Read His Desire Online

Authors: Ann King

Tags: #short story, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM

His Desire

BOOK: His Desire
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Ann King


Copyright 2012 by Ann King

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This book is a work of fiction. The names,
characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s
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persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.






Dear Reader,

This is part 5, the final
installment in the
31 Ways to Catch a
series and, as such, to get the
full picture of events it is recommended you first read parts 1, 2,
3 and 4. I hope you enjoy reading 31 Ways to Catch a Billionaire as
much as I enjoyed writing it.


Ann King




The most sought after
, Carlos Kincade is young, rich
and devilishly handsome. He has everything he thought he could
possibly want until his grandfather’s will stipulates he must be
married by his 30th birthday to keep his inheritance. He’s suddenly
in need of a wife who can fulfill his every hot desire.


Struggling psychology
student Elsie Sherwood suddenly finds herself in need of another
job after a medical crisis in the family cost her family home.
Carlos Kincade offers her work for a
month but there are strings attached…and a diamond ring. She must
fulfill his thirty-one needs to play his wife until he fulfills his
grandfather’s will—but is the seduction too hot to


5 – the conclusion!




Elsie bit down on her
lower lip
, Carlos’s response was a stab
at her heart. Maybe she shouldn’t have opened up her big mouth and
said anything to him. Maybe she didn’t want to know anything about
his dark side once it didn’t affect her.

She could see raw hurt
glittering in his eyes.

Carlos was now sitting on the
edge of the bed, his elbows on his knees as if pondering what to
say next. This was not like the dominant-always-know-what-to-do CEO
that she’d come to know.

“I have a lot of dangerous
enemies, Elsie. That’s something that you’ll have to live


He sighed heavily.

Never mind. I don’t think
we should lose any sleep over this.” He got up and paced then he
walked over to the window glancing at the beautiful Falls under the
moonlit dark sky. His well-sculpted muscular body captivated her
even in the semi-darkness of the room. His tall frame and broad
shoulders caught her admiring eyes. He was perfect in every way.
And she wanted nothing more than to be his.

Let’s go to sleep and
talk it over breakfast,” he spoke in a low deep commanding

She was quiet and felt
more shaken than anything else. Talk it over breakfast? Dangerous
enemies? Was there going to be more crazy people coming out of the
woodwork like Red? A flicker of apprehension coursed through her
veins but it was soon replaced by determination. Determination to
make things work between them.

She loved
Carlos Kincade. She loved the way he made her
feel. The thought of his soft magic lips on her body caressing her
to dizzying heights. No man had ever stirred up so much emotions
inside her before. No man had ever caused a magical reaction inside
her before.

Suddenly, she didn’t
about what was coming. She only
cared to be with Carlos. She’d wait until the morning, even if the
curiosity tore at her mind.

Okay, sir. Over
breakfast,” she whispered.


The next morning, Carlos
sat opposite Elsie on the beautiful solarium overlooking the Falls
while enjoying an exquisite breakfast fit for royalty. The view of
the water was breathtaking but the view of Carlos was even more
captivating. Only Carlos looked disturbed as if he had the world on
shoulders. His BlackBerry that was
lying on the table near his plate buzzed and he reached over to
answer it.

Yes… Good.
Keep me posted.” He hung up and threw the phone
back on the table.

Elsie looked up into his
eyes expectantly but Carlos’s eyes were fixed on his plate as he
finished up his breakfast. Was he upset with Elsie? Was he having
second thoughts? What on earth was that short phone call

Elsie couldn’t bare the
silence anymore. “Is everything okay?”

Red was arrested this
morning. Security cameras in the corridors caught his assault on
you when he kidnapped you.”

Elsie dropped her fork on
her plate. Her mouth fell open. “That’s a good thing, isn’t


“You look upset.”

Elsie, I’m a complicated
man. My life is complicated.” He then dropped his fork on his plate
and gazed out at the falling blue water outside the window which
glistened under the morning sun. Mixed feelings surged through her
as she observed his body language.

“I…I know.”

No. You don’t know
everything. Red’s arrest is going to draw some….media attention and
he’s going to talk.”


The family business. Or
should I say, the family’s dark secrets. He’s also trying to tie
this kidnapping to the Kincade’s name. The last thing we need is
this kind of publicity.”

Elsie felt her stomach
plunge. Was this all her fault? Why hadn’t she looked behind her
last night when she walked out of the elevator? Why wasn’t she more

It’s not your fault,
Elsie,” Carlos said as if he could read her mind. Boy, they really
did have some sort of cosmic connection. His voice sent chills up
her spine. His expression then transformed from cold and distant to
warmth as she noticed the corner of his lips curl into a charming
grin. So he wasn’t upset with her. Relief washed over her. She just
couldn’t tell with his deep private thoughts or his volatile mood
swings. She would have to learn to get used to his

“I feel as if I’m

Nonsense. If it weren’t
you it would be someone else or something else. They know that I
have an interest in you and they’re trying to use you to get to

“Oh,” Elsie’s heart hammered in
her chest. She felt like a liability to him.

