, you’re serious.”

Josie couldn’t tell what he was thinking from his expression. It made her nervous, so she tried giving him an out.

“Yeah, I am. Unless you don’t—”

“No! I do. I totally do. God, Joes, there’s nothing I want more than to lie down with you and…”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes! But, Josie, are you sure?”

She nodded. She was sure; nervous, but sure. “I’m totally sure.”

“Okay. Can I ask you something?”

Oh God! What?

She nodded.

“Have you ever, you know, done this before?”

“No. You’ll be my first.


“That’s okay, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I’ve just never been anybody’s first before.”


IN THE BEDROOM, Mark reached for the switch on the bedside lamp.

“Leave it off?”

Josie stood on the other side of the double bed, her hands clasped in front of her. A shaft of moonlight angled through the unshaded window, penetrating the filmy white curtains. It bathed Josie in an ethereal silver glow.

She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. And she was his.

Mark sat on the bed, toed off his shoes, then lay back and held out his arms. “C’mere.”

She hesitated, then lay down beside him.

“Shouldn’t we take off our clothes?”

“We have time. Right now I just want to hold you.” He rolled onto his side and drew her against him.

She came willingly, if a little stiffly, into his arms. Her dress was a deep sapphire blue and made of some clingy fabric that felt like the skin of a peach. A row of large silver buttons stretched diagonally from one shoulder to the hem on the opposite side.

“I want to kiss you all over,” Mark said. He slipped the first button through its hole and peeled back the material, showing a tantalizing glimpse of creamy shoulder and lacy black bra strap. He pressed his lips just there and heard her soft intake of breath.


“Mmm. You taste so sweet.”

He flipped open two more buttons and revealed a lace-covered breast. He cupped it. Her breasts fit so perfectly in his hands. He bent his head and suckled her nipple through the lace.

She moaned and plunged her fingers into his hair, cradling his head while he feasted on her breast.

He wanted to devour, to kiss and lick and nibble his way under all that clingy material, stripping it away until she was naked in his arms. But he forced himself to go slow. Button by button, inch by inch, he lingered and savored, taking his cues from her breath and the sounds she made, soft mews of pleasure and gasps of surprise that fed the flames of his desire until the blood roared in his head and his dick threatened to bust his zipper.

He spent what felt like hours trailing kisses over her flat belly, but when he slid his fingers under the elastic of her panties, she caught his wrist.

“Mark, wait.” Her fingers dug into his flesh, and her voice held a note of panic.

Please, don’t stop now
. He wondered if blue balls had ever proven fatal. Probably not, but still.

Mark rested his cheek against her stomach, his lips only inches from her navel. He shut his eyes.

“Okay, Joes?”

“No. I mean, you know I’m— That I don’t look like a girl, down there.”

“I know. You told me, remember?”

She was silent for a moment.

“You told me when we had that fight,” he reminded her.

“Oh yeah.” But she didn’t let go of his wrist.

Rising to his knees, he crawled up the bed and stretched out beside her. “Josie, it’s okay. I think I know what to expect, and it’s okay. I promise.”

She said nothing, but he could sense her doubt.

So okay. Slow, he reminded himself. He had to go slow.

He kissed her, the long drugging kisses that made her go pliant and soft all over. Savoring her mouth, cheeks, her eyelids, he moved with excruciating care, and at last she relaxed and began to respond again.

In time he worked his way down her body, removing her dress and bra as he went. Once more he slid his fingers under the elastic of her panties, then paused. In the moonlight, her eyelids fluttered; then she looked at him, a question in her eyes.


She nodded.

Still taking his time, Mark drew her underwear down, then off. Her hand came up, but before she could cover herself, he caught her wrist, then on an inspiration took the other wrist in his other hand and raised her arms over her head.

“Hold on to the headboard while I get undressed.”

“Mark, I—”

“I want to look at you. Please?”

She did as he asked, but he could see she wasn’t comfortable. As much as he wanted to look at her, all of her, he focused on her face while he undressed, never letting his gaze stray below her breasts.

Once naked, he lay down beside her and, reaching up, wrapped his fingers around hers on the rails of the headboard.

“Let me touch you,” she whispered.

He released her hands, and she reached between them. Her fingers closed around his cock, stroked.

