His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance (9 page)

Read His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Evelyn Troy

Tags: #romance, #sex, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #secrets, #billionaire, #alpha, #alpha male, #billionaire romance, #bdsm billionaire

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - Slave To The Billionaire - Contemporary Erotic Romance
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The next time Tyler’s hand connected
with her rump however, she had to rethink her last thought. The
smack was slightly harder than the first one, and overlapped the
position the first one had been placed, so it stung a little


It hadn’t hurt so much that she was
going to forget what he had just told her though. “Two. Thank you,


“Good girl!” The approval was back in
his voice, and Isobel smiled, happily. Then his hand came down
again and the smile disappeared. She counted a total of ten smacks,
five on each cheek and each one harder than the one before, and she
thanked him meekly for every one of them, although by the end of
the ordeal she was gritting her teeth and wishing he’d hurry up and
get it over with.


While the experience hadn’t been
overly painful, it hadn’t turned her on either, and she was finding
it hard to understand the attraction. She chanced a look at Tyler,
noting that the bulge in his pants was even more prominent than
before, so he was clearly enjoying himself and was visibly aroused
even though it didn’t look like he intended to do anything to
alleviate it at the moment.


She felt the warmth of his hand on her
ass again, but this time it was stroking the tender flesh; soothing
it and causing a delicious, sensual friction that had her moaning
again. “That feels so good,” she said in a quiet voice.


“It feels better than the spanking
did, huh?” Tyler’s voice was curious, but not stern, and Isobel
felt confident enough to answer candidly.


“Can I be honest with you?” She lifted
her head to look at Tyler as she spoke.


“I would be very displeased and
disappointed if you weren’t.” Tyler reached a hand down and helped
her to stand up. “In fact, it’s one of the things I insist on, and
if I ever discover that you’ve been dishonest or held anything back
that may be pertinent to our relationship or the care that I take
of you, you can rest assured that there will be


Standing there naked in front of her
new boss, Isobel knew that she should feel embarrassed or at the
very least a little uncomfortable; but she felt neither of those
things. In fact, she felt incredibly confident and natural, almost
as though this is what she had been waiting for without even being
aware of it.


“I promise that I’ll always try to be
honest about everything, and if I’m not then I’ll expect you to
take whatever action you see fit.” Did those words really just come
out of her mouth? Isobel had never been the meek and docile type;
quite the opposite in fact. And yet here she was telling this man
that she knew hardly anything about, that he could do whatever the
hell he wanted to her.


“I’m very pleased to hear that,
Isobel. Thank you.” He had been stroking her arm while he spoke,
and it felt as though her skin was burning where his fingers
touched. “Now continue with what you were going to tell me,


She had almost forgotten that she had
been about to say something to him, but Isobel pulled herself away
from concentrating on the feeling of his hand on her and
concentrated on her words instead.


“To be honest, the spanking didn’t
really do anything for me.” She felt herself blush at her words,
and once again she couldn’t believe that they’d come from her
mouth. “I mean, I know that it was supposed to be a punishment, and
maybe it was supposed to turn me on as well, but it didn’t do
either of those things.” She smiled cheekily. “Maybe I really am a
hard ass.”


“Hmmm. Maybe I should rethink my
tactics.” Tyler’s eyes twinkled down at her and he dropped another
brief kiss on her upturned mouth. “Thank you for being so candid
with me, Isobel. Unfortunately it leaves me in a little


She raised her eyebrows at him


“Well, the spanking was supposed to
have been a punishment for your deception in getting the job.
Correct?” Isobel nodded slowly. “But, from what you have just said,
it didn’t really work. So, the question I ask myself now is, if
spanking won’t work, do I move onto the next thing?”


Crap. She hadn’t really thought that
one through very well, had she? Isobel could have kicked herself,
but there was nothing she could do now, and she definitely couldn’t
take back what she’d said.


“I’m sure you’ll do whatever you feel
is right, Sir.” Maybe if she sucked up to him he’d be lenient with
her, she thought hopefully.


Tyler chuckled. “I always do, my dear.
I always do.” He walked over to a shelf and removed something from
it. With his back still to her, she watched as he squared his
shoulders and took a deep breath. “Place yourself back over the
desk please, Isobel.”


With a sigh she did as he asked, and
wondered what he was going to do to her this time, and if it would
have any kind of effect on her. She placed her upper torso on the
desk with her feet planted firmly on the floor. She decided to be
good this time and not try to peek at what Tyler had in his hand,
especially as he had obviously decided to use something other than
his hand as a punishment.


She felt his hand smoothing over her
ass again, and she couldn’t help the little wiggle of her posterior
that she gave. “Be still!” She stopped moving as soon as Tyler said
the command, anticipation once again making her nervous, but not


There was the briefest of pauses, and
then Isobel felt the air around her move and heard a ‘thwack,’ and
her world exploded into stars. “Owww!” She couldn’t help the squeal
that escaped her surprised lips, or the next one as in quick
succession Tyler brought the implement down again.


The next strike hit her on the
lower-most curve of her ass cheeks, catching her unawares and
bringing tears to her eyes. She was also shocked to realize that it
actually felt good, and her clit gave a little throb as it pulsed
to life.


“How does that feel, slut?” She felt
the warmth of Tyler’s breath against her face as he bent his head
down close to her to ask the question.


“It f-feels…” Her words broke off as
he smacked her again. “Good! It feels good!” She groaned as he did
it again, this time on her left cheek, and her clit started to
throb. “Oh, God!”