He leaned back in his chair
observing her with his delicious grey eyes that seemed to sparkle
in the morning sunlight coming in from the floor to ceiling
wall-to-wall window of the solarium.

“As you probably know by now
there are others trying hard to remove me from Kincade’s.”

She noticed he looked different
from his brother. He was more tanned and had sexy dark features.
His brother was pale with blond hair and blue eyes. Was this
anything to do with his birthright?

My mother was the young
Italian help when my father…when John Kincade, Sr. made a move on
her. The story I was told was that John seduced her and got her
pregnant while he was still married to my step-mother.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Carlos.” She
felt a stab of pain in her heart for Carlos. Here he was in the
midst of an ugly family scandal that was not his fault.

“Don’t be. It’s made me who I am

“That’s why you often cheer on
the underdog,” she assessed.

He nodded. “I was an outcast.
Had my father’s eyes. Rumors started around the household when my
mother, the live-in help who lived in the maid quarters would bring
her little son to join in birthday parties or play with the Kincade

Elsie listened attentively. She
could feel his hurt.

“Anyway, John, my half-brother
had found out when he overheard his parents arguing over my
presence. Mother and I were soon not welcomed into the household
after my father was forced to fire her. She threatened to go to the
media about the situation and my father took her back in along with
me and we lived in the guest house and were kept out of sight.”

“Oh, Carlos, that’s…awful.”

“There are worse things that
could happen to people.”

“I know…but it couldn’t have
been easy on you as a child.”

No. I looked at people
differently. Soon enough, mother got ill and died when I was ten
years old and father took me into the main house but I was always
ill-treated by the others in the household—except my grandfather. I
was made to feel inferior. I felt like an outsider, intruder. If
anything went missing in the mansion, I would get blamed and
punished for it like the designated scapegoat, even though I had
nothing to do with the incident.” He took a sip of his glass of
orange juice then placed the cup back on the table. His elbow
resting on the back of the chair as he leaned back. Anger gleamed
fiercely in his sinfully sexy grey eyes.

So there you have it. I
decided then that I would be different that I would not be treated
as second class anymore or the evidence of my father’s
At least the man that I knew
to be my father.”


“You see after my mother had
died, my father’s wife demanded that he get rid of me and insisted
on a blood test.”

“What was the result?”

“I don’t know.”

But your brother John

“That’s right. It was kept in a
safe for a while.”

“Oh, I see.”

“And that’s why I grew
suspicious when this will stipulation surfaced from my

Do you think it has to do
with John…your brother?”

“I know it has.”

No wonder you don’t trust
anyone.” Elsie gazed out at the Falls outside the window of the
solarium. The water looked breathtaking and refreshing as it poured
over the enormous cliff. They were in front of one of the world’s
greatest natural spectacle and yet in the midst of an absorbing
conversation unable to fully take in the beauty of the

“You see, my grandfather saw
that I worked hard in the company and he didn’t care either way
whether I was blood or not. My brothers always had life easy and
grew up thinking they ruled the world. Rumor had it that he was
going to leave me a sizeable portion of the company.”

I see. And John, your
brother and namesake thought he should have the largest share of
the company.”


“So that’s why he’s trying to
prove that you are not really family?”

“Yes. That was plan B.”

“Plan B?”

“Yes. Everyone knew how I felt
about marriage so it was so odd that my grandfather’s will would
include the marriage clause before my next birthday.”

Oh, I see. That’s why you
asked me to marry you,” she whispered.

Yes. That’s when I knew I
was bugged because the word got out fast.”

What?” Heat rushed to
Elsie’s cheeks. Oh, God! Did the whole world know what transpired
between them in Carlos’s office…and at her apartment? How
humiliating. Carlos was right. How could she live this kind of life
where her privacy would be invaded from every direction?

“You can’t say I didn’t warn
you. I knew you would not take too kindly to what I had to

No. Carlos.” Elsie stood
up and walked out of the solarium into the grand suite. Her head
was spinning. Could she really take this kind of cut throat life he
was subjected to. Would there every be peace? Would they ever be
left alone to love and be a happy family? Maybe she was asking for
far too much. She hugged herself and tried to blink back

His arms around her sent a
shiver of delight down her spine and she tingled between her
thighs. What was with her and Carlos? There was definitely the
chemistry because whenever he touched her electrical explosions
erupted inside her entire body. His touch was a magical elixir to
her soul. She craved Carlos. She needed him to complete her. It was
weird but she just knew he was her soul mate. There could be no

BOOK: His Desire
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