“Josie, God, I’m too close.” Mark covered her hand with his. If she continued to caress him, he would blow for sure before he got inside her.

“Can I touch you?” he asked, knowing she would know what he meant.

“If you want.”

“I do.” He kissed her and gently urged her onto her side so they faced each other. More nervous than he’d expected, he slid his hand down her belly and found her aroused and leaking.

He had never held a cock besides his own. He swallowed the nerves that threatened to choke him and closed his fingers around her. The sensation was oddly familiar. He knew this configuration, knew what felt good, and he used that knowledge as he attempted to calm them both.

She sighed. “Oh, that feels…”

“Good?” he prompted, stroking her just the way he liked himself.

“Yeah, really good. Let me—” She mimicked his movements, replicating the speed and friction with her own hand.

It wasn’t long before he felt the telltale tingles and knew he was on the edge. But she was so intent and focused, and she had actually begun to rock her hips and relax into the rhythm, he was reluctant to stop her.



“I want to be inside you when I come. Will you let me?”


“Um, I think we need lube, right?”

She released him and nodded. “Nightstand, top drawer.”

He rolled over, opened the drawer, and found the lube.

“Hey, this is a brand-new bottle. Did you buy this just for tonight?”

“Well, sort of. I kind of borrowed it from Kyle’s room.”

“Does he know?”

“No. But who’s going to tell?” She plucked the lube from his hand and, using her nails, made short work of the seal. There was a soft click as she opened the bottle. “There’s condoms in the drawer too.”

Mark retrieved a condom and was about to tear open the packet when Josie stopped him.

“Let me do that.” She took the condom and tore it open with her teeth.

Mark lay back and watched as she held the condom between her lips and bent over him.

“Holy shit!”

She smoothed the latex down his shaft using her lips until the head touched the back of her throat. She quickly pulled back and finished the job with her hand before shaking back her hair and looking to him for a reaction.

“You’re a woman of many talents,” he said with a grin.

She laughed. “Yes, I am.”

She picked up the lube from the mattress.

“Uh-uh. Now I get to do this for you.” He opened the bottle and poured a generous glob in his hand.

Her brows drew together, and she bit her lip. “Do you know how?”

“I think I can figure it out. I’ll just follow the directions on the bottle.”


“Joking. God, you’re so—”


“Innocent is what I was going to say. And cute.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Now lie back and spread your legs.

Her eyes filled with fresh doubt. “Wouldn’t you rather I turn over?”


“Well, if I face the other way, you won’t have to see…” She gestured down at herself. “From the back, I look more like a girl.”

The flash of anger was sudden and shocking. “Fuck that! You are a girl. I don’t need to pretend anything.”

“Oh, Mark.” Her eyes filled with tears. She blinked, but one spilled over and ran down her flawless cheek.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

She shook her head. “No, it’s fine. It’s good. That’s the sweetest thing anybody ever said to me.”

Another tear escaped, and she dashed it away with an impatient swipe of her hand.

He wasn’t sure what to say but was saved from deciding. She lay back and spread her legs, opening herself to him with a shy smile and tears still glistening in her eyes.

“I’m ready.”

Mark crawled up in the vee of her legs and reached between them. He touched the tip of one finger to the tight little pucker of her anus. She gasped.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, it’s just weird. Nobody ever touched me there before. Don’t stop.”

He stroked his fingers over and around the opening, slicking her up before he paused, hesitating.

“Go ahead,” she said. “I want you to.”

He pressed with the tip of one finger, not wanting to hurt her. Her body resisted, but finally, with steady pressure, he breached her hole. She was so tight, so hot, and his dick throbbed in anticipation. He wiggled his finger experimentally, then slowly moved it in and out.

“How’s that feel?”

“Good. A little weird but good. Try another finger.”

He did, eventually working both fingers in to the third knuckle. He found the spot he knew, as a man, could give so much pleasure and nudged it.

She caught her breath.

“Good?” he asked, pleased with himself.


He added a third finger because, well, three just seemed right, and moved them rhythmically in and out, in and out.

It was good to watch her, so beautiful, so open and willing, but he wanted more. He wanted her writhing and crazy when he entered her. He wanted her totally focused on him and not on the discomfort first-time sex was bound to bring.

He knew what would send her there to that place of indulgence and abandon. He knew he could take her there, and he would.

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