A few more ‘thwacks’ and Isobel felt
her nipples pebble and her pussy-lips start to swell. She could
feel moisture pooling and coating the tops of her legs, and her
back was slick with perspiration. “Ohhh…” Tyler used what she had
figured out was a paddle of some description with an ability that
screamed of years of practice; knowing exactly where to hit and
where to avoid to cause the most discomfort and arousal.


He eventually finished, and Isobel
could have screamed at him to continue. It felt as though her ass
was on fire, and his hands once again rubbed her skin, somewhat
soothing it, but doing absolutely nothing to soothe the echoing
heat of her pussy. Isobel felt as though she would die if she
didn’t climax soon, but she instinctively knew that to ask him for
release would be a big mistake.


“How did that feel?” His tone was
gruff and she heard the unmistakable tinge of arousal as he


“It hurt.” She was breathless and
aching, and wanted so much more than to simply be


He laughed softly. “Do you think that
is a more suitable punishment for you than spanking was, and if so,


He had raised her upright again, and
as he talked he turned her so that she was facing him. Before she
could reply, he put a finger under her chin and lifted her head so
that he could watch her face. “Remember to be totally honest with
me, Isobel.”


She took a deep breath
before speaking, aware that if her body was shaking, then so would
her voice. “Yes, Sir, it is definitely a more suitable punishment,
and a more effective one.” She knew he wanted to hear more than
that, so she hesitantly continued. “It hurt a lot, but it wasn’t
unbearable. In fact, the more you paddled me, the more I wanted.”
She paused again. “I’m sorry, I should have said the more I
, not




“As you were paddling me, I thought
about my failings, and realized that deceiving you was not only
wrong and unfair to you, but it was also doing us both a great
disservice.” She felt herself blushing. “And the more you paddled,
the more aroused I became, which was a punishment in itself because
I knew that I would not be allowed to climax, which added a depth
of frustration to my emotions.”


“Thank you, Isobel. Your honesty is
refreshing. In fact, it’s extremely stimulating, as you can tell.”
He looked down at his obvious hard-on and then looked up and smiled
wryly. “Of course, that could also be the result of having a
beautiful, naked woman in front of me.”


Isobel blushed at the praise. Without
being conceited, she knew she was attractive. But, to hear someone
like Tyler say that he thought she was beautiful was a definite ego


“You’ve been suitably punished, I
believe, Isobel, although you need to prepare yourself for the fact
that you will undoubtedly be punished again in the future; on
probably more than just a few occasions.” Isobel merely nodded,
having fully expected that to be the case. “I think that you have
earned a reward now.”


“Thank you, Sir.”


“Back up on the desk, Isobel. On your
back this time, please.”


Isobel scrambled to do as he’d
instructed, lying down with her arms to her sides and her legs
parted so that Tyler could have easy access for whatever he had
planned. She turned her head and watched as he shed his clothes,
gulping as his magnificent cock finally came into view. Fully erect
and huge, it was a feast for her eyes, and she licked her lips
longingly, hoping that he would let her suck him.


Tyler took hold of her ankles, and
gently pulled her towards him so that her legs hung off the edge of
the desk from her knees down. He reached towards her with one hand,
sliding it up her leg and coming to rest on her pubic mound. Isobel
held her breath, willing him to do something, anything, to
alleviate the almost desperate need she had to climax.


“You’re so wet already.” His words
made her quiver. “Did your punishment arouse you this much, or is
it the thought of me fucking you?”


As he spoke he slid a finger between
her damp folds, parting her lips and opening her to his gaze.
Isobel jumped slightly as his knuckle grazed across the hood of her
engorged clit, and she felt an ache deep within her pussy that
seemed to be growing with each passing second.


“Both, Sir.” Her answer was short, but
it was honest and he showed his approval by sliding the finger
inside her briefly before pulling it out and holding it to her
mouth. Isobel opened her lips and sucked the offered finger inside,
cleaning it dry of her juices before he withdrew it


She felt the heat of his cock a split
second before she felt the weight of it brush up against her pussy,
and she moaned in anticipation, her hips rising up slightly in a
silent plea. Tyler took hold of his shaft and rubbed the head over
her clit before positioning himself at her waiting hole. “Is this
what my little slut wants?”


“Yes please, Sir.”


Without anything further being said,
Tyler slid into her, impaling her with his length and filling her
perfectly. Isobel moaned again, this time in pleasure as she felt
the velvety steel of him deep within her. As he started to move and
pull out of her, her inner muscles squeezed and contracted around
him in protest, only to release him when he slammed back into


There was no gentleness this time;
Tyler possessed her with a ferocity that consumed and delighted
her. Her arms crept around his body to hold onto the taut muscles
of his back, and her legs came up and locked behind his ass,
holding him in place even though he obviously had no intention of
leaving the warm confines of her pussy.


Sensations pulsated through her as she
felt the ridges of his cock caress her and take her to heights she
had never reached before, and as his head plunged into her time and
again she held on and matched him stroke for stroke.


Tyler increased the pace, his stamina
never-ending and his passion consuming her. His balls slapped
against her asshole, and she felt the warm stickiness of her own
juices coating him, making every movement slick and


With her head thrown back in total
abandon, Isobel completely forgot that they were at work, or that
she had only met the man a few days prior. All she could think
about was what he was doing to her and how she didn’t want him to

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